USMB Coffee Shop IV

Update on the new 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD LTZ I ordered. Yesterday I heard a new radio commercial for the dealer where I ordered it, 17 weeks ago, that said GM is now back in full production so stop in and order a new vehicle. Curious I called the dealer and spoke with my salesman who said, "good news, your truck is slated to go into production first week of February." Well, another month minimum. That will be over SIX MONTHS it took to get this truck... when it normally should take 6 to 8 weeks.
I've found that a swallow or two of dill pickle juice knocks those night leg and foot cramps quickly. Apparently these are a pretty common occurrence for those on the senior citizen side. I don't pretend to know why or how, but it works for me. Also B6 taken just before bed and melatonin are recommended by some sleep clinics to lessen frequency or help eliminate those painful and annoying night cramps.
Thanks. and thanks again my worthy friend, Foxfyre. I'm putting my new computer which got hooked up earlier this morning by the server. Phones are better than nothing, but it's a lot more relaxing to have a full-sized keyboard and 10 times faster. So I can get myself in trouble ten times faster now. <giggle> I'm headed for the fridge to eat a couple teaspoons of dill relish and will have to put dill slices in pickle juice on my shopping list. After paying taxes for the year a couple of weeks ago, I'm sticking to my shopping list from now on. Guess it was time to make New Years' Resolutions for 2022 now, and that's going to be #1 so I can pay taxes again next year in December, lol. I might need to get another bottle of B6 because I'm almost out, but I took an extra melatonin this morning because it has a soothing effect that I didn't realize helps leg cramps. When the cold weather gets here, it seems the leg cramps start, but even the Indian Summer we're having right now seems a lot colder than usual. We had a blue norther that blew in yesterday, so that has to be why the annual fight with leg cramps head my way. So a double thanks on the Dill pickle juice assistance. I bet it will save me a lot of grief at nights from now on. <old age is not for sissies....> :auiqs.jpg:

And oh, how nice it is not to have to use that darn old timeconsuming iphone. And Hi everybody! Have a happy New Year! :huddle:
Update on the new 2022 Chevy Silverado 2500HD LTZ I ordered. Yesterday I heard a new radio commercial for the dealer where I ordered it, 17 weeks ago, that said GM is now back in full production so stop in and order a new vehicle. Curious I called the dealer and spoke with my salesman who said, "good news, your truck is slated to go into production first week of February." Well, another month minimum. That will be over SIX MONTHS it took to get this truck... when it normally should take 6 to 8 weeks.
Wow that sounds like a nice truck. I have a 2004 silverado chevy truck, half ton. I had to fix the transmission twice in 2 years last year and this. Bye bye three thousand dollars. But I don't think I should be buying new stuff right now after paying taxes. Hope it comes soon to your driveway!
Prayers up, gracie.

Thank you, foxfyre. Woke up with a leg seizure at 2 am. Took some magnesium and potàssium and am just starting to feel better. I so thank for your prayer support. ♡♡♡♡♡
Try this for leg and foot cramps. I keep a few packets of yellow mustard in my night stand. When I wake up with a cramp, I squeeze half the packet into my mouth and swallow it. I guarantee the cramp will be gone in less than 2 minutes or your money back.
It's been a rat race lately, so I have not caught up. But for those who know the trials I am dealing with, might wanna know the latest bullshit going on.

Too many fucking doctors. Lung doc, cardio doc, gall bladder doc, new primary doc, blah blah blah. ALL said I have to confer with the lung doc. But they all said any new scripts or orders must come from the primary doc, who said he is just a primary doc and not a lung doc. So, back to square one.

I DID get rid of those huge oxygen tanks, though. Got 6 little ones. No more lugging the big ones around. I also got a script for a concentrator so the tanks can take a hike eventually too. But..which one is the best oxygen concentrator company? I know the damn things cost over 2K, so digging that up will be fun. Not. And MrG does not like his walker. Walking makes him too tired, and he uses up too my oxygen. So now he wants a wheelchair. He can use his arms just fine. Its the walking that wears him out because his oxygen goes down...and so does his heart. So walking makes the oxygen tanks go down faster. Which is why we want a concentrator since it takes the air already around him and gives it back to him more purified. I think. Something like that. But now which place do I go to get one? I hear Inogen is the best. But they want 2700+ for one that straps over your shoulder or as a backpack. The rechargeable battery paid is only 300 bucks *eye roll*. So I have to dig up 3k when we do find one...somewhere.

