USMB Coffee Shop IV

My news. The most unexpected.

Ended up in an American hospital, for sudden emergency surgery, twisted blocked intestine. No warnings or symptoms of it either.

On top of that, being treated for Covid. So, a double whammy!

Recovering now, and the care is excellent.
Oh wow Mindful. Scary. And painful. But happy to hear you're on the mend.
Hope everyone is O.K.

Looking forward to 2022 !!!
Welcome to the Coffee Shop HikerGuy83. We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in the Coffee Shop and keep right on joining in. Oh, and first timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so let's see what something special I can find for you today: ah found one that looks good since we're still in the 12 days of Christmas. And it is either high or low octane as you prefer. :)

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Lots of covid going around here, friends and family have all caught it. Friend of mine here, his mother and her live kinda friend / care taker, took a little trip to visit some relatives and both came home with covid and both wound up in the hospital. The live in was morbidly obese and sadly... died. His mom who's in her 80's was bad, but her daughter is an EMT and called in a favor from a doctor friend and got her treated with Regeneron monochlonal antibodies. She responded very well to that but then had other heart and stroke complications. It was iffy there for awhile but she pulled through and is home now.

Sister and her common law husband both had covid. Fortunately they're both in very good health and although it was unpleasant, both came through without any serious complications at all. They said the worst part for them was upset stomach and nausea. Son and his family all caught it. His wife wasn't even sure it was covid until they took her to the hospital. She tested pos but it was after already being sick for 10 days. She came through no problem because she's very healthy as well, athletic, slim and fit. Son is relatively fit as well but liked his little cigars, so he said it was hard for him to breath for awhile, and the fevers hit him pretty bad too, but he's also fine now, already back to work.

Myself, I just hibernate and don't go anywhere, and luckily live alone and don't have anyone else coming and going from my home. But I found a couple different places where I was able to secure both Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and I take the Ivermectin prophylactically along with vitamin D3 and C, besides the multivitamin I've been taking forever. And I might have had the covid already, not sure, but way back in May of '19, I had a small fever, body aches, sore throat, etc, but I never lost my sense of taste or smell so, IDK, might have just been a cold or mild flu. In any case, taking the Ivermectin, I just might sneak by without catching it. In any case, natural immunity is the best deterrent, bar none.
Glad to hear you are well 007 and good to hear from you. And yes these variant strains of COVID are running rampant. We have now lost three family members--two were in excellent health but couldn't survive it--and one good friend so I think it wise not to take any chances. I think Hombre and I did have it early in 2020 but slight cases. We are both fully vaccinated plus the booster so that will give us a fighting chance to have light cases should we get it now. But there are no guarantees so everybody should use reasonable caution. But even with reasonable caution we are enjoying living what time we have left.
Welcome to the Coffee Shop HikerGuy83. We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in the Coffee Shop and keep right on joining in. Oh, and first timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage so let's see what something special I can find for you today: ah found one that looks good since we're still in the 12 days of Christmas. And it is either high or low octane as you prefer. :)

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Looks it non-alcoholic ?
Good advice for all except the coffee doesn't bother Hombre and me so won't be giving that up. We did give up alcohol and cigarettes a long time ago and are much the better for it. But eating well - higher fiber, lots more veggies, good omegas, lots less fried foods and junk - have done these old bodies well. I strongly recommend it. And as our primary physician who we love dearly said, "Sitting is the new smoking." Important to get up and move. We still don't do as much of that as we should but we're doing better. And do we backslide now and then. Yes we do so we have no room to judge anybody else.
Ya know... I had a revelation earlier today... and I'm betting all my rotten stomach business and occasional dizziness and chronic constipation, not to mention the head feeling fuzzy and not connected, can't remember words, nausea, gut aches, and the list goes on, all of which seemed to come on out of the blue, when after giving up so many things changing to all healthy things, I should feel like a million bucks but I don't. More often then not when I eat it feels like food goes down just so far and then stops, like the insides are plugged, and I know damn well I'm backed up, (sorry for having to mention that), but I am, I'm bloated like a puffer fish, and that's where the inside abdominal pressure comes from, and that's why the heart does it's little things. So... I did a search for "ARE STATINS SAFE." Well the link below came up so I started reading, and the further I got through it, the madder I got because I was like, ya, ya, ya... all that is happening to me, and it all started just recently. Well, I'm done with it. This is the fourth statin they've tried me on because the others all gave me hyper sour stomach and diarrhea. I believe it could even be the cause of the anxiety because the upset stomach seems to set off the anxiety. So this is day two of not taking any of it, and that's final, no more, ever. I'll keep up all the good changes I've made in my diet, but I'm bringing my coffee pot back in from the shop, and if I'm right, my stomach and many other little "problems" are going to all clear up. I just haven't felt RIGHT for months now, since right about the time they talked me into taking another filthy statin. My cholesterol isn't that bad anyway. It's not far over "their" line by much. I honestly don't know why I let them talk me into taking ANOTHER one of those filthy things anyway.

