USMB Coffee Shop IV

You know what. I bet they actually sold some of these.

Back when we had the Store and Diner one of the regular coffee drinkers brought in a couple of #303 cans that had a new labels placed on them... Apparently the boys at the local Highschool was doing just what has been done in Shop class for years... I don't remember the exact words printed on the label with the exception of the main contents, 'Fish Assholes'... Being the curious type I had to open one of the cans... And sure enough the description was really close to contents...


I had a lot of fun when we had the store... I kept the can that was not opened on the shelf behind the cash register... It set there for 5 or 6 years and then some knucklehead decided to burglarize us and took the can...
You know what. I bet they actually sold some of these.

Back when we had the Store and Diner one of the regular coffee drinkers brought in a couple of #303 cans that had a new labels placed on them... Apparently the boys at the local Highschool was doing just what has been done in Shop class for years... I don't remember the exact words printed on the label with the exception of the main contents, 'Fish Assholes'... Being the curious type I had to open one of the cans... And sure enough the description was really close to contents...


I had a lot of fun when we had the store... I kept the can that was not opened on the shelf behind the cash register... It set there for 5 or 6 years and then some knucklehead decided to burglarize us and took the can...
Oh, Ridgerunner! :lmao:
Originally we had closing set for Monday the 13th but that would mean staying at Casa Esperanza for almost a week so we had it moved to Wednesday the 15th, only have to stay an extra day.
Of course the wife's been getting ideas as I have about what we need to do and what we want to do to the house. Started thinking about cost and I'm rapidly scaling back most of the wants unless we can find items to use/re-purpose in thrift stores, the ReStore or Craigs list.
Such is life......
Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
Thank you, beautress. May Day was quiet enough, another day at work. Temps are much nicer and the nights are staying above freezing. I sure hope your May Day was fruitful. What were you moving? I have a whole bunch of spent hay, manure, etc to move into a compost pile. Since the backhoe is still not working, I'll have to do it all by hand using shovel, fork, and wheelbarrow. More exercise than I need but I have to get my butt in gear and get as much done as I can. I have another trailer load of hay to unload and stack, too.
Well, visited the orthopedist yesterday. He's scheduled me for hip surgery in July. Told me to lose some weight, get a physical and blood workup, and see a dentist before my pre-op appointment in early July. My daughter will try to make it over to help me with the initial recuperation. If she can't make it, the whole thing is off, for now. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am so very tired of the constant pain in my hip. And now my lower back is kicking in, as well. Getting old is certainly not for cowards, I'll agree about that.
Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
Thank you, beautress. May Day was quiet enough, another day at work. Temps are much nicer and the nights are staying above freezing. I sure hope your May Day was fruitful. What were you moving? I have a whole bunch of spent hay, manure, etc to move into a compost pile. Since the backhoe is still not working, I'll have to do it all by hand using shovel, fork, and wheelbarrow. More exercise than I need but I have to get my butt in gear and get as much done as I can. I have another trailer load of hay to unload and stack, too.
Well, visited the orthopedist yesterday. He's scheduled me for hip surgery in July. Told me to lose some weight, get a physical and blood workup, and see a dentist before my pre-op appointment in early July. My daughter will try to make it over to help me with the initial recuperation. If she can't make it, the whole thing is off, for now. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am so very tired of the constant pain in my hip. And now my lower back is kicking in, as well. Getting old is certainly not for cowards, I'll agree about that.
"What were you moving?"
Nothing, but I was mowing. But not to worry. I mowed the next day and got the zero-turn mower high centered on a log. Here we have weedy matt stuff that covers not only the ground, but tree branches that fall off or are left by those clearing everything else. I called my younger brother. He will come help me get it pulled off the log either this weekend or next week, and get it working again. The earth is mushy around here with all the rain we've had. This entire winter has turned my little acreage into a flood plain, and the three or four places where the flood plain usually occurs are now everywhere. And Freedom Lake seems to be enlarging all the way around.

