USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by


You guys! You are supposed to post your horoscope, like this . . .

Do you think that accurately describes your personality?

The Taurus Personality
Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free. Bulls get the reputation of being stubborn, but they’re not always stuck in their ways. This searching sign is willing to see another point of view, but they won’t flip-flop on an opinion just to make someone else happy. They will shift their thinking only if they truly have a change of heart.

With a rep as one of the hardest-working signs in the Zodiac, a Bull is never afraid to roll up those sleeves and get to work, and won’t blink an eye at pulling an all-nighter to get the job done. But it’s not all work for Taurus. Anchored by the earth, this passionate sign is all about sensuality, and is always seeking out pleasure. Whether they're indulging in luxurious massages, spending hours in bed with their lover, or going on a long run, Taureans love feeling present in their body and frequently need to get in touch with their physical self.

When it comes to love, Taureans are all about honesty, which is why a first date with a Bull may resemble a job interview. They’re not being rude—they're built for partnerships and are simply trying to see if you’re a good fit at the start. And once you begin dating a Taurus, forget about white lies. A Taurus would much rather hear that an outfit is unflattering than endure hollow compliments. Taurus will hold a grudge against someone who lies, even if it's a lie just to make them feel happy. In bed, Taurus is a giving lover—as long as their partner steps it up and makes sure to give as well as receive pleasure! Detail-oriented Taurus may seem nitpicky (even in the bedroom, a mid-romp critique may not be unusual), but that’s not because they want to offend. They simply demand the best, and they expect the people in their life to deliver.

While Taurus has an intense internal drive, they sometimes have trouble respecting authority, especially if asked to do something they think is pointless or should be done differently. Learning to be flexible and go with the flow can be an advantage to Taurus. And while Taureans have a rich internal life, they value external attributes and may overlook someone who doesn’t have the perfect outfit, car, or resume. Learning the benefits of getting to know someone before writing them off can be a lifelong lesson to a Taurean, especially in love, where they might be too hasty to write off a perfect match.

Taurus is amazing! Their name says it all:
T for trailblazing
A for ambitious
U for unwavering
R for reliable
U for understanding
S for stable
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


So cool. And assuming that's you in your avatar, I know which one is you. :)

That be me. Avatar is from 2012, pic is from yesterday before we left DC
Getting a little bit of a turkey wattle.

Awesome. I hope you had a good time with your friends. :) Must be quite emotional meeting.
Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


Well you're on my 'match list' today as I am a Virgo. Weird though. I just checked my horoscope on Chris's link and it said, among other things, that I may receive a welcome delivery today. I just got one of stuff I wasn't expecting until next week. :)


The Virgo Personality
Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Virgo gets the job done without complaining. Virgos are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand—and also lend advice. Practical Virgos are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they’re going to do today isn’t a drag—it makes them feel in control and secure.

Virgo has a rich inner life, and can sometimes seem shy at first meeting. A Virgo won’t spill secrets right away, and it’s important to earn a Virgo's trust. But once you do, that Virgin will be a friend for life. And if you think that you're dating a shy Virgo, trust that those walls will fall down in the bedroom. One of the most passionate signs, Virgos specialize at connecting to their physicality, and this earth sign loves and celebrates physical connection with their partner.

Virgos expect perfection from themselves, and they may project those high standards on the other people in their life. A Virgo hates when someone lets him or her down, even if it’s minor and unavoidable, like a last-minute cancellation. Virgins never want to disappoint the people in their lives, so they may spread themselves too thin put themselves last.

Virgos love and are inspired by beauty. They consider what they wear and how they decorate their house to be an extension of their personality. They thrive when everything in their life looks Pinterest-perfect, and although their friends make fun of their penchant for organizing, it truly is the anchor that makes Virgo's life run smoothly.

Intelligent and a lifelong learner, Virgo loves trying new things, reading books, and learning about the world. They'll happily sign up for an adult-education course, and they consider an afternoon in bed with a book pretty much ideal. A Virgo prefers an evening with good friends to a huge party, and values downtime just as much as socializing. This sign doesn't need to fill their calendar to be content.

