USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hi all, Thought I'd check in see how everyone is doing and give an update. Hope everyone is doing fine.
Last week we signed the wife up with Hospice within the next couple of days we had visits from the nurse, spiritual coordinator and a phone call from the social worker. The social worker couldn't stop by because she's recovering from a broken leg due to a car accident.
By the third day the O2 and an over bed tray was delivered as were multiple medications to help her if she needed them. The O2 has helped a lot, she has more energy than before but honestly she's looking much worse. She's also not able to eat much at one sitting so I try to get her to eat at least four times a day. Today I made one of her favorites, roast pork with an apple, mustard glaze and asparagus topped with parmesian. She's happy particularly since I double the glaze recipe and use it as both a glaze and a sauce.
For the first time I used facetime on Messenger today and had a wonderful conversation with my great granddaughter... Her 2nd Birthday is the end of the month...


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I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I started a new job on Monday. It's a bit similar to what I was doing in GA. So far it's going pretty well: I like the facility and the people seem nice.

What's annoying is that I'm getting other job offers now, or at least interview offers, from other places. :p
I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I started a new job on Monday. It's a bit similar to what I was doing in GA. So far it's going pretty well: I like the facility and the people seem nice.

What's annoying is that I'm getting other job offers now, or at least interview offers, from other places. :p

That's the way it always is. Hombre was transferred a lot so we moved a lot for a lot of years. That meant I had to start over each new place once we made arrangements for the kids. And it never fails that once you accept a job, you get that interview from the one you were most curious about. But oh well. I've had some great jobs over the years and some not so great. Doesn't take long to figure out which is which.

But anyway, congrats on your new gig. Hope it is everything you want in a job.
For the first time I used facetime on Messenger today and had a wonderful conversation with my great granddaughter... Her 2nd Birthday is the end of the month...

Never done that. Actually we women have more issues with dress, hair, makeup etc. than you guys do and I've been reluctant because I am not always ready for 'viewing' when somebody calls.
Hi all, Thought I'd check in see how everyone is doing and give an update. Hope everyone is doing fine.
Last week we signed the wife up with Hospice within the next couple of days we had visits from the nurse, spiritual coordinator and a phone call from the social worker. The social worker couldn't stop by because she's recovering from a broken leg due to a car accident.
By the third day the O2 and an over bed tray was delivered as were multiple medications to help her if she needed them. The O2 has helped a lot, she has more energy than before but honestly she's looking much worse. She's also not able to eat much at one sitting so I try to get her to eat at least four times a day. Today I made one of her favorites, roast pork with an apple, mustard glaze and asparagus topped with parmesian. She's happy particularly since I double the glaze recipe and use it as both a glaze and a sauce.

Hospice is wonderful and though it can't fix the heartbreak, it can make things much more comfortable and reduce a lot of anxiety for all.
Hi all, Thought I'd check in see how everyone is doing and give an update. Hope everyone is doing fine.
Last week we signed the wife up with Hospice within the next couple of days we had visits from the nurse, spiritual coordinator and a phone call from the social worker. The social worker couldn't stop by because she's recovering from a broken leg due to a car accident.
By the third day the O2 and an over bed tray was delivered as were multiple medications to help her if she needed them. The O2 has helped a lot, she has more energy than before but honestly she's looking much worse. She's also not able to eat much at one sitting so I try to get her to eat at least four times a day. Today I made one of her favorites, roast pork with an apple, mustard glaze and asparagus topped with parmesian. She's happy particularly since I double the glaze recipe and use it as both a glaze and a sauce.

I'm sorry Ringel. Yes hospice is good, they really try. Hope your wife is comfortable.
Just had another orange glow evening........ Sometimes out here when the sun is setting and reaches a certain point everything takes on an orange tint. Not the sky but at ground level almost like a Cheetos factory exploded and the powder is suspended down at ground level. Kinda cool looking but it doesn't last long.
Just had another orange glow evening........ Sometimes out here when the sun is setting and reaches a certain point everything takes on an orange tint. Not the sky but at ground level almost like a Cheetos factory exploded and the powder is suspended down at ground level. Kinda cool looking but it doesn't last long.

