USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have been looking for an affordable copy of the movie "The Jazz Singer" with Neil Diamond and "The Air Up There" with Kevin Bacon. Both seem to be out of print and are available only from collectors at very pricey prices. I ordered "The Air Up There" at a good price but alas, it can only be used in Europe--incompatible with American DVD or Bluray players. I would send it to you Dajjal but the shipping costs would probably exceed what I paid for it several times over.

Maybe try this, Foxfyre: How to Play a Pal DVD in Windows Media Player |

You also might rip the DVD onto the PC, then burn a new DVD in the US format NTSC.

If you search a bit, I think you can do it. There are apparently regional issues that are separate from the PAL/NTSC difference. I only briefly searched for information.

Thanks but I want one we can watch with friends on the big screen. I have both on VHS that I can watch on a smaller bedroom TV.

You could hook up a PC to the TV, either directly or streaming, or you could rip your current DVD to the PC and then burn a compatible one to play in your DVD player. :dunno:

You also could buy a region-free dvd player, you can get a cheap one for $30.

You're asking a lot though for somebody as untechy as I am. :)
I have been looking for an affordable copy of the movie "The Jazz Singer" with Neil Diamond and "The Air Up There" with Kevin Bacon. Both seem to be out of print and are available only from collectors at very pricey prices. I ordered "The Air Up There" at a good price but alas, it can only be used in Europe--incompatible with American DVD or Bluray players. I would send it to you Dajjal but the shipping costs would probably exceed what I paid for it several times over.

Maybe try this, Foxfyre: How to Play a Pal DVD in Windows Media Player |

You also might rip the DVD onto the PC, then burn a new DVD in the US format NTSC.

If you search a bit, I think you can do it. There are apparently regional issues that are separate from the PAL/NTSC difference. I only briefly searched for information.

Thanks but I want one we can watch with friends on the big screen. I have both on VHS that I can watch on a smaller bedroom TV.

You could hook up a PC to the TV, either directly or streaming, or you could rip your current DVD to the PC and then burn a compatible one to play in your DVD player. :dunno:

You also could buy a region-free dvd player, you can get a cheap one for $30.

You're asking a lot though for somebody as untechy as I am. :)

I also see the Neil Diamond version of the movie available on Amazon. A DVD anniversary set will run the same as a region-free DVD player, $30, and that's used. Buying Choices: The Jazz Singer - 25th Anniversary Edition

Or you can get the digital version, rent for $3 or buy for $8. The Jazz Singer: Robert Davi, Alexander Godunov, Laura Harris, Richard Fleischer: Amazon Digital Services LLC I don't know if you have a good way to play a streaming video on the TV or not.

Ebay has some cheaper versions of the DVD. Here's one for $9.50, and it says it is region-free (that's what a 0 region code means): The Jazz Singer (1980) DVD, NEW!! Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier | eBay

There are a bunch of other possibilities for buying on ebay, that was just a random one I clicked on.
I have been looking for an affordable copy of the movie "The Jazz Singer" with Neil Diamond and "The Air Up There" with Kevin Bacon. Both seem to be out of print and are available only from collectors at very pricey prices. I ordered "The Air Up There" at a good price but alas, it can only be used in Europe--incompatible with American DVD or Bluray players. I would send it to you Dajjal but the shipping costs would probably exceed what I paid for it several times over.

Maybe try this, Foxfyre: How to Play a Pal DVD in Windows Media Player |

You also might rip the DVD onto the PC, then burn a new DVD in the US format NTSC.

If you search a bit, I think you can do it. There are apparently regional issues that are separate from the PAL/NTSC difference. I only briefly searched for information.

Thanks but I want one we can watch with friends on the big screen. I have both on VHS that I can watch on a smaller bedroom TV.

You could hook up a PC to the TV, either directly or streaming, or you could rip your current DVD to the PC and then burn a compatible one to play in your DVD player. :dunno:

You also could buy a region-free dvd player, you can get a cheap one for $30.

You're asking a lot though for somebody as untechy as I am. :)

I also see the Neil Diamond version of the movie available on Amazon. A DVD anniversary set will run the same as a region-free DVD player, $30, and that's used. Buying Choices: The Jazz Singer - 25th Anniversary Edition

Or you can get the digital version, rent for $3 or buy for $8. The Jazz Singer: Robert Davi, Alexander Godunov, Laura Harris, Richard Fleischer: Amazon Digital Services LLC I don't know if you have a good way to play a streaming video on the TV or not.

Ebay has some cheaper versions of the DVD. Here's one for $9.50, and it says it is region-free (that's what a 0 region code means): The Jazz Singer (1980) DVD, NEW!! Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier | eBay

There are a bunch of other possibilities for buying on ebay, that was just a random one I clicked on.

