USMB Coffee Shop IV

Better school, hopefully. How about you? Are you moving with them, or moving on? I seem to recall you talking about moving on.

It's uncertain at the moment. Depends on where I am with finding new work and finding a place when my employer can both find a buyer and a new house to buy.
Good luck, Montrovant.
Beautiful, clear weather here. But that just means it's brutally cold. It's warmed up to 17F since this morning (-5F). I'm still battling this damned head cold. I plan on travelling to Japan next week, if I can score a "hop", so feeling better is essential.
My visiting moose is still hanging around. I suspect she'll be here until Spring and then she'll move on like moose do. In the meantime, I have moose poop all over the place! Such a "small" moose, so much poop! Oh, yeah, moose poop stinks, too, at least until it's frozen.
Tried out my new snowshoes. I didn't think I'd be able to use them with my hip being so bad, but things worked out pretty well. Post-holing in waist-deep snow is tough enough with snowshoes. But we need to get out to some more beetle-killed spruce for the fire wood.
Beautiful, clear weather here. But that just means it's brutally cold. It's warmed up to 17F since this morning (-5F). I'm still battling this damned head cold. I plan on travelling to Japan next week, if I can score a "hop", so feeling better is essential.
My visiting moose is still hanging around. I suspect she'll be here until Spring and then she'll move on like moose do. In the meantime, I have moose poop all over the place! Such a "small" moose, so much poop! Oh, yeah, moose poop stinks, too, at least until it's frozen.
Tried out my new snowshoes. I didn't think I'd be able to use them with my hip being so bad, but things worked out pretty well. Post-holing in waist-deep snow is tough enough with snowshoes. But we need to get out to some more beetle-killed spruce for the fire wood.
Hope you have a good time in Japan. Please don't get into an earthquake or something there. I enjoy reading your posts, GW.
Inadvertently hit on a married woman today. Went to empty Dads 2 safe deposit boxes. Woman at the second bank was a tallish, trim, dark blond haired, hazel blue eyed beauty. 40 ish I would say. Didnt start really paying attention to her until we were wrapping things up. Did quick replay of events. Wasn't sure if I had seen a ring but wasn't going to let uncertainty get in the way so I hit her up. Got a big smile and laugh as she said I'm married, not quite schoolgirlish but almost. Should have tossed her a compliment with my explanation but I'm little out of practice. Got another big smile with a "but thanks" as I turned for the door.
Inadvertently hit on a married woman today. Went to empty Dads 2 safe deposit boxes. Woman at the second bank was a tallish, trim, dark blond haired, hazel blue eyed beauty. 40 ish I would say. Didnt start really paying attention to her until we were wrapping things up. Did quick replay of events. Wasn't sure if I had seen a ring but wasn't going to let uncertainty get in the way so I hit her up. Got a big smile and laugh as she said I'm married, not quite schoolgirlish but almost. Should have tossed her a compliment with my explanation but I'm little out of practice. Got another big smile with a "but thanks" as I turned for the door.
You prolly made her day, Manonthestreet. :)
Inadvertently hit on a married woman today. Went to empty Dads 2 safe deposit boxes. Woman at the second bank was a tallish, trim, dark blond haired, hazel blue eyed beauty. 40 ish I would say. Didnt start really paying attention to her until we were wrapping things up. Did quick replay of events. Wasn't sure if I had seen a ring but wasn't going to let uncertainty get in the way so I hit her up. Got a big smile and laugh as she said I'm married, not quite schoolgirlish but almost. Should have tossed her a compliment with my explanation but I'm little out of practice. Got another big smile with a "but thanks" as I turned for the door.
You prolly made her day, Manonthestreet. :)
Least she can go home and tell hubby...hey pay attention, I still have total strangers after me.
Inadvertently hit on a married woman today. Went to empty Dads 2 safe deposit boxes. Woman at the second bank was a tallish, trim, dark blond haired, hazel blue eyed beauty. 40 ish I would say. Didnt start really paying attention to her until we were wrapping things up. Did quick replay of events. Wasn't sure if I had seen a ring but wasn't going to let uncertainty get in the way so I hit her up. Got a big smile and laugh as she said I'm married, not quite schoolgirlish but almost. Should have tossed her a compliment with my explanation but I'm little out of practice. Got another big smile with a "but thanks" as I turned for the door.
You prolly made her day, Manonthestreet. :)
Least she can go home and tell hubby...hey pay attention, I still have total strangers after me.
Paranoia? :dunno?
Inadvertently hit on a married woman today. Went to empty Dads 2 safe deposit boxes. Woman at the second bank was a tallish, trim, dark blond haired, hazel blue eyed beauty. 40 ish I would say. Didnt start really paying attention to her until we were wrapping things up. Did quick replay of events. Wasn't sure if I had seen a ring but wasn't going to let uncertainty get in the way so I hit her up. Got a big smile and laugh as she said I'm married, not quite schoolgirlish but almost. Should have tossed her a compliment with my explanation but I'm little out of practice. Got another big smile with a "but thanks" as I turned for the door.
You prolly made her day, Manonthestreet. :)
Least she can go home and tell hubby...hey pay attention, I still have total strangers after me.
Paranoia? :dunno?
Meaning she still has it.......
Things are moving with the SSDI. Last Friday afternoon a Social Security case worker called to do a phone interview with the wife but she was sound asleep, he stated he saw what the diagnosis was and wanted to get started ASAP. Still I wasn't going to wake here up but we did get back in touch with him this morning so that's done. Also signed a bunch of financial and HIPAA documents to get things moving faster with possible Medicaid and other assistance.
So far the short term disability insurance has been making weekly deposits but don't know how long that will last, end of the month, mid May as was originally approved?
We have other possibilities available if we need them so things aren't as dire as first expected but that could change a little also.
She's finishing up her third cycle so she should have a CAT Scan soon and we'll see how much the tumors have shrunk, if at all.........

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