USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, I have the equipment that hooks it to the tv, because it came with the player. Thanks, I'll have to try that, Foxfyre.
Not sure what you have. If it has its own screen it probably will work differently from one like ours that is made to attach to a TV and doesn't have its own screen.

Ours is similar to this one:
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It is painful to read through the politics section. I want to comment on threads, but the acrimony just drips from both sides.
For sure there are those who are extremist on all sides and those who are incapable of discussing a political topic objectively and matter of factly without getting personal and/or ad hominem and/or judgmental/insulting on all sides. Doesn't keep me from wading in every now and then of course, but I don't need that acrimonious negativity so don't do it often these days. And of course it is that acrimonious negativity that prompted the 'no politics' rule in the Coffee Shop.
People who are pretty rough in the political threads are usually pretty good folks when the topic isn't politics. :)
It is painful to read through the politics section. I want to comment on threads, but the acrimony just drips from both sides.
I have to. I have no grandchildren, but I stick around because we lost millions of children-to-be since January 22, 1973. If I could change one heart to encourage giving life or even a couple of people to believe in life, and that child brings peace to earth through his sincerity or other gift, putting up with the acrimony will have been worth it. I believe in things unseen agreeing with this poor old woman that I am. I ask God to make me grandmother to those who will be born because I won someone over to believing in life, that it is a gift from God, and that bearing that gift is the best thing for the living to replenish the earth with genes blessed by my king and my God. I never even took a debate class in school. But I know how to hang in there. It only takes the right someone to agree to have that child that will bring the goodness of God to something that will benefit mankind. Only one. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
For sure there are those who are extremist on all sides and those who are incapable of discussing a political topic objectively and matter of factly without getting personal and/or ad hominem and/or judgmental/insulting on all sides. Doesn't keep me from wading in every now and then of course, but I don't need that acrimonious negativity so don't do it often these days. And of course it is that acrimonious negativity that prompted the 'no politics' rule in the Coffee Shop.
People who are pretty rough in the political threads are usually pretty good folks when the topic isn't politics. :)

I appreciate being able to come into this forum.

Most boards are really electronic communities with many people who develop electronic friendships and encourage each other.

The board I mentioned is simply a running light beer commercial (IMHO).

It's unfortunate, but it happens on almost all boards.

I was on a different board and actually had the nerve to say Trump let us down. I was pretty much told to get off or be banned.
I have to. I have no grandchildren, but I stick around because we lost millions of children-to-be since January 22, 1973. If I could change one heart to encourage giving life or even a couple of people to believe in life, and that child brings peace to earth through his sincerity or other gift, putting up with the acrimony will have been worth it. I believe in things unseen agreeing with this poor old woman that I am. I ask God to make me grandmother to those who will be born because I won someone over to believing in life, that it is a gift from God, and that bearing that gift is the best thing for the living to replenish the earth with genes blessed by my king and my God. I never even took a debate class in school. But I know how to hang in there. It only takes the right someone to agree to have that child that will bring the goodness of God to something that will benefit mankind. Only one. 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

I admire you for the desire you've listed.

God bless you in your efforts.
Twitter is a place I hope I never, never have to go to. I like it here just fine. :thanks:
I use it to get info--have to be careful because there's so much fake news, false memes etc. out there--but we also get stuff in real time as it's actually happening. I'm me there but nobody knows it's me. But I can express myself there on subjects I prefer not to do here. It's like everything else. Some good. Some awful. You pick and choose what you want to take from it.
We have a Sony Bluray/DVD player attached to our big screen TV and watch all our movies that way. If you have a smart TV it automatically adjusts whatever settings are needed for movie/video/whatever. We have been collecting favorite movies for years and almost all are from the 1950's through the 1990's. Very few movies made very much past 2000 have the thoughtful editing, direction, character development, story telling etc. that allows you to just lose yourself in the movie for awhile.

I have a PVR. Every December, my cable company offers a free preview month of it's Hollywood Suite package. 4 channels of commercial free movies 70's and before, 80's, 90's and 2000's, running 24/7. At the end of November, every year, I go through my PVR, and clear out the old junk, stuff I have watched, and stuff I'm never going to watch, to make room for movies. Once a day, I go through their listings, and and set the PVR to record anything I don't already have, and I do this for the whole month.

I've got a lot of childrens movies for when my grandchildren visit - Babe, The Black Stallion, Wizard of Oz, and this year I got the whole Harry Potter catalogue.

