USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've slept on and off the whole day. Lots of fatigue. MrG is doing ok, I guess. Could be better, could be worse. A nurse came today to check on him. Physical therapist will call next week. But that is just temporary. Soon as his lung doctor gets back in his office after the holidays, I will see about a full time caregiver. This cold weather and all the rain (which I LOVE but my body doesn't), I ache all over too. Constantly. Dragging that damn behometh of a tank doesn't help but MrG can't do it and he needs to walk every day to build up his muscles.

I can't wait for xmas to be over. I hate this time of year.

Sorry about your dog, Beautress. At least he is alive. You can visit him now and then maybe. My karma is gone forever, and I miss her ALL the time. Constantly. The more years that pass, the more I miss her. She was my best friend. My soul sister. My furry daughter. Xmas sucks.
I don't know if it's because of the lunatic weather here, or because of working from home, or because I'm just freekin old...........but I've been hurting and aching for two weeks now.

You need thiamin, folate, B6, and B 12. If you're taking daily vitamins it wouldn't hurt to buy a bottle of B100 from your nearest Kroger, Walmart, HEB, or other grocer. I'm assuming you are already taking Vitamin A and D3 if your doctor has tipped you that a good nutrition program faithfully executed will put him out of business. If you don't like to take vitamins, you could always have a handful of blueberries, a couple of apples, a banana, and an orange. A daily yellow or orange vegetable 2 servings of dark green leafy vegetable and 1 cruciferous vegetable per diem. You also could check out nutrition information that could steer your pain out of your joints and muscles by avoiding the 3 white devils--white flours, white dairy products, and white refined sugar. Your worst demon, though is a sugar sweet tooth that brings on obesity when it comes to having unresolved aches and pains. Hello broccoli, goodbye pain for most of us. :thanks: I wish you well in getting well. Oh yeh and I forgot about beets and carrots. There up there with apples and broccoli, not to mention the benefits garlic has for disciplining pesky microbes your body doesn't need hanging around. Turmeric plus garlic supplements teamed up will kick most of your joint pain outta the park. Good luck. And hope something I said helps your problem. I probably forgot a couple of other dietary aids to stop and prevent aches and pains, so load your favorite search engine with the words "dietary pain management." There's a lot more to it than I can fit in one paragraph, and most people are downright too chicken to heal by smart eating habit development which means crossing over to eating foods with joy that you used to eschew plz pardon the pun.... <giggle>
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I've slept on and off the whole day. Lots of fatigue. MrG is doing ok, I guess. Could be better, could be worse. A nurse came today to check on him. Physical therapist will call next week. But that is just temporary. Soon as his lung doctor gets back in his office after the holidays, I will see about a full time caregiver. This cold weather and all the rain (which I LOVE but my body doesn't), I ache all over too. Constantly. Dragging that damn behometh of a tank doesn't help but MrG can't do it and he needs to walk every day to build up his muscles.

I can't wait for xmas to be over. I hate this time of year.

