USMB Coffee Shop IV

Doesn't happen that often all on the same day, does it. I like it too. And when Lumpy chimes in as well, that's the cherry on top. :)

I'm guessing to agree and
I think it makes all of us winners. Did you notice that Earnie reported in earlier this week, too? Not one of the grand dames but an old friend who had been MIA for a while.
Good to see you back, too, Lumpy!

I agree .. I'm glad Ernie showed up and me, I've really faded on posting much, I highly suspect I've become boring... :dunno:
You, boring! I would never have thought so. I do suspect that we all go through some slow spells, though. I know I've been a little (lot?) lame lately. Too tired and I hurt too much most of the time to be interesting. Hopefully surgery in July will eliminate this soul-deadening pain...

I'm sorry that your suffering from pain and I'm kinda familiar with that kinda dilemma. Best to You. I usually post politics but nowadays politics is epic lame., it's difficult to post with a smile.
Thanks for the good thoughts. Yep, politics is epic lame anymore. Even if you post with humor, many others there are totally humorless. I like it here in the CS 'cause fo'ks is fo'ks here.
I despise allowing anyone to cut into me, so agreeing to surgery is a pretty clear sign that I hurt, badly. I hate it when the doc asks "on a scale of 1 to 10, describe your pain". There are times now when I'm hitting a 20 pretty regularly! I can barely run away from my killer turkey!
Today is looking a lot better than yesterday. By the time I got home, it was raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock. By the time I was done with chores, I was soaked through. The sun's out and today will be much nicer, I'm thinking.
I have come up with a way to overcome being overrun by the goats when I go to feed them. I am putting up an enclosure outside the gate. That way, I can move the feed into the outer enclosure, close that off and when I open the main gait the beasts will be trapped and unable to run off. I can hardly wait for today's WTF moment. The seven males in the lower pen do respond to a brandished stick and a command to "Get BACK!" but the kids are unresponsive to reasonable demands of that nature.

Do you have to wait until July for your surgery? With the pain you are describing you should have it now.
Earliest time they could schedule. I do have an appointment for a physical Wednesday and I'll let them know how much things hurt now. But really, with all they have me doing to prep, I need the time. I have to see a dentist and get cleared, I have to have a physical with blood work, etc. Personally, I need to update my will and medical power of attorney. Not to mention all the projects I need to get done and the few I will get done. My daughter will be unable to help so my brother is coming up. I have to alter paperwork so he can execute and legal actions that might be needed.
2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.
Was planning on heading up to ABQ today but may have to put it off till tomorrow. Last night I realized I was itching all over and had a few hives pop out so I took two benadryl and took a long shower so was pretty groggy this morning besides there's a few more things I need to do around here. Maybe head up this afternoon, well see.
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2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.
We had em in Northern Virginia.
2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.
Loved cicadas when we were kids. When they come out of hibernation, they crawled up the pine trees and shed their pupal shells. Said shells were always good for some laughs because most girls freaked out when they were hung on their clothes. I do miss cicada song, and those little green frogs. We turn our calendars by the sound of sandhill cranes and various other migratory birds. The one little frog that lives here dwells close to the ground and is silent.
Was planning on heading up to ABQ today but may have to put it off till tomorrow. Last night I realized I was itching all over and had a few hives pop out so I took two benadryl and took a long shower so was pretty groggy this morning besides there's a few more things I need to do around here. Maybe head up this afternoon, well see.
Any idea what caused the hives?
Was planning on heading up to ABQ today but may have to put it off till tomorrow. Last night I realized I was itching all over and had a few hives pop out so I took two benadryl and took a long shower so was pretty groggy this morning besides there's a few more things I need to do around here. Maybe head up this afternoon, well see.
Any idea what caused the hives?
Not sure, allergens are high this year but I did have a swig of something I mixed a little while back, tasted bad so I tossed it and it may have started to mold though I didn't see any.
It's allergy season up here, too. We're getting all that yellow dust from the spruce trees and when that dies down, the cottonwoods will be spewing their spoors. It's also clean-the-street season, so they are constantly trying to sweep up the dust and dirt from the winter. Pretty much anyone who has allergies is having a bitch of a time right now. Hope things clear up for you quickly, especially with you move. Maybe the hives are stress-related?
2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.

We had them up on the mountain and they swarmed once in the 14 years we were up there. Our mountain cicadas were among the smallest of all cicadas, but amazingly noisy though not annoying. The mountain cicada doesn't chirp like the ones in the midwest, but makes a sound sort of like a card put in the spokes of a bicycle to make it sound like a motor through more shrill and very fast they keep it going for a long time--upwards to 30 seconds or more at a time. And they are LOUD.

One night I had the TV off and was reading in the living room. The house was completely silent. One of the little buggers had attached itself to the TV cabinet and decided to sound off. I'm pretty sure I jumped enough to clear the couch.
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2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.
Loved cicadas when we were kids. When they come out of hibernation, they crawled up the pine trees and shed their pupal shells. Said shells were always good for some laughs because most girls freaked out when they were hung on their clothes. I do miss cicada song, and those little green frogs. We turn our calendars by the sound of sandhill cranes and various other migratory birds. The one little frog that lives here dwells close to the ground and is silent.