Virgos are amazing! Their name says it all:
V for virtuous
I for intelligent
R for responsible
G for generous
O for optimistic
Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


I don't know . . . could be trouble! :D

The Gemini Personality
Smart, passionate, and dynamic, Gemini is characterized by the Twins, Castor and Pollux, and is known for having two different sides they can display to the world. Expert communicators, Gemini is the chameleon of the Zodiac, adept at blending into different groups based on the vibe and energy they perceive. While they're also amazing at showcasing surface traits, the Gemini well runs deep, which is why the Twins are one of the Zodiac's most emotionally intelligent signs.

Energetic and quick-witted, Gemini never gets stuck in the past and doesn’t ruminate on what might have been. Instead, they move forward with glass-half-full optimism and an ability to always look on the bright side—and land on their feet—in nearly any situation. With a mind that’s constantly racing, even when they're just quietly hanging out, the Twins never get bored. In fact, Gemini are happy keeping their own company, and can often turn their solitary daydreams into reality.

Gemini are in love with love, and they adore the ritual of it all, from those "do they like me?" butterflies to the anticipation of a back-and-forth text volley. Gemini loves dating, and the world loves Gemini. But a Gemini will eventually settle down, because this sign is incredibly loyal and steadfast once they’ve chosen a partner. Let’s be clear, though: Steadfast isn't a code word for boring. Gemini always love to keep things fresh and are happy to try almost anything in the bedroom. They're proud of their sexuality and depend on frequent physical check-ins to keep them grounded in their body. To them, sex is a celebration of life, and Gemini loves both sex and life.

Despite their unfair rep for being two-faced, once a Gemini is in your life, they’re loyal for life—but they aren’t afraid to voice their opinion if they feel you’re doing something they disagree with or if they perceive you as not being loyal to them. Always a sign to see all sides of the situation, Gemini may seek input from friends before going to the root of the problem. It’s not gossiping—it’s gathering information.

And even though Gemini is easily the life of the party without trying, the Twins also have a deep emotional side that needs care and feeding. Gemini like time by themselves to read, create, daydream, and come up with other ways of sharing their gifts with the world. When a Gemini can truly tap in and share their gifts, they’re an unstoppable force of energy that can motivate, inspire, and enchant the rest of the Zodiac.

Gemini are amazing! Their name says it all:
G for generous
E for emotionally in tune
M for motivated
I for imaginative
N for nice
I for intelligent
I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

What? :) OK, I'll answer similar:

L for love
I for Intelligence
B for the Best characters
R for the Right side
A for the Adventures unlimited !! :)

Click on the link I posted above, and you can post your whole horoscope. :)



"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!
Once again Daisy the Mutt has disturbed a fine night's sleep with her whinning to go out. And once again I find myself awake during the weest of the wee small hours with something to write about.

Back in the early 1980s I was a freshly minted college graduate here in the upper Ohio River valley with no job and no prospect of one. The steel mills were closing up and down the valley. Everyone it seemed was moving away. And I followed. All the way to the sunny gulf coast of Florida and Sarasota county.

It was a pleasant enough place to live and work for an Engineering graduate was easy to find. The place was growing like a weed and new infrastructure was needed. I helped drain the swamps before that became a hackneyed campaign slogan.

But I knew deep down that Florida was not for me. There were actual southern people there. There were also a bunch of northern people seeking to become southern people. I was a northern guy who wished to remain a northern guy culturally if not literally.

I never served in the armed forces. But I can speculate on folks who enlist just for the benefits. Someone who needs the G.I. Bill to get through college. They never make the cultural conversion and become lifers, making a career out of military service. I never wanted to make the cultural conversion to become a southern guy by default.

One could tell who were southern guys and who were northern guys. Southern guys knew distinctions about fishing. Large mouth bass and the specialized tackle it takes to land a trophy fish, catfish and the techniques of trot line fishing (which we'll get into later as this tale unravels), deep sea fishing for marlin, swordfish and the exotic species unknown to land lubbers like me.

Southern guys were into NASCAR. Now, NASCAR. How does one become a fan of NASCAR? Did folks play NASCAR on the school playground? Are there Little League NASCAR teams to cultivate an early love of the game? Perhaps the University one attends is a big NASCAR school going to whatever the equivalent of Bowl games are in NASCAR.