Sorry about your dog, Beautress. At least he is alive. You can visit him now and then maybe. My karma is gone forever, and I miss her ALL the time. Constantly. The more years that pass, the more I miss her. She was my best friend. My soul sister. My furry daughter. Xmas sucks.
Thanks for the kind words, Gracie. I think you should be sure you have either an electric blanket or at least a heating pad for cool nights. Big hug for cold weather comfort. a nice heated cup of cinnamon added to apple cider can really take some of the edge off bitter cold seasonal chills. :huddle:
You need thiamin, folate, B6, and B 12. If you're taking daily vitamins it wouldn't hurt to buy a bottle of B100 from your nearest Kroger, Walmart, HEB, or other grocer. I'm assuming you are already taking Vitamin A and D3 if your doctor has tipped you that a good nutrition program faithfully executed will put him out of business. If you don't like to take vitamins, you could always have a handful of blueberries, a couple of apples, a banana, and an orange. A daily yellow or orange vegetable 2 servings of dark green leafy vegetable and 1 cruciferous vegetable per diem. You also could check out nutrition information that could steer your pain out of your joints and muscles by avoiding the 3 white devils--white flours, white dairy products, and white refined sugar. Your worst demon, though is a sugar sweet tooth that brings on obesity when it comes to having unresolved aches and pains. Hello broccoli, goodbye pain for most of us. :thanks: I wish you well in getting well. Oh yeh and I forgot about beets and carrots. There up there with apples and broccoli, not to mention the benefits garlic has for disciplining pesky microbes your body doesn't need hanging around. Turmeric plus garlic supplements teamed up will kick most of your joint pain outta the park. Good luck. And hope something I said helps your problem. I probably forgot a couple of other dietary aids to stop and prevent aches and pains, so load your favorite search engine with the words "dietary pain management." There's a lot more to it than I can fit in one paragraph, and most people are downright too chicken to heal by smart eating habit development which means crossing over to eating foods with joy that you used to eschew plz pardon the pun.... <giggle>

Dr. has me taking all that. Hell, I take more pills every day than I intake food.

I love broccoli, keep bags of it in the freezer.
I have a proposal to make for you guys:

I need to pay $1870 to pay off a loan completely. It is a payday loan with 499% interest. They apprised me that if I pay $1864 by December 30 then the loan would be concluded. If not, then it would be $576 /mo for the next 12 months.

I was wondering if there would be any of you out there willing to take out a $3100 (the GA state minimum) loan on my behalf? There seem to be no lenders available willing to lend us that amount, let alone touch us with our credit scores; nor will our mortgage lender approve us for a refinance. In addition, our heating/AC unit is on its last legs and needs to be repaired/replaced.

How it would work is this:

1) Should you agree to this arrangement, and if you are approved, relay to me the monthly payment amount.

2) We exchange bank account numbers.
a) Mine to you to receive the loan.
b) Yours to me so I can schedule automatic payments in the amount of the monthly payments due.

3) I am willing to increase the payment to pay off the loan faster by a maximum of $50 a month more.


1) Both of our credit ratings will benefit in the long run when this loan is paid in full.

I know this is a lot to ask, but as I said, I desperately need to pay off this loan by December 30, and I don't know how much longer our Heating and AC unit will last.

If you feel that I am worthy of your trust, message me and we will exchange pertinent information. Time is of the essence.
I have a proposal to make for you guys:

I need to pay $1870 to pay off a loan completely. It is a payday loan with 499% interest. They apprised me that if I pay $1864 by December 30 then the loan would be concluded. If not, then it would be $576 /mo for the next 12 months.

I was wondering if there would be any of you out there willing to take out a $3100 (the GA state minimum) loan on my behalf? There seem to be no lenders available willing to lend us that amount, let alone touch us with our credit scores; nor will our mortgage lender approve us for a refinance. In addition, our heating/AC unit is on its last legs and needs to be repaired/replaced.

How it would work is this:

1) Should you agree to this arrangement, and if you are approved, relay to me the monthly payment amount.

2) We exchange bank account numbers.
a) Mine to you to receive the loan.
b) Yours to me so I can schedule automatic payments in the amount of the monthly payments due.

3) I am willing to increase the payment to pay off the loan faster by a maximum of $50 a month more.


1) Both of our credit ratings will benefit in the long run when this loan is paid in full.

I know this is a lot to ask, but as I said, I desperately need to pay off this loan by December 30, and I don't know how much longer our Heating and AC unit will last.

If you feel that I am worthy of your trust, message me and we will exchange pertinent information. Time is of the essence.
Nevermind this. A loan company that initially rejected us turned around and inexplicably changed their minds, granting the loan.

Gee, how does that work?

Nevermind this. A loan company that initially rejected us turned around and inexplicably changed their minds, granting the loan.

Gee, how does that work?