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Ya know... I had a revelation earlier today... and I'm betting all my rotten stomach business and occasional dizziness and chronic constipation, not to mention the head feeling fuzzy and not connected, can't remember words, nausea, gut aches, and the list goes on, all of which seemed to come on out of the blue, when after giving up so many things changing to all healthy things, I should feel like a million bucks but I don't. More often then not when I eat it feels like food goes down just so far and then stops, like the insides are plugged, and I know damn well I'm backed up, (sorry for having to mention that), but I am, I'm bloated like a puffer fish, and that's where the inside abdominal pressure comes from, and that's why the heart does it's little things. So... I did a search for "ARE STATINS SAFE." Well the link below came up so I started reading, and the further I got through it, the madder I got because I was like, ya, ya, ya... all that is happening to me, and it all started just recently. Well, I'm done with it. This is the fourth statin they've tried me on because the others all gave me hyper sour stomach and diarrhea. I believe it could even be the cause of the anxiety because the upset stomach seems to set off the anxiety. So this is day two of not taking any of it, and that's final, no more, ever. I'll keep up all the good changes I've made in my diet, but I'm bringing my coffee pot back in from the shop, and if I'm right, my stomach and many other little "problems" are going to all clear up. I just haven't felt RIGHT for months now, since right about the time they talked me into taking another filthy statin. My cholesterol isn't that bad anyway. It's not far over "their" line by much. I honestly don't know why I let them talk me into taking ANOTHER one of those filthy things anyway.

Prayers up for your health improvement, 007. Been missing you and BBD around here. You could be having spleen issues, which is so easy to fix surgeons do not disclose the apple cure because it's bad for business. Three apples a day for 3 or 4 weeks, and if you get better, an apple a day thereafter is prevention enough if your spleen or liver was the problem. May God bless and keep you in good health and comfort from illness.
3-day upper midwest snowstorm, followed by the obligatory few days of the sub-zero treatment....Though the winds are low, so we got that goin' for us.

Pretty tame stuff, compared to all the physical and family woes of the fellow coffee shoppers - pulling for you all...The wages of passing on the annual Utah ski pilgrimage, in order to tend to important personal and business matters, seem more tolerable in comparison.....Sure hope next season makes up for it all.


It's been a rat race lately, so I have not caught up. But for those who know the trials I am dealing with, might wanna know the latest bullshit going on.

Too many fucking doctors. Lung doc, cardio doc, gall bladder doc, new primary doc, blah blah blah. ALL said I have to confer with the lung doc. But they all said any new scripts or orders must come from the primary doc, who said he is just a primary doc and not a lung doc. So, back to square one.

I DID get rid of those huge oxygen tanks, though. Got 6 little ones. No more lugging the big ones around. I also got a script for a concentrator so the tanks can take a hike eventually too. But..which one is the best oxygen concentrator company? I know the damn things cost over 2K, so digging that up will be fun. Not. And MrG does not like his walker. Walking makes him too tired, and he uses up too my oxygen. So now he wants a wheelchair. He can use his arms just fine. Its the walking that wears him out because his oxygen goes down...and so does his heart. So walking makes the oxygen tanks go down faster. Which is why we want a concentrator since it takes the air already around him and gives it back to him more purified. I think. Something like that. But now which place do I go to get one? I hear Inogen is the best. But they want 2700+ for one that straps over your shoulder or as a backpack. The rechargeable battery paid is only 300 bucks *eye roll*. So I have to dig up 3k when we do find one...somewhere.