Or does one chose a NASCAR hero based on the vehicle he drives? But then there has got to be more than one driver of a Ford or a Chevy. Maybe it's a devotion to the sponsor. "I just love DuPont Chemical so much, I just had to follow their driver!" Or Hormel Sugar Baked hams or Dawn Dishwashing liquid. You get the point. NASCAR was an aspect of living in the south that was baffling to me.

Northern guys, by contrast, owned no elaborate fishing gear or leather jackets festooned with commercial advertising. Nope! We owned impressive stereo systems and album collections stretching from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Our televisions were bigger, our VHS movie collections were more extensive. We could quote Lou Reed and Jack Kerouac. We brought libraries with us. We were readers. We were used to being holed up inside for a few months every year while winter raged outside. Southern boys developed skin cancer while northern boys suffered Vitamin D deficiency.

Attempts were made to make me see the light and adopt the southern way of life as my own. Friends took me fishing. Deep sea fishing resulted in sea sickness. It's a long walk to the beach from Pittsburgh and bobbing around in open water is a foreign experience. Bass fishing was fun, but unproductive. I guess there's a difference between 'fishing' and 'catching'. Then there was trot line fishing (I told you there would be more on this subject).

Trot line fishing goes for catfish as its query. The technique is simplicity itself. A list of the equipment follows; a canoe, a length of heavy cotton twine, several fishing leaders, a two and a half pound container of Winn Dixie chicken livers, a large picnic cooler filled with canned domestic beer and ice, a plastic five gallon pale, several empty one gallon milk jugs (plastic) and an acoustic guitar.

Tie the fishing leaders to the heavy cotton twine at regular intervals (about ten to twelve feet apart). Attach the empty plastic one gallon milk jugs to the line to act as floats. Bait the leaders with the Winn Dixie chicken livers after preparing them for fishing. Some might get lost at this point. By 'preparing the chicken liver' I do not mean mincing them into a paste, adding a smidgeon of horseradish and diced onion. Preparing for fishing means opening the lid of the container of chicken livers and placing them in the noonday Florida sun for a few hours.

Place the line, the plastic milk jug floats and the chicken livers in the canoe and paddle to the center of a lake during the evening. Distribute the line, floats and livers so catfish in the lake might take the hint. Retire to a campfire and strum the acoustic guitar while seated upon the plastic five gallon pale until a red ring develops around your posterior. That is the indicator that the trot line should be checked for catfish. Paddle the canoe along the line and check each leader for the presence of a catfish. Re-bait as necessary. Retire to the campfire, guitar and plastic five gallon pale and drink several cans of the domestic beer from the large picnic cooler filled with ice.

Sounds like fun, huh? I neglected to mention the welts from the mosquito bites that will appear on your face and arms. I left out the part where the domestic canned beer swells up in your head like a loaf rising in a proofing drawer causing a headache only darkness, quiet and solitude can cure. I forgot that strumming the guitar to the tune of the Velvet Underground's 'White light, White heat' will get you just so far with a southern audience before someone yells out 'Freebird'!

And so it was. No conversion to another culture for me. I stuck it out for four long, miserable years down there in NASCAR and fishing paradise yearning for the day I would hold a snow shovel in my hands again. And in 1988 I pointed a UHaul truck at the I-75 north sign and pushed that long pedal on the right, just as if I was racing on Sunday at Daytona. When I got home all those closed steel mills provided me with steady and ample income. Someone had to clean up the mess and I was just the guy to do it.

I haven't fished since the end of the Reagan years. Then again, I haven't smelled a putrid chicken liver since then either. We all have to make compromises.
Last edited:

I got a call this morning, I was selected to work at the local post office. A drug test and some paperwork, then off to training in Detroit. No UPS elf for me this year. :(

Huge relief that the job search is done and I can concentrate on leaning a new job, getting ready for the holidays and normal life.
That's great, Liberty. Best wishes on your new job!
Here is the horoscope site where I got mine.

Planetary Update by
The Horrorscope


I'm a Gemini........


