USMB Coffee Shop IV

I will try to take a pic of her new visitor that comes every now and then might be coming more often. Starving animals..not on my watch. The kitty next door is so damn skinny. Too skinny. For a week now, she has come to rub against me and meow and purr and a good jaw scratch. Unfortunately, she has not learned manners..nor been fed properly. She gets so excited to be petted, she uses her claws to grab my hand and her teeth if I stop. So, when she does that, I gently push her away and say NO TEEFERS. NO CLAWS. But I have refrained from feeding her cuz...well..once you feed a cat, it winds up yours. And I don't want any more pets. But, I will not allow an animal to be hungry. So..I gave her a can of tuna. She belongs to the meth head neighbors who seem to not care she is so skinny and so desperate for attention. Well, she has a full belly today. She never comes at night, but I will see her again tomorrow. Which means..I have to go to the store and get some cat food since I have no more tuna. :lol:

And no..I am not adopting her. She is not mine. I'll just feed her.

Yeah, I did that once. Only, I had to take the cat in and give him a flea bath because no one else would adopt him like he was. I wasn't keeping him, just taking care of him until I could find him a good home.

I had him for 10 years. :)

Yeah we saw our Coffee Shopper 007 through the loss of his 20-year buddy. Seems like most of us have had to say goodbye or help a beloved fur friend over the rainbow bridge and most are determined not to replace that friend.

But with 007 he described a scraggly little thing crawling out of the weeds, half starved and desperate for somebody. So Bootsie has now been a permanent part of his household for a couple of years or so now. :)

And the Ringels didn't want Gizmo either but didn't turn him away when he showed up at their place.

Sometimes the best fur friends are those that choose us.
Yup, I had sworn to never have another cat after my 20 year old buddy, Buttons, had to be put to sleep. I washed crushed. I still can't look at the pictures of him I took right before the vet showed up, the lump in the throat comes on quick. But when that tiny little black and white fur ball overcame her fear because she was so hungry, that cute little thing standing over on a little RR tie wall in the weeds peaking out, meowing up a storm... "I'M HUNGRY and I smell FOOD," I just couldn't resist. She looked just like the cat I had to give up when I joined the AF, which also broke my heart, so six years on now Bootsie is a big fluffy happy campfire cat with a good home and someone to love her, and she'll never be hungry again.

And who knows? Maybe she is Buttons reincarnated?
I used to have a rat. Called him Snoopy. I would have never allowed myself to fall in love with him if I knew his life span was 3 to 5 years. He died at 3.
California Symbols
  • Animal: Grizzly Bear
  • Bird: Valley Quail
  • Flag of California
  • Flower: Golden Poppy
  • Insect: Dogface Butterfly
  • Motto: "Eureka" (I have found it) "
  • Nicknames: (most used) Golden State
  • Song: "I Love You, California"
  • State Seal
  • Tree: Redwood

Oh yeah, our state tree is the Pinon. I forgot that one.
I forgot our state gemstone.


Benitoite is sometimes called the "blue diamond." First discovered near the headwaters of the San Benito River in 1907 (hence the name), benitoite is a very rare gem that ranges in color from a light transparent blue to dark, sapphire blue, or occasionally a violet shade.

Our state fossil is...of course
I don't know why states designate state birds, or flowers, or any of that type of thing.

Ours is the Brown Thrasher.


We have a state flower - Yucca
We have a state bird - Roadrunner
We have a state aircraft - Hot Air balloon
We have a state amphibian - Spadefoot Toad
We have a state animal - Black Bear
We have a state butterfly - Sandia Hairstreak
We have a state cookie - bischochito
We have a state fish - Cuthroat Trout
We have a state fossil - Coelophysis
We have a state gem - Turquoise
We have two state vegetables - Frijoles (pinto bean) and Chile Pepper.
And a lot of others.

When Gary Johnson was governor he tried to get the legislature to spend more time on important things than nonsense. But after vetoing an official state question twice, he finally game in and signed it so they would quit spending time on it.
Our official state question - Red or Green?