He has been approved by the primary doc to have a home care supporter, but now I have to figure out how to do that cuz nobody around here knows diddly squat.

Meanwhile, I threw my back out today because I had to carry the big tanks to the neighbor since they didn't arrive before the doc appt, so I left a note on the door to get them from that neighbor and leave the little ones with her until we got back then I would bring the last one in tomorrow. Then I had to load him up in the van with the big tank, his walker, take him to the surgeons office to get the reports for the primary doc but they couldn't release it until he signed they could. to that office, unload him, sign, reload him. Off to primary doc. Unload him, reload him. THen he has to pee, so I have to unload him again, then reload him. Home, where I unload him, drive to my parking space way at the back lot, then walk back to the lobby, twisted my back between this morning to the last unload, get upstairs and now he wants a wheelchair. So now looking at wheelchairs on amazon that has the foot rests, a space to carry his stuff he needs, is foldable. Thats another couple hundred bucks. Everywhere I turn, its $$$$$$$ and now I am fucked up. All hunched over, spasms in my back, ace bandages on both wrists, colder that a witches tit outside, raining, and overall in a very VERY pissy mood. It would help if I had help, or someone competent to tell me which way to go locally for whatever it is he needs instead of me going to Dr. Google to get some fucking answers. And I STILL don't know the results of the biopsy because he has not seen the lung doctor yet cuz "he's on holiday until January".

On top of that, the manager here at the apts quit and now we have a new one to learn if she will be worse or better than the last one; the trash compactor is still broken after 4 fucking months and this whole building stinks; cockroaches are spreading faster than usual (thank goodness there are none in MY apartment), and in SUCKS.
Then MrG said he did not want to move from here, but "you can go if you want". Like, WTF? Well ALRIGHTY THEN!!!! He can stay here and I will go once someone calls from a waiting list I am on. HE can stay here and I will go! Fuckity fucken fuck!!!!

Kill me now. I'm fed up.
Damn Gracie, I’m so sorry to hear this (((hugs)))…it sounds like such a medical quagmire. I did learn a few things when my mother was sick though. There are services that offer help in navigating complicated medical situations. They can be an ombudsman, go to appointments with you, sort through the bureaucracy and what services might be available to help. I don’t know if it is a private service or varies by state? Anyone else heard of it? Also, just a thought, but maybe you can get a wheelchair free or cheap through Craigslist or similar?
Try this for leg and foot cramps. I keep a few packets of yellow mustard in my night stand. When I wake up with a cramp, I squeeze half the packet into my mouth and swallow it. I guarantee the cramp will be gone in less than 2 minutes or your money back.
Thanks. I'm going to try it. During the day, no cramps, but opposite foot was aching weirdly earlier, so I'm going to give it a shot! :thup:
Thanks. and thanks again my worthy friend, Foxfyre. I'm putting my new computer which got hooked up earlier this morning by the server. Phones are better than nothing, but it's a lot more relaxing to have a full-sized keyboard and 10 times faster. So I can get myself in trouble ten times faster now. <giggle> I'm headed for the fridge to eat a couple teaspoons of dill relish and will have to put dill slices in pickle juice on my shopping list. After paying taxes for the year a couple of weeks ago, I'm sticking to my shopping list from now on. Guess it was time to make New Years' Resolutions for 2022 now, and that's going to be #1 so I can pay taxes again next year in December, lol. I might need to get another bottle of B6 because I'm almost out, but I took an extra melatonin this morning because it has a soothing effect that I didn't realize helps leg cramps. When the cold weather gets here, it seems the leg cramps start, but even the Indian Summer we're having right now seems a lot colder than usual. We had a blue norther that blew in yesterday, so that has to be why the annual fight with leg cramps head my way. So a double thanks on the Dill pickle juice assistance. I bet it will save me a lot of grief at nights from now on. <old age is not for sissies....> :auiqs.jpg:

