USMB Coffee Shop IV

Before I unplug the computer and turn out the lights here, I was thinking about Ringel & Mrs. R's redecorating themes in their new house. And I just ran across this:

Why's the toilet paper so hard to reach?
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Seems that my efforts to loosen up my back are working. I'm going to stay on this back massage thingy a little longer and then kick into action. The partner is on his way and he's got a couple of stops to make. I want to get some things done before he arrives. It's like entertaining a three-year-old grandchild when he shows up.
A strong cold front blasted into the warm overly moist air of the midwest today sparking fears of a breakout of really strong and dangerous storms. But I think the cold front so rapidly cooled everything down, there isn't all that much risk now.

We are settled into a little mom & pop what we once would have called a tourist court (motel) back in the olden days. Nothing fancy but quite comfortable. Will head out for Albuquerque early in the morning and should get there by early to mid afternoon depending on how many stops we make along the way.
Good to know you guys are comfortable, Foxy. Better not to push through when it isn't necessary.
For me, it's been a good day. My back has been well-behaved and I've gotten a load of work done. There's always such a mess to clear up. I've picked up lots of trash left by both the dog (picking the trash cans) and my partner. I've gathered and coiled at least a dozen electric cords and picked up the cargo straps left lying in the mud last fall. I have to decide how best to deal with gallons and gallons of motor oil that somehow "leaked" all over the place we keep the backhoe parked. It's a real mess out there and all you can smell is motor oil. Tomorrow, I will unload the hay and other stuff brought in from my former location (mostly fencing) and then load the truck with stuff destined for the dump. Lots to do, for sure!
I'm just really happy my back is feeling better. Earlier, I could barely move.
I decorated two houses in the 1970's and I didn't even consider any color scheme like that. :)

But I am sure you seen these at Montgomery Wards and Sears and Roebuck...


Yeah, the avocado green was really REALLY popular for awhile there. I did have one kitchen in which all the appliances were avocado green and it looked good. But the world and its trends moved on. I did have one predominantly yellow kitchen (with almond colored appliances) that I absolutely loved, but it wasn't anything close to the garish color of yellow in that bathroom. :)
White works best. Black and stainless are nice, but both require constant maintenance (cleaning) to keep them attractive.
PS: Why do kitchen appliances come in white? So they'll match the bride!!!