When we've been in lockdown, I have had two friends here in town who have gotten me through. I don't have a car, so they help me with shopping and rides when I need them. One is my gardening friend, and the other is the man who used to live across the hall from me. He lives a couple of blocks away now.

I had Boxing Day dinner with my gardening friend and her sister. On New Year's Day, she called to say her grandchildren, who she spent Christmas with, had tested positive for covid. I pointed out that Christmas Day was a week ago, and quarantine is now 5 days. If she hadn't had symptoms by now, the vaccines worked!

This morning, my former neighbour called me. We had dinner together last night. I had a craving for KFC and told him if he'd take me to pick some up, I'd buy him dinner. KFC is strictly take out so we came back to my place to eat. His mother tested positive this morning. He left her place to come and pick me up.

Normally, I get groceries Friday morning, so here I am with nothing to eat, and stuck at home for 5 days. My gardening friend will do a porch drop off for me tomorrow but she had company today.

I had pizza for dinner. Paid for by tapping my card on the reader. No touching anything.
I have a PVR. Every December, my cable company offers a free preview month of it's Hollywood Suite package. 4 channels of commercial free movies 70's and before, 80's, 90's and 2000's, running 24/7. At the end of November, every year, I go through my PVR, and clear out the old junk, stuff I have watched, and stuff I'm never going to watch, to make room for movies. Once a day, I go through their listings, and and set the PVR to record anything I don't already have, and I do this for the whole month.

I've got a lot of childrens movies for when my grandchildren visit - Babe, The Black Stallion, Wizard of Oz, and this year I got the whole Harry Potter catalogue.

When we've been in lockdown, I have had two friends here in town who have gotten me through. I don't have a car, so they help me with shopping and rides when I need them. One is my gardening friend, and the other is the man who used to live across the hall from me. He lives a couple of blocks away now.

I had Boxing Day dinner with my gardening friend and her sister. On New Year's Day, she called to say her grandchildren, who she spent Christmas with, had tested positive for covid. I pointed out that Christmas Day was a week ago, and quarantine is now 5 days. If she hadn't had symptoms by now, the vaccines worked!

This morning, my former neighbour called me. We had dinner together last night. I had a craving for KFC and told him if he'd take me to pick some up, I'd buy him dinner. KFC is strictly take out so we came back to my place to eat. His mother tested positive this morning. He left her place to come and pick me up.

Normally, I get groceries Friday morning, so here I am with nothing to eat, and stuck at home for 5 days. My gardening friend will do a porch drop off for me tomorrow but she had company today.

I had pizza for dinner. Paid for by tapping my card on the reader. No touching anything.
Wow DL, Kudos on being responsible. And may you stay perfectly well.
Wow DL, Kudos on being responsible. And may you stay perfectly well.

Thank you, Foxfyre. I thought about riding my bike over to Food Basics yesterday. I don't need much, just some fresh meat and veggies. I haven't tested positive. I don't have any symptoms. I haven't been notified by the Health Department of a contact. Technically, no reason to stay home. But the responsible thing is to quarantine for 5 days and not risk infecting anyone else, if he's got it..

My friend is unvaxxed, making him at very high risk of getting it. His mother is vaxxed and boosted, as am I, and she's not very sick at all. He's also high risk, with diabetes, and a heavy smoker. I'm more worried about him that either me or his mother.

Normally, I would be in Toronto this weekend, spending the weekend with friends. The Canadian and the American Figure Skating Championships are on TV all weekend long. I'm watch Canadian Ice Dance right now. US Women were on last night in Prime Time. Anything we don't watch, we tape.

Normally the 5 of us gather at Larry's downtown condo Saturday morning and for coffee and pancakes and go through until Midnight, with platters of cheese and coldcuts, fresh fruit and sushi in the afternoon. We order in for dinner, and then snack through the evening. The entire day is spent eating, drinking wine and smart cocktails, and watching figure skating.

Instead, we're all at our respective homes, in a private chat room on our laptops, watching the skating and exchanging comments. Chris is still giving us schedules and links and keeping us all on track. Yes, we're ordering in, and having our wine and smart cocktails. Best we can do under the circumstances.

Last night, after the US Ladies finished, I stood up to go to the bathroom and I felt a little lightheaded and dizzy. My nose was running. I started to worry. Then I remembered I had two large glasses of wine with my pizza, and I have allergies. I'm fine today.

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