He has been approved by the primary doc to have a home care supporter, but now I have to figure out how to do that cuz nobody around here knows diddly squat.

Meanwhile, I threw my back out today because I had to carry the big tanks to the neighbor since they didn't arrive before the doc appt, so I left a note on the door to get them from that neighbor and leave the little ones with her until we got back then I would bring the last one in tomorrow. Then I had to load him up in the van with the big tank, his walker, take him to the surgeons office to get the reports for the primary doc but they couldn't release it until he signed they could. to that office, unload him, sign, reload him. Off to primary doc. Unload him, reload him. THen he has to pee, so I have to unload him again, then reload him. Home, where I unload him, drive to my parking space way at the back lot, then walk back to the lobby, twisted my back between this morning to the last unload, get upstairs and now he wants a wheelchair. So now looking at wheelchairs on amazon that has the foot rests, a space to carry his stuff he needs, is foldable. Thats another couple hundred bucks. Everywhere I turn, its $$$$$$$ and now I am fucked up. All hunched over, spasms in my back, ace bandages on both wrists, colder that a witches tit outside, raining, and overall in a very VERY pissy mood. It would help if I had help, or someone competent to tell me which way to go locally for whatever it is he needs instead of me going to Dr. Google to get some fucking answers. And I STILL don't know the results of the biopsy because he has not seen the lung doctor yet cuz "he's on holiday until January".

On top of that, the manager here at the apts quit and now we have a new one to learn if she will be worse or better than the last one; the trash compactor is still broken after 4 fucking months and this whole building stinks; cockroaches are spreading faster than usual (thank goodness there are none in MY apartment), and in SUCKS.
Then MrG said he did not want to move from here, but "you can go if you want". Like, WTF? Well ALRIGHTY THEN!!!! He can stay here and I will go once someone calls from a waiting list I am on. HE can stay here and I will go! Fuckity fucken fuck!!!!

Kill me now. I'm fed up.
It's been a rat race lately, so I have not caught up. But for those who know the trials I am dealing with, might wanna know the latest bullshit going on.

Too many fucking doctors. Lung doc, cardio doc, gall bladder doc, new primary doc, blah blah blah. ALL said I have to confer with the lung doc. But they all said any new scripts or orders must come from the primary doc, who said he is just a primary doc and not a lung doc. So, back to square one.

I DID get rid of those huge oxygen tanks, though. Got 6 little ones. No more lugging the big ones around. I also got a script for a concentrator so the tanks can take a hike eventually too. But..which one is the best oxygen concentrator company? I know the damn things cost over 2K, so digging that up will be fun. Not. And MrG does not like his walker. Walking makes him too tired, and he uses up too my oxygen. So now he wants a wheelchair. He can use his arms just fine. Its the walking that wears him out because his oxygen goes down...and so does his heart. So walking makes the oxygen tanks go down faster. Which is why we want a concentrator since it takes the air already around him and gives it back to him more purified. I think. Something like that. But now which place do I go to get one? I hear Inogen is the best. But they want 2700+ for one that straps over your shoulder or as a backpack. The rechargeable battery paid is only 300 bucks *eye roll*. So I have to dig up 3k when we do find one...somewhere.

He has been approved by the primary doc to have a home care supporter, but now I have to figure out how to do that cuz nobody around here knows diddly squat.

