USMB Coffee Shop IV

I still have my old Nikon EM (film camera), still works but is all manual lens focus.


Yes, Hombre and I are pretty much purists when it comes to photography and still make the effort to get out the old fashioned but really great cameras now and then. But they are so much less intuitively efficient, plus so much slower, than our good digital cameras, we most pick up the digital.
I was looking at adding a D7000 to my collection but that's obviously on hold now even though a good used body averages around $230........ Not bad for a camera that was $1100 brand new in 2010.

I still have my old Nikon EM (film camera), still works but is all manual lens focus.


Second hand Nikon film cameras are still pretty expensive. But you can pick up a Pentax spotmatic and telephoto lenses cheaply now days. I have a digital Nikon coolpix L340 with a 28 times zoom lens. It was only £100 but does a very good job.
PS. If anyone wants to buy a secondhand Pentax film camera, be warned the older models light meters use batteries that are no longer in production. I have a Pentax spotmatic F and the batteries for it are still made. But not earlier models.
Just snow, snow, snow and MORE SNOW here in Wisconsin. I can't be more thankful that I have that big ole John Deere with the snowblower attachment now. Didn't use it hardly at all for the last three years but WOW, winter cut lose with a vengeance this year.

I've been hibernating and working out on the gym, and of course, bought more stereo gear. Had to have decent tunes in the back room with the gym for working out so I bought a Yamaha stereo integrated amp, and WOW... just can't put in words how GREAT this thing sounds coupled with my Bowers & Wilkins DM-604 S3's moved in from the shop, just awesome. I haven't been wowed like this for awhile, but this did it. Don't know why I have never owned a Yamaha before, but I was so impressed with this I bought another Yamaha Aventage RX-A3080 home theater receiver for the front room. My old Denon AVR-4810 was showing it's age and doing funny things with it's biamping processing so, it had to be replaced, it was time.

But for anyone that likes just STEREO, I HIGHLY recommend this Yamaha integrated amp. It has built in DAC's so it can process direct digital streams and other inputs, and it won't break the bank, just a BEAUTIFUL little integrated amp... high current... clean... very articulate and punchy...

Nothing finishes a man cave as nicely as a good stereo system. Do you live alone, no one to be disturbed when you crank the tunes, yanno?
I've lived alone for 32 years now. Don't have any neighbors near enough for loud music to bother either, and I do play it loud, often... ;) ... :lol:
Yup, I can relate. I live out here on my teensy spread, just short of 200 acres. The nearest neighbors about a mile North on their 100 acres. Dogs barking, loud music, generators, nothing really disturbs anyone else.
I still have my old Nikon EM (film camera), still works but is all manual lens focus.


Second hand Nikon film cameras are still pretty expensive. But you can pick up a Pentax spotmatic and telephoto lenses cheaply now days. I have a digital Nikon coolpix L340 with a 28 times zoom lens. It was only £100 but does a very good job.
You can get a good Nikon EM body here for $30, with a standard 50mm lens probably around $75 to $100 (US dollars).
Don't know what shipping would cost you.

The Nikon D40 (not the D40x) would average around $100 and it's digital, what really gets ya with digital is autofocus lenses, they tend to be much more expensive than manual focus but still not that much to buy used. A used D40x would run an extra $30 - $50, a matching 55mm - 200m autofocus lens around $70 used.
Found out yesterday the wife's employer terminated her position so we've been scrambling to find out if she still has short term disability and associated medical insurance or not. Also went to the county financial assistance and applied for everything we thought we could apply for including help with existing medical bills. That happened after the dentist did an early morning root canal on her, the abscess had been festering for for a while and now with the chemo compromising her immune system we thought it was a good idea to get it taken care of.
Also checking into filing for SSDI for her so we'll need to see a lawyer.
If it isn't one thing it's another...... Maybe I should have never claimed to "feel like Job"......... hopefully I didn't speak it into existence........
If all the best wishes, prayers, good vibes, etc could do you well, I know that the CS will be doing their best. For my part, I wish there were something more positive I could do to help. Best to both of you.
Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)
Well, heck! Happy Anniversary, Foxy and Hombre.:twirl:
Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)

Oh, Foxfyre, Happy Anniversary to you and Hombre!​


Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)
That's so good!

