USMB Coffee Shop IV

Whew! An end to a crappy week. Work included a lot of "correction" provided by the shift lead. Since I very rarely offer an "explanation" when I make an error (such things come across as whiney excuses in my book), I'd rather just own up to a mistake and double down on not doing that again. Admitting I screwed up just prompted the lead to get more, and more angry. So the rest of the week, he treated me like a third-grader who had wet my pants. Yep, I messed up. It won't happen again. But in a universe fraught with uncountable opportunities to screw up, I guess I'll find something new and unique, eventually.
At least the weather is improving. It's still hovering around freezing and the snow finally stopped. It's my night to cook and I am looking forward to meatloaf, mashed taters, and an asparagus dish. I'd better get going on the corn muffins, too, if I want them ready for dinner.

Not an easy last week.. I was three days on festival, taking a lot of beer and visiting different event, including cross-festival tournament (which our team has won :)) But after it I needed a day to sleep and no more... And now a new working week is started, I strongly want to have one or two days to rest else, but there are no way to have them right now... Children also start to visit school after a 2-week flu quarantine...

And all media talking about of a 100-years anniversary of February revolution, when the liberals got the authority and pulled down all Russian Empire to dust for a half of year... And continuation of this subject would be in more political threads, I think :)
I wouldn't thing it would have to go political. It's of historical interest, too, and many of us enjoy history.
What kind of cross-festival tournament did you compete in? Do you play a particular sport?
Do you have children? How old are they, girls or boys?

It was a role-playing festival, for a lovers of Creative History, Tolkien and other fantasy, table games, poetry, songs, cosplay and so on. And it was tournament of different tasks, from literature victorine to swordfight and log throwing.. Just for fun.

My children are 7m and 10f and visiting 1st and 4th grades...
Do your children share your interest in fantasy play?

Partially, just because all children like fantasy. But to visit serious event they must become a bit elder...
I had a dream this night about wind and wind-breaked houses... What does it mean? :-\

I don't know Sbiker. But if I work on it, I can probably come up with an interpretation. You just have to understand that any interpretation of dreams I come up with aren't going to be too useful. :)

It would be interesting or ridiculous - and it would be useful. Dreams is a mirror of our soul, but a mirror like water surface - it could show anyone :)
Oh, good! And the wind will cause the water's surface to ripple and move. Maybe changes are in the wind for you?

Maybe... Last days I think to finish current job and seek another one somewhere in Moscow, to get extra money and to have some months of living alone... :)
What do you do, if you don't mind? Do you have workers unions that send their members out to work on jobs?

No, it's my private activity. But a lot of people working in Moscow, because salaries there larger for many times. And it's not easy to reach Moscow for me - just a several hours at train or at bus. Or one hour by plane - but with times of registration, reaching airport and so on - it's similar to other ways.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

“One kind word can warm three winter months.”
– Japanese Proverb
Good morning everybody. Another day that it can't decide whether it wants to be sunny or cloudy out there. Snow clouds all around us but warm and calm in the city with high winds predicted for later. Oh well. I figured out a long time ago that weather forecasters and economists are not to be complete.y trusted.

Hope everybody is having a good Tuesday. I'm about to go make Hombre and me some brunch.
Morning all!

Yesterday was the last day for Mr.P's home nurse, till we find what's going on.
Now we wait till March 9th to find out when Mr. P's open heart surgery will be.

We like her, so both of us are happy that the same nurse will be back again.

We'll keep those prayers and positive vibes coming. But I still say all the waiting really sucks. :(
Good morning everybody. Another day that it can't decide whether it wants to be sunny or cloudy out there. Snow clouds all around us but warm and calm in the city with high winds predicted for later. Oh well. I figured out a long time ago that weather forecasters and economists are not to be complete.y trusted.

Hope everybody is having a good Tuesday. I'm about to go make Hombre and me some brunch.
We're a little more sunny down here, for now. Haven't seen it yet but we're supposed to get 60 mph winds.
As usual, I'm way behind.
Mardi Gras is a big deal down here with multiple parades and parties some formal balls and such. You may not know this, but Mobile, not New Orleans is the oldest Mardi Gras celebration in the States.
Unfortunately, the Gulf Shores parade has been cancelled today. An SUV driven by an elderly man has plowed into the Gulf Shores High School Band, injuring 11, 3 critically
This happened about 1/2 hour ago. There will be a full press conference at 11:45 CST.
As usual, I'm way behind.
Mardi Gras is a big deal down here with multiple parades and parties some formal balls and such. You may not know this, but Mobile, not New Orleans is the oldest Mardi Gras celebration in the States.
Unfortunately, the Gulf Shores parade has been cancelled today. An SUV driven by an elderly man has plowed into the Gulf Shores High School Band, injuring 11, 3 critically
This happened about 1/2 hour ago. There will be a full press conference at 11:45 CST.

Oh my Ernie. This kind of thing is happening more and more often isn't it. :(
It is.
There are conflicting reports as to what happened. Apparently, one of my employees was about 100 yards away. She didn't see exactly what happened but saw the aftermath. Several kids were pinned under the SUV.
Press conference seems to leave a lot up in the air. no specifics on injuries or cause at this time. Now they're saying 12 injured and 4 critical. About all they're saying about the driver is he is 73 and lives in Fairhope. Fairhope is about 15 miles west of here on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay.
Press conference seems to leave a lot up in the air. no specifics on injuries or cause at this time. Now they're saying 12 injured and 4 critical. About all they're saying about the driver is he is 73 and lives in Fairhope. Fairhope is about 15 miles west of here on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay.
The cops have ruled out drugs or alcohol simply calling it a tragic accident. I wouldn't be surprised if the driver accidentally hit the accelerator instead of the brake a very common occurrence specifically with some elderly persons.
Welp the winds hit us just over a half hour ago our world has become a brown haze.

No visible dust yet here, but it's blowing pretty good.
It's pretty dusty here. Giz just went out, was freaked out by a plastic bag that had blown in and wrapped itself around a fence rail. He got over that, was laying in the grass and a pigeon flew directly over him and he took off for the back door........ :lol:
Morning all!

Yesterday was the last day for Mr.P's home nurse, till we find what's going on.
Now we wait till March 9th to find out when Mr. P's open heart surgery will be.

We like her, so both of us are happy that the same nurse will be back again.

We'll keep those prayers and positive vibes coming. But I still say all the waiting really sucks. :(

Thank you we appreciate them.

Yes , I agree it sucks, we are just setting twiddling or thumbs, trying to get his blood thinner under control again.
I take him in tomorrow for his weekly blood test.
He is doing well though, he can walk around the house without his walker or cane.
We have heavy winds but not much dust.
We are also getting spotty rain off and on.
Eased up a little, I can actually see the mountains as opposed to the dark brown splotchy haze they were earlier. The clouds also look heavier on the west side but they're not calling for rain here.
Two sick days in a row this week. What did I expect? Days of temperatures in the sixties and even seventies followed by a weekend of thirties and twenties. Of course I caught cold. Runny nose, a voice as smooth as burlap, general fatigue has been my lot since late Sunday evening.

Slept until 10:00 am today. Drank a quart of orange juice, ate not much. Daisy the Mutt looks at me puzzled. When are we going for a walk she says in fluent poodlese.

Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new feeling of health and vigor. Between then and now, I'm laying around in a mound of Kleenex and Alka Seltzer packets.

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