USMB Coffee Shop IV


It is a war out on the board these days. PM me if you have another board you like.
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Congrats GW... :thup: It's a tuff slog loosing weight...
You know. I'm hoping that the steroid hip injections will allow me to walk more this spring. I have been suffering so much pain these past few years, it's almost magic after that steroid injection. Three doctors have told me that it's not "if" I need a hip replacement, it's "when". I hope I can hold out long enough that my daughter can stay around and help me with my livestock.
Lately the docs have told me that three steroid injections are year is the most one should get regardless of what is being treated.
It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to recover from a hip replacement depending on the patient. The sooner one starts moving and the better shape one is in then generally the faster the recovery.
I've lost almost 15 lbs since New Years. It's not easy but necessary because I have to deal with increasing blood pressure and deterioration hip joints. I do feel lots better but am still not leaping onto ladders like I once did.
Same here... got real tired of the way I looked and felt and changed a lot of things around. Cut out a ton of bad things I was eating and drinking, quit eating big meals, quit eating late at night, cut out sugar, processed foods, packaged stuff, canned this and that, on and on, and I've lost 15 pounds too but I'm only getting started. Seems like the more you lose the harder it is lose the remainder though, but that's not stopping me. I'm seriously motivated and dedicated. I was 195 lbs when I left Reno in 2007. That wasn't too bad a weight, but I could even be less than that, but the 221 I was with the blood pressure creeping up and the cholesterol and all that, no way in hell am I going to keep going down that road. I'm at 206 on the scale and back in my 36" waist jeans, but far as I figure, I still have a LONG way to go. I'd like to even hit 190. Sure glad I have the gym in the back room because muscle burns fat, even at rest, so the more muscle I pack on, the more fat I'll burn. Looking forward to Summer. Going to be proud to take my dang shirt off and get the first tan I've had in decades. The vitamin D will be welcome too.
All the active boards are pretty bad saveliberty . Probably USMB is better than a lot of them. At least you have areas here that everyone is required to display a measure of civility or at least can't launch a full scale frontal attack. And whether left or right, whatever political party or system, whatever our religious leaning or no religion at all, whether carnivore, vegan, or extra terrestrial, regardless of our country of residence, we're all just folks here in the Coffee Shop and I really love that.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!

Made a from scratch pineapple upside-down cake yesterday, probably my favorite cake....... It's laying there on the kitchen counter this morning whispering sweet nothings in my ears, eat me, eat me...........
I must have self control..........
Made a from scratch pineapple upside-down cake yesterday, probably my favorite cake....... It's laying there on the kitchen counter this morning whispering sweet nothings in my ears, eat me, eat me...........
I must have self control..........
If I take a bite of raw pineapple, my mouth is full of blood within 30 seconds. Hoped that little mind jiggle helped you defeat your craving...
</dervish grin>
Made a from scratch pineapple upside-down cake yesterday, probably my favorite cake....... It's laying there on the kitchen counter this morning whispering sweet nothings in my ears, eat me, eat me...........
I must have self control..........
If I take a bite of raw pineapple, my mouth is full of blood within 30 seconds. Hoped that little mind jiggle helped you defeat your craving...
</dervish grin>
I was in the medical field way back, blood guts and gore does not bother me.........
Made a from scratch pineapple upside-down cake yesterday, probably my favorite cake....... It's laying there on the kitchen counter this morning whispering sweet nothings in my ears, eat me, eat me...........
I must have self control..........
If I take a bite of raw pineapple, my mouth is full of blood within 30 seconds. Hoped that little mind jiggle helped you defeat your craving...
</dervish grin>
I was in the medical field way back, blood guts and gore does not bother me.........

I worked in hospitals for a number of years too. But there are still some things that make me a bit squeamish.

I do love pineapple upside down cake though.
Made a from scratch pineapple upside-down cake yesterday, probably my favorite cake....... It's laying there on the kitchen counter this morning whispering sweet nothings in my ears, eat me, eat me...........
I must have self control..........
If I take a bite of raw pineapple, my mouth is full of blood within 30 seconds. Hoped that little mind jiggle helped you defeat your craving...
</dervish grin>
I was in the medical field way back, blood guts and gore does not bother me.........

I worked in hospitals for a number of years too. But there are still some things that make me a bit squeamish.

I do love pineapple upside down cake though.
There are still some things that kinda freak me out but only if they're done to me........ :eusa_whistle:
Congrats GW... :thup: It's a tuff slog loosing weight...
You know. I'm hoping that the steroid hip injections will allow me to walk more this spring. I have been suffering so much pain these past few years, it's almost magic after that steroid injection. Three doctors have told me that it's not "if" I need a hip replacement, it's "when". I hope I can hold out long enough that my daughter can stay around and help me with my livestock.
Lately the docs have told me that three steroid injections are year is the most one should get regardless of what is being treated.
It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to recover from a hip replacement depending on the patient. The sooner one starts moving and the better shape one is in then generally the faster the recovery.

