USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've never had a flu shot.

I got them long ago and they made me very ill each time, so I hadn't had one for decades--and I didn't get the flu. But my current doctor gave me the choice: get my flu and pneumonia shot or a colonoscopy. I took the shots.

And, in truth, they were painless and I have had absolutely no side effects from them.
It's 58 here right now. I woke up kind of clammy and just came out here and cracked open a few windows.

Did you get a flu shot, nosmo? I haven't been sick like that in years. Hope this crazy weather doesn't do it.
Jim did not get a flu shot this year. I got one last year though.

Important safety tip: beware of what you wear to get that shot. I had a long sleeved shirt on. I rolled up the right sleeve and got the shot. But as I rolled it back down, I realized I had created a de facto tourniquet around my arm. I watched as the flu serum rolled out of the injection site and down my arm! I pointed that out to the nurse who said that because we didn' know how much came back out, a new shot would be hazardous. Three weeks later, I got the flu.

Do you have the flu now? And dang, I meant to add you to the list last night and flat forgot. Well, tonight. . .
I think I'm getting over a bad cold. But I'm very tired. As I turned off the alarm this morning, I thought that the only way I could be more comfortable than lying in my own warm, soft bed would to be in the morgue.
Oh my gosh. You take care of yourself, woman.

:) Nosmo is very much a guy. :)
I asked myself that question after writing that.

I'm sorry, nosmo. :). We don't know each other very well.
It was in the 20's here with frost and light fog. :(

Same here when I got up though we didn't have the frost and fog. It is still in the 30's and I doubt we'll make the 50 forecast for a high today. But it is March 1 and spring is officially three weeks away. We're going to make it folks.

And before we know it, when we can't take off enough clothes to get cool, we'll be thinking how pleasant it was back during the winter. :)
Jim did not get a flu shot this year. I got one last year though.

Important safety tip: beware of what you wear to get that shot. I had a long sleeved shirt on. I rolled up the right sleeve and got the shot. But as I rolled it back down, I realized I had created a de facto tourniquet around my arm. I watched as the flu serum rolled out of the injection site and down my arm! I pointed that out to the nurse who said that because we didn' know how much came back out, a new shot would be hazardous. Three weeks later, I got the flu.

Do you have the flu now? And dang, I meant to add you to the list last night and flat forgot. Well, tonight. . .
I think I'm getting over a bad cold. But I'm very tired. As I turned off the alarm this morning, I thought that the only way I could be more comfortable than lying in my own warm, soft bed would to be in the morgue.
Oh my gosh. You take care of yourself, woman.

:) Nosmo is very much a guy. :)
I asked myself that question after writing that.

I'm sorry, nosmo. :). We don't know each other very well.
Well, you know me a little better now.
Jim did not get a flu shot this year. I got one last year though.

Important safety tip: beware of what you wear to get that shot. I had a long sleeved shirt on. I rolled up the right sleeve and got the shot. But as I rolled it back down, I realized I had created a de facto tourniquet around my arm. I watched as the flu serum rolled out of the injection site and down my arm! I pointed that out to the nurse who said that because we didn' know how much came back out, a new shot would be hazardous. Three weeks later, I got the flu.

Do you have the flu now? And dang, I meant to add you to the list last night and flat forgot. Well, tonight. . .
I think I'm getting over a bad cold. But I'm very tired. As I turned off the alarm this morning, I thought that the only way I could be more comfortable than lying in my own warm, soft bed would to be in the morgue.
Oh my gosh. You take care of yourself, woman.

:) Nosmo is very much a guy. :)
I asked myself that question after writing that.

I'm sorry, nosmo. :). We don't know each other very well.

Back during the original Coffee Shop thread, it might have been Nosmo but more likely SFC Ollie who met back in I think 2010 and posted a great photo of them together--they don't live far apart. And they looked like they could be brothers. I so wish I had saved that photo before they deleted the previous Coffee Shop threads. We lost a lot of great photos that way.
Do you have the flu now? And dang, I meant to add you to the list last night and flat forgot. Well, tonight. . .
I think I'm getting over a bad cold. But I'm very tired. As I turned off the alarm this morning, I thought that the only way I could be more comfortable than lying in my own warm, soft bed would to be in the morgue.
Oh my gosh. You take care of yourself, woman.