Well you're on my 'match list' today as I am a Virgo. Weird though. I just checked my horoscope on Chris's link and it said, among other things, that I may receive a welcome delivery today. I just got one of stuff I wasn't expecting until next week. :)


The Virgo Personality
Smart, sophisticated, and kind, Virgo gets the job done without complaining. Virgos are amazing friends, always there to lend a hand—and also lend advice. Practical Virgos are incredibly adept at big picture thinking, and planning out their life, their vacations, and what they’re going to do today isn’t a drag—it makes them feel in control and secure.

Virgo has a rich inner life, and can sometimes seem shy at first meeting. A Virgo won’t spill secrets right away, and it’s important to earn a Virgo's trust. But once you do, that Virgin will be a friend for life. And if you think that you're dating a shy Virgo, trust that those walls will fall down in the bedroom. One of the most passionate signs, Virgos specialize at connecting to their physicality, and this earth sign loves and celebrates physical connection with their partner.

Virgos expect perfection from themselves, and they may project those high standards on the other people in their life. A Virgo hates when someone lets him or her down, even if it’s minor and unavoidable, like a last-minute cancellation. Virgins never want to disappoint the people in their lives, so they may spread themselves too thin put themselves last.

Virgos love and are inspired by beauty. They consider what they wear and how they decorate their house to be an extension of their personality. They thrive when everything in their life looks Pinterest-perfect, and although their friends make fun of their penchant for organizing, it truly is the anchor that makes Virgo's life run smoothly.

Intelligent and a lifelong learner, Virgo loves trying new things, reading books, and learning about the world. They'll happily sign up for an adult-education course, and they consider an afternoon in bed with a book pretty much ideal. A Virgo prefers an evening with good friends to a huge party, and values downtime just as much as socializing. This sign doesn't need to fill their calendar to be content.

Virgos are amazing! Their name says it all:
V for virtuous
I for intelligent
R for responsible
G for generous
O for optimistic
I'm a Virgo. I must admit this is a pretty good description though I'm not so sure about the amazing part. ;)
Once again Daisy the Mutt has disturbed a fine night's sleep with her whinning to go out. And once again I find myself awake during the weest of the wee small hours with something to write about.

Back in the early 1980s I was a freshly minted college graduate here in the upper Ohio River valley with no job and no prospect of one. The steel mills were closing up and down the valley. Everyone it seemed was moving away. And I followed. All the way to the sunny gulf coast of Florida and Sarasota county.

It was a pleasant enough place to live and work for an Engineering graduate was easy to find. The place was growing like a weed and new infrastructure was needed. I helped drain the swamps before that became a hackneyed campaign slogan.

But I knew deep down that Florida was not for me. There were actual southern people there. There were also a bunch of northern people seeking to become southern people. I was a northern guy who wished to remain a northern guy culturally if not literally.

I never served in the armed forces. But I can speculate on folks who enlist just for the benefits. Someone who needs the G.I. Bill to get through college. They never make the cultural conversion and become lifers, making a career out of military service. I never wanted to make the cultural conversion to become a southern guy by default.

One could tell who were southern guys and who were northern guys. Southern guys knew distinctions about fishing. Large mouth bass and the specialized tackle it takes to land a trophy fish, catfish and the techniques of trot line fishing (which we'll get into later as this tale unravels), deep sea fishing for marlin, swordfish and the exotic species unknown to land lubbers like me.

Southern guys were into NASCAR. Now, NASCAR. How does one become a fan of NASCAR? Did folks play NASCAR on the school playground? Are there Little League NASCAR teams to cultivate an early love of the game? Perhaps the University one attends is a big NASCAR school going to whatever the equivalent of Bowl games are in NASCAR.

Or does one chose a NASCAR hero based on the vehicle he drives? But then there has got to be more than one driver of a Ford or a Chevy. Maybe it's a devotion to the sponsor. "I just love DuPont Chemical so much, I just had to follow their driver!" Or Hormel Sugar Baked hams or Dawn Dishwashing liquid. You get the point. NASCAR was an aspect of living in the south that was baffling to me.

Northern guys, by contrast, owned no elaborate fishing gear or leather jackets festooned with commercial advertising. Nope! We owned impressive stereo systems and album collections stretching from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Our televisions were bigger, our VHS movie collections were more extensive. We could quote Lou Reed and Jack Kerouac. We brought libraries with us. We were readers. We were used to being holed up inside for a few months every year while winter raged outside. Southern boys developed skin cancer while northern boys suffered Vitamin D deficiency.

