USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have a new pet peeve: when people call finding solutions to everyday problems or tasks "hacks".


Boedicca!!! So good to see you! I would list some of my pet peeves but can't easily do so without breaking the Coffee Shop policy of no politics or religious fussing. :)

So fill us in. Your dad? Your brother?
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


So cool. And assuming that's you in your avatar, I know which one is you. :)

That be me. Avatar is from 2012, pic is from yesterday before we left DC
Getting a little bit of a turkey wattle.
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


So cool. And assuming that's you in your avatar, I know which one is you. :)

That be me. Avatar is from 2012, pic is from yesterday before we left DC
Getting a little bit of a turkey wattle.

Still looking good! :)
I have a new pet peeve: when people call finding solutions to everyday problems or tasks "hacks".


Boedicca!!! So good to see you! I would list some of my pet peeves but can't easily do so without breaking the Coffee Shop policy of no politics or religious fussing. :)

So fill us in. Your dad? Your brother?
Hey FF - Good to see you too!

My brother is much much better. Dad is declining. He had another stroke. He does't want to be in the hospital or a nursing facility ever he is on hospice at home now. He's actually doing quite well at home, so we are enjoying a peaceful time with him now.

This entire experience has given me a very jaundiced view of our health care system and Medicare. If various members of our family hadn't been able to frequently visit Dad at the hospital and nursing home, I think he would be dead of neglect. Seriously. It's quite shocking how nobody is responsible for patient care in a hands on practical sense. They mostly spend their time looking at computer screens. One of my sisters found Dad dehydrated and passed out from low blood sugar one day while the nurses ignored him. He's not a diabetic, but was on a drip due to swallowing issues. They were not giving him enough liquid and nutrition. Now I understand how the all those old people in England died from thirst and starvation while in the hospital. I suspect it's happening here quite a bit.
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Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


According to the late spiritualist medium, Ursula Roberts, Gemini is an air sign in the first degree.
The life lesson of a Gemini is Unity. Like the wind the Geminians are often restless, not knowing what to look for in life. They will seek for unity with friends and partners but may have difficulty achieving success. and seek for something better. Their best bet is to form a relationship with an earth sign to stabilize them, or a fire sign to warm them.
Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


According to the late spiritualist medium, Ursula Roberts, Gemini is an air sign in the first degree.
The life lesson of a Gemini is Unity. Like the wind the Geminians are often restless, not knowing what to look for in life. They will seek for unity with friends and partners but may have difficulty achieving success. and seek for something better. Their best bet is to form a relationship with an earth sign to stabilize them, or a fire sigh to warm them.
Soooooo, you're sayin' I'm flighty...........

Yup, that's about right....... :lol:
Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


According to the late spiritualist medium, Ursula Roberts, Gemini is an air sign in the first degree.
The life lesson of a Gemini is Unity. Like the wind the Geminians are often restless, not knowing what to look for in life. They will seek for unity with friends and partners but may have difficulty achieving success. and seek for something better. Their best bet is to form a relationship with an earth sign to stabilize them, or a fire sigh to warm them.
Soooooo, you're sayin' I'm flighty...........

Yup, that's about right....... :lol:
I have a new pet peeve: when people call finding solutions to everyday problems or tasks "hacks".


Boedicca!!! So good to see you! I would list some of my pet peeves but can't easily do so without breaking the Coffee Shop policy of no politics or religious fussing. :)

So fill us in. Your dad? Your brother?
Hey FF - Good to see you too!

My brother is much much better. Dad is declining. He had another stroke. He does't want to be in the hospital or a nursing facility ever he is on hospice at home now. He's actually doing quite well at home, so we are enjoying a peaceful time with him now.

This entire experience has given me a very jaundiced view of our health care system and Medicare. If various member of our family hadn't been able to frequently visit Dad at the hospital and nursing home, I think he would be dead of neglect. Seriously. It's quite shocking how nobody is responsible for patient care in a hands on practical sense. They mostly spend their time looking at computer screens. One of my sisters found Dad dehydrated and passed out from low blood sugar one day while the nurses ignored him. He's not a diabetic, but was on a drip due to swallowing issues. They were not giving him enough liquid and nutrition. Now I understand how the all those old people in England died from thirst and starvation while in the hospital. I suspect it's happening here quite a bit.

I tend to agree though there are good hospitals and providers, there are also some that are in my opinion criminally negligent. I could give you a long laundry list of complaints but again better to deal with it on another thread than in the coffee shop because it would require getting more political than we should here. I might start a thread though. . .I'll think about it.

Suffice it to say that, unless they are physically and mentally able to pay attention to what is going on in which case they can lodge their own complaints, people in hospitals and nursing homes who get regular visitors are far more likely to get more competent care than those who do not. For that reason, years ago our church adopted a nearby nursing home where we provide a morning worship in their chapel every Sunday morning and also members volunteer to be assigned to check in on a patient who doesn't get a lot of or any visitors. It has made a profound difference in quality of life for many.

Good news re your brother and does he need to remain on the list for awhile? We'll keep your dad there for sure.

I got a call this morning, I was selected to work at the local post office. A drug test and some paperwork, then off to training in Detroit. No UPS elf for me this year. :(

Huge relief that the job search is done and I can concentrate on leaning a new job, getting ready for the holidays and normal life.

I got a call this morning, I was selected to work at the local post office. A drug test and some paperwork, then off to training in Detroit. No UPS elf for me this year. :(

Huge relief that the job search is done and I can concentrate on leaning a new job, getting ready for the holidays and normal life.

Woo hoo Save! And this is the one close to home?
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Sunrise over a Michigan autumn

I got a call this morning, I was selected to work at the local post office. A drug test and some paperwork, then off to training in Detroit. No UPS elf for me this year. :(

Huge relief that the job search is done and I can concentrate on leaning a new job, getting ready for the holidays and normal life.

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