USMB Coffee Shop IV

GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:
I wouldn't have a dog like that.
bad dog.jpg
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:

That is a dog that needs some serious training. Would your employer go for it?
And if you want to get you mind off the nastiness, there are always. . . .


Things to worry about


Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy.

Someone call the janitor. We're going to need a mop.

Bo! Bo! Come back with that! Bad dog!

Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that?

Hand me that, uh, that uh, thingie.

Oh no! I just lost my Rolex.

Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?

Darn, there go the lights again.

Ya know, there's big money in kidneys. Heck, this guy's got two of 'em.

Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens!

Could you stop that thing from beating? It's throwing my concentration off.

What's this doing here?

I hate it when they're missing stuff in here.

That's cool! Now can you make his leg twitch?!

I wish I hadn't forgotten my glasses.

Well folks, this will be an experiment for us all.

Sterile, shcmerile. The floor's clean, right?

Anyone see where I left that scalpel?

And now we remove the subject's brain and place it in the body of the ape.

Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness.

Okay, now take a picture from this angle. This is truly a freak of nature.

Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donation card?

Don't worry. I think it's sharp enough.

What do you mean you want a divorce!

She's gonna blow! Everybody take cover!!!

FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out now!!

Dang! Page 47 of the manual is missing.
We dodged a bullet with the storm last weekend. All the weather guessers were wringing their hands and calling for snow to fall11 inches over three quarter inches of ice while the thermometer stooped under zero.

Sunday we awoke to three inches of snow atop a quarter inch of ice, nothing a quick shovel and salt job couldn't fix. But that didn't mean the supermarkets weren't going bananas on Saturday. Finding toilet paper or potatoe chips was a bit of a task. Why folks feel they'll run out of toilet paper or lack something to nosh in the face of a snowfall is baffling.

Mom is doing great. Her only problem is a B-12 deficiency. I remember reading about how Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards said he would recover from his alcoholics and narcotic adventures with a vitamin B-12 injection. Mom gets the same shot. Did she secretly write "Street Fighting Man"? Eocene on, Ma! Rock on!
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:

That is a dog that needs some serious training. Would your employer go for it?

I doubt it, at least not now. There's too much going on for her to want to pay for it IMO. I'm supposed to be leaving in the not too distant future, she's looking into selling this house and buying another, which will involve some renovations, it seems unlikely.
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:

Just asking....but does he have chew toys or get him those pig ears or rawhide bones or the like to chew on? If you smear them with peanut butter, he'll like those more than retainers, sharpies & comforters.

Then there are dogs that chew everything anyway, just because they think they can :banghead:
Not to insert controversy into the Coffee Shop or anything, but I just read a study that says postmenopausal women who eat fried chicken every day have a 13% higher chance of dying. I don't believe I know anybody who eats fried chicken every day, but evenso, I thought 100% of post menopausal women are going to eventually die of something?
GW that looks like purty good hay your feeding... Is all your fence chain link? More pics for someone who misses the lifestyle, please..
Yeah, my partner had just fed the girls and he just tosses the feed all over the ground. Up here we get timothy and brome, mostly. And I use chain link for smaller enclosures. It holds up to goats better than regular wire fencing. Come springtime, I'll be putting up the electric barriers and letting the goats range a little more. Electric is very effective using solar-rechargeable energizers...just not in the winter.
Here are my three fur-boys:
View attachment 241707

I'd post a picture of our animals, but the boxer doesn't deserve to be in a picture. Yesterday he got a hold of the little one's retainer and chewed it. She has to get a replacement now. Oh, he also chewed up a Sharpie pen and pulled stuffing out of a comforter today.

Stupid dog. :mad:

Just asking....but does he have chew toys or get him those pig ears or rawhide bones or the like to chew on? If you smear them with peanut butter, he'll like those more than retainers, sharpies & comforters.

Then there are dogs that chew everything anyway, just because they think they can :banghead:

He's got a variety of rope and rubber chew toys. I decided against the rawhide or antler type chews because I've read that those can be unhealthy and cause digestive issues if the dog eats them rather than just chewing. I'm pretty sure the boxer would eat them. :p
We dodged a bullet with the storm last weekend. All the weather guessers were wringing their hands and calling for snow to fall11 inches over three quarter inches of ice while the thermometer stooped under zero.

Sunday we awoke to three inches of snow atop a quarter inch of ice, nothing a quick shovel and salt job couldn't fix. But that didn't mean the supermarkets weren't going bananas on Saturday. Finding toilet paper or potatoe chips was a bit of a task. Why folks feel they'll run out of toilet paper or lack something to nosh in the face of a snowfall is baffling.

Mom is doing great. Her only problem is a B-12 deficiency. I remember reading about how Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards said he would recover from his alcoholics and narcotic adventures with a vitamin B-12 injection. Mom gets the same shot. Did she secretly write "Street Fighting Man"? Eocene on, Ma! Rock on!
When my animals are stressed or likely to be I give them b12 injections to help them deal with it better.
Is it just me or is the board running unusually slow--I mean when you click on something it takes it an unusually long time to open? Other sites I visit aren't doing that. Oh well. Our weekly 42 games will commence in 15 or 20 minutes so I won't be back until at least mid afternoon. Maybe they'll have it fixed by then.
Is it just me or is the board running unusually slow--I mean when you click on something it takes it an unusually long time to open? Other sites I visit aren't doing that. Oh well. Our weekly 42 games will commence in 15 or 20 minutes so I won't be back until at least mid afternoon. Maybe they'll have it fixed by then.

I was just about to bring that up.

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