USMB Coffee Shop IV

I was gonna go to Wally World but my Bedouin outfit is in the wash and the camel is sleeping.........

Ha ha, I actually fell off of a camel once! I even remember his name...Ali Baba. :)

This was during the 6 years I lived in Hungary and I did a lot of traveling...this happened on a trip to Tunesia. I had a blast but would be afraid of going there now...this was in 2000.
Well to ER doc to see what the fuck is going on with my eye. Hurts and is very scratchy. Dreamed my eye was hurting..woke up with it hurting. So....this sucks.

I've had that and was told it was a scratched cornea, got drops and it went away...always best to check though...eyes are important!

Hope it's nothing serious just a minor nuisance.
Speaking of SFC Ollie (his birthday was yesterday) he usually was the one to take over the vigil list and such chores when I was without wifi access. I miss him here a lot as I know many of you who know him do.

He gave me permission to tell you that he left home (Illinois) today to travel to Arizona. His beloved Mary who died a few months ago requested that her ashes be given to the wind at the Grand Canyon. And Ollie plans to do that this weekend along with the ashes of her beloved Colonel (their dog) who died a short time before she did.

He is traveling alone. I can't imagine how emotional that is going to be for him.

Don't know him but can imagine how he feels, my husband's ashes are on top of my armoire in my bedroom...will wait til I die and my kids can scatter us together. That's my plan so far, anyway.
My Dad asked me to scatter some of his ashes on his family grave plot here in his hometown. I couldn't do it. It was mid November, snow and coyotes and all kinds of awfulness was on the way, so I spent $2,000 on a stone that holds the cremains inside. It's a little bench, so visitors can sit on it, on the end of the family plot. He would be so pissed at me for spending the money like that. LOL
The wife received a thanks, no thanks concerning the job up in Gallup. That's a good thing as we had already decided to turn it down if it was offered.
The wife received a thanks, no thanks concerning the job up in Gallup. That's a good thing as we had already decided to turn it down if it was offered.
Well, glad it worked out as you wished. Moving up there would have messed up your weekend reenactments, wouldn't it? Or are they far away, too?
The wife received a thanks, no thanks concerning the job up in Gallup. That's a good thing as we had already decided to turn it down if it was offered.
Well, glad it worked out as you wished. Moving up there would have messed up your weekend reenactments, wouldn't it? Or are they far away, too?
It's only one Saturday each month except twice a year and it would have been a 4 1/2 hour drive one way. There is housing there we can use though and even driving from Albuquerque it's 3 hours away as opposed to 2 1/2 hours from where we are now so not so bad.
Well to ER doc to see what the fuck is going on with my eye. Hurts and is very scratchy. Dreamed my eye was hurting..woke up with it hurting. So....this sucks.

I've had that and was told it was a scratched cornea, got drops and it went away...always best to check though...eyes are important!

Hope it's nothing serious just a minor nuisance.
All is well. Took two docs to poke around in my right eye, but they found the tiny culprit which was embedded on the inside upper eyelid, scratching my cornea. Feels much better now!!

The health care here is most excellent so far. :)
Screw the rules. Stand where nobody else is, wait for a good wind....pour out the ashes. Can't dump ashes in the ocean either but its done anyway. Thats where I will go. Or MrG will go..along with the ashes of Karma, Gracie and Moki. Or I will go if I die before MrG. Last one standing will rely on the government to dump the last one dying to wherever. Take one for the team sorta thing.
Well to ER doc to see what the fuck is going on with my eye. Hurts and is very scratchy. Dreamed my eye was hurting..woke up with it hurting. So....this sucks.

I've had that and was told it was a scratched cornea, got drops and it went away...always best to check though...eyes are important!

Hope it's nothing serious just a minor nuisance.
All is well. Took two docs to poke around in my right eye, but they found the tiny culprit which was embedded on the inside upper eyelid, scratching my cornea. Feels much better now!!

The health care here is most excellent so far. :)

Glad it was nothing serious! I hope the health care remains good where you are, I know that's been a concern of yours since you had to leave your last place.
A quick hello to all my old friends here.

A lot of changes in my life.

We lost Colonel (Our Weimeraner) at age 15 a year ago February, I had him cremated and have his ashes with me.
My Beautiful Maria passed away in November. She was told 8 years earlier she had 2 to 5 years. We've been talking for 8 years and she was more afraid of being in a box in the ground than she was of leaving us. So she wanted cremated and her ashes scattered at the Grand Canyon. Her ashes are also with me.
I am almost half way to location, I put in 800 miles today and have about 1200 left to go...
Colonel will be spread around the base of a tree or something and Mary will be nearby. They will enjoy eternity there. And as a parting gift, it was Mary's Idea that I grow this 8 inch beard. the majority of it will also be left with them....

