USMB Coffee Shop IV's almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.


Come on Gracie. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :) But after having both procedures done (at the same time) a couple of months ago, I can really REALLY sympathize. I presume that it is all over now and you've had breakfast and possibly are getting some sleep.
My throat is KILLING me. OMG...last endoscopy, it was just a mild irritating feel. THIS one is horrible. He said it was from shoving the breathing tube in there along with the probe. Well isn't that nice? NOT. It HURTS. Flat out raw. Yuck!
No breakfast. Can't swallow anything past that lake of fire called a throat. I did slide down in itty bitty pieces a poached egg.

Blood pressure was 213/86 and the nurses were having a cow about it. I said thats normal for me and of course it would be that high STARVING TO DEATH and SITTING ON A TOILET and NO SLEEP FOR 24 hours. DUH!!!! Its called STRESS. Oy!!!!

Anyway....I'm alive, home and now await results.'s almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.


Come on Gracie. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :) But after having both procedures done (at the same time) a couple of months ago, I can really REALLY sympathize. I presume that it is all over now and you've had breakfast and possibly are getting some sleep.
My throat is KILLING me. OMG...last endoscopy, it was just a mild irritating feel. THIS one is horrible. He said it was from shoving the breathing tube in there along with the probe. Well isn't that nice? NOT. It HURTS. Flat out raw. Yuck!
No breakfast. Can't swallow anything past that lake of fire called a throat. I did slide down in itty bitty pieces a poached egg.

Blood pressure was 213/86 and the nurses were having a cow about it. I said thats normal for me and of course it would be that high STARVING TO DEATH and SITTING ON A TOILET and NO SLEEP FOR 24 hours. DUH!!!! Its called STRESS. Oy!!!!

Anyway....I'm alive, home and now await results.

Neither procedure should hurt. I had zero after affects of either procedure. Sorry that wasn't the case with you. Bummer.
I’ve spent time in hospital, various broken bones and procedures, I’ll not bore with details, but I have one thing to say about hospital food. Eat it up... order large portions...offer to eat the other patients food if they don’t want it... I’m not a shy person. The reason I say eat it all is the last time you are fed is 6pm. It’s a long weight for breakfast at 8am.

Like Roy said, the details are boring so I will keep them to myself... Anyway I was in the hospital 20 years ago hooked up to liquid banana's recuperating from what was the worst case of influenza I ever experienced... I was better and I was Hungry and it was 2300 hours... They had all ready caught me smoking in the crapper and took my cigarettes away from me and put me on double secret probation... :21: Well they finally went and got me some phreaking jello… I don't have anything against jello but it is not my goto to kill a hunger pain... At 0130 I had taken all I could and told them I was leaving... Nurse Ratched said I wasn't...
Well my wife had taken me to the emergency room when I was admitted that evening so I had no transportation... I couldn't call her cause she would have laughed at me and told me to go to sleep... My Son was going to College in the town we lived in so I called the Frat House and told him to drag his ass out to the hospital and pick me up... All I had on was sweats when I went to the ER, so I slipped into them and walked out to the Nurses Station and negotiated with the old battleax… She said I couldn't leave without Dr's permission... :laughing0301: So I said call him and give me my damn cigarettes... :th_waiting: Doc says let him go home... She didn't know we were buds and belonged to the local NRA chapter together...
Well my Son showed up and we took off to go home and I didn't have my keys and I didn't want to wake up my wife and Jake didn't have his house key either... Had to wake up my daughter and she opened the door. Went straight to the icebox and there was a couple of cold hamburgers that I eat and smoked some more Camels and went to bed... Wife was pissed... Daughter was pissed... Son was pissed...
Life was good... :04:
Last time I had this pain afterwards. Light scratchy feeling in my throat but not this horrendous awful scraping I get every time i just swallow air. This is fucking horrible. What the hell did he do to me???
His office was closed but the answering service patched me thru to Doc. He said I have scar tissue in my throat and esophogus from the acid reflux I suffer from and my throat is narrower than usual due to those scar tissues. He gave me some recommendations to soothe it until it can heal itself after him taking some scrapings for tests. I said the lower part of me was fine..but I can't even swallow a pill now. So MrG is going to go to pharmacy and get some of that throat numbing stuff.'s almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.


Come on Gracie. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :) But after having both procedures done (at the same time) a couple of months ago, I can really REALLY sympathize. I presume that it is all over now and you've had breakfast and possibly are getting some sleep.
My throat is KILLING me. OMG...last endoscopy, it was just a mild irritating feel. THIS one is horrible. He said it was from shoving the breathing tube in there along with the probe. Well isn't that nice? NOT. It HURTS. Flat out raw. Yuck!
No breakfast. Can't swallow anything past that lake of fire called a throat. I did slide down in itty bitty pieces a poached egg.