And oh, how nice it is not to have to use that darn old timeconsuming iphone. And Hi everybody! Have a happy New Year! :huddle:
I've tried doing this, Facebook, Twitter etc. on my laptop, on my phone, on my Kindle Fire and, while it's doable, I find it tedious and not very satisfying. Give me my old fashioned desktop computer and my 27" monitor any day. And congrats on your new 'puter. May you and it get along famously.
Me in the morning.
Oh, btw my "friend" got himself a trailer and is healing from hip replacement surgery and is getting along a lot better. His trailer is next to the horse arena/shelter. Thanks for your prayers for him. In another month he should be well enough to move off my property. Compatibility just isn't there. I think he dumps on me over stuff he experienced from divorcing 4 different women and he associates any women for dumping spite all over and having him out of the house helps. In the meantime he is using my mowing equipment breakdowns to prevent me from mowing my place and it looks horrible all grown over not to mention a good hiding place for snakes that love the backyard lake and can hide in the weeds in yard and field. if I have to I will talk to a lawyer to research alternatives that are humane and cheaper and less soul wrenching than his arbitrary demands. His last girlfriend is suing him for money he borrowed so he scheduled his surgery for the same day as the hearing so he wouldn't have to refund to her what she claims was a loan. His best friend said he has a history of draining girlfriends bank accounts. told me he was a chaplain. Yeah, right. Widows have their problems with being taken advantage of, but his intentionally ducking the last galfriend is almost as bad as the day he burned the northwest pasture by burning up trees he cut down. I wound up calling the fire department 2 days in a row. That's when I realized it's time for him to leave. Two more weeks and his healing from surgery should be complete. Don't worry. I will be okay.
If you need help kicking him out. . .well, okay I'm too far away. But I sure would help if I was closer.
They currently had me on Rosuvastatin. I was on three other statins prior and most either gave me massive diarrhea and a gut ache, or I couldn't drink grapefruit juice with it. But the Rosuvastatin has done a number on me. I had chronic constipation from hell, was always bloated, (full of shit, literally), BM's were very irregular and always felt like only HALF was evacuating. I was packed, literally. Eating would feel like food would go down so far and then STOP, like it ran into a LOG JAM, and it was very uncomfortable, and there were other symptoms like minor balance issues, foggy head, nausea, gut ache, gas, fatigue... but... the crap has been DUMPED IN THE TOILET. My cholesterol was just slightly over anyway. I don't know why I let these shysters talk me into taking the crap in the first place. Now just three days without taking it, I had a strong urge to go this morning and had a wonderful, normal BM, and it felt like it ALL came out, and as I sit here typing this, I don't have a gut ache or feel bloated for the first time in MONTHS. So I know without a doubt, it was that damn drug. When the side effects are worse than whatever the crap might be doing for you, DON'T TAKE IT. I know I can lower my cholesterol naturally anyway, by the high fiber diet, exercise and losing a few a pounds. That works far better than any pill anyway. So yep, I'm done with that garbage. I won't take another statin as long as I live.

Sorry for all the talk about POOP but, that's what it's about... :eusa_shifty:
Again when the side effects destroy your quality of life indefinitely, the medicine just isn't worth it. But I was serious about the chia seed and freshly ground flaxseed. Not only are these very high in the good omegas, they both significantly lower bad cholesterol levels in most people. You just need a couple of tablespoon or two of either per day tossed in with your salad or in your soup or whatever. I make a lot of fruit and veggie smoothies and just add them to those. (I order organic whole flaxseed from Amazon and grind them just before I use them in an ordinary coffee bean grinder.)