Attempts were made to make me see the light and adopt the southern way of life as my own. Friends took me fishing. Deep sea fishing resulted in sea sickness. It's a long walk to the beach from Pittsburgh and bobbing around in open water is a foreign experience. Bass fishing was fun, but unproductive. I guess there's a difference between 'fishing' and 'catching'. Then there was trot line fishing (I told you there would be more on this subject).

Trot line fishing goes for catfish as its query. The technique is simplicity itself. A list of the equipment follows; a canoe, a length of heavy cotton twine, several fishing leaders, a two and a half pound container of Winn Dixie chicken livers, a large picnic cooler filled with canned domestic beer and ice, a plastic five gallon pale, several empty one gallon milk jugs (plastic) and an acoustic guitar.

Tie the fishing leaders to the heavy cotton twine at regular intervals (about ten to twelve feet apart). Attach the empty plastic one gallon milk jugs to the line to act as floats. Bait the leaders with the Winn Dixie chicken livers after preparing them for fishing. Some might get lost at this point. By 'preparing the chicken liver' I do not mean mincing them into a paste, adding a smidgeon of horseradish and diced onion. Preparing for fishing means opening the lid of the container of chicken livers and placing them in the noonday Florida sun for a few hours.

Place the line, the plastic milk jug floats and the chicken livers in the canoe and paddle to the center of a lake during the evening. Distribute the line, floats and livers so catfish in the lake might take the hint. Retire to a campfire and strum the acoustic guitar while seated upon the plastic five gallon pale until a red ring develops around your posterior. That is the indicator that the trot line should be checked for catfish. Paddle the canoe along the line and check each leader for the presence of a catfish. Re-bait as necessary. Retire to the campfire, guitar and plastic five gallon pale and drink several cans of the domestic beer from the large picnic cooler filled with ice.

Sounds like fun, huh? I neglected to mention the welts from the mosquito bites that will appear on your face and arms. I left out the part where the domestic canned beer swells up in your head like a loaf rising in a proofing drawer causing a headache only darkness, quiet and solitude can cure. I forgot that strumming the guitar to the tune of the Velvet Underground's 'White light, White heat' will get you just so far with a southern audience before someone yells out 'Freebird'!

And so it was. No conversion to another culture for me. I stuck it out for four long, miserable years down there in NASCAR and fishing paradise yearning for the day I would hold a snow shovel in my hands again. And in 1988 I pointed a UHaul truck at the I-75 north sign and pushed that long pedal on the right, just as if I was racing on Sunday at Daytona. When I got home all those closed steel mills provided me with steady and ample income. Someone had to clean up the mess and I was just the guy to do it.

I haven't fished since the end of the Reagan years. Then again, I haven't smelled a putrid chicken liver since then either. We all have to make compromises.

Great read! Thanks for sharing. I do have to say though that here in MA, we definitely have our "redneck" northerners who were born and raised here in MA and love hunting, fishing, and all of those kinds of outdoorsy activities. NASCAR too! Lol. :D
Good morning FF. Interestingly, I have infrequently received the ENFJ along with INTJ results but just barely as the F and the T were about 1% apart. Over the years I consistently receive the INTJ results with an occasional ENTJ. This personality type scoring is still considered with many corporations along with other tests for determining placement best suitable for an applicant responding to a job opportunity. I find it quite accurate, myself, Fun, at the very least. ;)

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Also, the good news I received yesterday was of a close relative coming out of ICU after eleven long days. :eusa_pray:

I usually pretty consistently test as ENT/FJ and that has served me well as both a manager and as a facilitator/teacher. I took a pretty intensive training of the Kiersey Bates concept of temperament typing along with some Myers Briggs. Having applied both--and they share a lot in common of course both based on Jungian philosophy--I have come to appreciate and prefer the Kiersey Bates approach. I have been paid to teach the core concepts from time to time and of course have volunteered to do that at church or other organizations I belonged to.