It's late, time to take some more cough medicine and get some rest. Hope everyone has stellar nights and days coming up. Thanks, Foxfyre for hosting such a wonderful thread.
TODAY IS THE 9th Anniversary of


The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.

USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.

USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and closed on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 32,229 views. (The old V-Bulletin system couldn't handle our traffic and we plus a few other long threads were creating problems for it. Shortly after we re-opened, USMB moved to a Xenforo format and we haven't had any problems of that sort since.)

Versions 1, 2, and 3 acquired about another 100,000 views after they were closed and before they were deleted and sent into oblivion.

The USMB Coffee Shop IV opened on 5-15-14 and has acquired 60,253 posts and 2,232,434 views.

That is roughly a total of 169,446 posts and 6,136,743 views to date. Over the years 473 members have posted here give or take a few as I no doubt have missed getting some on the list and there are a few on there twice due to screen name changes.

Over these nine years we have seen each other through triumphs, disappointments, joys, concerns, loss of homes, loss of loved ones, new births, job changes and retirement and all manner of transitions many of which have been and some still are quite stressful, all sorts of injuries and illnesses, and we have cried together and laughed together and for many of us, we have become family. I like to think our collective caring, positive thoughts and prayers have made a difference at times. I personally have developed a real appreciation and yes, affection, for so many of you and I hope you have for each other. Maybe the Coffee Shop isn’t necessary, but there is value in it for me. I hope there is for all of you.

I really do love you guys.

In any case, the Coffee Shop continues as long as those who come here regularly or now and then want it to continue. Long live the Coffee Shop!
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Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
Thank you, beautress. May Day was quiet enough, another day at work. Temps are much nicer and the nights are staying above freezing. I sure hope your May Day was fruitful. What were you moving? I have a whole bunch of spent hay, manure, etc to move into a compost pile. Since the backhoe is still not working, I'll have to do it all by hand using shovel, fork, and wheelbarrow. More exercise than I need but I have to get my butt in gear and get as much done as I can. I have another trailer load of hay to unload and stack, too.
Well, visited the orthopedist yesterday. He's scheduled me for hip surgery in July. Told me to lose some weight, get a physical and blood workup, and see a dentist before my pre-op appointment in early July. My daughter will try to make it over to help me with the initial recuperation. If she can't make it, the whole thing is off, for now. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am so very tired of the constant pain in my hip. And now my lower back is kicking in, as well. Getting old is certainly not for cowards, I'll agree about that.
"What were you moving?"
Nothing, but I was mowing. But not to worry. I mowed the next day and got the zero-turn mower high centered on a log. Here we have weedy matt stuff that covers not only the ground, but tree branches that fall off or are left by those clearing everything else. I called my younger brother. He will come help me get it pulled off the log either this weekend or next week, and get it working again. The earth is mushy around here with all the rain we've had. This entire winter has turned my little acreage into a flood plain, and the three or four places where the flood plain usually occurs are now everywhere. And Freedom Lake seems to be enlarging all the way around.

It's late, time to take some more cough medicine and get some rest. Hope everyone has stellar nights and days coming up. Thanks, Foxfyre for hosting such a wonderful thread.
Lots of work. I'm surprised you mow when it's that wet.
Things are mushy here, too, but it's normal until the snow is all melted and the ice has thawed from underneath. Although I don't need to mow much (no lawn), I keep a mower and the chickens and turkeys will eat a lot of greenery as it comes up. Here's a pic of my mower.
Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
Thank you, beautress. May Day was quiet enough, another day at work. Temps are much nicer and the nights are staying above freezing. I sure hope your May Day was fruitful. What were you moving? I have a whole bunch of spent hay, manure, etc to move into a compost pile. Since the backhoe is still not working, I'll have to do it all by hand using shovel, fork, and wheelbarrow. More exercise than I need but I have to get my butt in gear and get as much done as I can. I have another trailer load of hay to unload and stack, too.
Well, visited the orthopedist yesterday. He's scheduled me for hip surgery in July. Told me to lose some weight, get a physical and blood workup, and see a dentist before my pre-op appointment in early July. My daughter will try to make it over to help me with the initial recuperation. If she can't make it, the whole thing is off, for now. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am so very tired of the constant pain in my hip. And now my lower back is kicking in, as well. Getting old is certainly not for cowards, I'll agree about that.
"What were you moving?"
Nothing, but I was mowing. But not to worry. I mowed the next day and got the zero-turn mower high centered on a log. Here we have weedy matt stuff that covers not only the ground, but tree branches that fall off or are left by those clearing everything else. I called my younger brother. He will come help me get it pulled off the log either this weekend or next week, and get it working again. The earth is mushy around here with all the rain we've had. This entire winter has turned my little acreage into a flood plain, and the three or four places where the flood plain usually occurs are now everywhere. And Freedom Lake seems to be enlarging all the way around.