I'm not sure why black requires constant maintenance, but white does not. Wouldn't most things show up more easily on a white surface than a black one? That seems particularly true where ovens are concerned.
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Not sure what's going on, but this will help: If you have a Walmart in Anchorage, and they have vitamins, get (1) Zinc supplements (2) Turmeric supplements (3) Osteo Bi-Flex that has hyaluronic acid in it (and other stuff) (4) Centrum silver, over 50+ vitamins for men. Additional Vitamin D, CoQ10, and Vitamin A supplements help. Make Carrot Slaw if you have bad teeth or eat a carrot a day for 5 days of the week if your teeth are in good repair. That oughta square all that pain away unless you have a serious Thyroid or Parathyroid issue working behind your back. Have your doctor check you for calcium to rule out Parathyroid issues. You can avoid pain killer side effects if you treat the pain with the above. if I can think of something I've missed, I promise I'll get back here in case it's the supplement you're missing. I'm pretty sure I got the ones you need since this pain came on unexpectedly and there's no other reason for it. Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU ARE GETTING AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If you aren't, take Melatonin. It's cheap and at Walmart, too. It may take up to 5 or 6 days to kick in, but you will get more sleep if that's the pain culprit. Things change in your body post long vacation after the age of around 50 or more. Oh, yeah, quit sugar cold turkey. And do not miss your doctor's appointment in case your problems are multiple. Cold weather is bad for pain. You have to fight pain with all your wits about you, but you can beat it if there is nothing the doctor can find. :huddle: Wear a woolen or cotton vest over your shirt that completely covers chest and upper back, until the coldest day of the season is above 70 for a low.
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Not sure what's going on, but this will help: If you have a Walmart in Anchorage, and they have vitamins, get (1) Zinc supplements (2) Turmeric supplements (3) Osteo Bi-Flex that has hyaluronic acid in it (and other stuff) (4) Centrum silver, over 50+ vitamins for men. Additional Vitamin D, CoQ10, and Vitamin A supplements help. Make Carrot Slaw if you have bad teeth or eat a carrot a day for 5 days of the week if your teeth are in good repair. That oughta square all that pain away unless you have a serious Thyroid or Parathyroid issue working behind your back. Have your doctor check you for calcium to rule out Parathyroid issues. You can avoid pain killer side effects if you treat the pain with the above. if I can think of something I've missed, I promise I'll get back here in case it's the supplement you're missing. I'm pretty sure I got the ones you need since this pain came on unexpectedly and there's no other reason for it. Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU ARE GETTING AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If you aren't, take Melatonin. It's cheap and at Walmart, too. It may take up to 5 or 6 days to kick in, but you will get more sleep if that's the pain culprit. Things change in your body post long vacation after the age of around 50 or more. Oh, yeah, quit sugar cold turkey. And do not miss your doctor's appointment in case your problems are multiple. Cold weather is bad for pain. You have to fight pain with all your wits about you, but you can beat it if there is nothing the doctor can find. :huddle: Wear a woolen or cotton vest over your shirt that completely covers chest and upper back, until the coldest day of the season is above 70 for a low.
Thank you so much! I already have: zinc/calcium/magnesium and turmeric supplements, vitamin D, CoQ10 and vitamin A. I also take garlic (among other things) for my blood pressure. I don't eat carrots or other root veggies because I am on a low carbohydrate diet (that's working for weight loss). I'll see my orthopedist Thursday and ask if there's anything else I might be doing. I'm going for osteoarthritis in my hip but I'll definitely ask about this back thing. I'm thinking I might try to get a hip replacement this summer but there are conflicting issues. My daughter is willing to come this summer and help me during recuperation. But for several reasons, I cannot afford to be off work for the minimum six weeks of recovery time, if all goes well. Light duty is no issue because I am computer literate and able to do lots of office work. When I broke my foot a couple of years ago, I ended up writing, producing and narrating several training PowerPoints. But our company has PTO (paid time off) instead of vacation and sick time.
How are you doing these days? Still making excellent quilts?
White works best. Black and stainless are nice, but both require constant maintenance (cleaning) to keep them attractive.
PS: Why do kitchen appliances come in white? So they'll match the bride!!!

I have all stainless appliances now but the brushed steel that doesn't show fingerprints and such so much. And just a bit of stainless spray and a good wiping cloth and they look like new.
We are home. Got in less than an hour ago. Plenty glad to be here too. It's fun to go but always a blessing to be back home in our own bathroom, our own bed, with our own stuff.

Was raining when we left the east Texas Panhandle this morning and we ran into big severe thunder boomers by the time we got to Amarillo but fortunately didn't run under any of the hail, some of it quarter sized according to the radio.