If you aren't familiar with the Kiersey Bates concept I recommend their little book Please Understand Me. ($12.99 at Amazon I think). An easy read and really explains it without a lot of psychobabble.

The hardest part about testing people is to convince them there are no right or wrong answers on the quick temperament test at the front of the book and to check the answer they know themselves to be rather than the one they think they should be.

For the uninitiated there are eight components to temperament typing that makes up a great deal of our decision making, response to things, and process of organizing and approaching tasks and problems.

E - Extravert
I - Introvert
N - Intuitive
S - Sensing
T - Thinking
F - Feeling
J - Judging
P - Perceiving

I'm an ISTP profile - "Virtuoso" :) They want me to work in teams as Software Maker, but don't like my Introvert character, so last time I use to think about hacker career, lol :)

Ah you and Montrovant tested with the same profile. See the post describing ISTP at #51062.

I don't know why a software maker would benefit from being extraverted???? Introverts can and often do work well on teams except that if they generally are more cautious and process more information before making a decision which I would consider to be a good thing. The extravert tends to process information quickly and come to a quick decision/opinion that is then adjusted and changed as new information becomes available.

At times the introvert feels like he/she is being pushed/pressured by the extravert while the extravert can feel the introvert is dragging his/her feet and/or not getting into the spirit of things. But I would rather prefer an introvert make my software. :)

As I see, he's ISTJ, for the Sensing profiles it's important, when they make decisions... ISTJ - an administrator or army officer... ISTP - an adventurer or direct sales :)

They want soft makers to be extraverted because it more easy to manage. Especially when they don't able to decompose project on isolated tasks and prefer to keep mass discussion to let all to know about all parts of project. I don't think, introverts work slower than extraverts (especially if you think, how much time extraverts spend to talk :)))), but they're less able to be managed at short time periods. If the managers could plan project at least for week, not only for single day - he don't have a troubles with introverts :)))

"You could know a lot about introvert by his handwriting style, bearing, favourite movie... As for extravert - all about him would tell his damned non-stop talking mouth :) "

All good observations in many situations but I still would prefer my software not be developed on a single impulse. :)

I do disagree that all us extraverts run off at the mouth though. Hombre, my hubby and a strong introvert, is much more likely to go for the phone immediately and I am much more likely to hesitate hoping he will answer--unless I am expecting a call. And he is much more talkative in a casual group situation than I am and works well as a member of a group and is comfortable with the designated format, rules, instructions where I often am not so much. When possible, I only follow rules that make sense to me and I want my assignment and then be left alone to complete it or be the one to assign the responsibilities. :)

Your managers are shortsighted I think to value you less because you are introverted. You are the one more likely to recognize that a decision has been made too hastily. You might be annoying in a group of extraverts but I suspect you would provide a valuable strength that could otherwise be lacking.

I think the same. Management is not a strong side of Russian economics, because USSR grew a lot of people self-organized, and russian managers lost almost all skill of working with people... :) Who knows - will this situation change to normal in future and when it happen...
I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

What? :) OK, I'll answer similar:

L for love
I for Intelligence
B for the Best characters
R for the Right side
A for the Adventures unlimited !! :)

Click on the link I posted above, and you can post your whole horoscope. :)



"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!

So fewer, than other Zodiak signs... I suppose, authors don't like Libras as sign... :)
Once again Daisy the Mutt has disturbed a fine night's sleep with her whinning to go out. And once again I find myself awake during the weest of the wee small hours with something to write about.

Back in the early 1980s I was a freshly minted college graduate here in the upper Ohio River valley with no job and no prospect of one. The steel mills were closing up and down the valley. Everyone it seemed was moving away. And I followed. All the way to the sunny gulf coast of Florida and Sarasota county.

It was a pleasant enough place to live and work for an Engineering graduate was easy to find. The place was growing like a weed and new infrastructure was needed. I helped drain the swamps before that became a hackneyed campaign slogan.

But I knew deep down that Florida was not for me. There were actual southern people there. There were also a bunch of northern people seeking to become southern people. I was a northern guy who wished to remain a northern guy culturally if not literally.

I never served in the armed forces. But I can speculate on folks who enlist just for the benefits. Someone who needs the G.I. Bill to get through college. They never make the cultural conversion and become lifers, making a career out of military service. I never wanted to make the cultural conversion to become a southern guy by default.