Meanwhile, I threw my back out today because I had to carry the big tanks to the neighbor since they didn't arrive before the doc appt, so I left a note on the door to get them from that neighbor and leave the little ones with her until we got back then I would bring the last one in tomorrow. Then I had to load him up in the van with the big tank, his walker, take him to the surgeons office to get the reports for the primary doc but they couldn't release it until he signed they could. to that office, unload him, sign, reload him. Off to primary doc. Unload him, reload him. THen he has to pee, so I have to unload him again, then reload him. Home, where I unload him, drive to my parking space way at the back lot, then walk back to the lobby, twisted my back between this morning to the last unload, get upstairs and now he wants a wheelchair. So now looking at wheelchairs on amazon that has the foot rests, a space to carry his stuff he needs, is foldable. Thats another couple hundred bucks. Everywhere I turn, its $$$$$$$ and now I am fucked up. All hunched over, spasms in my back, ace bandages on both wrists, colder that a witches tit outside, raining, and overall in a very VERY pissy mood. It would help if I had help, or someone competent to tell me which way to go locally for whatever it is he needs instead of me going to Dr. Google to get some fucking answers. And I STILL don't know the results of the biopsy because he has not seen the lung doctor yet cuz "he's on holiday until January".

On top of that, the manager here at the apts quit and now we have a new one to learn if she will be worse or better than the last one; the trash compactor is still broken after 4 fucking months and this whole building stinks; cockroaches are spreading faster than usual (thank goodness there are none in MY apartment), and in SUCKS.
Then MrG said he did not want to move from here, but "you can go if you want". Like, WTF? Well ALRIGHTY THEN!!!! He can stay here and I will go once someone calls from a waiting list I am on. HE can stay here and I will go! Fuckity fucken fuck!!!!

Kill me now. I'm fed up.
Damn Gracie... you just made me feel better.
It's been a rat race lately, so I have not caught up. But for those who know the trials I am dealing with, might wanna know the latest bullshit going on.

Too many fucking doctors. Lung doc, cardio doc, gall bladder doc, new primary doc, blah blah blah. ALL said I have to confer with the lung doc. But they all said any new scripts or orders must come from the primary doc, who said he is just a primary doc and not a lung doc. So, back to square one.

I DID get rid of those huge oxygen tanks, though. Got 6 little ones. No more lugging the big ones around. I also got a script for a concentrator so the tanks can take a hike eventually too. But..which one is the best oxygen concentrator company? I know the damn things cost over 2K, so digging that up will be fun. Not. And MrG does not like his walker. Walking makes him too tired, and he uses up too my oxygen. So now he wants a wheelchair. He can use his arms just fine. Its the walking that wears him out because his oxygen goes down...and so does his heart. So walking makes the oxygen tanks go down faster. Which is why we want a concentrator since it takes the air already around him and gives it back to him more purified. I think. Something like that. But now which place do I go to get one? I hear Inogen is the best. But they want 2700+ for one that straps over your shoulder or as a backpack. The rechargeable battery paid is only 300 bucks *eye roll*. So I have to dig up 3k when we do find one...somewhere.

He has been approved by the primary doc to have a home care supporter, but now I have to figure out how to do that cuz nobody around here knows diddly squat.

Meanwhile, I threw my back out today because I had to carry the big tanks to the neighbor since they didn't arrive before the doc appt, so I left a note on the door to get them from that neighbor and leave the little ones with her until we got back then I would bring the last one in tomorrow. Then I had to load him up in the van with the big tank, his walker, take him to the surgeons office to get the reports for the primary doc but they couldn't release it until he signed they could. to that office, unload him, sign, reload him. Off to primary doc. Unload him, reload him. THen he has to pee, so I have to unload him again, then reload him. Home, where I unload him, drive to my parking space way at the back lot, then walk back to the lobby, twisted my back between this morning to the last unload, get upstairs and now he wants a wheelchair. So now looking at wheelchairs on amazon that has the foot rests, a space to carry his stuff he needs, is foldable. Thats another couple hundred bucks. Everywhere I turn, its $$$$$$$ and now I am fucked up. All hunched over, spasms in my back, ace bandages on both wrists, colder that a witches tit outside, raining, and overall in a very VERY pissy mood. It would help if I had help, or someone competent to tell me which way to go locally for whatever it is he needs instead of me going to Dr. Google to get some fucking answers. And I STILL don't know the results of the biopsy because he has not seen the lung doctor yet cuz "he's on holiday until January".

