USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning! :)


That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

I'm still sitting here, drinking my coffee and procrastinating. Lol.
I don't have a sound machine, but I have oodles of soothing sounds (white noise) saved in my collection at youtube. I also have this website to go to and its a turn off the monitor but keep the pc on, and listen to it all night..which is what I do often. :)

SimplyNoise -- The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

And this is my youtube collection:

My alarm clock is the sound of waves crashing on the beach.

I don't usually use an alarm clock but when I did, it would be music. Nothing is worse (to me) than waking up to an annoying buzzing sound. What a terrible way to be woken up!

Unfortunately, when you use the TV as white noise while you sleep, music tends to be incorporated into your dreams. I have to put my annoying sound out of reach, too, so I have to get my feet on the ground to make it go away. By then, well, hell, I'm up anyways...

Yes, I don't trust leaving the TV on as it can too easily go into stuff, not necessarily music, that isn't white noise to me and it does get incorporated into my dreams or it wakes me up. The movies I choose to be white noise don't do that.

I never could sleep with talking or music going on. I find it too distracting. I can sleep with other types of noise just not talking or music. I usually sleep with my fan on because the noise drowns out other noises and actually helps me sleep. If you knew how much electricity your TV eats up, you would hardly ever leave it on. Lol.

I was outside a couple of weeks ago near my electric boxes, and I noticed that mine was spinning SO fast, so I went inside and turned off some things so I could see what it was. Well, when I shut off the TV, it was only spinning 1/4 as fast, even running my dishwasher or my washer or dryer doesn't make it spin that much. I used to leave my TV on during the day sometimes, for background noise or just in case something interesting came on,whatever. Now, I hardly ever have my TV on.

How big is the TV? We only turn on the big screen TV in the great room when we are actually watching. But we do run a smaller screen TV in the bedroom from the time we go to bed until we get up.

I always thought it was the electric oven or large refrigerated air compressor that made the electric meter run at blurring speed.
My alarm clock is the sound of waves crashing on the beach.

I don't usually use an alarm clock but when I did, it would be music. Nothing is worse (to me) than waking up to an annoying buzzing sound. What a terrible way to be woken up!
Unfortunately, when you use the TV as white noise while you sleep, music tends to be incorporated into your dreams. I have to put my annoying sound out of reach, too, so I have to get my feet on the ground to make it go away. By then, well, hell, I'm up anyways...

Yes, I don't trust leaving the TV on as it can too easily go into stuff, not necessarily music, that isn't white noise to me and it does get incorporated into my dreams or it wakes me up. The movies I choose to be white noise don't do that.

I never could sleep with talking or music going on. I find it too distracting. I can sleep with other types of noise just not talking or music. I usually sleep with my fan on because the noise drowns out other noises and actually helps me sleep. If you knew how much electricity your TV eats up, you would hardly ever leave it on. Lol.

I was outside a couple of weeks ago near my electric boxes, and I noticed that mine was spinning SO fast, so I went inside and turned off some things so I could see what it was. Well, when I shut off the TV, it was only spinning 1/4 as fast, even running my dishwasher or my washer or dryer doesn't make it spin that much. I used to leave my TV on during the day sometimes, for background noise or just in case something interesting came on,whatever. Now, I hardly ever have my TV on.

How big is the TV? We only turn on the big screen TV in the great room when we are actually watching. But we do run a smaller screen TV in the bedroom from the time we go to bed until we get up.

I always thought it was the electric oven or large refrigerated air compressor that made the electric meter run at blurring speed.

It's a big TV. I think it's like 45 inches or something? Not really sure but it's big.

That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

Morning, Foxfyre, Montrovant, and everyone else's name I can't process at this moment. lol

I ended up with a 91% on that exam; my first A in that class in 6 weeks.