Blood pressure was 213/86 and the nurses were having a cow about it. I said thats normal for me and of course it would be that high STARVING TO DEATH and SITTING ON A TOILET and NO SLEEP FOR 24 hours. DUH!!!! Its called STRESS. Oy!!!!

Anyway....I'm alive, home and now await results.

Neither procedure should hurt. I had zero after affects of either procedure. Sorry that wasn't the case with you. Bummer.
At my 65 yr physical, my horse told me I could crap in a box and send it in. Worked for me! :)
It’s was a nightmare driving back home from work, the sun goes down at 4:15pm
Fog and ice on the roads, i noticed black ice this morning. 25 miles of roads like this :(

Sounds like us, sunset about the same, our time. London is about 10 degrees south of our latitude. By five pm it's usually pitch black out and chores have to be done using a headlamp. Roads are pretty treacherous, too. We had a pretty decent snowfall the last few days and they are slow to clear the roads in some places. Black ice is the worst and the bane of many drivers who end up in the ditches.
We finish at 1pm on Fridays just 5-1/2 hours.
37.5 hour week on this contract. The builders are part of the considerate contractors association. That means they try not to make noise for the community as much as possible :)
It’s complete rubbish. When all the contractors get behind they’ll be working as many hours as the day let’s them.
However! After Xmas I should be on a different contract working as many hours as I please.'s almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.


Come on Gracie. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :) But after having both procedures done (at the same time) a couple of months ago, I can really REALLY sympathize. I presume that it is all over now and you've had breakfast and possibly are getting some sleep.
My throat is KILLING me. OMG...last endoscopy, it was just a mild irritating feel. THIS one is horrible. He said it was from shoving the breathing tube in there along with the probe. Well isn't that nice? NOT. It HURTS. Flat out raw. Yuck!
No breakfast. Can't swallow anything past that lake of fire called a throat. I did slide down in itty bitty pieces a poached egg.

Blood pressure was 213/86 and the nurses were having a cow about it. I said thats normal for me and of course it would be that high STARVING TO DEATH and SITTING ON A TOILET and NO SLEEP FOR 24 hours. DUH!!!! Its called STRESS. Oy!!!!

Anyway....I'm alive, home and now await results.

Neither procedure should hurt. I had zero after affects of either procedure. Sorry that wasn't the case with you. Bummer.
At my 65 yr physical, my horse told me I could crap in a box and send it in. Worked for me! :)

Gracie had what was apparently a false positive test for colon cancer though and she is a cancer survivor, so it was essential she had the procedure. I'm now at the age where I won't be required to have any more unless some sort of symptoms develop that warrant it.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop and USMB White 6. Please read over the opening post to see what we're all about in here and keep joining right in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage:

His office was closed but the answering service patched me thru to Doc. He said I have scar tissue in my throat and esophogus from the acid reflux I suffer from and my throat is narrower than usual due to those scar tissues. He gave me some recommendations to soothe it until it can heal itself after him taking some scrapings for tests. I said the lower part of me was fine..but I can't even swallow a pill now. So MrG is going to go to pharmacy and get some of that throat numbing stuff.

But getting a clean bill a health for the lower part is a blessing. So sorry you're have really ugly after effects though. I hope the throat numbing stuff helps. And bah humbug to the doctor who didn't advise you of those probable after affects and instruct you how to deal with it.
His office was closed but the answering service patched me thru to Doc. He said I have scar tissue in my throat and esophogus from the acid reflux I suffer from and my throat is narrower than usual due to those scar tissues. He gave me some recommendations to soothe it until it can heal itself after him taking some scrapings for tests. I said the lower part of me was fine..but I can't even swallow a pill now. So MrG is going to go to pharmacy and get some of that throat numbing stuff.

But getting a clean bill a health for the lower part is a blessing. So sorry you're have really ugly after effects though. I hope the throat numbing stuff helps. And bah humbug to the doctor who didn't advise you of those probable after affects and instruct you how to deal with it.
I’m gonna send Gracie some fish and chips with a buttered bread roll.
His office was closed but the answering service patched me thru to Doc. He said I have scar tissue in my throat and esophogus from the acid reflux I suffer from and my throat is narrower than usual due to those scar tissues. He gave me some recommendations to soothe it until it can heal itself after him taking some scrapings for tests. I said the lower part of me was fine..but I can't even swallow a pill now. So MrG is going to go to pharmacy and get some of that throat numbing stuff.