On top of that, the manager here at the apts quit and now we have a new one to learn if she will be worse or better than the last one; the trash compactor is still broken after 4 fucking months and this whole building stinks; cockroaches are spreading faster than usual (thank goodness there are none in MY apartment), and in SUCKS.
Then MrG said he did not want to move from here, but "you can go if you want". Like, WTF? Well ALRIGHTY THEN!!!! He can stay here and I will go once someone calls from a waiting list I am on. HE can stay here and I will go! Fuckity fucken fuck!!!!

Kill me now. I'm fed up.
Maybe it's time for Legal Aid? I've never heard of any insurance, Medicaid or Medicare or any other health insurance provider not paying for the oxygen equipment you need. Something doesn't sound right about all that.
Ya know... I had a revelation earlier today... and I'm betting all my rotten stomach business and occasional dizziness and chronic constipation, not to mention the head feeling fuzzy and not connected, can't remember words, nausea, gut aches, and the list goes on, all of which seemed to come on out of the blue, when after giving up so many things changing to all healthy things, I should feel like a million bucks but I don't. More often then not when I eat it feels like food goes down just so far and then stops, like the insides are plugged, and I know damn well I'm backed up, (sorry for having to mention that), but I am, I'm bloated like a puffer fish, and that's where the inside abdominal pressure comes from, and that's why the heart does it's little things. So... I did a search for "ARE STATINS SAFE." Well the link below came up so I started reading, and the further I got through it, the madder I got because I was like, ya, ya, ya... all that is happening to me, and it all started just recently. Well, I'm done with it. This is the fourth statin they've tried me on because the others all gave me hyper sour stomach and diarrhea. I believe it could even be the cause of the anxiety because the upset stomach seems to set off the anxiety. So this is day two of not taking any of it, and that's final, no more, ever. I'll keep up all the good changes I've made in my diet, but I'm bringing my coffee pot back in from the shop, and if I'm right, my stomach and many other little "problems" are going to all clear up. I just haven't felt RIGHT for months now, since right about the time they talked me into taking another filthy statin. My cholesterol isn't that bad anyway. It's not far over "their" line by much. I honestly don't know why I let them talk me into taking ANOTHER one of those filthy things anyway.

What statins do they have you on? When ultrasounds & Ctscans showed I have beginnings of hardening of an artery here and there my primary doc put me on a low dose Atorvastatin even though my cholesterol was normal. Zero noticeable side effects and it does seem to be helping. Hombre takes it too with no problems. However, though I do try not to second guess the medical experts, I tend to believe that if the medicine makes you sicker than you would be without it, maybe you would be better off without it? But if you're just being treated for cholesterol, then add some chia seed or freshly ground flaxseed to your diet and chances are that will take care of it.
Maybe it's time for Legal Aid? I've never heard of any insurance, Medicaid or Medicare or any other health insurance provider not paying for the oxygen equipment you need. Something doesn't sound right about all that.
They pay for some. The ones they sent him home with are the HUGE tanks. Kinda hard to get around with those things. Medicare MIGHT pay a bit, but I have to hunt around. I hear the Enogen (Inogen?) is the best but SimplyGo is supposedly good too. Those are ONLY 2400...maybe less if I get a refurbished one. Will Medi-Cal or Medicare pay for it? Don't know.
And a wheelchair. They will furnish one, but it will be a basic chair, no foot rests. He needs foot rests because his feet swell up and turn purple if they hang too long. So yeah..they will give him what he needs, but not what will make his life easier. Then again, he told me to move away if I want, so what the fuck do I care? Yeah, I'm pissed.
Imma gonna take a few hundred of norcos because I hurt all over and have a horrible headache as well. Hell, I might pop a few hundred xanax too. Oh. Wait. I don't have those. Benedryl will do nicely. Same ingredients in that as in xanax. Lots of people don't know that, so shhhhhhhhh.
Kidding ^

Sorta. Wish I had the balls to do it. But I don't. Yet. Kidding again. Fuckit. Going to bed.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Hombre's niece still in the hospital in critical condition with COVID.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family and her sister for relief/wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for good test results and remedy if one is needed.
Gracie and Mr. G for relief, healing, peace, solutions.

