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USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well today marks three months without drinking a drop of juice, pop or any coffee. Three months without eating bread, pasta, cake or anything sweet. Sugar has been eliminated, as has caffeine. The change in my body has been fantastic, I feel great, I have lost loads of weight and my way of thinking is very positive. No coffee, eating extremely healthily and above all, a couple of hours of exercise daily!

Further I am turning over a new leaf and will devote myself to study, meditation, and otherwise use my alloted time productively and constructively. So my dear ones, I fear that this will require me to leave message boarding and the Coffee Shop forever. . . . .

Friend of mine in New Orleans called this morning --

"How you doing?"
"uh, fine... "
"Is your weather OK?"
"yeah it's great...."
"You haven't been following the news then"?
"No -- what news?"
"Big nuclear plant accident, upwind from you. An explosion. It's about to come your way".
"oh. OK. Guess I'll look into it later"
"You don't sound too concerned"
"Hey waydaminnit---- I know what date it is."
"Bwa hahaha"
Looks like a select few have managed to screw up a simple egg hunt. Oh well it was fun for some while it lasted. I get disappointed when adults have to cheat or become overly competitive. Time to find other things to do in here and off the board. :(
Looks like a select few have managed to screw up a simple egg hunt. Oh well it was fun for some while it lasted. I get disappointed when adults have to cheat or become overly competitive. Time to find other things to do in here and off the board. :(

I was out of that loop. But it was fun for me anyway just seeing where all they hid the eggs. Sorry it didn't work out. It was a delightful idea.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
SFC Ollie and his special project.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we hope will find their way back.

Sunset over the Grand Canyon
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
The Ringel's Gizmo and wellness for Ringel,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Sherry's mom and her life saving medical treatment.
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Hombre's sore toes,
The Gracies just because,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
SFC Ollie and his special project.
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, Spoonman, and all others we hope will find their way back.

Sunset over the Grand Canyon

Oh I LOVE that one!
Looks like a select few have managed to screw up a simple egg hunt. Oh well it was fun for some while it lasted. I get disappointed when adults have to cheat or become overly competitive. Time to find other things to do in here and off the board. :(

I think it's all okay and settled now Save. :) And it was a great and fun idea of yours. We still have 2 weeks to go! saveliberty
Looks like a select few have managed to screw up a simple egg hunt. Oh well it was fun for some while it lasted. I get disappointed when adults have to cheat or become overly competitive. Time to find other things to do in here and off the board. :(

I think it's all okay and settled now Save. :) And it was a great and fun idea of yours. We still have 2 weeks to go! saveliberty

Kat, Coyote and AyeCantSeeYou did an amazing job of bring it to life and worked at finding and placing the eggs. You can see the fun posters and mods alike were having. It appears some excited people just got caught up in the game and it took a break to help them get back on track. I was really hoping posters would take a step away from fighting and find a new way to enjoy USMB. This kind of ruined it for me.

This one was interesting with the crow pestering the young eagle. Since December, I have been watching an eagle cam in southwest Florida to watch the eaglet hatch and grow up. She is now in the fledgling stage with mom and dad methodically teaching her how to be a bald eagle. Because they stay fairly close to the nest during this phase and there is some amazing camera work being done, we get to watch him or her--I'm think its a her because of her size--quite a bit. But day by day she is getting more proficient at flying and defending her food. In a few more weeks she will most likely migrate north and never return. But for now she is fun to watch.

But the only real downside so far is that now and then the crows really pester her and she hasn't figured out yet how to put them in their place. The crows definitely do not do that to mom and dad eagle.
Morning all!

Foxy - I can't stand crows. A few years ago, a belligerent bunch took over our neighborhood. Now, we hardly ever see the morning doves and songbirds that used to nest every year.
Morning all!

Foxy - I can't stand crows. A few years ago, a belligerent bunch took over our neighborhood. Now, we hardly ever see the morning doves and songbirds that used to nest every year.

