USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'd take all of the physical help you can get, Gracie. With your husband so limited and having hip surgery, you're could be putting yourself at risk if you try to do too much physically, and you're the one he really needs to be there. It'll let you focus on the keeping his spirits up. One of my best friends had hip replacement surgery, and she said the recovery was the most difficult thing she's ever done, and she was otherwise in excellent health going in.

Last week, my serger lost it's timing - barely two weeks after I had it reset. The machine is more than 20 years old and it's had a hard life. My backup died 2 years ago. It was only 15 years old but it was manufactured in Asia and was a piece of shit. My American made Singer was my rock. Replacing it is going to cost me $400, and it won't be American made.

I've already had someone want to buy a velvet dress but I'm out of stock on the size she needs. They were this year's "hot item" at Christmas. I can't even offer to make the dress she wants size at the moment. And we're in lockdown. My "driver" has covid, so I can't go to the City to get to the dealer. Amazon can deliver one in a week or less, but I'd rather buy local.

And last night one of my back teeth broke in half. Behind the canine on the left side. The other half is still in my mouth. So much for my lockdown savings account. Tooth removal, new partial plate, $1000 minimum. I'm applying for Trillium benefits when I post this, but I really don't like the only dentist in town, and would go back to my Toronto dentist for this if we weren't in lockdown.
Speaking of life events becoming overwhelming. Where are you in lockdown DL? I thought you were in Toronto? But then I'm getting older and the memory for detail isn't what it used to be.
After I made the few Muslim videos on TikTok, a few Afghan police officers are now following me, I have no idea if they are Taliban but actually they should be Taliban because the Taliban have now taken over the government. I hope they are friendly and don't want to threaten me.
It was just brought to my attention that it is 51 years from 1970 to 2021. And it is 51 years from 1919 to 1970. Sort of puts things into perspective for today's kids when we try to tell them how it was when we were young.
Speaking of life events becoming overwhelming. Where are you in lockdown DL? I thought you were in Toronto? But then I'm getting older and the memory for detail isn't what it used to be.

I lived in Toronto for more than 30 years but moved to the Escarpement in 2014, and live in a friendly little resort town on the shores of Lake Erie, about 25 miles from Niagara Falls. It's rated one of the "best places in Canada to retire" and I really do love it here. The air is clean and sweet smelling. The rents were cheap, and the people are very friendly.

Toronto is "home", and I miss it, but everything is so expensive. I was 8 years old the first time I visited Toronto, and it's where I headed to the moment I graduated high school, but I've always known I wouldn't live there when I retired. I was born in Montreal but grew up in a small town just outside London, Ontario. I used to joke I was born and bred in the city, and that's why Toronto felt like home from my first visit.

Although we don't do politics here, I'm posting someone one of my Toronto friends sent me. A couple of days ago, the Ontario government announced that when the children return to school on Monday, they're done. The province will no longer be providing free tests, keeping track of covid statistics or doing ANYTHING in regards to the pandemic. We're on our own. This is the equivalent to being on an airplane and having the flight crew jump out of the plane and say "Good luck". And while it sounds like a skit from the Canadian Air Farce, it's really not.

When this announcement came down, we were all in shock. But I made a joke that they were doing this because they have no idea of what to do next. We had a pandemic play book left over from SARS, but they've come to the end of that and have no clue what to do now. Not one. My friend sent me this. I laughed so hard I had an asthma attack.

Well, I should let you know. I've been to the ER twice this past month. Diagnosis is that I had a minor heart attack. Maybe. They really aren't sure. Did a stress test which showed a very small abnormally. One cardiologist seems to think it is a small blockage that is too small to fix. Another thinks it could be an older stent. Anyway they finally decided to Do a heart Catherization so they can see for certain. I am scheduled for Monday afternoon. Prayers accepted.....
Well, I should let you know. I've been to the ER twice this past month. Diagnosis is that I had a minor heart attack. Maybe. They really aren't sure. Did a stress test which showed a very small abnormally. One cardiologist seems to think it is a small blockage that is too small to fix. Another thinks it could be an older stent. Anyway they finally decided to Do a heart Catherization so they can see for certain. I am scheduled for Monday afternoon. Prayers accepted.....

You got this, Ollie!! They’ll just make you take it easy for 90 days, maybe give you a fresh stent, you’ll be good as new.