And our thoughts are also with those dealing with the the severe rains and snow and cold and severe weather of other kinds at this time.And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will. Hoping for Big Black Dog, gallantwarrior, Nosmo King, peach174 and others to check in.

It's been a rat race lately, so I have not caught up. But for those who know the trials I am dealing with, might wanna know the latest bullshit going on.

Too many fucking doctors. Lung doc, cardio doc, gall bladder doc, new primary doc, blah blah blah. ALL said I have to confer with the lung doc. But they all said any new scripts or orders must come from the primary doc, who said he is just a primary doc and not a lung doc. So, back to square one.

I DID get rid of those huge oxygen tanks, though. Got 6 little ones. No more lugging the big ones around. I also got a script for a concentrator so the tanks can take a hike eventually too. But..which one is the best oxygen concentrator company? I know the damn things cost over 2K, so digging that up will be fun. Not. And MrG does not like his walker. Walking makes him too tired, and he uses up too my oxygen. So now he wants a wheelchair. He can use his arms just fine. Its the walking that wears him out because his oxygen goes down...and so does his heart. So walking makes the oxygen tanks go down faster. Which is why we want a concentrator since it takes the air already around him and gives it back to him more purified. I think. Something like that. But now which place do I go to get one? I hear Inogen is the best. But they want 2700+ for one that straps over your shoulder or as a backpack. The rechargeable battery paid is only 300 bucks *eye roll*. So I have to dig up 3k when we do find one...somewhere.

He has been approved by the primary doc to have a home care supporter, but now I have to figure out how to do that cuz nobody around here knows diddly squat.

Meanwhile, I threw my back out today because I had to carry the big tanks to the neighbor since they didn't arrive before the doc appt, so I left a note on the door to get them from that neighbor and leave the little ones with her until we got back then I would bring the last one in tomorrow. Then I had to load him up in the van with the big tank, his walker, take him to the surgeons office to get the reports for the primary doc but they couldn't release it until he signed they could. to that office, unload him, sign, reload him. Off to primary doc. Unload him, reload him. THen he has to pee, so I have to unload him again, then reload him. Home, where I unload him, drive to my parking space way at the back lot, then walk back to the lobby, twisted my back between this morning to the last unload, get upstairs and now he wants a wheelchair. So now looking at wheelchairs on amazon that has the foot rests, a space to carry his stuff he needs, is foldable. Thats another couple hundred bucks. Everywhere I turn, its $$$$$$$ and now I am fucked up. All hunched over, spasms in my back, ace bandages on both wrists, colder that a witches tit outside, raining, and overall in a very VERY pissy mood. It would help if I had help, or someone competent to tell me which way to go locally for whatever it is he needs instead of me going to Dr. Google to get some fucking answers. And I STILL don't know the results of the biopsy because he has not seen the lung doctor yet cuz "he's on holiday until January".

On top of that, the manager here at the apts quit and now we have a new one to learn if she will be worse or better than the last one; the trash compactor is still broken after 4 fucking months and this whole building stinks; cockroaches are spreading faster than usual (thank goodness there are none in MY apartment), and in SUCKS.
Then MrG said he did not want to move from here, but "you can go if you want". Like, WTF? Well ALRIGHTY THEN!!!! He can stay here and I will go once someone calls from a waiting list I am on. HE can stay here and I will go! Fuckity fucken fuck!!!!

Kill me now. I'm fed up.
Prayers up, gracie.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Hombre's niece still in the hospital in critical condition with COVID.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family and her sister for relief/wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for good test results and remedy if one is needed.
Gracie and Mr. G for relief, healing, peace, solutions.

And our thoughts are also with those dealing with the the severe rains and snow and cold and severe weather of other kinds at this time.And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will. Hoping for Big Black Dog, gallantwarrior, Nosmo King, peach174 and others to check in.