And I have some good news, too. I was visiting EJ's family last night, and his color is back and his chemo is apparently working. So good to have a celebration going on now and then. I heard he'd been back to taking care of his cows, but it's nice to see old friends well again. :) And thank you so kindly for having him on the USMB prayer list. Prayers work!
I inadvertently killed the dog today. :(

I took the little one over to her friend's house and the dogs went with us. They couldn't be left at home today. The little one's friend used to live next door, but they moved to another house close by a few years ago so they would have the space to keep horses. They have 4 horses, a cat, and a dog.

The boxer was thrilled to have a dog his size to play with, and he was excited by the horses, not to mention the normal excitement of being around people he doesn't usually see. I kept the dogs on leashes the whole time as we did not want them messing with the horses and getting kicked or stepped on. That meant that the dogs didn't really run while we were there. Still, the boxer kept pulling at the leash wanting to go here, and here, and here, and ooo look at that! He played off and on with the dog of his size, the two of them pawing at each other and doing play-biting, etc.

Unfortunately, the boxer had heart problems. He had had a couple of seizures in the past. When he had his seizures it came when he was running around a lot, as puppies (and especially boxer puppies) will do. The boxer wasn't running around, but I didn't really consider what 2-3 hours of the excitement of being at a place with people he didn't know, a dog he didn't know and could play rough with, and horses (which he'd never seen before) would do. After some play with the other dog, the boxer lay down and put his head on his paws. Our former neighbor commented that she thought he was going to sleep. After a minute he started to have labored breathing, then he lay on his side and his tongue came out, and his breath got more labored. After a short time his breathing stopped and did not start again.

We put the two littles in the house to play before the dog died. We kept them playing while my employer drove out to the house. She told the little one, who of course was bawling. We've been home for an hour+ and the little one is still bursting into tears now and then.

I know this sort of thing was probably inevitable, given the boxer's heart problems, but I should have considered how the excitement might affect him and kept the day short. Who knows how long he might have lived had I not exposed him to all that excitement? :(
Made a chicken, broccoli, rice, cheese casserole........ forgot to add the cheddar cheese.... No problem as it's a casserole I simply mixed the cheese in after I took it out of the oven. :lol:
I inadvertently killed the dog today. :(

I took the little one over to her friend's house and the dogs went with us. They couldn't be left at home today. The little one's friend used to live next door, but they moved to another house close by a few years ago so they would have the space to keep horses. They have 4 horses, a cat, and a dog.

The boxer was thrilled to have a dog his size to play with, and he was excited by the horses, not to mention the normal excitement of being around people he doesn't usually see. I kept the dogs on leashes the whole time as we did not want them messing with the horses and getting kicked or stepped on. That meant that the dogs didn't really run while we were there. Still, the boxer kept pulling at the leash wanting to go here, and here, and here, and ooo look at that! He played off and on with the dog of his size, the two of them pawing at each other and doing play-biting, etc.

Unfortunately, the boxer had heart problems. He had had a couple of seizures in the past. When he had his seizures it came when he was running around a lot, as puppies (and especially boxer puppies) will do. The boxer wasn't running around, but I didn't really consider what 2-3 hours of the excitement of being at a place with people he didn't know, a dog he didn't know and could play rough with, and horses (which he'd never seen before) would do. After some play with the other dog, the boxer lay down and put his head on his paws. Our former neighbor commented that she thought he was going to sleep. After a minute he started to have labored breathing, then he lay on his side and his tongue came out, and his breath got more labored. After a short time his breathing stopped and did not start again.

We put the two littles in the house to play before the dog died. We kept them playing while my employer drove out to the house. She told the little one, who of course was bawling. We've been home for an hour+ and the little one is still bursting into tears now and then.

I know this sort of thing was probably inevitable, given the boxer's heart problems, but I should have considered how the excitement might affect him and kept the day short. Who knows how long he might have lived had I not exposed him to all that excitement? :(

Don't beat yourself up Montro. Without being specifically instructed to limit the dog's activities, there isn't any one of us who would have considered him at risk in that situation. And it might not have been the situation. Many a human has had a heart attack at most unexpected times and without any unusual exertion or no exertion at all, and some don't survive it. It doesn't sound like your employer's dog was going to be long for this world anyway and it could have happened in his sleep at home.