Lovely in Albuquerque though, sunshine and bright blue sky showing among white fluffy clouds. About 64 degrees or so. Quite pleasant.
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Not sure what's going on, but this will help: If you have a Walmart in Anchorage, and they have vitamins, get (1) Zinc supplements (2) Turmeric supplements (3) Osteo Bi-Flex that has hyaluronic acid in it (and other stuff) (4) Centrum silver, over 50+ vitamins for men. Additional Vitamin D, CoQ10, and Vitamin A supplements help. Make Carrot Slaw if you have bad teeth or eat a carrot a day for 5 days of the week if your teeth are in good repair. That oughta square all that pain away unless you have a serious Thyroid or Parathyroid issue working behind your back. Have your doctor check you for calcium to rule out Parathyroid issues. You can avoid pain killer side effects if you treat the pain with the above. if I can think of something I've missed, I promise I'll get back here in case it's the supplement you're missing. I'm pretty sure I got the ones you need since this pain came on unexpectedly and there's no other reason for it. Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU ARE GETTING AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If you aren't, take Melatonin. It's cheap and at Walmart, too. It may take up to 5 or 6 days to kick in, but you will get more sleep if that's the pain culprit. Things change in your body post long vacation after the age of around 50 or more. Oh, yeah, quit sugar cold turkey. And do not miss your doctor's appointment in case your problems are multiple. Cold weather is bad for pain. You have to fight pain with all your wits about you, but you can beat it if there is nothing the doctor can find. :huddle: Wear a woolen or cotton vest over your shirt that completely covers chest and upper back, until the coldest day of the season is above 70 for a low.
Thank you so much! I already have: zinc/calcium/magnesium and turmeric supplements, vitamin D, CoQ10 and vitamin A. I also take garlic (among other things) for my blood pressure. I don't eat carrots or other root veggies because I am on a low carbohydrate diet (that's working for weight loss). I'll see my orthopedist Thursday and ask if there's anything else I might be doing. I'm going for osteoarthritis in my hip but I'll definitely ask about this back thing. I'm thinking I might try to get a hip replacement this summer but there are conflicting issues. My daughter is willing to come this summer and help me during recuperation. But for several reasons, I cannot afford to be off work for the minimum six weeks of recovery time, if all goes well. Light duty is no issue because I am computer literate and able to do lots of office work. When I broke my foot a couple of years ago, I ended up writing, producing and narrating several training PowerPoints. But our company has PTO (paid time off) instead of vacation and sick time.
How are you doing these days? Still making excellent quilts?
Wow you should be doing okay with all those vitamins, so you're right to visit the doctor. I actually woke up wide-eyed last night because I forgot about potassium reducing bone and muscle pain. lol ~ I drink milk at least twice a day, so my bones seem to be holding up okay. Lots of my friends have had hip replacement surgery. If I ever get over this bronchitis, I'm going back to exercising 4 times a week at the local Ironworks.
Oh, yes. I'm working on a red and tan checkerboard quilt today. I got some froggies and a red white and blue print for 2 quilts done last week. They're made for babies/toddlers whose mommies visit the local care center. There's a large university here, so someone student-poor is always having a baby in our town. The green quilt was too blasé so it needed some froggies wild. It's going to get them when I get the checkerboard challenge done. No matter how hard you try, tiny cutting errors using a rotary cutter always The red white and blue print will go on the red, lights and dark blue dirty windows log cabin completed last week. If I were more energetic, I'd get them all done by midnight. But the bronchitis kind of takes the air out of the room some days. So in 3 days, there will be 3 more to add to my small stack of 4 tops for April/May.
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Not sure what's going on, but this will help: If you have a Walmart in Anchorage, and they have vitamins, get (1) Zinc supplements (2) Turmeric supplements (3) Osteo Bi-Flex that has hyaluronic acid in it (and other stuff) (4) Centrum silver, over 50+ vitamins for men. Additional Vitamin D, CoQ10, and Vitamin A supplements help. Make Carrot Slaw if you have bad teeth or eat a carrot a day for 5 days of the week if your teeth are in good repair. That oughta square all that pain away unless you have a serious Thyroid or Parathyroid issue working behind your back. Have your doctor check you for calcium to rule out Parathyroid issues. You can avoid pain killer side effects if you treat the pain with the above. if I can think of something I've missed, I promise I'll get back here in case it's the supplement you're missing. I'm pretty sure I got the ones you need since this pain came on unexpectedly and there's no other reason for it. Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU ARE GETTING AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If you aren't, take Melatonin. It's cheap and at Walmart, too. It may take up to 5 or 6 days to kick in, but you will get more sleep if that's the pain culprit. Things change in your body post long vacation after the age of around 50 or more. Oh, yeah, quit sugar cold turkey. And do not miss your doctor's appointment in case your problems are multiple. Cold weather is bad for pain. You have to fight pain with all your wits about you, but you can beat it if there is nothing the doctor can find. :huddle: Wear a woolen or cotton vest over your shirt that completely covers chest and upper back, until the coldest day of the season is above 70 for a low.
Thank you so much! I already have: zinc/calcium/magnesium and turmeric supplements, vitamin D, CoQ10 and vitamin A. I also take garlic (among other things) for my blood pressure. I don't eat carrots or other root veggies because I am on a low carbohydrate diet (that's working for weight loss). I'll see my orthopedist Thursday and ask if there's anything else I might be doing. I'm going for osteoarthritis in my hip but I'll definitely ask about this back thing. I'm thinking I might try to get a hip replacement this summer but there are conflicting issues. My daughter is willing to come this summer and help me during recuperation. But for several reasons, I cannot afford to be off work for the minimum six weeks of recovery time, if all goes well. Light duty is no issue because I am computer literate and able to do lots of office work. When I broke my foot a couple of years ago, I ended up writing, producing and narrating several training PowerPoints. But our company has PTO (paid time off) instead of vacation and sick time.
How are you doing these days? Still making excellent quilts?
Wow you should be doing okay with all those vitamins, so you're right to visit the doctor. I actually woke up wide-eyed last night because I forgot about potassium reducing bone and muscle pain. lol ~ I drink milk at least twice a day, so my bones seem to be holding up okay. Lots of my friends have had hip replacement surgery. If I ever get over this bronchitis, I'm going back to exercising 4 times a week at the local Ironworks.
Oh, yes. I'm working on a red and tan checkerboard quilt today. I got some froggies and a red white and blue print for 2 quilts done last week. They're made for babies/toddlers whose mommies visit the local care center. There's a large university here, so someone student-poor is always having a baby in our town. The green quilt was too blasé so it needed some froggies wild. It's going to get them when I get the checkerboard challenge done. No matter how hard you try, tiny cutting errors using a rotary cutter always The red white and blue print will go on the red, lights and dark blue dirty windows log cabin completed last week. If I were more energetic, I'd get them all done by midnight. But the bronchitis kind of takes the air out of the room some days. So in 3 days, there will be 3 more to add to my small stack of 4 tops for April/May.
Wow! That still seems very energetic to me, and ambitious. I hope your bronchitis clears up soon. Maybe warmer spring weather would help?
Thanks, beau!
My weekend starts Sunday afternoon and fortunately lasts until midnight Wednesday. I've gots lots to do and am desperately trying to unlock my lower back. Every move brings screaming pain. I'm not sure what I did or when I did it but am now suffering the torments of hell. I dropped a handful of ibuprofen with my morning coffee and hope that will help, too. Thank goodness I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor Thursday. Hope I make it that far.
Got up this morning and the goats were everywhere. I have to get the electric fences up this weekend. I'm also replacing the fence for the partner's whethers, as well. Those hoodlums have managed to overcome everything I can do to keep them out of the hay. I'm so close to shooting their asses, I really am.
I had feared my kitty, Sherman, had gone missing. He'd been gone almost five days. This morning, while chasing the goats out of the hay shed, I heard piteous meowing and traced it to the stock trailer. He'd gotten himself closed in the front part, probably "helping" me when I put some things away. He does follow me up and down and all around when I'm doing chores. He's quite the character. So, that's good news here.
Beautiful pictures from AR and AZ this morning. I would have liked to spend more time at the Grand Canyon but we made it a side trip on our way to a family reunion in Tahoe. At least I can say I've been there. And the girls enjoyed their mule ride.
Well, I'm rambling. Guess I'll get on with the day. Check back later and see how y'all are getting on.