Hey Boe!!! Good to see you!

Crows can be obnoxious birds for sure. When I was a kid growing up in southeast New Mexico we had one that hung around the place and he was kind of fun. He would sneak up behind our dog and pull his tail. When the dog whirled around to defend his tail, the crow would dash to the food dish to grab a bite of dog food. Then both would reset and repeat. We always had to add a little dog food to be sure the dog got enough. :) But that was one crow which is very different from a flock of them.

Up on the mountain I taught our then dog the difference between a crow and all the other myriad birds who came to the feeders. When I heard the crows I would tell him "Crows!" and he would charge out the doggy door, down the deck steps to the feeder area and chase the crows away. He never bothered any of the other birds and they weren't bothered by him.
Well, I'm back to having Walmart ordering issues. Back around Christmastime, I think, I had tried to buy some things from Walmart's website, but after placing my order it was immediately rejected. This was using my employer's debit card. I tried to place the order a couple of times, it was immediately cancelled each time, so I ended up buying the stuff somewhere else, using the same card, with no issues.

Last night, I decided to buy some things from Walmart again using my new debit card. I had just used the card at another site with no issues. I find the items I want (birthday gifts for the little one and a couple of little things for me) and place my order. I go check my email, and look! I get a confirmation as well as a cancellation, just like that last time. Well, the same issue with two different cards, belonging to two different people, makes me think the issue is Walmart has a problem with my account. My employer even tells me that she's never had a problem ordering from Walmart, and obviously she used her card when she placed her orders, almost certainly the same card that I had rejected a few months back.

I went to the Walmart help chat, and the guy keeps wanting me to verify things with my bank. I tried to explain that this issue has occurred with multiple cards belonging to multiple people, and that the card I used last night is newly issued and worked with another order. He still thinks I need to verify something with the bank. I'd just about given up when he said he would put in a review and I should try to order my things again in half an hour.

This is too annoying for the small amounts of money I spend. :p
Well, I'm back to having Walmart ordering issues. Back around Christmastime, I think, I had tried to buy some things from Walmart's website, but after placing my order it was immediately rejected. This was using my employer's debit card. I tried to place the order a couple of times, it was immediately cancelled each time, so I ended up buying the stuff somewhere else, using the same card, with no issues.

Last night, I decided to buy some things from Walmart again using my new debit card. I had just used the card at another site with no issues. I find the items I want (birthday gifts for the little one and a couple of little things for me) and place my order. I go check my email, and look! I get a confirmation as well as a cancellation, just like that last time. Well, the same issue with two different cards, belonging to two different people, makes me think the issue is Walmart has a problem with my account. My employer even tells me that she's never had a problem ordering from Walmart, and obviously she used her card when she placed her orders, almost certainly the same card that I had rejected a few months back.

I went to the Walmart help chat, and the guy keeps wanting me to verify things with my bank. I tried to explain that this issue has occurred with multiple cards belonging to multiple people, and that the card I used last night is newly issued and worked with another order. He still thinks I need to verify something with the bank. I'd just about given up when he said he would put in a review and I should try to order my things again in half an hour.

This is too annoying for the small amounts of money I spend. :p

I haven't had a problem ordering from Walmart on line but rarely do. Amazon is effortless and user friendly for me so if they have what I am looking for, they get the order.
Well, I'm back to having Walmart ordering issues. Back around Christmastime, I think, I had tried to buy some things from Walmart's website, but after placing my order it was immediately rejected. This was using my employer's debit card. I tried to place the order a couple of times, it was immediately cancelled each time, so I ended up buying the stuff somewhere else, using the same card, with no issues.

Last night, I decided to buy some things from Walmart again using my new debit card. I had just used the card at another site with no issues. I find the items I want (birthday gifts for the little one and a couple of little things for me) and place my order. I go check my email, and look! I get a confirmation as well as a cancellation, just like that last time. Well, the same issue with two different cards, belonging to two different people, makes me think the issue is Walmart has a problem with my account. My employer even tells me that she's never had a problem ordering from Walmart, and obviously she used her card when she placed her orders, almost certainly the same card that I had rejected a few months back.