Sending you a hug across the miles though because it is obvious you care deeply even though that dog gave you a lot of irritated moments.
Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)
That's so good!

And I have some good news, too. I was visiting EJ's family last night, and his color is back and his chemo is apparently working. So good to have a celebration going on now and then. I heard he'd been back to taking care of his cows, but it's nice to see old friends well again. :) And thank you so kindly for having him on the USMB prayer list. Prayers work!

I think they do too as well as positive energy in positive thoughts. Let's keep him on the list though until he has completed all his treatment and is pronounced well.
Most awesome-est day of the year for dark chocolate....Dove hearts @ half price!

I toss them at the lifties the rest of the ski season. :)

Hombre and I just came back from lunch with my aunt and our friend Dana where we were presented with a big bag of Ghiardelli chocolates for our wedding anniversary yesterday. Sure plays heck with my efforts to lose 10 pounds or so, but soooo good. :)
That's so good!

And I have some good news, too. I was visiting EJ's family last night, and his color is back and his chemo is apparently working. So good to have a celebration going on now and then. I heard he'd been back to taking care of his cows, but it's nice to see old friends well again. :) And thank you so kindly for having him on the USMB prayer list. Prayers work!
Good news, Beau! Hope he stays on the mend and continues to improve.
How are you doing?
And thanks for the anniversary wishes ya'll. Hombre and I have been married more years than a lot of you are old and there is a lot of shared history.

The one thing that never ceases to amaze me though is how young we think, feel, care, love, hope etc. at our age. When I was middle aged I always thought I would be really really old at this age. But it sure doesn't feel that way. Okay my body reminds me I'm no spring chicken now and then, but that's about it.
I inadvertently killed the dog today. :(

I took the little one over to her friend's house and the dogs went with us. They couldn't be left at home today. The little one's friend used to live next door, but they moved to another house close by a few years ago so they would have the space to keep horses. They have 4 horses, a cat, and a dog.

The boxer was thrilled to have a dog his size to play with, and he was excited by the horses, not to mention the normal excitement of being around people he doesn't usually see. I kept the dogs on leashes the whole time as we did not want them messing with the horses and getting kicked or stepped on. That meant that the dogs didn't really run while we were there. Still, the boxer kept pulling at the leash wanting to go here, and here, and here, and ooo look at that! He played off and on with the dog of his size, the two of them pawing at each other and doing play-biting, etc.

Unfortunately, the boxer had heart problems. He had had a couple of seizures in the past. When he had his seizures it came when he was running around a lot, as puppies (and especially boxer puppies) will do. The boxer wasn't running around, but I didn't really consider what 2-3 hours of the excitement of being at a place with people he didn't know, a dog he didn't know and could play rough with, and horses (which he'd never seen before) would do. After some play with the other dog, the boxer lay down and put his head on his paws. Our former neighbor commented that she thought he was going to sleep. After a minute he started to have labored breathing, then he lay on his side and his tongue came out, and his breath got more labored. After a short time his breathing stopped and did not start again.

We put the two littles in the house to play before the dog died. We kept them playing while my employer drove out to the house. She told the little one, who of course was bawling. We've been home for an hour+ and the little one is still bursting into tears now and then.

I know this sort of thing was probably inevitable, given the boxer's heart problems, but I should have considered how the excitement might affect him and kept the day short. Who knows how long he might have lived had I not exposed him to all that excitement? :(
You shouldn't fret. He's in a better place, waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for the little one to show up, someday. She'll get over it fairly quickly, as children often do.
I inadvertently killed the dog today. :(

I took the little one over to her friend's house and the dogs went with us. They couldn't be left at home today. The little one's friend used to live next door, but they moved to another house close by a few years ago so they would have the space to keep horses. They have 4 horses, a cat, and a dog.