Not sure what's going on, but this will help: If you have a Walmart in Anchorage, and they have vitamins, get (1) Zinc supplements (2) Turmeric supplements (3) Osteo Bi-Flex that has hyaluronic acid in it (and other stuff) (4) Centrum silver, over 50+ vitamins for men. Additional Vitamin D, CoQ10, and Vitamin A supplements help. Make Carrot Slaw if you have bad teeth or eat a carrot a day for 5 days of the week if your teeth are in good repair. That oughta square all that pain away unless you have a serious Thyroid or Parathyroid issue working behind your back. Have your doctor check you for calcium to rule out Parathyroid issues. You can avoid pain killer side effects if you treat the pain with the above. if I can think of something I've missed, I promise I'll get back here in case it's the supplement you're missing. I'm pretty sure I got the ones you need since this pain came on unexpectedly and there's no other reason for it. Be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU ARE GETTING AT LEAST 8 HOURS OF SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. If you aren't, take Melatonin. It's cheap and at Walmart, too. It may take up to 5 or 6 days to kick in, but you will get more sleep if that's the pain culprit. Things change in your body post long vacation after the age of around 50 or more. Oh, yeah, quit sugar cold turkey. And do not miss your doctor's appointment in case your problems are multiple. Cold weather is bad for pain. You have to fight pain with all your wits about you, but you can beat it if there is nothing the doctor can find. :huddle: Wear a woolen or cotton vest over your shirt that completely covers chest and upper back, until the coldest day of the season is above 70 for a low.
Thank you so much! I already have: zinc/calcium/magnesium and turmeric supplements, vitamin D, CoQ10 and vitamin A. I also take garlic (among other things) for my blood pressure. I don't eat carrots or other root veggies because I am on a low carbohydrate diet (that's working for weight loss). I'll see my orthopedist Thursday and ask if there's anything else I might be doing. I'm going for osteoarthritis in my hip but I'll definitely ask about this back thing. I'm thinking I might try to get a hip replacement this summer but there are conflicting issues. My daughter is willing to come this summer and help me during recuperation. But for several reasons, I cannot afford to be off work for the minimum six weeks of recovery time, if all goes well. Light duty is no issue because I am computer literate and able to do lots of office work. When I broke my foot a couple of years ago, I ended up writing, producing and narrating several training PowerPoints. But our company has PTO (paid time off) instead of vacation and sick time.
How are you doing these days? Still making excellent quilts?
Wow you should be doing okay with all those vitamins, so you're right to visit the doctor. I actually woke up wide-eyed last night because I forgot about potassium reducing bone and muscle pain. lol ~ I drink milk at least twice a day, so my bones seem to be holding up okay. Lots of my friends have had hip replacement surgery. If I ever get over this bronchitis, I'm going back to exercising 4 times a week at the local Ironworks.
Oh, yes. I'm working on a red and tan checkerboard quilt today. I got some froggies and a red white and blue print for 2 quilts done last week. They're made for babies/toddlers whose mommies visit the local care center. There's a large university here, so someone student-poor is always having a baby in our town. The green quilt was too blasé so it needed some froggies wild. It's going to get them when I get the checkerboard challenge done. No matter how hard you try, tiny cutting errors using a rotary cutter always The red white and blue print will go on the red, lights and dark blue dirty windows log cabin completed last week. If I were more energetic, I'd get them all done by midnight. But the bronchitis kind of takes the air out of the room some days. So in 3 days, there will be 3 more to add to my small stack of 4 tops for April/May.
Wow! That still seems very energetic to me, and ambitious. I hope your bronchitis clears up soon. Maybe warmer spring weather would help?
It's just pollen, likely. Out here in the country, where the pines and elms aren't putting out pollen and sappy stuff, the Gulf coast grasses and weeds are putting out full time or bust--in succession. Thanks, the quilts are baby-sized mostly. The several big brother or sister quilts should take them through their college dorm years. And a couple of times a year in the past I've made at least one wounded warrior quilt for the camouflage crew. The Hearts center has raised money on a few of them in the last 9 years by selling tickets, one of which wins the quilt when it is drawn at their annual banquet.
Before I unplug the computer and turn out the lights here, I was thinking about Ringel & Mrs. R's redecorating themes in their new house. And I just ran across this:


I know I've been away and probably deserve some form of punishment, but this?

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