One could tell who were southern guys and who were northern guys. Southern guys knew distinctions about fishing. Large mouth bass and the specialized tackle it takes to land a trophy fish, catfish and the techniques of trot line fishing (which we'll get into later as this tale unravels), deep sea fishing for marlin, swordfish and the exotic species unknown to land lubbers like me.

Southern guys were into NASCAR. Now, NASCAR. How does one become a fan of NASCAR? Did folks play NASCAR on the school playground? Are there Little League NASCAR teams to cultivate an early love of the game? Perhaps the University one attends is a big NASCAR school going to whatever the equivalent of Bowl games are in NASCAR.

Or does one chose a NASCAR hero based on the vehicle he drives? But then there has got to be more than one driver of a Ford or a Chevy. Maybe it's a devotion to the sponsor. "I just love DuPont Chemical so much, I just had to follow their driver!" Or Hormel Sugar Baked hams or Dawn Dishwashing liquid. You get the point. NASCAR was an aspect of living in the south that was baffling to me.

Northern guys, by contrast, owned no elaborate fishing gear or leather jackets festooned with commercial advertising. Nope! We owned impressive stereo systems and album collections stretching from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Our televisions were bigger, our VHS movie collections were more extensive. We could quote Lou Reed and Jack Kerouac. We brought libraries with us. We were readers. We were used to being holed up inside for a few months every year while winter raged outside. Southern boys developed skin cancer while northern boys suffered Vitamin D deficiency.

Attempts were made to make me see the light and adopt the southern way of life as my own. Friends took me fishing. Deep sea fishing resulted in sea sickness. It's a long walk to the beach from Pittsburgh and bobbing around in open water is a foreign experience. Bass fishing was fun, but unproductive. I guess there's a difference between 'fishing' and 'catching'. Then there was trot line fishing (I told you there would be more on this subject).

Trot line fishing goes for catfish as its query. The technique is simplicity itself. A list of the equipment follows; a canoe, a length of heavy cotton twine, several fishing leaders, a two and a half pound container of Winn Dixie chicken livers, a large picnic cooler filled with canned domestic beer and ice, a plastic five gallon pale, several empty one gallon milk jugs (plastic) and an acoustic guitar.

Tie the fishing leaders to the heavy cotton twine at regular intervals (about ten to twelve feet apart). Attach the empty plastic one gallon milk jugs to the line to act as floats. Bait the leaders with the Winn Dixie chicken livers after preparing them for fishing. Some might get lost at this point. By 'preparing the chicken liver' I do not mean mincing them into a paste, adding a smidgeon of horseradish and diced onion. Preparing for fishing means opening the lid of the container of chicken livers and placing them in the noonday Florida sun for a few hours.

Place the line, the plastic milk jug floats and the chicken livers in the canoe and paddle to the center of a lake during the evening. Distribute the line, floats and livers so catfish in the lake might take the hint. Retire to a campfire and strum the acoustic guitar while seated upon the plastic five gallon pale until a red ring develops around your posterior. That is the indicator that the trot line should be checked for catfish. Paddle the canoe along the line and check each leader for the presence of a catfish. Re-bait as necessary. Retire to the campfire, guitar and plastic five gallon pale and drink several cans of the domestic beer from the large picnic cooler filled with ice.

Sounds like fun, huh? I neglected to mention the welts from the mosquito bites that will appear on your face and arms. I left out the part where the domestic canned beer swells up in your head like a loaf rising in a proofing drawer causing a headache only darkness, quiet and solitude can cure. I forgot that strumming the guitar to the tune of the Velvet Underground's 'White light, White heat' will get you just so far with a southern audience before someone yells out 'Freebird'!

And so it was. No conversion to another culture for me. I stuck it out for four long, miserable years down there in NASCAR and fishing paradise yearning for the day I would hold a snow shovel in my hands again. And in 1988 I pointed a UHaul truck at the I-75 north sign and pushed that long pedal on the right, just as if I was racing on Sunday at Daytona. When I got home all those closed steel mills provided me with steady and ample income. Someone had to clean up the mess and I was just the guy to do it.