Yes thanks. I have seen all those too but don't want to take a chance on an unknown seller and waiting for Amazon's price to come down plus it is usually out of stock there. I can buy it from Comcast for $9 and it will be available then on our big TV for as long as we have this service. But I won't have a DVD to loan or go anywhere with.
I spent the morning sawing my surfboard into multiple sections and affixing hinges on one side and barrel locks on the other. My endeavor paid off cause now my surfboard will fold up and fit into my suitcase. Only problem is I will have to carry my fresh undies on the plane in a Walmart bag cause they won't fit into my suitcase with the surfboard in it. Everything is a give and take I suppose. Can't wait to hang 10 in the waves. Does anybody know where Annette hangs out at on the beach?

She hangs out at the Malibu cemetery.BBD :lol:
I spent the morning sawing my surfboard into multiple sections and affixing hinges on one side and barrel locks on the other. My endeavor paid off cause now my surfboard will fold up and fit into my suitcase. Only problem is I will have to carry my fresh undies on the plane in a Walmart bag cause they won't fit into my suitcase with the surfboard in it. Everything is a give and take I suppose. Can't wait to hang 10 in the waves. Does anybody know where Annette hangs out at on the beach?

Careful BBD when you talk to this bathing beauty as there are steep fines that go along with any kind of harassing the sun bathers...

Public reminded to keep safe distance as monk seal may become more aggressive over pup
I got back from the emergency room about a half hour ago. I got myself dehydrated. According to my brother and sister-in-law I 'zoned out' as I sat on their front porch. I fell asleep. I might have snored, better chances I was drooling. I was exhausted.

It was warm enough on this July 8 and I thought it best to mow the lawn. The thing I feared most happened. I fell, more precisely slipped on the grass wall I have to cut. Feet high, butt low is not a safe posture. I managed to hold onto the mower. Otherwise it would have rolled down the hill, over the curb and out into Anderson Boulevard.

I finished the lawn and showered off the sweat and grass clippings. Today is my brother's birthday. He is 57 years old today, his Heinz Year. Local tradition is he try something new 57 times this year. One a week plus five.

I took Daisy the Mutt out to his home to visit with Teddy, her 'cousin'. That's where we were when I was awakened by a concerned sister-in-law. They called the ambulance and I climbed in under my own steam.

Two bags of saline, a blood test, an EKG, and urinalysis later I was honorably discharged. The moon was gorgeous tonight. Full, bright, pale yellow and the size of a Mason jar lid, the moon hung over the eastern sky. I could see it clearly from the cot in the ambulance. I pointed it out to Scott and Chris, the EMTs. I showed it to them because of the aesthetics.

"Oh no!" Moaned Scott "That means trouble for us tonight."

"For real?" I asked "I thought that was urban legend!"

"Nope! Ask anyone in law enforcement or firemen or Emergency room workers and they'll tell you the full moon is trouble!"

I wonder why that is? Are we hard wired into a lunar cycle on some long forgotten strand of DNA? Does the increased gravitational pull do something in our inner ear that makes us take risks or become emotionally frazzled?

The Respiratory technicians ran the EKG. I don't know why, but there they were. Two charming ladies and a very expensive looking machine. They raised my shirt and started putting stickers on my torso and lower legs and wrists.

Years ago I had an EKG done and the technicians (I couldn't say if they were Respiratory technicians or not) had to shave some of my chest hair to apply the stickers. I am a swarthy Scotsman with rich chestnut fur. They used a Bic disposable razor, but left me with a rather ample mole. It grew with such gusto that I have used that mole to freak out the children of my friends calling it my 'third nipple'.

One of the technicians tonight said it was on one of her 'spots'. She was amazed when I told her the origin story of my extra nipple.

Anyway, it's all over but the billing so I'll keep you up to date!
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I got back from the emergency room about a half hour ago. I got myself dehydrated. According to my brother and sister-in-law I 'zoned out' as I sat on their front porch. I fell asleep. I might have snored, better chances I was drooling. I was exhausted.

It was warm enough on this July 8 and I thought it best to mow the lawn. The thing I feared most happened. I fell, more precisely slipped on the grass wall I have to cut. Feet high, butt low is not a safe posture. I managed to hold onto the mower. Otherwise,it,would have rolled down the hill, over the curb and out into Anderson Boulevard.

I,finished the lawn and showered off the sweat and grass clippings. Today is my brother's birthday. He is 57 years old today, his Heinz Year. Local tradition is he try something new 57 times this year. One a week plus five.

I took Daisy the Mutt out to his home to visit with Teddy, her 'cousin'. That's where we were when I was awakened by a concerned sister-in-law. They called the ambulance and I climbed in under my own steam.

