USMB Coffee Shop IV


He looks so wise.
I could lose power at any moment because it is SO windy outside! Wind blown rain, but it is really pretty warm, especially considering it is December! It is 58 degrees right now, and that is really unusual. We must be in an El Nino season or something. It's been unusually warm so far this year. I've noticed that the birds nests are closer to the ground, and that means no snow! Or so I've been told. :D

I have a 6' snowman that lights up and we had it out two years ago. It blew over many times and the lights were damaged. Last year I had pneumonia and did nothing with it. This year I zip tied it together and tied it down with wire to a piece of plywood. Placed pavers on the plywood. That snowman is holding up great to the howling winds today.
My future boss says I now have a postal employee ID number as of today. No email to me directly from the main office, but it sounds like I will get one Wednesday.

So a few minutes ago I get a rejection letter from the post office....

It was for a different job in a different office from JULY....gee,I didn't get that one? :lol:
I admit it, my heart stopped for twenty seconds.
My future boss says I now have a postal employee ID number as of today. No email to me directly from the main office, but it sounds like I will get one Wednesday.

So a few minutes ago I get a rejection letter from the post office....

It was for a different job in a different office from JULY....gee,I didn't get that one? :lol:
I admit it, my heart stopped for twenty seconds.

Quit that. My heart stopped a sec!
I get to learn 12 postal routes with a total of 300 streets, roads and subsets of those. I am thinking first grade flashcards.
Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?

No, I think you just have to ride out a plague.

There are humane mouse traps, why not humane frog traps? I don't think I've ever had a frog in my house, TBH. Spiders, yes. Ants, yes. Other kinds of bugs, yes. We did have a raccoon get trapped in the breezeway of my old house one day. We had to call animal control to come and get him out. He was a good sized one too. I wouldn't have messed with him. No way! Lol!

Not too wise. We have a screened in area we had put in a few months ago when we moved in, and they get in there..they are so fast you can't catch them, and then they can't figure out how to get out. :(

Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?

I don't know. They are too tiny to have them trapped on a sticky surface. Might pull their teeny legs off. I would DIE!!
Finally got our Christmas tree up a few days ago.


Even hung a wreath on the door. :thup:

I doubt we'l put one up this year but we might. We have one with lights already on it that we pull out of the box and fluff out. We will put a wreath on the door and might put the lights around the garage door and the MERRY CHRISTMAS in big magnetic letters on the door.

Just be careful if you get a live tree! :D

I live with a career insurance adjuster who has worked too many Christmas fires in his lifetime. So no live trees for us.

They are actually pretty adorable, but I agree they can be really loud. Sort of like our cicadas up on the mountain. Teensy and harmless little bugs they are, but if one gets in the house and gets wound it, it can make you jump three feet in the air. They are also LOUD.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult work situation,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Winter is approaching. We feel it in the crisp morning air and the softened edges on the clouds.
Blast and damn, my phone line has a problem of extreme crackling on the phone, and my internet keeps dropping out. What is worse there are very few telephone boxes working anymore because most people have mobile phones. So I am going to have a problem ringing up to report the fault.

Can you borrow a neighbor's phone?

Last time my phone went wrong I used the downstairs neighbours phone to report it, but she has moved out and I don't want to talk to the new neighbour because he stays up all night and wakes me up. My modem took five minutes to connect to the internet today. But its working now.

Not too wise. We have a screened in area we had put in a few months ago when we moved in, and they get in there..they are so fast you can't catch them, and then they can't figure out how to get out. :(

Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?
You could get a grass snake, they swallow baby frogs alive.

Not too wise. We have a screened in area we had put in a few months ago when we moved in, and they get in there..they are so fast you can't catch them, and then they can't figure out how to get out. :(

Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?
You could get a grass snake, they swallow baby frogs alive.

I said humane. :rolleyes-41: Obviously Kat is not the kind of person who would want to kill the frogs.

Not too wise. We have a screened in area we had put in a few months ago when we moved in, and they get in there..they are so fast you can't catch them, and then they can't figure out how to get out. :(

Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?
You could get a grass snake, they swallow baby frogs alive.

I said humane. :rolleyes-41: Obviously Kat is not the kind of person who would want to kill the frogs.

Snakes have got to eat. They catch baby frogs in the wild.
He looks so wise.

Not too wise. We have a screened in area we had put in a few months ago when we moved in, and they get in there..they are so fast you can't catch them, and then they can't figure out how to get out. :(

Maybe there is some kind of humane trap you could use to catch them and gather them up and put them back outside?
You could get a grass snake, they swallow baby frogs alive.

I said humane. :rolleyes-41: Obviously Kat is not the kind of person who would want to kill the frogs.

Snakes have got to eat. They catch baby frogs in the wild.

Yes, and there is a difference between them catching them out in the wild and a person using one as a trap.

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