Also having oatmeal most mornings along with some apple slices and maybe cheese toast or something has signficantly improved Hombre's triglycerides that the chia or flaxseeds don't seem to affect much.
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Update. Sorta.
Did a lot of running around today while MrG rested. Found a place that sells the concentrators and we decided to stick with the small tanks. They weigh less! 4 lbs vs 5 lbs not including the damn batteries. Plus, asking price is $2600 bucks for the damn thing. So....since the ones we just got are lighter, practically the same size as the concentrator, are being paid for by Medicare, so these will suffice. Which means we could afford a better wheel chair, which I found on Amazon for 224 bucks. It will arrive Jan 5 to Jan 10th, which is fine. NOW he will be able to go downstairs for a quick spin around the property, go to the market with me, etc.

His chevy trailbazer is now a van, lol. Took out the front passenger seat and half the back seat so I have all that room for his folding wheelchair or his walker (which he doesn't want but Im gonna keep it so at least he can walk once in awhile and not sit), his small shoulder tank and even groceries. Was going to sell it, but decided to keep it. He loves that car...and it has only 64K original miles on it (2003) and we are the second owners. it stays. If my van finally gasps its last, at least we have a backup car.

And...I did my own research on the biopsie results. According to mayo clinic, stanford, etc...and what the diagnosis is...he has 2 to 7 more years on this earth, so we need to make the best of it. When he told me to go, he wanted to "spare me" dealing with his health issues. I said thats all fine and dandy but I ain't leaving. For better or worse, sickness or health.
However, he IS on the list here where we are for his own apt, and that he WILL take. At least I am in the same building, plus he will get more care from home support services a lady is helping me with in getting it set up. For will be 5 days a week, 2 hours per day from 4pm to 6pm. She can do what needs done for him, plus cook his meals since I have issue with cooking two different dinners at the same time cuz he hates what I cook and I hate what he eats. This is a win win IF they approve us. Doc sent a request too. So time will tell when it all comes together but at least for now, I am not as rattled as I have been. Yay!
Two days ago my new glasses arrived and I thought great and plopped em on my face........... I go in Monday to find out what went so terribly wrong........
I was seeing double with them on with both eyes open, I'd close my right eye and my (bad) left was seeing better but still somewhat blurry. Close the left eye and the right became more blurry, look through the bifocals and definitely more blurry. LOL
Someone screwed up somewhere.
Again when the side effects destroy your quality of life indefinitely, the medicine just isn't worth it. But I was serious about the chia seed and freshly ground flaxseed. Not only are these very high in the good omegas, they both significantly lower bad cholesterol levels in most people. You just need a couple of tablespoon or two of either per day tossed in with your salad or in your soup or whatever. I make a lot of fruit and veggie smoothies and just add them to those. (I order organic whole flaxseed from Amazon and grind them just before I use them in an ordinary coffee bean grinder.)

Also having oatmeal most mornings along with some apple slices and maybe cheese toast or something has signficantly improved Hombre's triglycerides that the chia or flaxseeds don't seem to affect much.
One of my favorite breakfasts is cottage cheese and pineapple. A 24 oz container of low fat cottage cheese and a 20 oz can of pineapple tidbits in 100% pineapple juice, mix the two together (juice and all) and put it in the fridge overnight. Massive health benefits but in moderation of course.

12 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Cottage Cheese with Pineapple -
One of my favorite breakfasts is cottage cheese and pineapple. A 24 oz container of low fat cottage cheese and a 20 oz can of pineapple tidbits in 100% pineapple juice, mix the two together (juice and all) and put it in the fridge overnight. Massive health benefits but in moderation of course.

12 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Cottage Cheese with Pineapple -
One of our favorite side dishes actually except that I usually use the crushed pineapple. However, use a wand blender to blend 2 tablespoons of good flax oil with 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese (1 to 2 ratio) until the flax oil is no longer visible--this process makes the flax oil water soluble and 100% usable by the body--and then add pineapple or other fruit/berries/veggies and toss it all into a blender for a quick blend--don't over blend--smoothie and you have a powerful superfood that helps with all autoimmune issues including cancer. Add a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed to that and you have even more good omegas to combat autoimmune issues plus it lowers cholesterol.

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