Of course, last week, I went right back to getting a mid-B on everything.... lol

Who knew Calculus could be so complicated? :laugh2:
I've been up since 0130, first packing, then waiting with the girls at the local AF base for a military "hop" back to Japan. I've had a great week with them, but it was about years too short. So far, they did get seats on a flight originally destined for Yokota (Tokyo) where they would have to hope another hop to Kadena (Okinawa) would be available soon. The passenger service agent had bad news when the girls checked in, the flight to Yokota had been changed to Kadena. Not much of a disappointment there, though. If I don't hear anything for the next 10-12 hours, I am to assume their flight did get airborne and I won't hear from them until they get "home". All-in-all, very fortunate for several reasons: they need to get back and get the girls ready for school start (18 Aug); their critter-sitter got deployed and will be shipping out today; I start work again Wed, so I won't have to worry about how they'll get to the base terminal while I'm at work; and I can use a couple of days to settle down and get a few things done around here.
I miss them...
I will always miss my girls!

That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

Morning, Foxfyre, Montrovant, and everyone else's name I can't process at this moment. lol

I ended up with a 91% on that exam; my first A in that class in 6 weeks.

Of course, last week, I went right back to getting a mid-B on everything.... lol

Who knew Calculus could be so complicated? :laugh2:

Hi Sixfoot. I don't think anybody should hang their head in shame if they barely pass calculus, let alone make B's. :)
I've been up since 0130, first packing, then waiting with the girls at the local AF base for a military "hop" back to Japan. I've had a great week with them, but it was about years too short. So far, they did get seats on a flight originally destined for Yokota (Tokyo) where they would have to hope another hop to Kadena (Okinawa) would be available soon. The passenger service agent had bad news when the girls checked in, the flight to Yokota had been changed to Kadena. Not much of a disappointment there, though. If I don't hear anything for the next 10-12 hours, I am to assume their flight did get airborne and I won't hear from them until they get "home". All-in-all, very fortunate for several reasons: they need to get back and get the girls ready for school start (18 Aug); their critter-sitter got deployed and will be shipping out today; I start work again Wed, so I won't have to worry about how they'll get to the base terminal while I'm at work; and I can use a couple of days to settle down and get a few things done around here.
I miss them...
I will always miss my girls!

That's a long ways GW. I feel deprived being 16+ hours from one kid via land routes but 2 hours or so by air. We are 5-1/2 hours or so driving time from the other. I can't imagine being separated by an ocean but I guess from Anchorage it would be what, maybe 7-8 hours by air to Tokyo that doesn't sound all that bad? Probably the same to Yokota.
I don't usually use an alarm clock but when I did, it would be music. Nothing is worse (to me) than waking up to an annoying buzzing sound. What a terrible way to be woken up!
Unfortunately, when you use the TV as white noise while you sleep, music tends to be incorporated into your dreams. I have to put my annoying sound out of reach, too, so I have to get my feet on the ground to make it go away. By then, well, hell, I'm up anyways...

Yes, I don't trust leaving the TV on as it can too easily go into stuff, not necessarily music, that isn't white noise to me and it does get incorporated into my dreams or it wakes me up. The movies I choose to be white noise don't do that.

I never could sleep with talking or music going on. I find it too distracting. I can sleep with other types of noise just not talking or music. I usually sleep with my fan on because the noise drowns out other noises and actually helps me sleep. If you knew how much electricity your TV eats up, you would hardly ever leave it on. Lol.

I was outside a couple of weeks ago near my electric boxes, and I noticed that mine was spinning SO fast, so I went inside and turned off some things so I could see what it was. Well, when I shut off the TV, it was only spinning 1/4 as fast, even running my dishwasher or my washer or dryer doesn't make it spin that much. I used to leave my TV on during the day sometimes, for background noise or just in case something interesting came on,whatever. Now, I hardly ever have my TV on.

How big is the TV? We only turn on the big screen TV in the great room when we are actually watching. But we do run a smaller screen TV in the bedroom from the time we go to bed until we get up.

I always thought it was the electric oven or large refrigerated air compressor that made the electric meter run at blurring speed.

It's a big TV. I think it's like 45 inches or something? Not really sure but it's big.

Ours is like a 60" but it is a smart TV that are supposed to be very energy efficient. Not that there is always truth in advertising about things like that. :)

That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

Morning, Foxfyre, Montrovant, and everyone else's name I can't process at this moment. lol

I ended up with a 91% on that exam; my first A in that class in 6 weeks.