And when conditions are just right, sometimes our mountains take on that same hue which is why they are called the Sandia Mountains. "Sandia" is Spanish for watermelon.
And when conditions are just right, sometimes our mountains take on that same hue which is why they are called the Sandia Mountains. "Sandia" is Spanish for watermelon.
Here's a picture I took last fall. Finally figured out how to watermark it (to protect my photo).


Other than the watermark this photo taken from my driveway is untouched in any way.
And when conditions are just right, sometimes our mountains take on that same hue which is why they are called the Sandia Mountains. "Sandia" is Spanish for watermelon.
Here's a picture I took last fall. Finally figured out how to watermark it (to protect my photo).

View attachment 364516

Other than the watermark this photo taken from my driveway is untouched in any way.
I could photoshop that watermark out.
And when conditions are just right, sometimes our mountains take on that same hue which is why they are called the Sandia Mountains. "Sandia" is Spanish for watermelon.
Here's a picture I took last fall. Finally figured out how to watermark it (to protect my photo).

View attachment 364516

Other than the watermark this photo taken from my driveway is untouched in any way.
I could photoshop that watermark out.
Yes but it would show that it was altered in the coding.
Hi all, Thought I'd check in see how everyone is doing and give an update. Hope everyone is doing fine.
Last week we signed the wife up with Hospice within the next couple of days we had visits from the nurse, spiritual coordinator and a phone call from the social worker. The social worker couldn't stop by because she's recovering from a broken leg due to a car accident.
By the third day the O2 and an over bed tray was delivered as were multiple medications to help her if she needed them. The O2 has helped a lot, she has more energy than before but honestly she's looking much worse. She's also not able to eat much at one sitting so I try to get her to eat at least four times a day. Today I made one of her favorites, roast pork with an apple, mustard glaze and asparagus topped with parmesian. She's happy particularly since I double the glaze recipe and use it as both a glaze and a sauce.

God bless you and your wife, friendo.
I have to say that one of life's greatest pleasures is putting on clean jammies that are still warm from the dryer.
Guess I should update too. Home will never call, I believe. Its almost 5 years now on the waiting list. But today, I got a letter from an apartment complex here where I currently live. It's 3 stories, and..drumroll..has BALCONIES!!! I won't have a garden, but i can make a small one on that balconey! They said in the letter they want to start the application process of seeing bank statements,Records, etc. because, and I quote " You are near the top of the waiting list and it is now time to being the certification process". This one, we have been waiting since we landed here after the fire. I'm not too excited yet, because I learned a long time ago to rely on nobody nd nothing. So, we will go thru the procedure and wait some more, but at least something is happening!

I have a friend in wyoming that also contacted me a few days ago with a plan. She wants to move to Maui permanently, and asked if we would consider moving to Wyo to caretake her ranch house. I said YES. But if one of the apartments called before this could happen with her, I'd have to take it. However, I can always give notice and move once she is ready for the big move herself. That could take another year, so.....

Anyway....I thought it interesting this happened together within a few days difference.
Guess I should update too. Home will never call, I believe. Its almost 5 years now on the waiting list. But today, I got a letter from an apartment complex here where I currently live. It's 3 stories, and..drumroll..has BALCONIES!!! I won't have a garden, but i can make a small one on that balconey! They said in the letter they want to start the application process of seeing bank statements,Records, etc. because, and I quote " You are near the top of the waiting list and it is now time to being the certification process". This one, we have been waiting since we landed here after the fire. I'm not too excited yet, because I learned a long time ago to rely on nobody nd nothing. So, we will go thru the procedure and wait some more, but at least something is happening!

I have a friend in wyoming that also contacted me a few days ago with a plan. She wants to move to Maui permanently, and asked if we would consider moving to Wyo to caretake her ranch house. I said YES. But if one of the apartments called before this could happen with her, I'd have to take it. However, I can always give notice and move once she is ready for the big move herself. That could take another year, so.....

Anyway....I thought it interesting this happened together within a few days difference.

Best wishes for you to replant yourself in the right place!

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