Two bags of saline, a blood test, an EKG, and urinalysis later I was honorably discharged. The moon was gorgeous tonight. Full, bright, pale yellow and the size of a Mason jar lid, the moon hung over the eastern sky. I could see it clearly from the cot in the a,balance. I pointed it out to Scott and Chris, the EMTs. I showed it to them because of the aesthetics.

"Oh no!" Moaned Scott "That means trouble for us tonight."

"For real?" I asked "I thought that was urban legend!"

"Nope! Ask anyone in law enforcement or firemen or Emergency room workers and they'll tell you the full moon is trouble!"

I wonder why that is? Are we hard wired into a lunar cycle on some long forgotten strand of DNA? Does the increased gravitational pull do something in our inner ear that makes us take risks or become emotionally frazzled?

The Respiratory technicians ran the EKG. I don't know why, but there they were. Two charming ladies and a very expensive looking machine. They raised my shirt and started putting stickers on my torso and lower legs and wrists.

Years ago I had an EKG done and the technicians (I couldn't say if they were Respiratory technicians or not) had to shave some of my chest hair to apply the sticker. They used a Bic disposable razor, but left me with a rather ample mole. It grew with such gusto that I have used that mole to freak out the children of my friends calling it my 'third nipple'.

One of the technicians tonight said it was on one of her 'spots'. She was amazed when I told her the origin story of my extra nipple.

Anyway, it's all over but the billing so I'll keep you up to date!

Glad you are ok. Drink water often from now on.
I got back from the emergency room about a half hour ago. I got myself dehydrated. According to my brother and sister-in-law I 'zoned out' as I sat on their front porch. I fell asleep. I might have snored, better chances I was drooling. I was exhausted.

It was warm enough on this July 8 and I thought it best to mow the lawn. The thing I feared most happened. I fell, more precisely slipped on the grass wall I have to cut. Feet high, butt low is not a safe posture. I managed to hold onto the mower. Otherwise,it,would have rolled down the hill, over the curb and out into Anderson Boulevard.

I,finished the lawn and showered off the sweat and grass clippings. Today is my brother's birthday. He is 57 years old today, his Heinz Year. Local tradition is he try something new 57 times this year. One a week plus five.

I took Daisy the Mutt out to his home to visit with Teddy, her 'cousin'. That's where we were when I was awakened by a concerned sister-in-law. They called the ambulance and I climbed in under my own steam.

Two bags of saline, a blood test, an EKG, and urinalysis later I was honorably discharged. The moon was gorgeous tonight. Full, bright, pale yellow and the size of a Mason jar lid, the moon hung over the eastern sky. I could see it clearly from the cot in the a,balance. I pointed it out to Scott and Chris, the EMTs. I showed it to them because of the aesthetics.

"Oh no!" Moaned Scott "That means trouble for us tonight."

"For real?" I asked "I thought that was urban legend!"

"Nope! Ask anyone in law enforcement or firemen or Emergency room workers and they'll tell you the full moon is trouble!"

I wonder why that is? Are we hard wired into a lunar cycle on some long forgotten strand of DNA? Does the increased gravitational pull do something in our inner ear that makes us take risks or become emotionally frazzled?

The Respiratory technicians ran the EKG. I don't know why, but there they were. Two charming ladies and a very expensive looking machine. They raised my shirt and started putting stickers on my torso and lower legs and wrists.

Years ago I had an EKG done and the technicians (I couldn't say if they were Respiratory technicians or not) had to shave some of my chest hair to apply the sticker. They used a Bic disposable razor, but left me with a rather ample mole. It grew with such gusto that I have used that mole to freak out the children of my friends calling it my 'third nipple'.

One of the technicians tonight said it was on one of her 'spots'. She was amazed when I told her the origin story of my extra nipple.

Anyway, it's all over but the billing so I'll keep you up to date!

Glad you are ok. Drink water often from now on.
Thanks! On the discharge papers I am instructed to not drink alcohol with narcotics. They take the fun out of everything!
So another Saturday comes to a close. Welcome back to Ridgerunner and 007. We've been missing you guys.

And Nosmo King , I know I don't need to give you a stern Mama Fox lecture, but no more of that okay. We've grown really fond of you and would like to keep you around. So happy your little semi-emergency had a happy ending.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

The moon will be full within the next 24 hours. The July full moon is called the "buck moon" because the deer are growing full antlers again and also the thunder moon because of many thunderstorms this time of year.

Will be packing my bags today after church for the trip to Hawaii. Have a check list and have looked it over a couple of times. Mrs. BBD says I should leave the surfboard I worked so hard on yesterday at home and just rent one when I get there if I want to go surfing. Good idea I suppose cause that leaves me the option of a plan I have been thinking about. I'm thinking that when I get ready to come home I might trash all the clothes I'm taking with me and fill my suitcases with fresh pineapples to bring home to hand out to the folks I want to bring a gift from the trip. At any rate I'll have to cut this short and jump into my church clothes least I be late.

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