USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm back at the greatest thread on the internet. Excuse me a second while I grab a coffee.

Hey Gorgeous George. Welcome welcome. (We ran into each other elsewhere and somehow I lured him back, the femme fatale that I am of course. :) )

As your first visit, at least officially, you are entitled to a complimentary beverage. Lethal or benign, everybody gets exactly what they want here. Seriously, glad to see you.


Agree that some threads/posts/content here can be a bit disheartening. Okay scary even. But there are some really good people here too and blessedly, the Coffee Shop enjoys a lot of those.
Not as much as they used to be..........
Were you able to find some help handling your wife's medical bills?
Some, still working on more though. The good thing is the insurance company told the wife she has met all her out of pocket for the year so no more co-pays, etc. Doesn't mean we don't owe what we already owe.

How is she handling the chemo? My sister-in-law had to stop during the second go round because it was literally killing her. So she still probably has the cancer. . .I am gently encouraging and hoping she will go the holistic path to deal with it.

Back a long time ago when I was handling medical accounts receivables--my official title was 'credit manager'--we could arrange for people to pay out what they owed in monthly installments that they could handle. And a lot of those folks got behind in their payments now and then, but most eventually paid their debt. Hopefully you will have the same kind of option.
Most everything we owe is set up for monthly payments, problem is we can't afford those monthly payments any longer without help. It's either pay the medical bills or pay the rent and utilities.

If that happened back when, the delinquent person came in to renegotiate the payments. If he/she was convincing that the payments were truly a hardship and involved necessities rather than luxuries, we usually were able to work with them.
What? I have to give up my yacht??!! My private jet??!!
Were you able to find some help handling your wife's medical bills?
Some, still working on more though. The good thing is the insurance company told the wife she has met all her out of pocket for the year so no more co-pays, etc. Doesn't mean we don't owe what we already owe.

How is she handling the chemo? My sister-in-law had to stop during the second go round because it was literally killing her. So she still probably has the cancer. . .I am gently encouraging and hoping she will go the holistic path to deal with it.

Back a long time ago when I was handling medical accounts receivables--my official title was 'credit manager'--we could arrange for people to pay out what they owed in monthly installments that they could handle. And a lot of those folks got behind in their payments now and then, but most eventually paid their debt. Hopefully you will have the same kind of option.
Most everything we owe is set up for monthly payments, problem is we can't afford those monthly payments any longer without help. It's either pay the medical bills or pay the rent and utilities.

If that happened back when, the delinquent person came in to renegotiate the payments. If he/she was convincing that the payments were truly a hardship and involved necessities rather than luxuries, we usually were able to work with them.
What? I have to give up my yacht??!! My private jet??!!

Well. . . downsize just a wee bit maybe? :)
Just snow, snow, snow and MORE SNOW here in Wisconsin. I can't be more thankful that I have that big ole John Deere with the snowblower attachment now. Didn't use it hardly at all for the last three years but WOW, winter cut lose with a vengeance this year.

I've been hibernating and working out on the gym, and of course, bought more stereo gear. Had to have decent tunes in the back room with the gym for working out so I bought a Yamaha stereo integrated amp, and WOW... just can't put in words how GREAT this thing sounds coupled with my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's moved in from the shop, just awesome. I haven't been wowed like this for awhile, but this did it. Don't know why I have never owned a Yamaha before, but I was so impressed with this I bought another Yamaha Aventage RX-A3080 home theater receiver for the front room. My old Denon AVR-4810 was showing it's age and doing funny things with it's biamping processing so, it had to be replaced, it was time.

But for anyone that likes just STEREO, I HIGHLY recommend this Yamaha integrated amp. It has built in DAC's so it can process direct digital streams and other inputs, and it won't break the bank, just a BEAUTIFUL little integrated amp... high current... clean... very articulate and punchy...

Nothing finishes a man cave as nicely as a good stereo system. Do you live alone, no one to be disturbed when you crank the tunes, yanno?
I've lived alone for 32 years now. Don't have any neighbors near enough for loud music to bother either, and I do play it loud, often... ;) ... :lol:
Found out yesterday the wife's employer terminated her position so we've been scrambling to find out if she still has short term disability and associated medical insurance or not. Also went to the county financial assistance and applied for everything we thought we could apply for including help with existing medical bills. That happened after the dentist did an early morning root canal on her, the abscess had been festering for for a while and now with the chemo compromising her immune system we thought it was a good idea to get it taken care of.
Also checking into filing for SSDI for her so we'll need to see a lawyer.
If it isn't one thing it's another...... Maybe I should have never claimed to "feel like Job"......... hopefully I didn't speak it into existence........
Found out yesterday the wife's employer terminated her position so we've been scrambling to find out if she still has short term disability and associated medical insurance or not. Also went to the county financial assistance and applied for everything we thought we could apply for including help with existing medical bills. That happened after the dentist did an early morning root canal on her, the abscess had been festering for for a while and now with the chemo compromising her immune system we thought it was a good idea to get it taken care of.
Also checking into filing for SSDI for her so we'll need to see a lawyer.
If it isn't one thing it's another...... Maybe I should have never claimed to "feel like Job"......... hopefully I didn't speak it into existence........

:( Boy I can see why you feel that way. Ramping up the prayers and positive vibes.
On another note the mouse for my Linux desktop finally died, ordered a new, upright ergonomic mouse which arrived today. It's going to take a little getting used to but it takes all strain off the wrist. Pretty much the same as this one but left handed, I'm a righty but mouse left handed.

On another note the mouse for my Linux desktop finally died, ordered a new, upright ergonomic mouse which arrived today. It's going to take a little getting used to but it takes all strain off the wrist. Pretty much the same as this one but left handed, I'm a righty but mouse left handed.

I've been using this one for years now....Love it.

On another note the mouse for my Linux desktop finally died, ordered a new, upright ergonomic mouse which arrived today. It's going to take a little getting used to but it takes all strain off the wrist. Pretty much the same as this one but left handed, I'm a righty but mouse left handed.

I've been using this one for years now....Love it.

Never liked trackballs, couldn't get used to them.
I guess you have to be audiophile to get it... ;)

I love music :dance:, but audiophile is one moniker that does not fit my shingle...
Well, you're not alone. Us audiophiles are few and far between.
I'm a casual photophile which means I love photography with nice cameras an lenses but don't spend all my time on photo sharing sites.
Also 'casual' because I don't buy $3k camera bodies and $16k lenses........
I guess you have to be audiophile to get it... ;)

I love music :dance:, but audiophile is one moniker that does not fit my shingle...
Well, you're not alone. Us audiophiles are few and far between.
I'm a casual photophile which means I love photography with nice cameras an lenses but don't spend all my time on photo sharing sites.
Also 'casual' because I don't buy $3k camera bodies and $16k lenses........

Have you gone digital yet? I have a Pentax film camera with a bunch of lenses, but I finally got a Nikon digital camera, with a fixed lens. The zoom lens feature on it is pretty good. Better than my Pentax telephoto lens.
Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)
I still have my old Nikon EM (film camera), still works but is all manual lens focus.


Yes, Hombre and I are pretty much purists when it comes to photography and still make the effort to get out the old fashioned but really great cameras now and then. But they are so much less intuitively efficient, plus so much slower, than our good digital cameras, we most pick up the digital.

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