I had one of these 8 years ago. It took some marker in my blood work to confirm it. I behaved myself, followed advice, and no long term problems.

Regardless of my faith in modern medicine, prayers are a given.
You got this, Ollie!! They’ll just make you take it easy for 90 days, maybe give you a fresh stent, you’ll be good as new.

I had one of these 8 years ago. It took some marker in my blood work to confirm it. I behaved myself, followed advice, and no long term problems.

Regardless of my faith in modern medicine, prayers are a given.
Thanks Dragonlady Been through it myself a few times. 10 stents and a quad bypass. Still not looking forward to it.
Well, I should let you know. I've been to the ER twice this past month. Diagnosis is that I had a minor heart attack. Maybe. They really aren't sure. Did a stress test which showed a very small abnormally. One cardiologist seems to think it is a small blockage that is too small to fix. Another thinks it could be an older stent. Anyway they finally decided to Do a heart Catherization so they can see for certain. I am scheduled for Monday afternoon. Prayers accepted.....
And prayers up and I'm sure those who don't pray will be sending some positive vibes. Every little bit helps.
Did you know that on this day, Jan 13, 1910, 112 years ago, was the first public radio broadcast? They broadcast a complete Italian opera. Not too many folks must have had radios back then, because radio became very popular anyway. In my generation, it was our television. :)

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Hombre's niece still in the hospital in critical condition with COVID.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family and her sister for relief/wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for a successful and trouble free procedure on Monday.
Hombre for successful preparation for his surgery next month.
Gracie and Mr. G for relief, healing, peace, solutions.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

This goes for she also :)

I always remind people that grandchildren are the reward you get for letting the teenagers live!

Last night, as I was nuking my dinner, a fuse blew and fried my microwave. I went to the corner store and bought a couple of 20 watt fuses, but the fuse blew before I could fully screw it in. At that point, I called the landlord and he said he would be over in the morning.

After I got off the phone, I realized that the living room lights and TV were also off, and went around the apartment to see what else was on that circuit. Almost my entire apartment was running off one 20 watt circuit. Every outlet in both bedrooms and the living room, two out of three outlets in the kitchen, and one in the laundry room. In total 8 double outlets, two overhead lights, two wall sconces, and the washing machine were all running off of one 20 amp circuit. Then I noticed that the two big 100 watt halogen lights in the stairwell were out - they're on my poor little 20 watt circuit too.

When my landlord showed up to day, he didn't bring an electrician, he simply swapped out the 20 watt fuse for a 15 watt fuse, and said "all fixed". When I said "What about the fact that all but 3 plugs and 2 lights in the apartment are running off one 20 watt fuse, and he said "We're not going to talk about that".

Well the Electrical Safety Authority is certainly interested in talking about it. They're sending a Provincial inspector on Monday. He would have been here today, but he had already left the area and had several more appointments already booked.

After they called me to confirm my appointment, I spoke to the woman across the hall who told me her power was also off all last night. It appears that half of HER apartment is also on my 20 watt circuit and I've been paying for half of her hydro for the past 6 years. She pays $40 a month. I pay $105.

The former tenant and I were comparing electric bills and mine was double his which I thought very odd, but he worked full time, and I was home all day, so I figured that was the reason. I also noticed that when I went away for 2 weeks over Christmas one year, my useage went UP.

This is dangerous.
SFC Ollie
Oh, my, SFC Ollie. Hope you get to feeling better. You are a beloved member of this shop family. Every one of us loves you for all you do for those who needed to find missing soldiers and stuff. :huddle: My prayers up for your full recovery and I give thanks to God for the kindness you showed so many of your military brothers' families. Prayers up for healing. :hands:
You'd love it where I live. Since moving to the Escarpment, I've seen at least a dozen birds I had only seen in pictures, and some I'd never seen at all. Baltimore Orioles - I saw one at our cottage up north once, back in the 1990's. In addition we have tons of cardinals, American goldfinches. Eastern bluebirds aren't common but I have seen them, and my prized sighting - a scarlet tanager, which I had only ever seen in pictures.