Three times steroids is what I was told, too. Right now, I am going to physical therapy weekly in order to regain some flexibility and strength in the hip muscles, etc. That will put me in a lot better physical shape pre-op. Once the granddaughters are out of high school in two years, daughter will have the leisure to come over and help. I'll also be mostly retired by then, too, so I won't be missing a lot of work time after surgery. They wanted to inject my wrists, too, for carpal tunnel. But I have dealt with CT annually since I began milking goats every spring. Wearing wrist braces when sleeping, and now when I am driving, helps a great deal. So, no steroids in the wrists because I'd much rather have relief from the hip pain.
How is Mrs R doing with her treatments? Were you guys finally able to work out the payments?
I've lost almost 15 lbs since New Years. It's not easy but necessary because I have to deal with increasing blood pressure and deterioration hip joints. I do feel lots better but am still not leaping onto ladders like I once did.
Same here... got real tired of the way I looked and felt and changed a lot of things around. Cut out a ton of bad things I was eating and drinking, quit eating big meals, quit eating late at night, cut out sugar, processed foods, packaged stuff, canned this and that, on and on, and I've lost 15 pounds too but I'm only getting started. Seems like the more you lose the harder it is lose the remainder though, but that's not stopping me. I'm seriously motivated and dedicated. I was 195 lbs when I left Reno in 2007. That wasn't too bad a weight, but I could even be less than that, but the 221 I was with the blood pressure creeping up and the cholesterol and all that, no way in hell am I going to keep going down that road. I'm at 206 on the scale and back in my 36" waist jeans, but far as I figure, I still have a LONG way to go. I'd like to even hit 190. Sure glad I have the gym in the back room because muscle burns fat, even at rest, so the more muscle I pack on, the more fat I'll burn. Looking forward to Summer. Going to be proud to take my dang shirt off and get the first tan I've had in decades. The vitamin D will be welcome too.
Changing diet is probably toughest. Cutting out easy processed foods and jonesing for sweets is a constant challenge. Unfortunately, my schedule really doesn't help. Even when I take the time to cook my meals for the week and take them to work, chowing down between flights, usually eating while sitting in the work truck or doing paperwork in the office, does make a healthy meal. I'm hoping that the hip treatments and therapy will allow me to at least go for walks this summer.
Congrats GW... :thup: It's a tuff slog loosing weight...
You know. I'm hoping that the steroid hip injections will allow me to walk more this spring. I have been suffering so much pain these past few years, it's almost magic after that steroid injection. Three doctors have told me that it's not "if" I need a hip replacement, it's "when". I hope I can hold out long enough that my daughter can stay around and help me with my livestock.
Lately the docs have told me that three steroid injections are year is the most one should get regardless of what is being treated.
It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to recover from a hip replacement depending on the patient. The sooner one starts moving and the better shape one is in then generally the faster the recovery.

Three times steroids is what I was told, too. Right now, I am going to physical therapy weekly in order to regain some flexibility and strength in the hip muscles, etc. That will put me in a lot better physical shape pre-op. Once the granddaughters are out of high school in two years, daughter will have the leisure to come over and help. I'll also be mostly retired by then, too, so I won't be missing a lot of work time after surgery. They wanted to inject my wrists, too, for carpal tunnel. But I have dealt with CT annually since I began milking goats every spring. Wearing wrist braces when sleeping, and now when I am driving, helps a great deal. So, no steroids in the wrists because I'd much rather have relief from the hip pain.
How is Mrs R doing with her treatments? Were you guys finally able to work out the payments?
Make sure your CT isn't in fact a neck vertebra issue, happened to the wife decades ago.
The wife is going through hell week on top of the fact the OB Oncologist took her off hormones so she's also going through menopause........ As for the finances we did get some local help with rent and bills for next month and checking with other sources for help with medical payments and more help with rent and bills.
Congrats GW... :thup: It's a tuff slog loosing weight...
You know. I'm hoping that the steroid hip injections will allow me to walk more this spring. I have been suffering so much pain these past few years, it's almost magic after that steroid injection. Three doctors have told me that it's not "if" I need a hip replacement, it's "when". I hope I can hold out long enough that my daughter can stay around and help me with my livestock.
Lately the docs have told me that three steroid injections are year is the most one should get regardless of what is being treated.
It can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to recover from a hip replacement depending on the patient. The sooner one starts moving and the better shape one is in then generally the faster the recovery.

Three times steroids is what I was told, too. Right now, I am going to physical therapy weekly in order to regain some flexibility and strength in the hip muscles, etc. That will put me in a lot better physical shape pre-op. Once the granddaughters are out of high school in two years, daughter will have the leisure to come over and help. I'll also be mostly retired by then, too, so I won't be missing a lot of work time after surgery. They wanted to inject my wrists, too, for carpal tunnel. But I have dealt with CT annually since I began milking goats every spring. Wearing wrist braces when sleeping, and now when I am driving, helps a great deal. So, no steroids in the wrists because I'd much rather have relief from the hip pain.
How is Mrs R doing with her treatments? Were you guys finally able to work out the payments?
Make sure your CT isn't in fact a neck vertebra issue, happened to the wife decades ago.
The wife is going through hell week on top of the fact the OB Oncologist took her off hormones so she's also going through menopause........ As for the finances we did get some local help with rent and bills for next month and checking with other sources for help with medical payments and more help with rent and bills.
Already went through a neurological exam for the CT. As mentioned, I deal with it every year when I start milking again. This time, though, I was surprised to discover that those four hours behind the wheel (my commute to/from work) could also cause carpal tunnel. Hence, I wear braces when driving. I've also started taking some herbal supplements that help, too.
Good deal, at least you found some help to start with. I'm positive you guys will find some kind of program to help as things continue to develop. Did the oncologist take her off hormones because of the cancer treatment? It's gotta be a double-whammy, going through chemo (?) and menopause all at once. And anyone who doesn't think men go through menopause are fortunate enough not to have a wife/sister/mother/aunt, etc, who is experiencing that "change".
Okay, I finally got it together and managed to download some photos from my iPhone.
Here are my girls in their goat-coats. They may be warmer, maybe not, but they are certainly a stylish bunch, aren't they?
This is my killer turkey. He's pretty excited and wanted to try killing me. Nothing unusual, he's a pretty ornery critter.

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