Of course, last week, I went right back to getting a mid-B on everything.... lol

Who knew Calculus could be so complicated? :laugh2:

Hi Sixfoot. I don't think anybody should hang their head in shame if they barely pass calculus, let alone make B's. :)

Perhaps. But, I am my own biggest critic after all. lol
It turns out that my problem logging into my class site was because of the merger my school went through. I saw that we are using a new email, but I either missed or wasn't informed that we use a new login for the class website. I was given that information in a reply to my email, and I can now get to my classes. :) Of course, the little one is home from school, so I won't be doing any work until later tonight. :p
I've been up since 0130, first packing, then waiting with the girls at the local AF base for a military "hop" back to Japan. I've had a great week with them, but it was about years too short. So far, they did get seats on a flight originally destined for Yokota (Tokyo) where they would have to hope another hop to Kadena (Okinawa) would be available soon. The passenger service agent had bad news when the girls checked in, the flight to Yokota had been changed to Kadena. Not much of a disappointment there, though. If I don't hear anything for the next 10-12 hours, I am to assume their flight did get airborne and I won't hear from them until they get "home". All-in-all, very fortunate for several reasons: they need to get back and get the girls ready for school start (18 Aug); their critter-sitter got deployed and will be shipping out today; I start work again Wed, so I won't have to worry about how they'll get to the base terminal while I'm at work; and I can use a couple of days to settle down and get a few things done around here.
I miss them...
I will always miss my girls!

That's a long ways GW. I feel deprived being 16+ hours from one kid via land routes but 2 hours or so by air. We are 5-1/2 hours or so driving time from the other. I can't imagine being separated by an ocean but I guess from Anchorage it would be what, maybe 7-8 hours by air to Tokyo that doesn't sound all that bad? Probably the same to Yokota.
Yokota is Tokyo. That's not too bad. But Kadena means Okinawa, which is 1500 miles south of Japan. That's another 6 hours past Tokyo! A half a world away might as well be another universe, though. I'm planning on trying the Cat A (standby) option is what I will be considering next summer to get to visit them on Okinawa. The price is right. As retired military, I can fly anywhere in the world I want, provided a seat is available on a military aircraft. On their way over, my daughter and granddaughters got to see some A10 Warthog aircraft refueled in flight! What a trip. And while the temperature leaves something to be desired, they were able to lay down in the cargo strap sling seats to sleep. They also had access to their luggage to retrieve extra blankets because it was strapped to the floor in front of them.
If I don't get over there, I might see the older granddaughter when she blows through on her way to college three years from now.

That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

Morning, Foxfyre, Montrovant, and everyone else's name I can't process at this moment. lol

I ended up with a 91% on that exam; my first A in that class in 6 weeks.

Of course, last week, I went right back to getting a mid-B on everything.... lol

Who knew Calculus could be so complicated? :laugh2:

Hi Sixfoot. I don't think anybody should hang their head in shame if they barely pass calculus, let alone make B's. :)

Perhaps. But, I am my own biggest critic after all. lol

Most of us are our own worst critics. But I've lived quite a bit longer than you I think and trust me, when I say this. The things that really matter, that anybody is going to remember, is how important people are to each other, and how you made them feel. They may admire great achievement and appreciate that excellence is part of who you are--that is unlikely to change--but it won't be what they miss about you or love you for. :)

That was me this morning. I didn't want to get up but our resident mini doxie sort of insisted. But after fortification of a bit of breakfast and several cups of coffee I'm coming around. :)

Morning, Foxfyre, Montrovant, and everyone else's name I can't process at this moment. lol

I ended up with a 91% on that exam; my first A in that class in 6 weeks.

Of course, last week, I went right back to getting a mid-B on everything.... lol

Who knew Calculus could be so complicated? :laugh2:

Hi Sixfoot. I don't think anybody should hang their head in shame if they barely pass calculus, let alone make B's. :)

Perhaps. But, I am my own biggest critic after all. lol

Most of us are our own worst critics. But I've lived quite a bit longer than you I think and trust me, when I say this. The things that really matter, that anybody is going to remember, is how important people are to each other, and how you made them feel. They may admire great achievement and appreciate that excellence is part of who you are--that is unlikely to change--but it won't be what they miss about you or love you for. :)

Sometimes I'm not sure if I can stand how awesome you people are. :beer:

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