USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, what the book say about the INTJ:

INTJ's are the most self confident of all types having "self power" awareness. Like the INFJ, the iNTJ is about 1% of the general population. Lives in an introspective reality focusing on possibilities, using thinking in the form of empirical logic and preferring that events and people serve some positive use. Decisions come naturally to INTJ's; once a decision is made, INTJs are at rest. INTJs look to the future rather than the past, and word which captures the essence of INTJs is builder--a builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models.

(paraphased) --impressed by ability much more than by credentials, rank, title, etc. --unlikely to succumb to slogans, watchwords and such. --An idea or suggestion has to make sense in order to be adopted. --follows useful rules because they are practical rather than out of duty. --what exists is not how it must be to the INTJ who will utilize the present reality when prudent or reject it in favor of possibilities that make more sense.--natural brainstormers open to new concepts, ideas, what may be possible.

Much more to be said in the book though but that hits the highlights. So what do you think? Is this you?

Interesting working theory, you think it applies to cats?
I went to the grocery store this morning and half way with my shopping I had to use the bathroom.
So I'm standing there with my grocery basket waiting for the lady in there to come out.
I step in and turn around and here is this 6 ft. tall wanna-be Paris Hilton look alike glaring down at me, with a look on her face of utter disgust with a how dare I step in front of her look.

I'm ready to use the door on her face if she tried ,look on my face. :)
She sees that I'm serious.
Then she abruptly turned on the balls of her feet and she mumbles well.
Then walks back to her friend and continues the conversation talking to her friend and says, we don't celebrate thanksgiving it's too religious and racist.

I went to the grocery store this morning and half way with my shopping I had to use the bathroom.
So I'm standing there with my grocery basket waiting for the lady in there to come out.
I step in and turn around and here is this 6 ft. tall wanna-be Paris Hilton look alike glaring down at me, with a look on her face of utter disgust with a how dare I step in front of her look.

I'm ready to use the door on her face if she tried ,look on my face. :)
She sees that I'm serious.
Then she abruptly turned on the balls of her feet and she mumbles well.
Then walks back to her friend and continues the conversation talking to her friend and says, we don't celebrate thanksgiving it's too religious and racist.


Ah well. We celebrate Thanksgiving because we are thankful for how far we have come from where started and for all that we have. Of course the part where I get to show off my culinary skills and we get to enjoy the most decadent meal of the year is sort of in there too. :)
I went to the grocery store this morning and half way with my shopping I had to use the bathroom.
So I'm standing there with my grocery basket waiting for the lady in there to come out.
I step in and turn around and here is this 6 ft. tall wanna-be Paris Hilton look alike glaring down at me, with a look on her face of utter disgust with a how dare I step in front of her look.

I'm ready to use the door on her face if she tried ,look on my face. :)
She sees that I'm serious.
Then she abruptly turned on the balls of her feet and she mumbles well.
Then walks back to her friend and continues the conversation talking to her friend and says, we don't celebrate thanksgiving it's too religious and racist.


Ah well. We celebrate Thanksgiving because we are thankful for how far we have come from where started and for all that we have. Of course the part where I get to show off my culinary skills and we get to enjoy the most decadent meal of the year is sort of in there too. :)

I have never met such a rude self absorbed person like that in my life.

Because she was so much bigger than me she actually thought that she could just push me out of way without standing in line is almost beyond my comprehension
I went to the grocery store this morning and half way with my shopping I had to use the bathroom.
So I'm standing there with my grocery basket waiting for the lady in there to come out.
I step in and turn around and here is this 6 ft. tall wanna-be Paris Hilton look alike glaring down at me, with a look on her face of utter disgust with a how dare I step in front of her look.

I'm ready to use the door on her face if she tried ,look on my face. :)
She sees that I'm serious.
Then she abruptly turned on the balls of her feet and she mumbles well.
Then walks back to her friend and continues the conversation talking to her friend and says, we don't celebrate thanksgiving it's too religious and racist.


Ah well. We celebrate Thanksgiving because we are thankful for how far we have come from where started and for all that we have. Of course the part where I get to show off my culinary skills and we get to enjoy the most decadent meal of the year is sort of in there too. :)

I have never met such a rude self absorbed person like that in my life.

Because she was so much bigger than me she actually thought that she could just push me out of way without standing in line is almost beyond my comprehension

As I used to tell my kids when they dealt with really rude people, just be glad you aren't her. :)

Not that I put much stock into it.