State cookie? And WTF is a bischochito? :lol:

Nobody can claim to be a New Mexican and not know how to make decent biscochitos. Most commonly a Christmas cookie they are sort of a New Mexican snickerdoodle but have a unique texture and flavor.



6 cups flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 pound lard (a must, no substitutes)

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 teaspoons anise seed

2 eggs

1/2 cup sweet table wine

1/4 cup sugar

1 tablespoon cinnamon

Mix flour, baking power, and salt.

Cream the lard with sugar and anise seed.

Beat eggs until light and fluffy and add to creamed mixture.

Knead in the wine and flour mixture to form a stiff dough. Add more win if necessary. (I have used apple juice in lieu of wine.)

Refrigerate dough overnight.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Remove dough from refrigerator and let stand until soft enough to roll out. Divide into quarters and roll out to about 1/8" thickness. Cut out cookies with cookie cutter place on ungreased cookie sheet 12 to 15 minutes until bottom of cookie is golden brown. Drop baked cookies into cinnamon/sugar mixture and set aside to cool. Store in air tight container..
I don't know why states designate state birds, or flowers, or any of that type of thing.

Ours is the Brown Thrasher.


We have a state flower - Yucca
We have a state bird - Roadrunner
We have a state aircraft - Hot Air balloon
We have a state amphibian - Spadefoot Toad
We have a state animal - Black Bear
We have a state butterfly - Sandia Hairstreak
We have a state cookie - bischochito
We have a state fish - Cuthroat Trout
We have a state fossil - Coelophysis
We have a state gem - Turquoise
We have two state vegetables - Frijoles (pinto bean) and Chile Pepper.
And a lot of others.

When Gary Johnson was governor he tried to get the legislature to spend more time on important things than nonsense. But after vetoing an official state question twice, he finally game in and signed it so they would quit spending time on it.
Our official state question - Red or Green?
Not just anyone would understand the question. Just in case anyone is interested, green.
I don't know why states designate state birds, or flowers, or any of that type of thing.

Ours is the Brown Thrasher.


We have a state flower - Yucca
We have a state bird - Roadrunner
We have a state aircraft - Hot Air balloon
We have a state amphibian - Spadefoot Toad
We have a state animal - Black Bear
We have a state butterfly - Sandia Hairstreak
We have a state cookie - bischochito
We have a state fish - Cuthroat Trout
We have a state fossil - Coelophysis
We have a state gem - Turquoise
We have two state vegetables - Frijoles (pinto bean) and Chile Pepper.
And a lot of others.

When Gary Johnson was governor he tried to get the legislature to spend more time on important things than nonsense. But after vetoing an official state question twice, he finally game in and signed it so they would quit spending time on it.
Our official state question - Red or Green?
Not just anyone would understand the question. Just in case anyone is interested, green.

I certainly don't understand it. :p
It is midnight and headed for bed to the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
Hossfly's knee rehab,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, , SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Beauty in the storm
I don't know why states designate state birds, or flowers, or any of that type of thing.

Ours is the Brown Thrasher.


We have a state flower - Yucca
We have a state bird - Roadrunner
We have a state aircraft - Hot Air balloon
We have a state amphibian - Spadefoot Toad
We have a state animal - Black Bear
We have a state butterfly - Sandia Hairstreak
We have a state cookie - bischochito
We have a state fish - Cuthroat Trout
We have a state fossil - Coelophysis
We have a state gem - Turquoise
We have two state vegetables - Frijoles (pinto bean) and Chile Pepper.
And a lot of others.

When Gary Johnson was governor he tried to get the legislature to spend more time on important things than nonsense. But after vetoing an official state question twice, he finally game in and signed it so they would quit spending time on it.
Our official state question - Red or Green?
Not just anyone would understand the question. Just in case anyone is interested, green.

I certainly don't understand it. :p

In Albuquerque when you go out for Mexican food the waiter will always ask if you want red or green chile. Most prefer green but red is available for those who want it. Those who want both just say "Christmas."

New Mexico is the chile capital of maybe the world. There is none better anywhere than our Hatch green chile. The chile roasters are in operation all over town now and the aroma is wonderful.
I don't know why states designate state birds, or flowers, or any of that type of thing.

