USMB Coffee Shop IV

That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.

It's New England. That's why. Like Mark Twain said . . .

“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”

Mark Twain
Funny, we say the same thing around here, too!

I thought it was always cold there. We have all four seasons but our weather can be very unpredictable, probably because we are close to the ocean. That's what I always figured anyways.

For instance, yesterday it was 70. Today, like 20 (or at least with the wind chill - I think the actual temperature was in the 30s, however). Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be in the 50s (or at least thats what they say now), and then Friday and Saturday, back into the 30s again. It's hard to know what to wear! :dunno:
I suppose it all depends on your definition of cold. Around here, it rarely gets up to 80 or higher. Hell, the 70's are almost too hot for me. Winter temperatures usually remain above 0, if only just barely, but can drop to -20 easily in Jan-Feb. Now Fairbanks can get into the 90's and down to -40, a much larger swing. For many other CSers, 70 is too cold. And we can get quite the swing here, too. Last week, it was -6, two days later, we were hovering at freezing and seeing snow melting. At this point 29 feels pretty comfortable.

I would hate it there. Lol. :D
Yup, Alaska is definitely a "love it, hate it" kinda place. I love it here, but I do wish I could grow tomatoes. Maybe after I get set up in Willow better I can heat and light a greenhouse for tomatoes. My partner wants to start growing pot, and that requires pretty much the same conditions as tomatoes. Although, I am not interested in growing pot, it may be an up-and-coming business opportunity for farmers around here. An alternative would be selling pot growers good quality compost, as suggested by a pot growing friend of mine.
Nice today but still cold. Perfect day to make homemade loaded tater soup and boy is it good!

It was like 70 degrees here yesterday and like 20 today! I was freezing all day.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!
That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.
It's been the same here in NW Ohio. Very warm and then today and yesterday, windy and cold. Odd year all around. We didn't get one decent snowfall but oh well. There's still time.
We finally have fairly decent snow cover, compared to the last two years. Snow actually acts as an insulator and protects plants and roots from freezing. A good snow pack means lots of melt water, which helps minimize wild fire dangers, at least early in the season.
It was like 70 degrees here yesterday and like 20 today! I was freezing all day.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!
That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.
It's been the same here in NW Ohio. Very warm and then today and yesterday, windy and cold. Odd year all around. We didn't get one decent snowfall but oh well. There's still time.
We finally have fairly decent snow cover, compared to the last two years. Snow actually acts as an insulator and protects plants and roots from freezing. A good snow pack means lots of melt water, which helps minimize wild fire dangers, at least early in the season.

We have problems here with finding places to put all the snow we get because Massachusetts is so heavily populated in a lot of places. We also have problems with flooding in spring sometimes (not in my area though thankfully - not yet anyways - but I do live next to a river and a pond).
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!

Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\
Check your house for any repairs that may be needed? Its your sleep conscience buried but rears its head when in deep sleep. Then again, it could mean three little pigs and a wolf fixing to blow your house down....a premonition? ;)

My apartments now in countinuous repair :) But dream was about another place, a strange mix about multi-store buildings, that shaked and somewhere damaged by wind. I had this dream a several times during life, but don't know, why and what it means in reality :) But there were no negative emotions like fear or someone... and no positive - only wind rustling :)
Repetitive dreams do often have deeper meanings, but you shouldn't necessarily take them too literally. Your dream might be interpreted as meaning your body as a "home", too. You might look into any medical problems you have had, or may have.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!

Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?
Nice today but still cold. Perfect day to make homemade loaded tater soup and boy is it good!

It was like 70 degrees here yesterday and like 20 today! I was freezing all day.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!

Awful change! A reason to find hole and sleep there while it would become normal...

Yeah! I got spoiled for several days and then winter came back! Now I want summer. That was just a tease! :)
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!
That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.
It's been the same here in NW Ohio. Very warm and then today and yesterday, windy and cold. Odd year all around. We didn't get one decent snowfall but oh well. There's still time.
We finally have fairly decent snow cover, compared to the last two years. Snow actually acts as an insulator and protects plants and roots from freezing. A good snow pack means lots of melt water, which helps minimize wild fire dangers, at least early in the season.

We have problems here with finding places to put all the snow we get because Massachusetts is so heavily populated in a lot of places. We also have problems with flooding in spring sometimes (not in my area though thankfully - not yet anyways - but I do live next to a river and a pond).
Up here, we have lots of places reserved for snow removal, they even sometimes just dump it into the inlet. You'll see piles of unmelted snow until July, or even August, it's piled 3-4 stories high. The worst part of snow here is getting the roads cleared of the stuff. Anchorage has a recent policy that they won't even send the road clearing crews out until a minimum amount of snow has accumulated. This means that what snow does fall is packed into icy ruts and the intersections are the worst. The mayor of Anchorage has also informed the inhabitants of Anchorage that their property taxes can only support either police/fire protection or road clearing. Rather a typical Hobson's choice situation. Well, unless we allow them to raise taxes.
It was like 70 degrees here yesterday and like 20 today! I was freezing all day.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!

Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\
God Morpheus is telling you something about Aeolus :biggrin:


Winds are a grandsons of Stribog (god of winds). Stribog is a brother of Svarog (heaven's Smith). And Svarog's son Dazhbog (god of day and light) is a grandfather of all Russians. So, this winds are just my relatives :)
Whew! An end to a crappy week. Work included a lot of "correction" provided by the shift lead. Since I very rarely offer an "explanation" when I make an error (such things come across as whiney excuses in my book), I'd rather just own up to a mistake and double down on not doing that again. Admitting I screwed up just prompted the lead to get more, and more angry. So the rest of the week, he treated me like a third-grader who had wet my pants. Yep, I messed up. It won't happen again. But in a universe fraught with uncountable opportunities to screw up, I guess I'll find something new and unique, eventually.
At least the weather is improving. It's still hovering around freezing and the snow finally stopped. It's my night to cook and I am looking forward to meatloaf, mashed taters, and an asparagus dish. I'd better get going on the corn muffins, too, if I want them ready for dinner.

The best thing we can say for a crappy week is that everybody has one now and then, it always sucks, but they always do eventually end. :)

Life is like zebra... Somedays - a white bar... Somedays - a black bar... And then full ass will come..
Whew! An end to a crappy week. Work included a lot of "correction" provided by the shift lead. Since I very rarely offer an "explanation" when I make an error (such things come across as whiney excuses in my book), I'd rather just own up to a mistake and double down on not doing that again. Admitting I screwed up just prompted the lead to get more, and more angry. So the rest of the week, he treated me like a third-grader who had wet my pants. Yep, I messed up. It won't happen again. But in a universe fraught with uncountable opportunities to screw up, I guess I'll find something new and unique, eventually.
At least the weather is improving. It's still hovering around freezing and the snow finally stopped. It's my night to cook and I am looking forward to meatloaf, mashed taters, and an asparagus dish. I'd better get going on the corn muffins, too, if I want them ready for dinner.

The best thing we can say for a crappy week is that everybody has one now and then, it always sucks, but they always do eventually end. :)

Life is like zebra... Somedays - a white bar... Somedays - a black bar... And then full ass will come..

I don't really know what that means, but it sounds pretty funny! :lol:
Whew! An end to a crappy week. Work included a lot of "correction" provided by the shift lead. Since I very rarely offer an "explanation" when I make an error (such things come across as whiney excuses in my book), I'd rather just own up to a mistake and double down on not doing that again. Admitting I screwed up just prompted the lead to get more, and more angry. So the rest of the week, he treated me like a third-grader who had wet my pants. Yep, I messed up. It won't happen again. But in a universe fraught with uncountable opportunities to screw up, I guess I'll find something new and unique, eventually.
At least the weather is improving. It's still hovering around freezing and the snow finally stopped. It's my night to cook and I am looking forward to meatloaf, mashed taters, and an asparagus dish. I'd better get going on the corn muffins, too, if I want them ready for dinner.

Not an easy last week.. I was three days on festival, taking a lot of beer and visiting different event, including cross-festival tournament (which our team has won :)) But after it I needed a day to sleep and no more... And now a new working week is started, I strongly want to have one or two days to rest else, but there are no way to have them right now... Children also start to visit school after a 2-week flu quarantine...

And all media talking about of a 100-years anniversary of February revolution, when the liberals got the authority and pulled down all Russian Empire to dust for a half of year... And continuation of this subject would be in more political threads, I think :)
I wouldn't thing it would have to go political. It's of historical interest, too, and many of us enjoy history.
What kind of cross-festival tournament did you compete in? Do you play a particular sport?
Do you have children? How old are they, girls or boys?

It was a role-playing festival, for a lovers of Creative History, Tolkien and other fantasy, table games, poetry, songs, cosplay and so on. And it was tournament of different tasks, from literature victorine to swordfight and log throwing.. Just for fun.

My children are 7m and 10f and visiting 1st and 4th grades...
It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!

Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?

Maybe... Last days I think to finish current job and seek another one somewhere in Moscow, to get extra money and to have some months of living alone... :)
That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.

It's New England. That's why. Like Mark Twain said . . .

“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”

Mark Twain
Funny, we say the same thing around here, too!

I thought it was always cold there. We have all four seasons but our weather can be very unpredictable, probably because we are close to the ocean. That's what I always figured anyways.