You are the same as Peach. See post #51077. I prefer a different test but it seems to be hitting it fairly close. Understanding our temperament type is just a way to understand why we are the way we are in at last some respects and understand why others are the way they are in some respects. It does not tell us whether we are good or bad, successful or unsuccessful--no value judgments of that sort at all.
Meh. I took the test cuz I'm bored. Today I am whatever it said I was. Tomorrow, I might be ABCD. Day after, EFGH. Later that night, IJKL.
Personalities depends on day to day situations that affect those personalities. I don't like being crammed in a box. When I go to bed, I think I will be MNOP.
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

And it is still mid autumn for all of us except our Aussie friends who are enjoying mid spring.
I went to the grocery store this morning and half way with my shopping I had to use the bathroom.
So I'm standing there with my grocery basket waiting for the lady in there to come out.
I step in and turn around and here is this 6 ft. tall wanna-be Paris Hilton look alike glaring down at me, with a look on her face of utter disgust with a how dare I step in front of her look.

I'm ready to use the door on her face if she tried ,look on my face. :)
She sees that I'm serious.
Then she abruptly turned on the balls of her feet and she mumbles well.
Then walks back to her friend and continues the conversation talking to her friend and says, we don't celebrate thanksgiving it's too religious and racist.


Ah well. We celebrate Thanksgiving because we are thankful for how far we have come from where started and for all that we have. Of course the part where I get to show off my culinary skills and we get to enjoy the most decadent meal of the year is sort of in there too. :)

I have never met such a rude self absorbed person like that in my life.

Because she was so much bigger than me she actually thought that she could just push me out of way without standing in line is almost beyond my comprehension
Good for you for standing up to her, Peach. I have perfected the "cop stare" for such occasions. It has served me well. LOL

This year at Thanksgiving we have plenty of people who don't believe in being thankful to pray for...:smile:
I have never met such a rude self absorbed person like that in my life.

Because she was so much bigger than me she actually thought that she could just push me out of way without standing in line is almost beyond my comprehension

We had to go to the MIL's hospital yesterday to discuss her condition with the doctor. After the family went to Bob Evans for dinner. I was ready to pay my bill at the counter when I realized a foreign looking gentleman and his son were off to the side. In reality, they thought they were at the counter and waiting to pay too. Since they were there before me I asked them to go first. He seemed totally surprised and was very appreciative. Not sure what the people behind me thought, but fair is fair.
Took the test in your link and came out ENTP. A P I am absolutely not--I am a strong J--but will take it again in a week or two when today's events that are a big strange and uncertain aren't affecting me.

My only problem with the test at your link is it encourages too much soul searching for each question giving too many options for too many factors. The Kiersey Bates test for instance calls for your most immediate response to the options apart from anything specific and I think might produce a more accurate result. I tell people not to think about it. Just check the response they think really is more them and if they don't know, pick the WORD they like the best.

I took it also. Answered the questions with rapid-fire responses...going pretty much with initial reactions. Came out ENFJ - with the E not far removed from an I. The descriptions were not dead on in all ways, by my perception anyway, but the career options were.

I haven't been communicating with you as long as I have Montro, Seagal, but here's what the book says about ENFJ shared by 1/2 of me:

ENFJs are outstanding leaders of groups, both task groups and growth groups. They have the charming characteristic of seeming to take for granted that they will be followed, never doubting that people will want to do what they suggest. (Boy are we wrong at times in that though. :) ). . .ENFJs place a high value on cooperation from others and are most willing to cooperate themselves.

(paraphrase) They are about 5% of the general population. They place people as being of high importance and priotity - feel responsible for the feelings of others - communicate caring, concern, and willingness to become involved to the point it can become overwhelming to both the ENFJ and the recipient of the concern. :)
If necessary or advisable not to get involved, the ENFJ often feels guilty about it.

Only 1% of the population are INFJ - shares some traits with the ENFJ but may have greater empathy, and a vision of human events past, present, and future. Good students, achievers, rich inner life but sometimes hard to get to know.

So what do you think? Is that you?

That's what I got when I just took it.
I'm a INFJ.
Hmm says I'm 47% introvert.
People do say I'm hard to get to know.:)

The point is that all the temperament types have their own traits or special gifts/intelligence that serve them well if they understand them and allow them to just be. We might wish we were more like somebody else but be assured there are others who wish they were more like us

The whole idea is to a) understand we are okay as we were created and even gifted being who we are but that all temperament types have their strengths and weaknesses. So when we know we are likely weak in some trait, the best option when picking our team is to look for somebody who is strong in that trait.