I am amazed that you have frogs at all so I looked it up. And sure enough the little buggers literally freeze in winter and are essentially dead. Their heart even stops? But when they thaw out in the spring, they merrily hop on their way. I wonder if they live forever?
2019. This is our year. The notorious seventeen year locust colony is alive this summer. We refer to them as 'locusts', but they are actually cicadas. Every 17 years a local colony of the little invaders wakes up, crawls from their underground shelters and creeps out little kids and mapping dogs.

The cicadas have an eerie chirp that, when multiplied by the thousands, sounds like a constant whirring sound in the key of B flat. They crawl and fly and group themselves on lawns, telephone poles, picnic tables and parked cars. I guess they bunch together because they have never seen another cicada.

Big swathes of geography are designated to individual colonies. The one that awoke here is on a different schedule than the ones down River or farther inland. So, if you are a traveler during the summer, you stand a good chance of encountering cicadas. That part I didn't realized until a few years ago when visiting Toledo I found cicadas.
Loved cicadas when we were kids. When they come out of hibernation, they crawled up the pine trees and shed their pupal shells. Said shells were always good for some laughs because most girls freaked out when they were hung on their clothes. I do miss cicada song, and those little green frogs. We turn our calendars by the sound of sandhill cranes and various other migratory birds. The one little frog that lives here dwells close to the ground and is silent.

I am amazed that you have frogs at all so I looked it up. And sure enough the little buggers literally freeze in winter and are essentially dead. Their heart even stops? But when they thaw out in the spring, they merrily hop on their way. I wonder if they live forever?
Their blood is mostly glycol. They aren't very big, either, maybe an inch in length. Nature can amaze us sometimes with her ingenuity.
Will definitely be up tomorrow, have a kid (via my real estate broker) who will help put the floor down this weekend. The flooring will arrive Thursday, I have cleaning and prep work to do then paint, just doing a basic white for now to get it done. If everything goes according to plan I can move the wife and the cats in next week then focus on moving the rest of the household.
Will definitely be up tomorrow, have a kid (via my real estate broker) who will help put the floor down this weekend. The flooring will arrive Thursday, I have cleaning and prep work to do then paint, just doing a basic white for now to get it done. If everything goes according to plan I can move the wife and the cats in next week then focus on moving the rest of the household.
Kid has a whole different meaning for me. There's a young person to help you? Basic white is best when you are moving on. I prefer wall paper (more versatility) in greens and blues. But I live in the house I will die in, so I can do whatever I like. When the light is better I'll try to get a few photos.
Will definitely be up tomorrow, have a kid (via my real estate broker) who will help put the floor down this weekend. The flooring will arrive Thursday, I have cleaning and prep work to do then paint, just doing a basic white for now to get it done. If everything goes according to plan I can move the wife and the cats in next week then focus on moving the rest of the household.
Kid has a whole different meaning for me. There's a young person to help you? Basic white is best when you are moving on. I prefer wall paper (more versatility) in greens and blues. But I live in the house I will die in, so I can do whatever I like. When the light is better I'll try to get a few photos.

We prefer white or off white walls and ceilings as it makes the rooms look larger. And anything and everything goes with white. :)
Will definitely be up tomorrow, have a kid (via my real estate broker) who will help put the floor down this weekend. The flooring will arrive Thursday, I have cleaning and prep work to do then paint, just doing a basic white for now to get it done. If everything goes according to plan I can move the wife and the cats in next week then focus on moving the rest of the household.
Kid has a whole different meaning for me. There's a young person to help you? Basic white is best when you are moving on. I prefer wall paper (more versatility) in greens and blues. But I live in the house I will die in, so I can do whatever I like. When the light is better I'll try to get a few photos.
We plan on colors, real colors but right now I don't have the time so we'll repaint further down the road besides I picked up a five gallon bucket at lowes, Glidden Essentials (contractor grade paint) for $25.
In order to put the floor down I need to remove all the old clamshell baseboard, will replace it with primed 1 X 4, cheaper than baseboard trim and I like the look better. Will paint that in a quality white eggshell finish.
This morning I became aware of a Memorial Day tradition at Chick-fil-a restaurants across the country. They set a "Missing soldier" table something like these:




I am one of probably five people that doesn't really like their sandwiches, but my hat is off to their company tradition.
Dropped by to say thanks to Foxfyre for having my friend on her prayer list for so long. He seems to have responded well to chemo, and he's been busy doing things around his farm. His medicines make him tired from time to time, but I got to go to his 81st birthday party last Friday or Saturday. Finished a quilt top the day before or after that. And today, I mowed all morning that I'm heading upstairs where I will fall asleep probably with no help from melatonin for once. I'm lucky I didn't get sunburned because I mowed from 7:30 to 12:30, no stops, except to pick up stuff I didn't want to go under the blade. The zero turn mower I have has such a powerful motor the blades are mighty fast, and a small plastic baggie can mean 52-pickup without a deck of cards, so I have learned not to be lazy about picking up anything paper or plastic the wind blows in! Gee, I'm so happy with the way the couple of acres I mowed look, but from the look of the sky, we'll be seeing rain sometime this week. Good night. I have to go look at the weather forecast to see if I get to quilt all day tomorrow. Night, all. :huddle: :sleep:
I am one of probably five people that doesn't really like their sandwiches

I am surprised there are that many... But like they say, to each his own... I was unaware of the tradition... Thanks FoxFyre...
I'm not a Chick-fil-a fan either, enough salt in one sandwich to kill a whole colony of slugs.........

My complaint has been too bland--lack of seasoning??? Maybe it's different from store to store. We have only been to the one on Paseo del Norte.

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