USMB Coffee Shop IV

I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

Well hey, you can't expect to ace every class. A C is still a passing grade, and in the end, passing is what really matters. :)
I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

Well hey, you can't expect to ace every class. A C is still a passing grade, and in the end, passing is what really matters. :)

This will be my first grade since I started my classes that isn't an A (not counting one that was graded incorrectly and has yet to be fixed). I got a 96 on the first exam and was hoping the class would end up easier than I had feared. :p
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Does your wisteria bloom every year Ernie? There's a big beautiful wisteria on my neighbor's arbor over his front porch. I've lived here twenty seven years come August and I can remember it blooming four times in all those years. Big Lucius purple blossoms hanging like grape clusters and drawing more butterflies than I could count. But if the Olympic Games come around more frequently than a wisteria blooms, it seem to make more sense to plant clematis.
I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

You might have had more correct answers than you think with those guesses. :biggrin:
You'd be surprised at how our subconscious retains things that we have learned.
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Roses, azaleas, wisteria? Do you have magnolias, tulip trees, honeysuckle and kudzu, too? All that where I grew up, but certainly not here. Some things can be missed.
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Roses, azaleas, wisteria? Do you have magnolias, tulip trees, honeysuckle and kudzu, too? All that where I grew up, but certainly not here. Some things can be missed.
Kudzu????? Isn't that a weed vine
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Roses, azaleas, wisteria? Do you have magnolias, tulip trees, honeysuckle and kudzu, too? All that where I grew up, but certainly not here. Some things can be missed.
Kudzu????? Isn't that a weed vine
Actually, kudzu is an invasive species that has overrun much of the South, but it has been doing so for a long time. "Kudzu (/ˈkʊdzuː/, also called Japanese arrowroot) is a group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. They are climbing, coiling, and trailing perennial vines native to much of eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands."
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Roses, azaleas, wisteria? Do you have magnolias, tulip trees, honeysuckle and kudzu, too? All that where I grew up, but certainly not here. Some things can be missed.
Kudzu????? Isn't that a weed vine
Actually, kudzu is an invasive species that has overrun much of the South, but it has been doing so for a long time. "Kudzu (/ˈkʊdzuː/, also called Japanese arrowroot) is a group of plants in the genus Pueraria, in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. They are climbing, coiling, and trailing perennial vines native to much of eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, and some Pacific islands."
I know.....Just never heard anyone say they missed it
Ole GW has Fireweed Fever and wants to see some different colors...

I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

Well hey, you can't expect to ace every class. A C is still a passing grade, and in the end, passing is what really matters. :)

You're right. In higher school grades become less significant. In my career no one employeer asked me about colour of diploma, only about its presence :)
I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

Well hey, you can't expect to ace every class. A C is still a passing grade, and in the end, passing is what really matters. :)

This will be my first grade since I started my classes that isn't an A (not counting one that was graded incorrectly and has yet to be fixed). I got a 96 on the first exam and was hoping the class would end up easier than I had feared. :p

Study - is a kind of sports :) So all grades are make great sence during the process, but how they would define the final result? :)

In other case, we must play this game to upkeep efficiency of study, because it's a sophisticated psychological process, and much things make sense...
I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

You might have had more correct answers than you think with those guesses. :biggrin:
You'd be surprised at how our subconscious retains things that we have learned.

But it seriously depends of stress level

P.S. Good morning. I'm at University, waiting students for next lessons pair, thinking about evil planes how to oppress them to force them to work...:) I'm an evil one!!
I did not do so well on this exam, I think. It was harder than the last one, and I did not remember many of the little bones of the skull or their positions. Hopefully I passed, but it will be nothing like the 96 I got on the first exam. :(

Well don't fret. I bet you did better than you think.

If I'm lucky I'll get a B. A C is more likely. I had to guess too often.

Well hey, you can't expect to ace every class. A C is still a passing grade, and in the end, passing is what really matters. :)

You're right. In higher school grades become less significant. In my career no one employeer asked me about colour of diploma, only about its presence :)

It doesn't hurt to be able to mention that you have been a member of an honors society on your resume either though. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
NosmoKing for wellness,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, 007, Sixfoot and all others we hope will find their way back.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
March came in like a lion yesterday. Heavy winds, trees down and some power outages. Today is colder with snow blowing in the air. They are calling for a modest two to three inch accumulation tomorrow. The tulips are poking through the soil out on the North Lawn. Once they have done their thing later next month, I have to get out there and dig them up so I can redistribute them come autumn. Needless to say, no greenhouses are close to opening. Pop would plant his sweet peas 'by the light of the moon on St. Patrick's Day'. Soon enough, asparagus will be up and ready for harvest. I've heard that some asparagus beds here are better than one hundred years old.

My brother and sister-in-law gave me an automatic watering system for my birthday. In the optomistic spirit that it's never too early to get started, I bought a twenty five foot long section of garden hose that I will place in the conduit under the front walkway so I can get water on demand to the window boxes.
March came in like June here yesterday. We hit 80 with a lot of sunshine early and a bit of rain after 10 PM. 64 and sunny right now.
I have roses in bloom and the azaleas are our in full force, but my wisteria hasn't even opened any new leaves. which disappoints me.
It's pantsless Thursday here at Cassa de Ernie. I had actually planned on getting dressed around 5 PM for a dinner date, but as fate had it, I needed to answer the door for a delivery.
Does your wisteria bloom every year Ernie? There's a big beautiful wisteria on my neighbor's arbor over his front porch. I've lived here twenty seven years come August and I can remember it blooming four times in all those years. Big Lucius purple blossoms hanging like grape clusters and drawing more butterflies than I could count. But if the Olympic Games come around more frequently than a wisteria blooms, it seem to make more sense to plant clematis.
I planted a two foot long Wisteria slip twenty years ago and it blooms huge blossoms every year as long as it has plenty of water. It took about eight years to become mature enough to blossom each year.
A Nyquil inspired night has just passed. I laid in bed absolutely still, but wracked with wild dreams.

I dreamt that the infamous Baader-Meinhof gang of the 1970s had stolen Mom's credit cards. But they did not go on a kidnapping and murder spree. They made hotel reservations all over Germany and then sent wake up calls every 15 minutes to every guest starting at 3:00 am.

Mom made the national news and it was up to me to clear the name of an 83 year old American woman to the German authorities.
A Nyquil inspired night has just passed. I laid in bed absolutely still, but wracked with wild dreams.

I dreamt that the infamous Baader-Meinhof gang of the 1970s had stolen Mom's credit cards. But they did not go on a kidnapping and murder spree. They made hotel reservations all over Germany and then sent wake up calls every 15 minutes to every guest starting at 3:00 am.

Mom made the national news and it was up to me to clear the name of an 83 year old American woman to the German authorities.

Excellent :)

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