USMB Coffee Shop IV

I make a motion to add a "disagree" icon option to the ones we already have.

There was one when we first moved to Xenforo daniel, but there were too many numbnuts and trolls who put 'disagree' on EVERYTHING their target had posted--even on a cheerful 'good morning'--so that many members would log in and find nothing but a loooooooooong list of 'disagree' in their alerts. That pretty well rendered that feature useless. And added another annoying negative feature to what already exists out there.

So I was one who was very grateful for C_K removing that button and replacing it with something less useful to the trolls. Members who want to be ugly or hateful to somebody have to type it out for all to see. That's a good thing. :)
Morning greetings, everybody!
Well, it was really, REALLY cold last night. Every digit on the thermometer included a minus sign. I spared my partner on one flight and sent the oiling to Chicago. Those lazy sops brag about how they never pour oil into an airplane. We get stuck with it because the flights are going over the pond an have to be topped off. In addition, lots of machinery fails, switches, valves, pumps, and lots of little things, when it gets this cold. It's supposed to warm up again today and the next couple of days. I sure hope so, I'm getting tired of having to break my dog loose from the icicle every time she pees.
I'm so glad that Gracie and Mr. G seem to have found a place to keep them busy doing things they like to do, instead of battling ant invasions and bleaching mold.
Everyone, stay warm, keep your eyeballs from freezing.

I just checked your weather, GW, and -1f at mid morning. That indeed is cold though even in north central Kansas we could have days that it never got above zero. Fairly rare there though. Probably not so much in your part of the world. But according to Accuweather you should be above freezing at times next week. So just stay warm for now.
I make a motion to add a "disagree" icon option to the ones we already have.

There was one when we first moved to Xenforo daniel, but there were too many numbnuts and trolls who put 'disagree' on EVERYTHING their target had posted--even on a cheerful 'good morning'--so that many members would log in and find nothing but a loooooooooong list of 'disagree' in their alerts. That pretty well rendered that feature useless. And added another annoying negative feature to what already exists out there.

So I was one who was very grateful for C_K removing that button and replacing it with something less useful to the trolls. Members who want to be ugly or hateful to somebody have to type it out for all to see. That's a good thing. :)
darn. i was hoping to use it for when i actually need a valid argument instead of just banter.
There was one when we first moved to Xenforo daniel, but there were too many numbnuts and trolls who put 'disagree' on EVERYTHING their target had posted--even on a cheerful 'good morning'--so that many members would log in and find nothing but a loooooooooong list of 'disagree' in their alerts. That pretty well rendered that feature useless. And added another annoying negative feature to what already exists out there.

So I was one who was very grateful for C_K removing that button and replacing it with something less useful to the trolls. Members who want to be ugly or hateful to somebody have to type it out for all to see. That's a good thing. :)

Well, I just must disagree with that!

I make a motion to add a "disagree" icon option to the ones we already have.

There was one when we first moved to Xenforo daniel, but there were too many numbnuts and trolls who put 'disagree' on EVERYTHING their target had posted--even on a cheerful 'good morning'--so that many members would log in and find nothing but a loooooooooong list of 'disagree' in their alerts. That pretty well rendered that feature useless. And added another annoying negative feature to what already exists out there.

So I was one who was very grateful for C_K removing that button and replacing it with something less useful to the trolls. Members who want to be ugly or hateful to somebody have to type it out for all to see. That's a good thing. :)
darn. i was hoping to use it for when i actually need a valid argument instead of just banter.

So just start your argument with "I disagree. . ." and then say why?
The buttons are like a new model car. Changed out on occasion to make it seem more new or valuable. A button telling posters to shut up is certainly more objectionable than a disagree. Of course the funny button had two meanings now. As far as disagree goes, I can be disagreeable without a button. ;)
The buttons are like a new model car. Changed out on occasion to make it seem more new or valuable. A button telling posters to shut up is certainly more objectionable than a disagree. Of course the funny button had two meanings now. As far as disagree goes, I can be disagreeable without a button. ;)

Yes. There are a few numbnuts who follow me around outside the Coffee Shop, especially in the structured debate zone where they are required to be civil, and like to put a FUNNY on everything I post there. And yes, I take that as a thumbs down, but as C_K said, they boost my trophy points every time they do it. And it is not offensive to me and doesn't feel negative. So it's all good. However, that kind of childishness is what prompted C_K to add the "funny and agree" button that many of us find useful.

And "funny" in the Coffee Shop rewards those who are genuinely encouraging us to laugh on purpose. :)
Did a buttload more gardening today and it's looking very nice out there. Housemate is making a major dent in the rest of the house too, I am pleased to say. I think I got him motivated, lol. Taking care of his mom, working his mall soace, making his music recordings and having to maintain this jungle of a yard was just overwhelming to him. Now, he has help. Dennis does the house maintenance that are desperately needed, I do the yard, and now he has time to sort, price, stack, store all his stuff...Of which I would dearly love to buy but can't afford!

Overall....We are very happy here. I don't know if I will ever return to the coast now. It's going to be hard to leave here...If we ever have to.

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Did a buttload more gardening today and it's looking very nice out there. Housemate is making a major dent in the rest of the house too, I am pleased to say. I think I got him motivated, lol. Taking care of his mom, working his mall soace, making his music recordings and having to maintain this jungle of a yard was just overwhelming to him. Now, he has help. Dennis does the house maintenance that are desperately needed, I do the yard, and now he has time to sort, price, stack, store all his stuff...Of which I would dearly love to buy but can't afford!

Overall....We are very happy here. I don't know if I will ever return to the coast now. It's going to be hard to leave here...If we ever have to.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app

Awesome. That is great news. You will have to post some pictures when you get settled in and have everything just so. :)
Well, we have a ton of snow. It stopped temporarily and supposed to pick back up. It is a weird kind of pinkish color because the sun is beginning to set and it's reflecting off the snow. We are also supposed to get some more snow this week (maybe Wednesday - not sure).

As a side note, I went and got my nails done this morning before the snow got too bad, and I'm having a really difficult time typing with them. Lol. That's not good news considering my job is typing. If I can't get used to them, I'm going to have to cut them down or something. :(
It's a little dark in here, but . . . they are silver with silver sparkles on the ends.

I think I'm starting to get used to the nails now. I just have to keep practicing typing. Making a lot of mistakes though. My nails are usually natural (my own) and not quite so long, so this is really challenging. :D
We don't argue in here.:)

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We indeed do try to avoid unnecessarily offending folks in the Coffee Shop, but there have been some who took something the wrong way or otherwise found us offensive and left. And oh well. Everybody isn't going to love us.

But I would like to think we leave the most contentious topics outside and only argue about sports and fashion and culinary and music tastes and such in here. :)

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