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Thank you, foxfyre. Woke up with a leg seizure at 2 am. Took some magnesium and potàssium and am just starting to feel better. I so thank for your prayer support. ♡♡♡♡♡
Prayers up, gracie.

Thank you, foxfyre. Woke up with a leg seizure at 2 am. Took some magnesium and potàssium and am just starting to feel better. I so thank for your prayer support. ♡♡♡♡♡
Oh, btw my "friend" got himself a trailer and is healing from hip replacement surgery and is getting along a lot better. His trailer is next to the horse arena/shelter. Thanks for your prayers for him. In another month he should be well enough to move off my property. Compatibility just isn't there. I think he dumps on me over stuff he experienced from divorcing 4 different women and he associates any women for dumping spite all over and having him out of the house helps. In the meantime he is using my mowing equipment breakdowns to prevent me from mowing my place and it looks horrible all grown over not to mention a good hiding place for snakes that love the backyard lake and can hide in the weeds in yard and field. if I have to I will talk to a lawyer to research alternatives that are humane and cheaper and less soul wrenching than his arbitrary demands. His last girlfriend is suing him for money he borrowed so he scheduled his surgery for the same day as the hearing so he wouldn't have to refund to her what she claims was a loan. His best friend said he has a history of draining girlfriends bank accounts. told me he was a chaplain. Yeah, right. Widows have their problems with being taken advantage of, but his intentionally ducking the last galfriend is almost as bad as the day he burned the northwest pasture by burning up trees he cut down. I wound up calling the fire department 2 days in a row. That's when I realized it's time for him to leave. Two more weeks and his healing from surgery should be complete. Don't worry. I will be okay.
Prayers up, gracie.

Thank you, foxfyre. Woke up with a leg seizure at 2 am. Took some magnesium and potàssium and am just starting to feel better. I so thank for your prayer support. ♡♡♡♡♡
I've found that a swallow or two of dill pickle juice knocks those night leg and foot cramps quickly. Apparently these are a pretty common occurrence for those on the senior citizen side. I don't pretend to know why or how, but it works for me. Also B6 taken just before bed and melatonin are recommended by some sleep clinics to lessen frequency or help eliminate those painful and annoying night cramps.
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What statins do they have you on? When ultrasounds & Ctscans showed I have beginnings of hardening of an artery here and there my primary doc put me on a low dose Atorvastatin even though my cholesterol was normal. Zero noticeable side effects and it does seem to be helping. Hombre takes it too with no problems. However, though I do try not to second guess the medical experts, I tend to believe that if the medicine makes you sicker than you would be without it, maybe you would be better off without it? But if you're just being treated for cholesterol, then add some chia seed or freshly ground flaxseed to your diet and chances are that will take care of it.
They currently had me on Rosuvastatin. I was on three other statins prior and most either gave me massive diarrhea and a gut ache, or I couldn't drink grapefruit juice with it. But the Rosuvastatin has done a number on me. I had chronic constipation from hell, was always bloated, (full of shit, literally), BM's were very irregular and always felt like only HALF was evacuating. I was packed, literally. Eating would feel like food would go down so far and then STOP, like it ran into a LOG JAM, and it was very uncomfortable, and there were other symptoms like minor balance issues, foggy head, nausea, gut ache, gas, fatigue... but... the crap has been DUMPED IN THE TOILET. My cholesterol was just slightly over anyway. I don't know why I let these shysters talk me into taking the crap in the first place. Now just three days without taking it, I had a strong urge to go this morning and had a wonderful, normal BM, and it felt like it ALL came out, and as I sit here typing this, I don't have a gut ache or feel bloated for the first time in MONTHS. So I know without a doubt, it was that damn drug. When the side effects are worse than whatever the crap might be doing for you, DON'T TAKE IT. I know I can lower my cholesterol naturally anyway, by the high fiber diet, exercise and losing a few a pounds. That works far better than any pill anyway. So yep, I'm done with that garbage. I won't take another statin as long as I live.

Sorry for all the talk about POOP but, that's what it's about... :eusa_shifty:

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