USMB Coffee Shop IV

Got a nice surprise when Mrs. Liberty came back from seeing her mom. Apparently she does want to get better and a nursing home placement has begun. Between the interview call and that our day took a very nice 180.
That is wonderful, saveliberty. I, too, had wonderful news today. I feel reborn. :)

But you are going to keep us guessing, yes? :) Just teasing. Wonderful news is wonderful news no matter what it is.

By the way, we are similar temperament types.

I am 1/2 ENTJ and 1/2 ENFJ :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)
Hi, Biker, how are you doing? :)

Hello Comrade Johnson. You are a friend of Sbiker? We have become quite fond of him here and you are welcome as well. The more the merrier. Please read over the opening post to the thread to get the gist of what we are all about here and join right in.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so here is yours:


If he's a native Moscow citizen, he may hate me, 'cos I'm migrant, came for temporary work, lol :)
Last edited:
I haven't been communicating with you as long as I have Montro, Seagal, but here's what the book says about ENFJ shared by 1/2 of me:

ENFJs are outstanding leaders of groups, both task groups and growth groups. They have the charming characteristic of seeming to take for granted that they will be followed, never doubting that people will want to do what they suggest. (Boy are we wrong at times in that though. :) ). . .ENFJs place a high value on cooperation from others and are most willing to cooperate themselves.

(paraphrase) They are about 5% of the general population. They place people as being of high importance and priotity - feel responsible for the feelings of others - communicate caring, concern, and willingness to become involved to the point it can become overwhelming to both the ENFJ and the recipient of the concern. :)
If necessary or advisable not to get involved, the ENFJ often feels guilty about it.

Only 1% of the population are INFJ - shares some traits with the ENFJ but may have greater empathy, and a vision of human events past, present, and future. Good students, achievers, rich inner life but sometimes hard to get to know.

So what do you think? Is that you?

That's what I got when I just took it.
I'm a INFJ.
Hmm says I'm 47% introvert.
People do say I'm hard to get to know.:)

The point is that all the temperament types have their own traits or special gifts/intelligence that serve them well if they understand them and allow them to just be. We might wish we were more like somebody else but be assured there are others who wish they were more like us

The whole idea is to a) understand we are okay as we were created and even gifted being who we are but that all temperament types have their strengths and weaknesses. So when we know we are likely weak in some trait, the best option when picking our team is to look for somebody who is strong in that trait.

Two people of the same temperament type may be totally different individuals with different interests and different aptitude or abilities and different personalities. The only thing they may share is how they process information and are more likely to approach an assignment or solve problems,

Originally I always got INFP, but more recently INFJ

As INFJ is one of the two most rare temperament types, it is unusual to have so many in such a small group, but maybe the type is attracted more to mediums such as this? And unless you have always hovered between the P and J it is unusual for the temperament type to change. But for INFJ check post #15077.

What the book says about INFP:

INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world and are seen as reticent and even shy/ Although they demonstrate a cool reserve toward others, inside they are anything but distant. They have a capacity for caring which is not always found in other types. They care deeply--indeed passionately--about a few special persons or a cause. One word that captures this type is idealistic--at times this characteristic leaves them feeling isolated, especially since INFPs are found in only 1 percent of the general population.

(paraphrased) -- profound sense of humor derived from internal values
--the INFP is the Price or Princess of mythology. the King's champion, Defender of the Faith, Guardian of the Castle willing to make sacrifices for someone or something they believe in--
--seek unity of mind, body, environment
--value process over the purely logical and are not frustrated or opposed to a more fluid process or method to replace the standard one--
--respond to the beautiful versus the ugly, good versus evil, etc.

Much much more in the book. . . .​

I am more like na INFP than an INFJ based on that narrative.

Intuitivists are a people, have a strange views, as it seems for me :) Do you know about two "gold pairs" for business - NT+SP and NF+SJ? Maybe someone NT here could start joint business with me, heh? :))))
There was a "homeless awareness day" in my town the other day, and I went by the field where they were camping out for the night. Yes, it was a frigid freezing night, a night where nobody would want to be homeless. I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to be a homeless person around here in the winter. I always wonder why they wouldn't hitchhike down south where at least you wouldn't die due to exposure to the cold weather. Anyways, I was thinking how phony is this little "homeless sit in?" These people had a big fire going and were wrapped up in warm blankets and had food, some luxuries the homeless do not have. I feel sorry for them when I think of them or anyone being stuck out in the cold with nowhere to go, but at the same time it seems as if throwing more money in their direction is not the answer to this problem. It seems to be perhaps more of a drug and/or mental health issue.