The boxer was thrilled to have a dog his size to play with, and he was excited by the horses, not to mention the normal excitement of being around people he doesn't usually see. I kept the dogs on leashes the whole time as we did not want them messing with the horses and getting kicked or stepped on. That meant that the dogs didn't really run while we were there. Still, the boxer kept pulling at the leash wanting to go here, and here, and here, and ooo look at that! He played off and on with the dog of his size, the two of them pawing at each other and doing play-biting, etc.

Unfortunately, the boxer had heart problems. He had had a couple of seizures in the past. When he had his seizures it came when he was running around a lot, as puppies (and especially boxer puppies) will do. The boxer wasn't running around, but I didn't really consider what 2-3 hours of the excitement of being at a place with people he didn't know, a dog he didn't know and could play rough with, and horses (which he'd never seen before) would do. After some play with the other dog, the boxer lay down and put his head on his paws. Our former neighbor commented that she thought he was going to sleep. After a minute he started to have labored breathing, then he lay on his side and his tongue came out, and his breath got more labored. After a short time his breathing stopped and did not start again.

We put the two littles in the house to play before the dog died. We kept them playing while my employer drove out to the house. She told the little one, who of course was bawling. We've been home for an hour+ and the little one is still bursting into tears now and then.

I know this sort of thing was probably inevitable, given the boxer's heart problems, but I should have considered how the excitement might affect him and kept the day short. Who knows how long he might have lived had I not exposed him to all that excitement? :(

Don't beat yourself up Montro. Without being specifically instructed to limit the dog's activities, there isn't any one of us who would have considered him at risk in that situation. And it might not have been the situation. Many a human has had a heart attack at most unexpected times and without any unusual exertion or no exertion at all, and some don't survive it. It doesn't sound like your employer's dog was going to be long for this world anyway and it could have happened in his sleep at home.

Sending you a hug across the miles though because it is obvious you care deeply even though that dog gave you a lot of irritated moments.
Dog probably died happier than ever before in his life, too.
I inadvertently killed the dog today. :(

I took the little one over to her friend's house and the dogs went with us. They couldn't be left at home today. The little one's friend used to live next door, but they moved to another house close by a few years ago so they would have the space to keep horses. They have 4 horses, a cat, and a dog.

The boxer was thrilled to have a dog his size to play with, and he was excited by the horses, not to mention the normal excitement of being around people he doesn't usually see. I kept the dogs on leashes the whole time as we did not want them messing with the horses and getting kicked or stepped on. That meant that the dogs didn't really run while we were there. Still, the boxer kept pulling at the leash wanting to go here, and here, and here, and ooo look at that! He played off and on with the dog of his size, the two of them pawing at each other and doing play-biting, etc.

Unfortunately, the boxer had heart problems. He had had a couple of seizures in the past. When he had his seizures it came when he was running around a lot, as puppies (and especially boxer puppies) will do. The boxer wasn't running around, but I didn't really consider what 2-3 hours of the excitement of being at a place with people he didn't know, a dog he didn't know and could play rough with, and horses (which he'd never seen before) would do. After some play with the other dog, the boxer lay down and put his head on his paws. Our former neighbor commented that she thought he was going to sleep. After a minute he started to have labored breathing, then he lay on his side and his tongue came out, and his breath got more labored. After a short time his breathing stopped and did not start again.

We put the two littles in the house to play before the dog died. We kept them playing while my employer drove out to the house. She told the little one, who of course was bawling. We've been home for an hour+ and the little one is still bursting into tears now and then.

I know this sort of thing was probably inevitable, given the boxer's heart problems, but I should have considered how the excitement might affect him and kept the day short. Who knows how long he might have lived had I not exposed him to all that excitement? :(

Don't beat yourself up Montro. Without being specifically instructed to limit the dog's activities, there isn't any one of us who would have considered him at risk in that situation. And it might not have been the situation. Many a human has had a heart attack at most unexpected times and without any unusual exertion or no exertion at all, and some don't survive it. It doesn't sound like your employer's dog was going to be long for this world anyway and it could have happened in his sleep at home.

Sending you a hug across the miles though because it is obvious you care deeply even though that dog gave you a lot of irritated moments.
Dog probably died happier than ever before in his life, too.

He did have a good day, until it went so quickly bad.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Ringel and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges with resulting financial challenges.
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!


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