USMB Coffee Shop IV

Bummer Ollie. Hopefully it is a false positive. As I recall she was really sick when she got it before. Maybe no symptoms this time? Our primary doctor's office called us in this morning to get our booster shots and so far zero side affects. But New Mexico is 88% vaccinated now with at least one shot but the Omicron variant is running rampant. It is more like a really bad flu but reasonable caution is smart I think. I guess she gets Christmas off though.
She was feeling better after 3 days this time around. But has to follow the protocol. Sometimes its no fun being a Nurse.
So many of us are grieving or hurting or disappointed or worried or stressed out by so many things, and we are reminded again that the human condition is rarely without stress, hardship, pain, sorrow from time to time. This is our eleventh Christmas together Coffee Shoppers, and my prayer is that you find courage to change what you can or endure what you must endure, and that in spite of all of it, you find some peace and joy. And thank you all for the times you have made me laugh through tears, inspired me when I was discouraged, and blessed me with your friendship.


Me too.

Edit -- Went back and looked at the solution -- totally missed the last bunch. I suck at these puzzles.
Most of us suck at these puzzles. That's what makes them fun. :)

But welcome to the Coffee Shop OhPleaseJustQuit. We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep right on joining in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is Christmas we'll toast everybody!!

Most of us suck at these puzzles. That's what makes them fun. :)

But welcome to the Coffee Shop OhPleaseJustQuit. We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and keep right on joining in.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is Christmas we'll toast everybody!!

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Thanks for the welcome! Merry Christmas.
Not a great Christmas this year. Went into the Hospital Monday night with weird chest pains. Not the pains I've had in the past with cardiac episodes. Had enzymes tested (normal). Did a Stress test that showed a small abnormally (I think I understood them right.) The NP that works with the cardiologist on call suggested a Heart cath just in case. Agreed to the procedure got into the heart lab (No food or drink all day) Only for the cardiologist to advise me he wouldn't have the procedure done. He even said that if I were friend or family he would advise against it. SO Wednesday night I came home. Thursday night the pains were back. I'm seriously considering going back to the ER in the morning.
Not a great Christmas this year. Went into the Hospital Monday night with weird chest pains. Not the pains I've had in the past with cardiac episodes. Had enzymes tested (normal). Did a Stress test that showed a small abnormally (I think I understood them right.) The NP that works with the cardiologist on call suggested a Heart cath just in case. Agreed to the procedure got into the heart lab (No food or drink all day) Only for the cardiologist to advise me he wouldn't have the procedure done. He even said that if I were friend or family he would advise against it. SO Wednesday night I came home. Thursday night the pains were back. I'm seriously considering going back to the ER in the morning.
Sending some extra prayers your way Ollie.
Not a great Christmas this year. Went into the Hospital Monday night with weird chest pains. Not the pains I've had in the past with cardiac episodes. Had enzymes tested (normal). Did a Stress test that showed a small abnormally (I think I understood them right.) The NP that works with the cardiologist on call suggested a Heart cath just in case. Agreed to the procedure got into the heart lab (No food or drink all day) Only for the cardiologist to advise me he wouldn't have the procedure done. He even said that if I were friend or family he would advise against it. SO Wednesday night I came home. Thursday night the pains were back. I'm seriously considering going back to the ER in the morning.
Coincidently, I went to the ER myself after having a couple real quick little chest pains, and I know it was my heart. They hooked me up to the EKG, did labs, and like other times said I was fine. They didn't seem too concerned there was anything wrong with my heart. I told them that I do believe it's from abdominal pressure inside me and my heart doesn't like it, and I've had bouts with upset stomach and unusual bowel movements. The doctor seemed much more concerned with my "stress level." I told her that I might be a little too wrapped up in what's happening to our nation and around the world, and she felt I'm probably suffering from "hyper tension." So yeah, I didn't think I was but, I probably am and don't realize how much. I have Xanax that I take occasionally for anxiety issues so, it makes sense.