There's a bald eagle nesting ground just outside of town, along North Shore Road. Great blue herons live in the canals and shallow wading areas. And we're a stopover for east coast migration to northern breeding grounds

In the spring, we get bufflehead ducks stopping by on their way to their breeding ground up north. I had never heard of them much less seen one, but I'm sure they were the models for the original "rubber duckies" because that's what they look like. An adult bufflehead weighs less than a pound. They don't stay long - their breeding grounds are further north. I put the picture of the mallard in for perspective.
Scarlet tanagers are here all summer long most years. There are several types of tanagers. They just love the piney woods and farms along country roads who put out bird seeds.
My brother died last night. I was a bit shocked, as although he recently had Covid he recovered from it. But apparently he had bleeding stomach ulcers and died of blood loss.
I'm so sorry, Dajjal. Love to you and your family. I lost my sister 3 or 4 months after I lost my husband of 44 years. She was 9 years younger than me. A long life runs in my family to those who do not smoke. Some days, I just wish I could have a cup of coffee with my sister. Fortunately, we became friends as adults, and she gave me a lot of happy memories, so I try to focus on what an amazing woman my sister was, and I missed a lot, having lived 1500 miles away for 35 years. I'm glad we retired back here in the same small town she lived in. She was given a month to live with her cancer, but her father-in-law put her with the new medical care for cancer victims by following a dietary panacea, kicking out cigarettes cold turkey and no booze. It gave her an additional 5 years to live, so we retired here to be close to her. What a gift her life was to me.

I know how it feels to lose somebody you love that you grew up with and watched them grow up from far and from near. Hope you have a few good memories of your brother. :huddle: and Prayers up for you and your brother's other loved ones, :hands:
After I made the few Muslim videos on TikTok, a few Afghan police officers are now following me, I have no idea if they are Taliban but actually they should be Taliban because the Taliban have now taken over the government. I hope they are friendly and don't want to threaten me.
Oh, my goodness, Mortimer. Good luck. Didn't know you were in Afghanistan.
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Hope everyone has a good evening. I've spent too much time lately on the Spanish language website. It helps to not miss any days. By the way, It's good to have a computer again. I'm not near so tired when I get to read more and answer in less than 35 minutes per post. :spinner:
I always remind people that grandchildren are the reward you get for letting the teenagers live!

Last night, as I was nuking my dinner, a fuse blew and fried my microwave. I went to the corner store and bought a couple of 20 watt fuses, but the fuse blew before I could fully screw it in. At that point, I called the landlord and he said he would be over in the morning.

After I got off the phone, I realized that the living room lights and TV were also off, and went around the apartment to see what else was on that circuit. Almost my entire apartment was running off one 20 watt circuit. Every outlet in both bedrooms and the living room, two out of three outlets in the kitchen, and one in the laundry room. In total 8 double outlets, two overhead lights, two wall sconces, and the washing machine were all running off of one 20 amp circuit. Then I noticed that the two big 100 watt halogen lights in the stairwell were out - they're on my poor little 20 watt circuit too.

When my landlord showed up to day, he didn't bring an electrician, he simply swapped out the 20 watt fuse for a 15 watt fuse, and said "all fixed". When I said "What about the fact that all but 3 plugs and 2 lights in the apartment are running off one 20 watt fuse, and he said "We're not going to talk about that".

Well the Electrical Safety Authority is certainly interested in talking about it. They're sending a Provincial inspector on Monday. He would have been here today, but he had already left the area and had several more appointments already booked.

After they called me to confirm my appointment, I spoke to the woman across the hall who told me her power was also off all last night. It appears that half of HER apartment is also on my 20 watt circuit and I've been paying for half of her hydro for the past 6 years. She pays $40 a month. I pay $105.

The former tenant and I were comparing electric bills and mine was double his which I thought very odd, but he worked full time, and I was home all day, so I figured that was the reason. I also noticed that when I went away for 2 weeks over Christmas one year, my useage went UP.

This is dangerous.
I've been getting led lights lately. a 60 watt bulb may only burn 12 watts apiece. I changed out all my bulbs a couple of monhs back, and it cut my electricity by $200 last month. My house is rather obnoxiously large, but I have a lot of hobbies and still have a large quantity of quilt fabrics around.

My guest friend bought a travel trailer to live in. There are no harsh words any longer, and not even any harsh words at all. He can't hear when I say "hello," and he doesn't bother to ever come across the driveway for much of any reason including to say hi or anything else. I no longer have to take depression meds with no constant critiques to listen to. God is good to me lately. :thup:

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