Ours is the Brown Thrasher.


We have a state flower - Yucca
We have a state bird - Roadrunner
We have a state aircraft - Hot Air balloon
We have a state amphibian - Spadefoot Toad
We have a state animal - Black Bear
We have a state butterfly - Sandia Hairstreak
We have a state cookie - bischochito
We have a state fish - Cuthroat Trout
We have a state fossil - Coelophysis
We have a state gem - Turquoise
We have two state vegetables - Frijoles (pinto bean) and Chile Pepper.
And a lot of others.

When Gary Johnson was governor he tried to get the legislature to spend more time on important things than nonsense. But after vetoing an official state question twice, he finally game in and signed it so they would quit spending time on it.
Our official state question - Red or Green?
Not just anyone would understand the question. Just in case anyone is interested, green.

I certainly don't understand it. :p

In Albuquerque when you go out for Mexican food the waiter will always ask if you want red or green chile. Most prefer green but red is available for those who want it. Those who want both just say "Christmas."

New Mexico is the chile capital of maybe the world. There is none better anywhere than our Hatch green chile. The chile roasters are in operation all over town now and the aroma is wonderful.

Ah.....I wouldn't eat either one. I don't go out for Mexican food (or stay in for Mexican food). :)
Good morning!

I stood outside and watched that silly eclipse for some time but I didn't see anything. It just looked like the sun to me. I looked at it through my cell phone camera. Hope that's okay! Well, I'm not blind today, so I guess it is okay. :eusa_dance:

It seemed to get a little dimmer outside, but we also had a thin veil of cloud cover.
I hurt my poor foot. I must have twisted it or something, but I don't really remember hurting it. It just started hurting. It is now a little bit swollen and I can't put a lot of pressure on it. I don't think it's anything serious though. This foot acts up on me from time to time (although not quite THIS bad) from an old injury. It is really hurting today though! :(
I hurt my poor foot. I must have twisted it or something, but I don't really remember hurting it. It just started hurting. It is now a little bit swollen and I can't put a lot of pressure on it. I don't think it's anything serious though. This foot acts up on me from time to time (although not quite THIS bad) from an old injury. It is really hurting today though! :(

Does RICE work? Rest, ice, compression, elevation.
I hurt my poor foot. I must have twisted it or something, but I don't really remember hurting it. It just started hurting. It is now a little bit swollen and I can't put a lot of pressure on it. I don't think it's anything serious though. This foot acts up on me from time to time (although not quite THIS bad) from an old injury. It is really hurting today though! :(

Does RICE work? Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

A little. Still hurts when I try to walk though, which is aggravating.
I hurt my poor foot. I must have twisted it or something, but I don't really remember hurting it. It just started hurting. It is now a little bit swollen and I can't put a lot of pressure on it. I don't think it's anything serious though. This foot acts up on me from time to time (although not quite THIS bad) from an old injury. It is really hurting today though! :(

Does RICE work? Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

A little. Still hurts when I try to walk though, which is aggravating.

Well, try to stay off it as much as possible. Good luck.
I hurt my poor foot. I must have twisted it or something, but I don't really remember hurting it. It just started hurting. It is now a little bit swollen and I can't put a lot of pressure on it. I don't think it's anything serious though. This foot acts up on me from time to time (although not quite THIS bad) from an old injury. It is really hurting today though! :(

Does RICE work? Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

A little. Still hurts when I try to walk though, which is aggravating.

Well, try to stay off it as much as possible. Good luck.

I have this weekend off and wanted to do some things, so I am hoping it is better by then. I don't think it's anything serious. I just twisted it the wrong way. My foot is very prone to injury because I mangled it when I was younger when I got it stuck in the spokes of a bicycle while on the back of the bike and going at a fast rate of speed. You wouldn't believe how much damage was done. It tore ligaments and tendons in my foot. I also actually had holes in my foot from where the spokes dug in. It was pretty bad. So now occasionally it acts up and if I twist it, it swells up and becomes very painful.

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