So in the past few weeks I've changed a few things. I don't wake up now and immediately go to the computer and immerse myself in all the shitty news, and along with giving up alcohol, two years ago now, I've also given up coffee, even the decaf, and I've began eating high fiber things, fruits, green veggies, and I've got smoothies down to a science, which are just awesome, love them, and I believe it's paying off. I'm losing weight and gaining energy and feel like I'm getting back to my old self again. Going to keep it up, because this 66 year old bod just doesn't respond well to abuse anymore. Time to take good care of it instead. I moved my Powerline universal gym out of my house to upstairs in the shop this Summer to reclaim my back room, so today I was upstairs in the shop putting that back together. Done except for running the cables. Will do that tomorrow. Need to hit that gym again too.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas..!!
Lots of covid going around here, friends and family have all caught it. Friend of mine here, his mother and her live kinda friend / care taker, took a little trip to visit some relatives and both came home with covid and both wound up in the hospital. The live in was morbidly obese and sadly... died. His mom who's in her 80's was bad, but her daughter is an EMT and called in a favor from a doctor friend and got her treated with Regeneron monochlonal antibodies. She responded very well to that but then had other heart and stroke complications. It was iffy there for awhile but she pulled through and is home now.

Sister and her common law husband both had covid. Fortunately they're both in very good health and although it was unpleasant, both came through without any serious complications at all. They said the worst part for them was upset stomach and nausea. Son and his family all caught it. His wife wasn't even sure it was covid until they took her to the hospital. She tested pos but it was after already being sick for 10 days. She came through no problem because she's very healthy as well, athletic, slim and fit. Son is relatively fit as well but liked his little cigars, so he said it was hard for him to breath for awhile, and the fevers hit him pretty bad too, but he's also fine now, already back to work.

Myself, I just hibernate and don't go anywhere, and luckily live alone and don't have anyone else coming and going from my home. But I found a couple different places where I was able to secure both Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and I take the Ivermectin prophylactically along with vitamin D3 and C, besides the multivitamin I've been taking forever. And I might have had the covid already, not sure, but way back in May of '19, I had a small fever, body aches, sore throat, etc, but I never lost my sense of taste or smell so, IDK, might have just been a cold or mild flu. In any case, taking the Ivermectin, I just might sneak by without catching it. In any case, natural immunity is the best deterrent, bar none.
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Coincidently, I went to the ER myself after having a couple real quick little chest pains, and I know it was my heart. They hooked me up to the EKG, did labs, and like other times said I was fine. They didn't seem too concerned there was anything wrong with my heart. I told them that I do believe it's from abdominal pressure inside me and my heart doesn't like it, and I've had bouts with upset stomach and unusual bowel movements. The doctor seemed much more concerned with my "stress level." I told her that I might be a little too wrapped up in what's happening to our nation and around the world, and she felt I'm probably suffering from "hyper tension." So yeah, I didn't think I was but, I probably am and don't realize how much. I have Xanax that I take occasionally for anxiety issues so, it makes sense.

So in the past few weeks I've changed a few things. I don't wake up now and immediately go to the computer and immerse myself in all the shitty news, and along with giving up alcohol, two years ago now, I've also given up coffee, even the decaf, and I've began eating high fiber things, fruits, green veggies, and I've got smoothies down to a science, which are just awesome, love them, and I believe it's paying off. I'm losing weight and gaining energy and feel like I'm getting back to my old self again. Going to keep it up, because this 66 year old bod just doesn't respond well to abuse anymore. Time to take good care of it instead. I moved my Powerline universal gym out of my house to upstairs in the shop this Summer to reclaim my back room, so today I was upstairs in the shop putting that back together. Done except for running the cables. Will do that tomorrow. Need to hit that gym again too.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas..!!
Good advice for all except the coffee doesn't bother Hombre and me so won't be giving that up. We did give up alcohol and cigarettes a long time ago and are much the better for it. But eating well - higher fiber, lots more veggies, good omegas, lots less fried foods and junk - have done these old bodies well. I strongly recommend it. And as our primary physician who we love dearly said, "Sitting is the new smoking." Important to get up and move. We still don't do as much of that as we should but we're doing better. And do we backslide now and then. Yes we do so we have no room to judge anybody else.

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