Two people of the same temperament type may be totally different individuals with different interests and different aptitude or abilities and different personalities. The only thing they may share is how they process information and are more likely to approach an assignment or solve problems,

Originally I always got INFP, but more recently INFJ

As INFJ is one of the two most rare temperament types, it is unusual to have so many in such a small group, but maybe the type is attracted more to mediums such as this? And unless you have always hovered between the P and J it is unusual for the temperament type to change. But for INFJ check post #15077.

What the book says about INFP:

INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world and are seen as reticent and even shy/ Although they demonstrate a cool reserve toward others, inside they are anything but distant. They have a capacity for caring which is not always found in other types. They care deeply--indeed passionately--about a few special persons or a cause. One word that captures this type is idealistic--at times this characteristic leaves them feeling isolated, especially since INFPs are found in only 1 percent of the general population.

(paraphrased) -- profound sense of humor derived from internal values
--the INFP is the Price or Princess of mythology. the King's champion, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Castle willing to make sacrifices for someone or something they believe in--
--seek unity of mind, body, environment
--value process over the purely logical and are not frustrated or opposed to a more fluid process or method to replace the standard one--
--respond to the beautiful versus the ugly, good versus evil, etc.

Much much more in the book. . . .​
I took it also. Answered the questions with rapid-fire responses...going pretty much with initial reactions. Came out ENFJ - with the E not far removed from an I. The descriptions were not dead on in all ways, by my perception anyway, but the career options were.

I haven't been communicating with you as long as I have Montro, Seagal, but here's what the book says about ENFJ shared by 1/2 of me:

ENFJs are outstanding leaders of groups, both task groups and growth groups. They have the charming characteristic of seeming to take for granted that they will be followed, never doubting that people will want to do what they suggest. (Boy are we wrong at times in that though. :) ). . .ENFJs place a high value on cooperation from others and are most willing to cooperate themselves.

(paraphrase) They are about 5% of the general population. They place people as being of high importance and priotity - feel responsible for the feelings of others - communicate caring, concern, and willingness to become involved to the point it can become overwhelming to both the ENFJ and the recipient of the concern. :)
If necessary or advisable not to get involved, the ENFJ often feels guilty about it.

Only 1% of the population are INFJ - shares some traits with the ENFJ but may have greater empathy, and a vision of human events past, present, and future. Good students, achievers, rich inner life but sometimes hard to get to know.

So what do you think? Is that you?

That's what I got when I just took it.
I'm a INFJ.
Hmm says I'm 47% introvert.
People do say I'm hard to get to know.:)

The point is that all the temperament types have their own traits or special gifts/intelligence that serve them well if they understand them and allow them to just be. We might wish we were more like somebody else but be assured there are others who wish they were more like us

The whole idea is to a) understand we are okay as we were created and even gifted being who we are but that all temperament types have their strengths and weaknesses. So when we know we are likely weak in some trait, the best option when picking our team is to look for somebody who is strong in that trait.

Two people of the same temperament type may be totally different individuals with different interests and different aptitude or abilities and different personalities. The only thing they may share is how they process information and are more likely to approach an assignment or solve problems,

Originally I always got INFP, but more recently INFJ

As INFJ is one of the two most rare temperament types, it is unusual to have so many in such a small group, but maybe the type is attracted more to mediums such as this? And unless you have always hovered between the P and J it is unusual for the temperament type to change. But for INFJ check post #15077.

What the book says about INFP:

INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world and are seen as reticent and even shy/ Although they demonstrate a cool reserve toward others, inside they are anything but distant. They have a capacity for caring which is not always found in other types. They care deeply--indeed passionately--about a few special persons or a cause. One word that captures this type is idealistic--at times this characteristic leaves them feeling isolated, especially since INFPs are found in only 1 percent of the general population.

(paraphrased) -- profound sense of humor derived from internal values
--the INFP is the Price or Princess of mythology. the King's champion, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Castle willing to make sacrifices for someone or something they believe in--
--seek unity of mind, body, environment
--value process over the purely logical and are not frustrated or opposed to a more fluid process or method to replace the standard one--
--respond to the beautiful versus the ugly, good versus evil, etc.