It's late, time to take some more cough medicine and get some rest. Hope everyone has stellar nights and days coming up. Thanks, Foxfyre for hosting such a wonderful thread.
Lots of work. I'm surprised you mow when it's that wet.
Things are mushy here, too, but it's normal until the snow is all melted and the ice has thawed from underneath. Although I don't need to mow much (no lawn), I keep a mower and the chickens and turkeys will eat a lot of greenery as it comes up. Here's a pic of my mower.
View attachment 259357

Here's a photo of mine :)

Wow! I only mowed a couple of acres yesterday--back and front of house, around the barn and the half acre in front of the barn, and it took all day. I slept like a rock, though. :woohoo:

I miss Ollie and BigBlackDog. Guess they'll come around when they get a minute sometime in the upcoming weeks and months. Haven't seen our friend 007, with his own bachelor pad lately. Maybe he got hitched or something. Hope everybody has a good Mayday today. It's stil quite dark here with frogs singing. lol I thought it was morning. lol!!! I thought my computer was wrong. Maybe I didn't sleep like a rock all night. But what an hour of glorious sleep. :lmao:

/Seriously mumbling inanities... :sleep:
Thank you, beautress. May Day was quiet enough, another day at work. Temps are much nicer and the nights are staying above freezing. I sure hope your May Day was fruitful. What were you moving? I have a whole bunch of spent hay, manure, etc to move into a compost pile. Since the backhoe is still not working, I'll have to do it all by hand using shovel, fork, and wheelbarrow. More exercise than I need but I have to get my butt in gear and get as much done as I can. I have another trailer load of hay to unload and stack, too.
Well, visited the orthopedist yesterday. He's scheduled me for hip surgery in July. Told me to lose some weight, get a physical and blood workup, and see a dentist before my pre-op appointment in early July. My daughter will try to make it over to help me with the initial recuperation. If she can't make it, the whole thing is off, for now. I'm not looking forward to surgery but I am so very tired of the constant pain in my hip. And now my lower back is kicking in, as well. Getting old is certainly not for cowards, I'll agree about that.
"What were you moving?"
Nothing, but I was mowing. But not to worry. I mowed the next day and got the zero-turn mower high centered on a log. Here we have weedy matt stuff that covers not only the ground, but tree branches that fall off or are left by those clearing everything else. I called my younger brother. He will come help me get it pulled off the log either this weekend or next week, and get it working again. The earth is mushy around here with all the rain we've had. This entire winter has turned my little acreage into a flood plain, and the three or four places where the flood plain usually occurs are now everywhere. And Freedom Lake seems to be enlarging all the way around.

It's late, time to take some more cough medicine and get some rest. Hope everyone has stellar nights and days coming up. Thanks, Foxfyre for hosting such a wonderful thread.
Lots of work. I'm surprised you mow when it's that wet.
Things are mushy here, too, but it's normal until the snow is all melted and the ice has thawed from underneath. Although I don't need to mow much (no lawn), I keep a mower and the chickens and turkeys will eat a lot of greenery as it comes up. Here's a pic of my mower.
View attachment 259357
That should do the trimming your doc is insisting on. :D

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