For instance, yesterday it was 70. Today, like 20 (or at least with the wind chill - I think the actual temperature was in the 30s, however). Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be in the 50s (or at least thats what they say now), and then Friday and Saturday, back into the 30s again. It's hard to know what to wear! :dunno:
I suppose it all depends on your definition of cold. Around here, it rarely gets up to 80 or higher. Hell, the 70's are almost too hot for me. Winter temperatures usually remain above 0, if only just barely, but can drop to -20 easily in Jan-Feb. Now Fairbanks can get into the 90's and down to -40, a much larger swing. For many other CSers, 70 is too cold. And we can get quite the swing here, too. Last week, it was -6, two days later, we were hovering at freezing and seeing snow melting. At this point 29 feels pretty comfortable.

I would hate it there. Lol. :D

When I was much younger I would have loved it. When our son was an infant, Hombre was offered a transfer to Alaska and we considered it, but because of the uncertainty of the unknown and having an infant son, we decided to pass on it. Ditto a transfer to the Virgin Islands. Looking back now, I wonder how much we missed out on by passing on two possibly great adventures.

Now we are sufficient senior citizens and with our various health issues, we are better off where we are.
Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?

Maybe... Last days I think to finish current job and seek another one somewhere in Moscow, to get extra money and to have some months of living alone... :)

By living alone do you mean in a house as opposed to an apartment? Away from your family? What?
I need to go get myself cleaned up and dressed--have to make a medical taxi run this afternoon with my aunt. Then another on Wednesday with my older sister who no longer drives.
I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?

Maybe... Last days I think to finish current job and seek another one somewhere in Moscow, to get extra money and to have some months of living alone... :)

By living alone do you mean in a house as opposed to an apartment? Away from your family? What?

Yes, some weeks away from family. I and wife periodically need it, from day to week, to avoid continuous interaction with other family members... Now it would be some months, but, offcourse, with visits at weekends...
Whew! An end to a crappy week. Work included a lot of "correction" provided by the shift lead. Since I very rarely offer an "explanation" when I make an error (such things come across as whiney excuses in my book), I'd rather just own up to a mistake and double down on not doing that again. Admitting I screwed up just prompted the lead to get more, and more angry. So the rest of the week, he treated me like a third-grader who had wet my pants. Yep, I messed up. It won't happen again. But in a universe fraught with uncountable opportunities to screw up, I guess I'll find something new and unique, eventually.
At least the weather is improving. It's still hovering around freezing and the snow finally stopped. It's my night to cook and I am looking forward to meatloaf, mashed taters, and an asparagus dish. I'd better get going on the corn muffins, too, if I want them ready for dinner.

Not an easy last week.. I was three days on festival, taking a lot of beer and visiting different event, including cross-festival tournament (which our team has won :)) But after it I needed a day to sleep and no more... And now a new working week is started, I strongly want to have one or two days to rest else, but there are no way to have them right now... Children also start to visit school after a 2-week flu quarantine...

And all media talking about of a 100-years anniversary of February revolution, when the liberals got the authority and pulled down all Russian Empire to dust for a half of year... And continuation of this subject would be in more political threads, I think :)
I wouldn't thing it would have to go political. It's of historical interest, too, and many of us enjoy history.
What kind of cross-festival tournament did you compete in? Do you play a particular sport?
Do you have children? How old are they, girls or boys?

It was a role-playing festival, for a lovers of Creative History, Tolkien and other fantasy, table games, poetry, songs, cosplay and so on. And it was tournament of different tasks, from literature victorine to swordfight and log throwing.. Just for fun.

My children are 7m and 10f and visiting 1st and 4th grades...
Do your children share your interest in fantasy play?
Windy too.

I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?

Maybe... Last days I think to finish current job and seek another one somewhere in Moscow, to get extra money and to have some months of living alone... :)
What do you do, if you don't mind? Do you have workers unions that send their members out to work on jobs?
It was like 70 degrees here yesterday and like 20 today! I was freezing all day.
20 degrees is warm compared to some of our weather lately.

It's more about the 50 degree temperature drop in like 12 hours!
That's pretty significant. Any reasons why? Or is it just "that time of year"? It happens pretty often around here, and it's even worse up in the Interior around Fairbanks.
It's been the same here in NW Ohio. Very warm and then today and yesterday, windy and cold. Odd year all around. We didn't get one decent snowfall but oh well. There's still time.
We finally have fairly decent snow cover, compared to the last two years. Snow actually acts as an insulator and protects plants and roots from freezing. A good snow pack means lots of melt water, which helps minimize wild fire dangers, at least early in the season.
I just don't feel right when springtime happens out of nowhere like that.

I'll get over it though. :)

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