:) Nosmo is very much a guy. :)
I asked myself that question after writing that.

I'm sorry, nosmo. :). We don't know each other very well.

Back during the original Coffee Shop thread, it might have been Nosmo but more likely SFC Ollie who met back in I think 2010 and posted a great photo of them together--they don't live far apart. And they looked like they could be brothers. I so wish I had saved that photo before they deleted the previous Coffee Shop threads. We lost a lot of great photos that way.
I remember Ollie. He wasn't shy about posting pictures. Nice guy.
Two sick days in a row this week. What did I expect? Days of temperatures in the sixties and even seventies followed by a weekend of thirties and twenties. Of course I caught cold. Runny nose, a voice as smooth as burlap, general fatigue has been my lot since late Sunday evening.

Slept until 10:00 am today. Drank a quart of orange juice, ate not much. Daisy the Mutt looks at me puzzled. When are we going for a walk she says in fluent poodlese.

Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new feeling of health and vigor. Between then and now, I'm laying around in a mound of Kleenex and Alka Seltzer packets.
It's 58 here right now. I woke up kind of clammy and just came out here and cracked open a few windows.

Did you get a flu shot, nosmo? I haven't been sick like that in years. Hope this crazy weather doesn't do it.
Jim did not get a flu shot this year. I got one last year though.

Important safety tip: beware of what you wear to get that shot. I had a long sleeved shirt on. I rolled up the right sleeve and got the shot. But as I rolled it back down, I realized I had created a de facto tourniquet around my arm. I watched as the flu serum rolled out of the injection site and down my arm! I pointed that out to the nurse who said that because we didn' know how much came back out, a new shot would be hazardous. Three weeks later, I got the flu.
Omg, I get one every year. Feel better anyway. :)
I haven't gotten a flu shot since I retired. Haven't gotten the flu in over 20 years. When I was forced to get the shots, I got sick every time.
Two sick days in a row this week. What did I expect? Days of temperatures in the sixties and even seventies followed by a weekend of thirties and twenties. Of course I caught cold. Runny nose, a voice as smooth as burlap, general fatigue has been my lot since late Sunday evening.

Slept until 10:00 am today. Drank a quart of orange juice, ate not much. Daisy the Mutt looks at me puzzled. When are we going for a walk she says in fluent poodlese.

Hopefully tomorrow will bring a new feeling of health and vigor. Between then and now, I'm laying around in a mound of Kleenex and Alka Seltzer packets.
It's 58 here right now. I woke up kind of clammy and just came out here and cracked open a few windows.

Did you get a flu shot, nosmo? I haven't been sick like that in years. Hope this crazy weather doesn't do it.
Jim did not get a flu shot this year. I got one last year though.

Important safety tip: beware of what you wear to get that shot. I had a long sleeved shirt on. I rolled up the right sleeve and got the shot. But as I rolled it back down, I realized I had created a de facto tourniquet around my arm. I watched as the flu serum rolled out of the injection site and down my arm! I pointed that out to the nurse who said that because we didn' know how much came back out, a new shot would be hazardous. Three weeks later, I got the flu.
Omg, I get one every year. Feel better anyway. :)
I haven't gotten a flu shot since I retired. Haven't gotten the flu in over 20 years. When I was forced to get the shots, I got sick every time.

Me too, but as I posted earlier, when my doctor sort of insisted, I agreed so as to keep our doctor/patient relationship on amicable terms. Okay, I didn't want to find myself sick with flu or pneumonia and have to go to her after refusing the shots. :)

But again, they were absolutely painless--tiny little needles--and they are apparently much better than they used to be because I had absolutely zero side effects.
Press conference seems to leave a lot up in the air. no specifics on injuries or cause at this time. Now they're saying 12 injured and 4 critical. About all they're saying about the driver is he is 73 and lives in Fairhope. Fairhope is about 15 miles west of here on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay.