Easily. Mortgage loans are more about the property, than the borrower. It could be that your loan to value ratio is so low that the loan looks good to them, or the person who initially said "no", had their supervisor look over the proposal, and the supervisor said "It's a go". Lots of ways it could happen.
I've slept on and off the whole day. Lots of fatigue. MrG is doing ok, I guess. Could be better, could be worse. A nurse came today to check on him. Physical therapist will call next week. But that is just temporary. Soon as his lung doctor gets back in his office after the holidays, I will see about a full time caregiver. This cold weather and all the rain (which I LOVE but my body doesn't), I ache all over too. Constantly. Dragging that damn behometh of a tank doesn't help but MrG can't do it and he needs to walk every day to build up his muscles.

I can't wait for xmas to be over. I hate this time of year.

Sorry about your dog, Beautress. At least he is alive. You can visit him now and then maybe. My karma is gone forever, and I miss her ALL the time. Constantly. The more years that pass, the more I miss her. She was my best friend. My soul sister. My furry daughter. Xmas sucks.
Have you considered one of those 4-wheel walkers with a seat? Until my Uncle Ed could get portable oxygen he just put the big tank on that seat and it rolled easily.
Have you considered one of those 4-wheel walkers with a seat? Until my Uncle Ed could get portable oxygen he just put the big tank on that seat and it rolled easily.
That's what he has. The tank takes up the whole seat. MrG has no room to sit when he needs to.

The physical therapist came yesterday, had him walk, tested his oxygen level, checked his heart rate. Not good. The PT said NORMALLY, when copd patients get out of breath, their heart rate increases. Unfortunately, when MrG's oxygen level reaches 80 or so, his heart rate drops to the 40's. So....he can't take the tank on the seat. He has to SIT on it until his oxygen raises back up to the lower 90's, then wait some more for his heart rate to catch up. room with the tank on it. Hence, me having to follow him around pulling the fucking behometh tank.

I called the oxygen people. They don't have smaller tanks. They are on order. Because of COVID. I am SO SICK of that word. Covid this, covid that, masks again which do NOTHING to stop a virus yet they still insist we wear them, more shots, more boosters for something THAT DOESN'T WORK. I am so damn frustrated about the whole thing. It would be easier IF there were FUCKING CHAIRS put back by the elevators and CHAIRS back in the community room so others in the same boat we are in COULD SIT FUCKING DOWN, but nooooooooo......COVID! Must stay 6 feet apart. Cuz of COVID. But they can all gather butt to butt on food delivery day....and gather around the mailboxes when the mailman comes all cheek to cheek....or in a huddle in the lobby gossiping about everyone while being no more than 2 feet OR LESS away. That doesn't count. But lets not let the chairs back! Cuz....COVID.

Sorry for the cussing. I am worn out, tired, in pain, pissed off and in general miserable.
Easily. Mortgage loans are more about the property, than the borrower. It could be that your loan to value ratio is so low that the loan looks good to them, or the person who initially said "no", had their supervisor look over the proposal, and the supervisor said "It's a go". Lots of ways it could happen.
It was a $5k loan though, not tied to the mortgage, which makes it more weird.
So far I'm getting 14 plus 4 rectangles.

I've got 18.

The whole thing is 1. 4 small squares on the outside corners. 4 small squares in the middle. Those 4 in the middle form another 1. Starting on the outside of the total square, go in 3/4 of the way (the length of a small corner square plus the rectangle). Then go down 3/4 of the way. That forms a square, and you can do that in each corner of the whole, for 4 more squares. Finally, you can use each of the 4 rectangles on the middle outside of the whole and move inward, adding the first row of small squares in the center, to make 4 more squares.

1 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 18


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Hands down Hombre's favorite Christmas movie. And over the years he has been given a working replica of that lamp--a smaller one that is more desk size--plus a copy of the original script, tees with photos of various scenes, and for Christmas a few years ago I gave him an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle!

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