Me, I'm doing well and will be taking back over as Commander of my American Legion Post. I took last year off to be at home with Mary...
Drove to the accountant's office in Dixon today in the rain. Picked up my taxes and got them all paid. Freedom sure doesn't come cheap! Did I mention that I hate taxes? ***groan***
Speaking of SFC Ollie (his birthday was yesterday) he usually was the one to take over the vigil list and such chores when I was without wifi access. I miss him here a lot as I know many of you who know him do.

He gave me permission to tell you that he left home (Illinois) today to travel to Arizona. His beloved Mary who died a few months ago requested that her ashes be given to the wind at the Grand Canyon. And Ollie plans to do that this weekend along with the ashes of her beloved Colonel (their dog) who died a short time before she did.

He is traveling alone. I can't imagine how emotional that is going to be for him.
Not only that I hope he knows the Park rules concerning the scattering of ashes, don't want him to get in trouble.

Yes my friend I have a copy of the letter.... And I also called the rangers.
A quick hello to all my old friends here.

A lot of changes in my life.

We lost Colonel (Our Weimeraner) at age 15 a year ago February, I had him cremated and have his ashes with me.
My Beautiful Maria passed away in November. She was told 8 years earlier she had 2 to 5 years. We've been talking for 8 years and she was more afraid of being in a box in the ground than she was of leaving us. So she wanted cremated and her ashes scattered at the Grand Canyon. Her ashes are also with me.
I am almost half way to location, I put in 800 miles today and have about 1200 left to go...
Colonel will be spread around the base of a tree or something and Mary will be nearby. They will enjoy eternity there. And as a parting gift, it was Mary's Idea that I grow this 8 inch beard. the majority of it will also be left with them....

Me, I'm doing well and will be taking back over as Commander of my American Legion Post. I took last year off to be at home with Mary...

Sup, Sarge. Saw your name on the Watched Threads list and wanted to pay my respects, wish happy birthday, etc. Warmest condolences on your losses and best wishes for strength and peace.
A quick hello to all my old friends here.

A lot of changes in my life.

We lost Colonel (Our Weimeraner) at age 15 a year ago February, I had him cremated and have his ashes with me.
My Beautiful Maria passed away in November. She was told 8 years earlier she had 2 to 5 years. We've been talking for 8 years and she was more afraid of being in a box in the ground than she was of leaving us. So she wanted cremated and her ashes scattered at the Grand Canyon. Her ashes are also with me.
I am almost half way to location, I put in 800 miles today and have about 1200 left to go...
Colonel will be spread around the base of a tree or something and Mary will be nearby. They will enjoy eternity there. And as a parting gift, it was Mary's Idea that I grow this 8 inch beard. the majority of it will also be left with them....

Me, I'm doing well and will be taking back over as Commander of my American Legion Post. I took last year off to be at home with Mary...

It's good to hear you are doing well and will be able to lay them to rest as you both wanted.
A quick hello to all my old friends here.

A lot of changes in my life.

We lost Colonel (Our Weimeraner) at age 15 a year ago February, I had him cremated and have his ashes with me.
My Beautiful Maria passed away in November. She was told 8 years earlier she had 2 to 5 years. We've been talking for 8 years and she was more afraid of being in a box in the ground than she was of leaving us. So she wanted cremated and her ashes scattered at the Grand Canyon. Her ashes are also with me.
I am almost half way to location, I put in 800 miles today and have about 1200 left to go...
Colonel will be spread around the base of a tree or something and Mary will be nearby. They will enjoy eternity there. And as a parting gift, it was Mary's Idea that I grow this 8 inch beard. the majority of it will also be left with them....

Me, I'm doing well and will be taking back over as Commander of my American Legion Post. I took last year off to be at home with Mary...

Safe travels Ollie and we'll send those comforting vibes as you do the final honors with your sweet Mary and Colonel who was so special to you both.

By the way in my earlier post I inadvertently had Ollie living in Illinois. BBD is our Illinois denizen. Ollie hails from Ohio. (But he is a Cowboys fan. :) )
It's getting ugly out there, the gusts are up to 60mph and visibility is down to about two blocks away.

Essentially a dead calm here but cold - temp is hovering around 40 and dropping. Hope we don't have a freeze tonight because all the trees are leafed out and all the early flowering stuff is flowering.

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