I think a lot of social problems is a result of problems in families. Offcourse business and society are changing a kind of family life, but we need to make it carefully. Family traditions and religion are the things, proved by generations, way to change them too fast could break all our society and, maybe, all mankind...
Got a nice surprise when Mrs. Liberty came back from seeing her mom. Apparently she does want to get better and a nursing home placement has begun. Between the interview call and that our day took a very nice 180.
That is wonderful, saveliberty. I, too, had wonderful news today. I feel reborn. :)

But you are going to keep us guessing, yes? :) Just teasing. Wonderful news is wonderful news no matter what it is.

By the way, we are similar temperament types.

I am 1/2 ENTJ and 1/2 ENFJ :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)
I didn't take the test. I've taken them before. I am an ENTJ or an ENTF, something like that. I don't really put much value into these tests because it all depends on your mood too. I've heard truly introverted people really do feel drained after having to socialize for a long time, that they don't really enjoy socializing, it is straining for them. I think everyone feels like that to a certain degree. It all depends on who you are with and how well do you know the people too. I'm sure even the most introverted people don't feel that way with their own families and people they are close to. Hosting a party at your house or something of course can be exhausting. I'm sometimes an introvert in that I would just rather stay home and relax. I'm not really into big parties or crowds either. I like smallish gatherings with family and friends that I know well.
That is wonderful, saveliberty. I, too, had wonderful news today. I feel reborn. :)

But you are going to keep us guessing, yes? :) Just teasing. Wonderful news is wonderful news no matter what it is.

By the way, we are similar temperament types.

I am 1/2 ENTJ and 1/2 ENFJ :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "
But you are going to keep us guessing, yes? :) Just teasing. Wonderful news is wonderful news no matter what it is.

By the way, we are similar temperament types.

I am 1/2 ENTJ and 1/2 ENFJ :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "

Hey, that's not very nice! Extrovert doesn't mean that you talk too much. It just means that you have an outgoing personality, fun loving and you like excitement and stuff.
I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "

Hey, that's not very nice! Extrovert doesn't mean that you talk too much. It just means that you have an outgoing personality, fun loving and you like excitement and stuff.

I know, you're right... I think, in reality it means only one. Extravert take the energy from interactions and spend it for the single work. Intravert spend energy, when he talking with others, and have a rest, being single...
I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

What? :) OK, I'll answer similar:

L for love
I for Intelligence
B for the Best characters
R for the Right side
A for the Adventures unlimited !! :)
I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

What? :) OK, I'll answer similar:

L for love
I for Intelligence
B for the Best characters
R for the Right side
A for the Adventures unlimited !! :)

Click on the link I posted above, and you can post your whole horoscope. :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "

Hey, that's not very nice! Extrovert doesn't mean that you talk too much. It just means that you have an outgoing personality, fun loving and you like excitement and stuff.

Well while I would agree that the extravert is not necessarily an excessive talker--I certainly am not--the introvert can also have an outgoing personality, be fun loving, enjoy excitement and stuff. Hombre for instance is a strong introvert, loves to give presentations, be in front of a group, and he is a good group leader, scout master, etc.

But as an introvert with a strong J in his temperament, once he has something decided in his mind, he is uncomfortable and often resistant if something warrants, offers, or demands something different. As an extravert who also has a strong J in her temperament, I want the plan made and move forward, but it is much less uncomfortable or difficult for me to change plans in mid stream. Hombre can make the change, but it will take him longer to be intellectually and emotionally comfortable with it.
But you are going to keep us guessing, yes? :) Just teasing. Wonderful news is wonderful news no matter what it is.

By the way, we are similar temperament types.

I am 1/2 ENTJ and 1/2 ENFJ :)
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "

All good observations in many situations but I still would prefer my software not be developed on a single impulse. :)

I do disagree that all us extraverts run off at the mouth though. Hombre, my hubby and a strong introvert, is much more likely to go for the phone immediately and I am much more likely to hesitate hoping he will answer--unless I am expecting a call. And he is much more talkative in a casual group situation than I am and works well as a member of a group and is comfortable with the designated format, rules, instructions where I often am not so much. When possible, I only follow rules that make sense to me and I want my assignment and then be left alone to complete it or be the one to assign the responsibilities. :)

Your managers are shortsighted I think to value you less because you are introverted. You are the one more likely to recognize that a decision has been made too hastily. You might be annoying in a group of extraverts but I suspect you would provide a valuable strength that could otherwise be lacking.
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I have a new pet peeve: when people call finding solutions to everyday problems or tasks "hacks".

Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.

Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


So cool. And assuming that's you in your avatar, I know which one is you. :)

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