USMB Coffee Shop IV

Love or hate the Barbie movie I’m indifferent I had to share this.
In case you ever wondered, this is my Aunt Betty who will be 97 years young next month, still walks where she wants to go without cane or walker, still drives herself in her car to nearby appointments, grocery shopping, etc., and until we moved her into an assisted living facility earlier this year lived alone, did her own laundry and a lot of her own housework and yardwork including trotting up and down a steep flight of stairs several times a day.

She is my inspiration that it ain't over til it's over. And yes, she still looks just like this photo that is less than a year old.


She is awesome!
I've been fighting a bronchial pneumonia issue for 5 weeks now. It took 5 weeks of coughing and a trip to the doctor last week, but I'm feeling just a little better now. Hoping everyone is okay. Love and best regards to all.
So sorry you're doing poorly but happy you're improving. I agree with Lumpy. Enough of that already.
Some cooler in north central New Mexico this week after some rain day before yesterday and more clouds in the afternoons. Our monsoon has been pretty much a bust for most but is beginning to produce a little. At least temps are down into the low 90s again which is seasonal for us this time of year. After a near unprecedented string of 100+ days, that almost feels like a cold snap. :)
We saw "Oppenheimer" a few days ago. My impression:

Three hour movie
Casting excellent
Acting excellent
History - a blip or two I noticed but about as accurate as you're going to get in a movie.
One semi nude sex scene that was unnecessary, awkwardly inserted, and made it unsuitable for at least young children.
Directing: Terrible. They did so much editing acrobatics inserting actual frequent black and white television footage of congressional hearings that so chopped up the story line that I doubt anybody who didn't know the history could have followed it. Even those of us who know the history well had some difficulty following it.

I don't know why directors do all those editing acrobatics but if they had just told his story and then followed the dropping of the bomb with the congressional hearings, it could have been a really great movie.

Probably everybody should see it once. But for me it was disappointing as explained.
We saw "Oppenheimer" a few days ago. My impression:

Three hour movie
Casting excellent
Acting excellent
History - a blip or two I noticed but about as accurate as you're going to get in a movie.
One semi nude sex scene that was unnecessary, awkwardly inserted, and made it unsuitable for at least young children.
Directing: Terrible. They did so much editing acrobatics inserting actual frequent black and white television footage of congressional hearings that so chopped up the story line that I doubt anybody who didn't know the history could have followed it. Even those of us who know the history well had some difficulty following it.

I don't know why directors do all those editing acrobatics but if they had just told his story and then followed the dropping of the bomb with the congressional hearings, it could have been a really great movie.

Probably everybody should see it once. But for me it was disappointing as explained.
Thanks .. looks like homemade popcorn to me.
Yes. After the DVD/Blu Ray comes out, I'll probably buy a copy. Movie popcorn is usually pretty good but I prefer my own popped in virgin coconut oil on my stove.
Yup, same here but I did try out pop-secret.. sweet n crunchy caramel and my fillings didn’t pop out .. and it tasted great.

Just sayin, it’s worth a try with coffee and it’s smiling time for me at least..
Yup, same here but I did try out pop-secret.. sweet n crunchy caramel and my fillings didn’t pop out .. and it tasted great.

Just sayin, it’s worth a try with coffee and it’s smiling time for me at least..
I love love love caramel corn but too much sugar for me these days. I am not diabetic but I feel much much better with very low sugar intake. I'm not fanatic about it. Just picky. :)
I've been fighting a bronchial pneumonia issue for 5 weeks now. It took 5 weeks of coughing and a trip to the doctor last week, but I'm feeling just a little better now. Hoping everyone is okay. Love and best regards to all.
go to the health food store and get a bottle of 'clear lungs' chinese formula ...i always keep it handy during the flu really works.

I do not think I have been on here since the covid thing started....I remember a very nice philopino girl who disappeared from here during covid....forget her name though.
go to the health food store and get a bottle of 'clear lungs' chinese formula ...i always keep it handy during the flu really works.

I do not think I have been on here since the covid thing started....I remember a very nice philopino girl who disappeared from here during covid....forget her name though.

Persuader, Thanks for the product information.

I had a severe chest pain episode last night and went to the ER at 2 am due to fright. They sent me home at 4 am with a prescription for 3 medicines and one Over the counter Vicks shower shower inhalant recommendation. A day later, between the Inhaler device, medical antibiotic and steroid pill prescriptions and the Vick's shower inhalant, I'm feeling 90% better. I'm still isolating as much as possible until the sputum from my chest goes away. When I'm strong enough to drive again, I'll check to see if I can get the "Clear Lungs" Chinese formula at the local health supplements and soup and sandwich lunch shop. There's a good chance they have or can procure the "Clear Lungs" chinese formula.
Meanwhile, it feels good to feel good after 6 weeks of incessant coughing that I decided to isolate myself at home except for a bread run twice a week. Meanwhile, it's Sudoku, Solitaire, USMB online, and naptime, except the steroids kept me awake and I'm not tired now. Thanks again for the tip. I'm grateful for your advice.
Persuader, Thanks for the product information.

I had a severe chest pain episode last night and went to the ER at 2 am due to fright. They sent me home at 4 am with a prescription for 3 medicines and one Over the counter Vicks shower shower inhalant recommendation. A day later, between the Inhaler device, medical antibiotic and steroid pill prescriptions and the Vick's shower inhalant, I'm feeling 90% better. I'm still isolating as much as possible until the sputum from my chest goes away. When I'm strong enough to drive again, I'll check to see if I can get the "Clear Lungs" Chinese formula at the local health supplements and soup and sandwich lunch shop. There's a good chance they have or can procure the "Clear Lungs" chinese formula.
Meanwhile, it feels good to feel good after 6 weeks of incessant coughing that I decided to isolate myself at home except for a bread run twice a week. Meanwhile, it's Sudoku, Solitaire, USMB online, and naptime, except the steroids kept me awake and I'm not tired now. Thanks again for the tip. I'm grateful for your advice.
Yes. Do take care of yourself and glad you're feeling better. Also that your chest pain was treatable and hopefully not something chronic. I hope you've had time and energy to get all those doggies neutered and/or spayed or this time next year you'll be up to the rafters with doggies.
go to the health food store and get a bottle of 'clear lungs' chinese formula ...i always keep it handy during the flu really works.

I do not think I have been on here since the covid thing started....I remember a very nice philopino girl who disappeared from here during covid....forget her name though.
Welcome back Persuader and hopefully that's a good therapy for Beautress who has definitely had more than her fair share of health issues.
Persuader, Thanks for the product information.

I had a severe chest pain episode last night and went to the ER at 2 am due to fright. They sent me home at 4 am with a prescription for 3 medicines and one Over the counter Vicks shower shower inhalant recommendation. A day later, between the Inhaler device, medical antibiotic and steroid pill prescriptions and the Vick's shower inhalant, I'm feeling 90% better. I'm still isolating as much as possible until the sputum from my chest goes away. When I'm strong enough to drive again, I'll check to see if I can get the "Clear Lungs" Chinese formula at the local health supplements and soup and sandwich lunch shop. There's a good chance they have or can procure the "Clear Lungs" chinese formula.
Meanwhile, it feels good to feel good after 6 weeks of incessant coughing that I decided to isolate myself at home except for a bread run twice a week. Meanwhile, it's Sudoku, Solitaire, USMB online, and naptime, except the steroids kept me awake and I'm not tired now. Thanks again for the tip. I'm grateful for your advice.
Sounds like you’re on the road to recovery .. Great News .. 😄

Now, if you could only cut back on those cigars!

Hopefully, that was just funny.. 😉💕

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