I went to the Walmart help chat, and the guy keeps wanting me to verify things with my bank. I tried to explain that this issue has occurred with multiple cards belonging to multiple people, and that the card I used last night is newly issued and worked with another order. He still thinks I need to verify something with the bank. I'd just about given up when he said he would put in a review and I should try to order my things again in half an hour.

This is too annoying for the small amounts of money I spend. :p

I haven't had a problem ordering from Walmart on line but rarely do. Amazon is effortless and user friendly for me so if they have what I am looking for, they get the order.

I usually use Amazon, there just happened to be a good deal I found at Walmart. I spend a lot of time browsing sites when I make purchases, trying to find the cheapest prices for what I want. I'm used to having little money, so I spend too much time trying to save. ;)
A quick hello to all my old friends here.

A lot of changes in my life.

We lost Colonel (Our Weimeraner) at age 15 a year ago February, I had him cremated and have his ashes with me.
My Beautiful Maria passed away in November. She was told 8 years earlier she had 2 to 5 years. We've been talking for 8 years and she was more afraid of being in a box in the ground than she was of leaving us. So she wanted cremated and her ashes scattered at the Grand Canyon. Her ashes are also with me.
I am almost half way to location, I put in 800 miles today and have about 1200 left to go...
Colonel will be spread around the base of a tree or something and Mary will be nearby. They will enjoy eternity there. And as a parting gift, it was Mary's Idea that I grow this 8 inch beard. the majority of it will also be left with them....

Me, I'm doing well and will be taking back over as Commander of my American Legion Post. I took last year off to be at home with Mary...

Welcome back Ollie!! :)
We all missed you very much.
It's been a rough few days. While I am healing up, the pain levels have been quite high. I'm not getting a lot of sleep and sometimes it's a challenge to keep food down. The good news is I actually took a real live shower yesterday. That's the first time I've felt clean in 28 days.
Sponge baths and shampooing my hair laying over the side of the bed and dripping into a galvanized wash tub gets old in a hurry.
I was hoping I could get down the front stairs and into a vehicle so I could go to Doc's last night, but due to lack of sleep and pain medication, I didn't feel safe. From what I hear, I missed one hell of a party. We had a band we had never featured before called Journey to Mars. With luck, I'll be able to upload a video taken about 9:30 last night.

It's been a rough few days. While I am healing up, the pain levels have been quite high. I'm not getting a lot of sleep and sometimes it's a challenge to keep food down. The good news is I actually took a real live shower yesterday. That's the first time I've felt clean in 28 days.
Sponge baths and shampooing my hair laying over the side of the bed and dripping into a galvanized wash tub gets old in a hurry.
I was hoping I could get down the front stairs and into a vehicle so I could go to Doc's last night, but due to lack of sleep and pain medication, I didn't feel safe. From what I hear, I missed one hell of a party. We had a band we had never featured before called Journey to Mars. With luck, I'll be able to upload a video taken about 9:30 last night.

Ernie, I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I know saying that doesn't help much, but know I am thinking of you. ♥
Amazon is effortless and user friendly for me so if they have what I am looking for, they get the order.

What's more they even deliver on Sunday. I received a probe for my oscilloscope today. I could not find my probe so I ordered one. I wanted to see if I could detect a waveform by passing my hand over the probe
without touching it and I did detect a change in the waveform on the highest amplitude. This is apparently due to capacitance set up between my body and the probe.

I wanted to test this because I can feel energy flowing between my hands even when they are several inches apart. I wanted to find out if this was measurable energy or psychic energy.

I think it may be AC electric current radiating from my fingers.
I would be pleased if everyone would try this experiment to see if you can feel it too.

Just raise one hand and then wave the fingers of your other hand over the palm a few inches away from it. See if you can feel the movement in your palm.
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