I haven't fished since the end of the Reagan years. Then again, I haven't smelled a putrid chicken liver since then either. We all have to make compromises.

Wonderful Nosmo though culturally there probably are a lot of folks who wouldn't empathize with you all that much re preferring to be a northerner. Myself I love visiting the south and enjoy myself pretty much wherever I am, but I am always glad to be back in the southwest with its wide open vistas, huge skies, and more comfortable climate for me.

But I admire people who love where they are too. 007 loves Wisconsin. Sherry and WelfareQueen are Floridians through and through. Gracie is connected to the central California Coast. I imagine ChrisL couldn't imagine living anywhere but New England, etc. If we all loved the same place, it sure would get crowded. :)

As for Nascar, it is difficult to explain. We aren't really strong fans but had to get interested in it when our elementary age granddaughter became a super fan and has remained so into her 20's. You choose your favorites among the drivers, not the cars themselves. And it is some kind of mystique, emotional connection, or something that attracts you to a particular driver and inspires you to want that one to win. I can't speak for my elementary age granddaughter but when she became the teenage and then grown one, I think it is based on which driver is both competent and also really cute.:)
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I don't really believe in these kinds of things, but they can be fun. We should do horoscopes too. Here is my horoscope.

The Leo Personality
Bold, intelligent, warm, and courageous, fire sign Leo is a natural leader of the Zodiac, ready to blaze a trail, vanquish injustice, and make a name for themselves along the way. Blessed with high self-esteem, Lions know that they possess enviable traits—and they’re proud of them. They don’t believe in false modesty and will be the first to praise themselves for a job well done. But Leo isn’t self-aggrandizing or unwilling to roll up those sleeves and do the work: this sign knows that in order to be respected and admired, he or she needs to put in the effort worthy of a leader.

But it’s not all hard work for Lions. Intense and energetic, Leos thrive on social interactions and have no problem making friends—although pinning them down to spend time with you is another story. Leos put themselves first, and will turn down a plan that doesn’t fit with their agenda or idea of fun. This trait has gained them an unfair reputation for arrogance. But on the flip side, when a Lion chooses to spend time with you, it’s genuinely because he or she wants to.

Leos are passionate in all pursuits, including relationships, and take it upon themselves to be the best partner you’ve ever had. They love grand gestures, and they want to show the world how attentive and caring they can be. They also can’t resist flashiness and often buy their partner the biggest and best presents. Leo is an adventurer, seeking to balance an intense life of social obligations and travel with plenty of downtime to relax and luxuriate. Work and outward appearances matter to this sign, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to gain a job title or workplace status, even if it means temporarily sacrificing their precious leisure time.

Benevolent with their time and attention, Leos are never cliquey, always showing friendliness and politeness to everyone. While almost everyone else is entranced by the Leonine personality, Leos are their own harshest critic and consider each day a challenge to be the best, brightest, and boldest Lion they can be.

Leos are amazing! Their name says it all:
L for leaders
E for energetic
O for optimistic

What? :) OK, I'll answer similar:

L for love
I for Intelligence
B for the Best characters
R for the Right side
A for the Adventures unlimited !! :)

Click on the link I posted above, and you can post your whole horoscope. :)



"I balance" is the key phrase for this sign, and when it comes to keeping everything on an even keel, a Libran will lead the pack. Peace loving and judicial, this sign abhors being alone. Partnerships are very important for the Libran, especially those on a personal level. With their winning personalities and cooperative style, they aren't apt to be alone for long!

So fewer, than other Zodiak signs... I suppose, authors don't like Libras as sign... :)

I noticed that too. I don't know why a couple of them are so short (your's isn't the only one). Maybe they just got lazy or something. :D I'm sure it is nothing personal. I will try to find a better site tomorrow or something that has a better description for Libra for you.

I got a call this morning, I was selected to work at the local post office. A drug test and some paperwork, then off to training in Detroit. No UPS elf for me this year. :(

Huge relief that the job search is done and I can concentrate on leaning a new job, getting ready for the holidays and normal life.


I'm leaving him on the list until he completes the orientation and training and loves it though. Keep those prayers, positive vibes, good thoughts directed that way folks. Seems to be working. :)

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