Much much more in the book. . . .​

I am more like na INFP than an INFJ based on that narrative.
After the acknowledgement of our Veterans on Armistice Day I was reminded of a new tradition that I started last year. I made a contribution in my FIL's name as he was stationed at Wheeler Airfield on Oahu Dec 7th, 1941. While he is not buried at Punchbowl National Cemetery, a wreath will be placed on the resting place of a fellow Vet. If I remember correctly I provided a link last year for anyone who is interested in remembering our Brothers and Sisters who have passed on.

" A person dies twice: once when they take their final breath, and later, the last time their name is spoken. "

I believe donations and contributions are received up until the 16th of December.


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There was a "homeless awareness day" in my town the other day, and I went by the field where they were camping out for the night. Yes, it was a frigid freezing night, a night where nobody would want to be homeless. I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to be a homeless person around here in the winter. I always wonder why they wouldn't hitchhike down south where at least you wouldn't die due to exposure to the cold weather. Anyways, I was thinking how phony is this little "homeless sit in?" These people had a big fire going and were wrapped up in warm blankets and had food, some luxuries the homeless do not have. I feel sorry for them when I think of them or anyone being stuck out in the cold with nowhere to go, but at the same time it seems as if throwing more money in their direction is not the answer to this problem. It seems to be perhaps more of a drug and/or mental health issue.
I am very thankful for everything I have. I may not be rich but I have a warm home to go into when it's cold and plenty of food and luxuries that many others do not have in this world. I am also grateful to have been lucky enough to have been born here in America. Being born here in the great United States gives you huge advantages and opportunities that people in other countries do not have.
After the acknowledgement of our Veterans on Armistice Day I was reminded of a new tradition that I started last year. I made a contribution in my FIL's name as he was stationed at Wheeler Airfield on Oahu Dec 7th, 1941. While he is not interned at Punchbowl National Cemetery, a wreath will be placed on the resting place of a fellow Vet. If I remember correctly I provided a link last year for anyone who is interested in remembering our Brothers and Sisters who have passed on.

" A person dies twice: once when they take their final breath, and later, the last time their name is spoken. "

I believe donations and contributions are received up until the 16th of December.



That is a wonderful idea!!

Volunteers of America has a program to provide homeless vets with housing. They incorporate a reintegration program along with housing. Counseling, employment opportunities, etc. in cooperation with the VA. In my area, they purchased an old hotel, refurbished it, gathered furniture donations then asked for volunteers to set the rooms up. We did two suites as a family project and looking up the website to share the link here - found that one of our rooms is featured.

The walled pool and courtyard area...

Most of the furniture was donated - we refinished it and bought a few new things. A friend of mine did the painting over the fireplace. Took a good 6 weeks to get it all together. Some of the rooms were taken on by churches or businesses - but most were done by members of the community.

This is a two person suite - there were a few with individual bedrooms and a shared bathroom.

VOA is a great organization for helping veterans. The Salvation Army also has housing for homeless vets. Both organizations are worthwhile and can use support.

Health, housing, and career services for Veterans | Volunteers of America
After the acknowledgement of our Veterans on Armistice Day I was reminded of a new tradition that I started last year. I made a contribution in my FIL's name as he was stationed at Wheeler Airfield on Oahu Dec 7th, 1941. While he is not interned at Punchbowl National Cemetery, a wreath will be placed on the resting place of a fellow Vet. If I remember correctly I provided a link last year for anyone who is interested in remembering our Brothers and Sisters who have passed on.

" A person dies twice: once when they take their final breath, and later, the last time their name is spoken. "

I believe donations and contributions are received up until the 16th of December.



That is a wonderful idea!!

Volunteers of America has a program to provide homeless vets with housing. They incorporate a reintegration program along with housing. Counseling, employment opportunities, etc. in cooperation with the VA. In my area, they purchased an old hotel, refurbished it, gathered furniture donations then asked for volunteers to set the rooms up. We did two suites as a family project and looking up the website to share the link here - found that one of our rooms is featured.

The walled pool and courtyard area...

Most of the furniture was donated - we refinished it and bought a few new things. A friend of mine did the painting over the fireplace. Took a good 6 weeks to get it all together. Some of the rooms were taken on by churches or businesses - but most were done by members of the community.

This is a two person suite - there were a few with individual bedrooms and a shared bathroom.

VOA is a great organization for helping veterans. The Salvation Army also has housing for homeless vets. Both organizations are worthwhile and can use support.

Health, housing, and career services for Veterans | Volunteers of America


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