What a shame. I wonder if the man driving had a medical issue?
Still nothing on that, Chris. I was wondering the same thing. It's been confirmed that he was to be a part of the parade representing retired military officers. Little more other than his name and age has been released.
So, as if Foley needed more drama, a friend of mine, another local bar owner, had to use deadly force last night to defend himself against a burglar who had just broken down his door with a pick axe and was rushing him with the pick raised. Score 1 for the good guys. My friend is pretty shook up, but physically OK. He's got a bad ticker and is in his early 70s. Thankfully, a pick axe is not a stealthy tool for a burglary and my friend had ample time to defend himself.
Sedrick Jemison was 20 years of age. My sympathy goes out to his family.
I think it's time to tell you the story of my sainted Uncle Ducky again.

Ducky was, without question, my favorite uncle. He drove a Studebaker convertible, pale blue with cream colored trim. We both loved that car. As an old man, Ducky succumbed to the ravages of diabetes first loosing a toe, then both his legs and was confined to a wheel chair. I remember wheeling him around at a family reunion while I hummed the theme from the old TV show Ironsides. That show starred Raymond Burr as a detective in a wheel chair. Ducky slammed on the brakes of his chair and looked over his shoulder to me with a wry glint in his eye. "There's only ONE Ducky in this family at a time. If you start behaving like me, they'll start to kill us!"

Ducky was in the Navy during World War II. He never saw any action, per se as he was in the Shore Patrol in Honolulu. Breaking up bar fights was his specialty. Ducky was, in real life, the character Ernest Borgnine played in From Here to Eternity but without the cruelty.

He carried the skills he learned in the Navy back from the war and into civilian life. He became a cop on the East Liverpool City Police Department. A big guy, Ducky stood 6'5" and weighed ion at a healthy 265 pounds, Ducky took no guff from perpetrators. His bar fight technique was to press his massive torso up against the biggest belligerent then slapping his paw like open hand across the pinned son of a bitch's face while admonishing him with a Scottish brough. "Now then! Why would ye want to make such a spectacle of yourself in a nice establishment such as this laddie?"

A mixture of humiliation and pain usually brought the excitement to an end. Ducky loved an old drive in restaurant down I the city's east end. Roger's had the finest burgers in the valley, a big maple barrel that dispensed Hire's root beer and hand dipped ice cream. Back in the day, as they say, you couldn't do much better for a lunch or a quick snack on a Saturday afternoon. Of course after the high school football games, Roger's was packed to the gunwales.

I asked Ducky if he ever had to brandish his service revolver. "Once." he said wistfully. Ducky got a radio call about some knucklehead who decided to rob Potter's Bank and Trust downtown. As big as he was, Ducky eschewed the squad car and raced on foot down to the bank. The frightened teller described the robber and told Ducky that he had fled on foot toward the river.

Ducky scurried down to the north bank of the Ohio and found the railroad tracks that carried freight and coal and steel along the river bank. Glancing to the south, Ducky saw the perp as he ran down the railroad siding.

Ducky took chase, amazingly closing the distance between himself and the bank robber. Then Ducky drew his .38 from its holster. "Halt! In the name of the law!" Ducky shouted. Now, Ducky had just finished a run of six blocks from the police station to the bank, and another four blocks down to the river. After chasing the robber along the ballast covered railroad track for yet another three blocks, Ducky was winded.

"Halt or I'll shoot!" Ducky stood and took aim. His arms raised and lowered with every breath he sought to suck into his burning lungs. The robber ignored him and continued his desperate run.

"that's the only time I ever fired my gun in action," Ducky told me. "I fired and his ear came right off! Damnest thing I ever saw!" said Ducky as he wheeled his Studebaker into Roger's drive in to buy me a root beer float.
I think I'm getting over a bad cold. But I'm very tired. As I turned off the alarm this morning, I thought that the only way I could be more comfortable than lying in my own warm, soft bed would to be in the morgue.

What time do you want me to knock on the stainless steel door?
What? Sleeping is one of the things cats are best at. :p

Hombre used to sleep on his back a lot. And when our Siamese Tom wanted him to wake up he would sit on his chest, ears forward, tail twitching, and every time Hombre breathed out he would sock his nose with a lightning fast paw. Worked every time. :)
Hombre used to sleep on his back a lot. And when our Siamese Tom wanted him to wake up he would sit on his chest, ears forward, tail twitching, and every time Hombre breathed out he would sock his nose with a lightning fast paw. Worked every time. :)
His very own personal alarm.

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