USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning !

If looks could kill. :)


Well it's FRIDAY, and I've put in a long, hard week. I think I might just take today off and go get me some....


And even though, it is too early for breakfast, here, that plate of food DOES look delish. I'm hungry for deep-fried fish. I may go to my fave beach restaurant this weekend for some halibut. Fish and chips. I also like oily cod deep-fried but prefer the flaky white halibut. I won't eat fish and chips, unless it is one of those two. Many restaurants that sell fish and chips, inexpensively, are selling something called whitefish, and it is flavorless, so I would never have that again. Learned the hard way, 12 years ago. All that fat and calories and no flavor. :crybaby: ( the fries were GREAT, not a total loss for flavor )
At the place over across the river from here you can get Cod or Halibut. I do like the Halibut also. You get all you can eat when you order that. They used to serve Blue Gill and that was excellent, but changed who they got it from or something because what they served went from two huge fillets to two skinny strips. I don't get that anymore. Time to get with the program though.

Happy Friday everybody.
Good morning everybody. Trying to get my motor running here--so much to do--so little time left to do it. Hope everybody is having a good Friday and looking forward to a good weekend.
Though there may be some dispute as to this date, I'm going with my favorite "this day in history' list. So . . .for today's lesson and there will be a test (or not):

On this day in history, June 27, 1927, the U.S. Marines adopted the English bulldog as their mascot.

During World War I many German reports had called the attacking American Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs. Teufel-hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore. Soon afterward a U.S. Marine recruiting poster depicted a snarling English Bulldog wearing a Marine Corps helmet who soon became an unofficial mascot.

In 1922, at the Marine base at Quantico, VA, the Marines adopted an English Bulldog, King Bulwark, renamed Jiggs, and enlisted him as a private. Within three months Jiggs was wearing corporal chevrons on his custom-made uniform and by 1924 he had been promoted to Sergeant and seven months later to Sergeant Major. Sgt Maj. Jiggs died in 1927 and he was mourned throughout the Marine Corps and immortalized as the official Marines mascot.

His replacement, Jiggs II, donated to the Marines by heavyweight boxing champion "Gene" Tunney, chased and bit people and showed a total lack of authority. But after he passed in 1928, many other bulldogs would follow over the decades, all named Smedley, as a tribute to Major General Smedley Butler.
This past week has been so stressful that I woke up with a migraine! :(

So instead of coffee I took 2 Excedrin and drank a Coke. Usually that does the trick but I can still feel it. If it persists I am going to cancel the rest of my meetings and lie down instead.

This is one of those days when the Diem is Carping me instead! :D

Hope you all have a great Friday.

Here's hoping you get to feeling better, Derideo_Te.
Well it's FRIDAY, and I've put in a long, hard week. I think I might just take today off and go get me some....


And even though, it is too early for breakfast, here, that plate of food DOES look delish. I'm hungry for deep-fried fish. I may go to my fave beach restaurant this weekend for some halibut. Fish and chips. I also like oily cod deep-fried but prefer the flaky white halibut. I won't eat fish and chips, unless it is one of those two. Many restaurants that sell fish and chips, inexpensively, are selling something called whitefish, and it is flavorless, so I would never have that again. Learned the hard way, 12 years ago. All that fat and calories and no flavor. :crybaby: ( the fries were GREAT, not a total loss for flavor )
At the place over across the river from here you can get Cod or Halibut. I do like the Halibut also. You get all you can eat when you order that. They used to serve Blue Gill and that was excellent, but changed who they got it from or something because what they served went from two huge fillets to two skinny strips. I don't get that anymore. Time to get with the program though.

Happy Friday everybody.
I take that back... it's all you can eat Haddock, not Halibut. The Haddock is very good too though.
Well, Ladies and Germs, I've had better days. Late this morning, I was T-Boned by a young girl pulling out of a McDonald's parking lot. She turned left, but must have missed the text she was either receiving or sending that it's prudent to at least glance to the right prior to the actual turn. No one was injured, but I think that girl should see an optometrist as soon as possible.

the up side of this incident was it was witnessed by a police officer. No sooner was I finished pounding on the steering wheel and declaring my wishes that cellular phones become illegal for use in an automobile did the officer tap on the driver's side window and tell me that after providing him with the necessary information, I was free to go. "Yeah. I'm gonna cite her." he said mater of factly.

The damage was confined to the left front door and the front fender. Her exhaust system fell off and her right front bumper/fender took some blows.

I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
I don't own a cellular telephone and I have never texted ever. I'm not a luddite. I appreciate that some folks like this technology. But I've never understood what the hell they have to talk about so often. I do not appreciate the lack of manners this technology has wrought. I've seen folks take cellular phone calls at funerals while standing before the casket. I've seen folks stop face to face chats just to answer a cellular phone. I asked directions to a wedding reception and was told to use the GPS function on my phone. When I responded that I'm pretty good at reading maps, I was answered with looks of incredulity.

I'm 57 years old an I know how to survive without a cellular telephone. I've been doing it all my life. I wish folks my age could just remember how it was before we became so damned connected and we respected privacy and the face to face encounter with our fellow humans. The young are lost to that etiquette, and thus are doomed.

I'm 58 and I know who to turn the thing off, if that's what I want to do. I do refuse to take calls when I am otherwise engaged, too. I think it's more a matter of self-control...and good manners (like you've pointed out). Hell, I still remember the party line we had when I was a kid.
I hate it when people text and (insert a verb).

In Germany, texting and driving is illegal and high fines come with it.
I don't own a cellular telephone and I have never texted ever. I'm not a luddite. I appreciate that some folks like this technology. But I've never understood what the hell they have to talk about so often. I do not appreciate the lack of manners this technology has wrought. I've seen folks take cellular phone calls at funerals while standing before the casket. I've seen folks stop face to face chats just to answer a cellular phone. I asked directions to a wedding reception and was told to use the GPS function on my phone. When I responded that I'm pretty good at reading maps, I was answered with looks of incredulity.

I'm 57 years old an I know how to survive without a cellular telephone. I've been doing it all my life. I wish folks my age could just remember how it was before we became so damned connected and we respected privacy and the face to face encounter with our fellow humans. The young are lost to that etiquette, and thus are doomed.

I'm 58 and I know who to turn the thing off, if that's what I want to do. I do refuse to take calls when I am otherwise engaged, too. I think it's more a matter of self-control...and good manners (like you've pointed out). Hell, I still remember the party line we had when I was a kid.


A Smartfon is a fantastic tool, but one must control the tool, not the other way around.
My new toy

This thing is so cool. I will never scrub grout again. Heck I may never scrub anything ever again
So my Direct TV receiver went bad. Called Direct TV. They are going to ship me a new one. Takes 2-5 days and I have to pay the shipping fee. Sonabitches. Called them back and said have me a new one in 24 hours or I'm switching providers. Sorry sir, there's nothing we can do. Well there's something I can do. Sonabitches.
So my Direct TV receiver went bad. Called Direct TV. They are going to ship me a new one. Takes 2-5 days and I have to pay the shipping fee. Sonabitches. Called them back and said have me a new one in 24 hours or I'm switching providers. Sorry sir, there's nothing we can do. Well there's something I can do. Sonabitches.

We used to have Direct TV......we're now on Cable and don't have to worry about losing connection when it storms.....DirectTV keeps trying to lure us way.

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