USMB Coffee Shop IV

Try this for leg and foot cramps. I keep a few packets of yellow mustard in my night stand. When I wake up with a cramp, I squeeze half the packet into my mouth and swallow it. I guarantee the cramp will be gone in less than 2 minutes or your money back.
Update: the mustard and dill remedies so graciously afforded me by you and Foxfyre are turning my foot cramps into a lot milder form. I am so grateful to y'all. :thup:
Update: the mustard and dill remedies so graciously afforded me by you and Foxfyre are turning my foot cramps into a lot milder form. I am so grateful to y'all. :thup:
Be sure you're getting sufficient B6 and are hydrated well. And maybe take a low dose melatonin at bedtime and hopefully they will become even less frequent. In truth I am sometimes awakened with leg and/or foot cramps but not nearly as often as I used to be. In addition to other remedies we've discussed that really do help, I've found sometimes wearing comfortable compression socks to bed help and I have put on moccasins or other comfy shoes sometimes which stops foot cramps. It's all based on how frequent/disruptive the cramps are to a good night's sleep.
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I’d like a Peets Major Dickinsons with one cream one sugar! Happy New Year’
Welcome to the Coffee Shop Opie. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and then keep right on joining in. We're delighted you found us.
And re the Peets order--I've only had it once in a Keurig coffee maker but remember it as being quite good--here you go:

Foxfire is the kindest most welcoming person on USMB :).

I’m sitting on my porch, in a rocking chair, drinking hot fresh coffee with white chocolate syrup and a dash of cream. It is January 1st….53 degrees and raining….in the West Virginia mountains. Wish it was snow. The birds are noisy and unusually talkative for this time of year too. I have feeders out next to a big rhodendren and the finches congregate there. :)
Foxfire is the kindest most welcoming person on USMB :).

I’m sitting on my porch, in a rocking chair, drinking hot fresh coffee with white chocolate syrup and a dash of cream. It is January 1st….53 degrees and raining….in the West Virginia mountains. Wish it was snow. The birds are noisy and unusually talkative for this time of year too. I have feeders out next to a big rhodendren and the finches congregate there. :)
I can just see it almost as clearly as if I was there. We spent 4 glorious months in White Sulphur Springs--June through September--when Hombre was going to photography school in 1984. We spent pretty much every spare minute driving your mountains and also up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. But by mid to late September there was frost on the windows in the mornings. Isn't that supposed to be snow instead of rain this time of year?
I can just see it almost as clearly as if I was there. We spent 4 glorious months in White Sulphur Springs--June through September--when Hombre was going to photography school in 1984. We spent pretty much every spare minute driving your mountains and also up and down the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. But by mid to late September there was frost on the windows in the mornings. Isn't that supposed to be snow instead of rain this time of year?
That is a beautiful part of WV, I haven’t been on a road trip there in a few years though. Normally we’d have snow, not rain. We’ve had so much they have warned about flash flooding. Really, in January? I took my youngest dog running, we do a five mile loop that takes us along the Youghiogheny River and was raging. Great for the white water rafters and kayakers (saw them out there). Got good and soaked but it was 53 degrees so it didn’t matter. At least Wyatt is tired ( yard is a mud hole, so not much playing).
This is probably the coolest thread I have found and ill probably spend most of my time here now on lol
There is an ebb and flow to the Coffee Shop. Sometimes it is pretty quiet for days or a couple of weeks and then there is a flurry of activity and we fill a lot of pages in a day or two. A lot of the old regulars aren't posting on USMB at all anymore and others only every once in awhile but all that could change at any time. And we have a number of regulars now who were newbies not all that long ago. And some who are missing. Those who live alone and we haven't heard from in months I do worry about what with the pandemic and all.

But all in all we can't have too many friends and we're happy you're here Opie. :)

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