But getting a clean bill a health for the lower part is a blessing. So sorry you're have really ugly after effects though. I hope the throat numbing stuff helps. And bah humbug to the doctor who didn't advise you of those probable after affects and instruct you how to deal with it.
I’m gonna send Gracie some fish and chips with a buttered bread roll.

Hopefully she would be able to swallow it by the time it gets there. :)
His office was closed but the answering service patched me thru to Doc. He said I have scar tissue in my throat and esophogus from the acid reflux I suffer from and my throat is narrower than usual due to those scar tissues. He gave me some recommendations to soothe it until it can heal itself after him taking some scrapings for tests. I said the lower part of me was fine..but I can't even swallow a pill now. So MrG is going to go to pharmacy and get some of that throat numbing stuff.

But getting a clean bill a health for the lower part is a blessing. So sorry you're have really ugly after effects though. I hope the throat numbing stuff helps. And bah humbug to the doctor who didn't advise you of those probable after affects and instruct you how to deal with it.
I’m gonna send Gracie some fish and chips with a buttered bread roll.

Hopefully she would be able to swallow it by the time it gets there. :)

Simple! Gracie can just dial out to get some when she feels better. (They deliver)
The fish and chips from Orford plaice melts in your mouth.
I treated myself to a plateful every Thursday night when I was working in Norwich.'s almost 2:30 and I am still awake. In 3 I go to the hospital to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy. Whoopee. I will NOT do this again. This is the 3rd time..and final time. Starving, can't sleep because they won't allow me to take my meds..pain pill for the RA I deal with all damn day and take ONE at night just to sleep painfree; no ropinerole for my restless legs so they are keeping me from sleeping too; shitting clear water now but still making me run to the bathroom. This SUCKS.
I am to be there at 6am. Procedure will take place around 7:30.

I've walked up and down the alley in my robe just to try to ease my damn legs. I try not to think of food at all. I haven't eaten a solid meal since Wednesday at 5pm. All day Wednesday, it was broth soup, hot tea, water, one bowl of lime jello...and that horrible stuff they make you drink. I'm too old for this shit.

Now I am trying to pass the time until my phone charges up so I can sit there and be zombie playing a damn game since I can't do anything else. Oh, and they said NO SMOKING. I told them to kiss my ass. I'm having my cig whenever I fucking feel like it even up to the time I walk in the hospital waiting room. And I will. Fuck this shit. Did I tell you I will NEVER do this again? Ever. NEVER.


Come on Gracie. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :) But after having both procedures done (at the same time) a couple of months ago, I can really REALLY sympathize. I presume that it is all over now and you've had breakfast and possibly are getting some sleep.
My throat is KILLING me. OMG...last endoscopy, it was just a mild irritating feel. THIS one is horrible. He said it was from shoving the breathing tube in there along with the probe. Well isn't that nice? NOT. It HURTS. Flat out raw. Yuck!
No breakfast. Can't swallow anything past that lake of fire called a throat. I did slide down in itty bitty pieces a poached egg.

Blood pressure was 213/86 and the nurses were having a cow about it. I said thats normal for me and of course it would be that high STARVING TO DEATH and SITTING ON A TOILET and NO SLEEP FOR 24 hours. DUH!!!! Its called STRESS. Oy!!!!

Anyway....I'm alive, home and now await results.

Neither procedure should hurt. I had zero after affects of either procedure. Sorry that wasn't the case with you. Bummer.
At my 65 yr physical, my horse told me I could crap in a box and send it in. Worked for me! :)

Gracie had what was apparently a false positive test for colon cancer though and she is a cancer survivor, so it was essential she had the procedure. I'm now at the age where I won't be required to have any more unless some sort of symptoms develop that warrant it.

But welcome to the Coffee Shop and USMB White 6. Please read over the opening post to see what we're all about in here and keep joining right in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage:

Had a link to Clean Debate Zone on my browser opening screen for a long time. Thought I might do more than watch and read. Good luck to Gracy. My wife is a cancer survivor.
Well....throat is still awful and I can barely swallow. Been sleeping alot. Throat numbing stuff is ok I guess...but it seems like it is not as tender as it was yesterday. Maybe by tomorrow I can eat. Still hungry but not enough to put more torture on swallowing.

Thanks for the well wishes, folks. I should get results by monday. If not, I will call doc and ask him what the rsults are. Regardless of his findings, I will NOT do this again. Upper OR lower. :206:

I will check in again later if I feel better. Sleeping, I don't have to swallow. So...I'm off to bed. Again.:huddle:

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