USMB Coffee Shop IV

Aw so sorry. I can't remember the last time I had a cold--has been many years--but I do remember how miserable they are. May it be short lived. I do recommend just eating the oranges though instead of juiicing them. :)
I've been eating the peelings lately. The nutritionists say the pulp and skin are winners of Vitamin C that can crack a cold. And I love only fresh squeezed orange juice as my prize treat du jour. /red face
Just lost a dear friend from the construction wars to stage 4 brain cancer.

Was having trouble keeping a grip with his left hand all day, on last fall/early winter's project....Thought he was dealing with carpal tunnel until the diagnosis came back last April.

Super great guy that everyone liked having on the job.

Going to be with the crew tomorrow...Not going to be easy.

Fare thee well, Bo....You'll be missed by one and all.

:salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

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I'm so sorry you lost your friend, Oddball. Prayers up for you, and his circle of friends and families.
I've been eating the peelings lately. The nutritionists say the pulp and skin are winners of Vitamin C that can crack a cold. And I love only fresh squeezed orange juice as my prize treat du jour. /red face
Well in all honesty I don't eat orange peels. Might grate a bit for the orange zest in a recipe but that's it. :)
Yellow FReight
Oh okay. I should have known. One of the largest carriers that used to come through here. Probably still is. Or is it kaput everywhere?

Our company used to have the contract to work all the ABF frieight insurance cargo losses. That was Hombre (my husband's) expertise (among other things) and he hated working those losses. Every time we saw one on the freeway in our area, we always whispered 'keep that moving on down the road please.'
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Oh okay. I should have known. One of the largest carriers that used to come through here. Probably still is. Or is it kaput everywhere?

Our company used to have the contract to work all the ABF frieight insurance cargo losses. That was Hombre (my husband's) expertise (among other things) and he hated working those losses. Every time we saw one on the freeway in our area, we always whispered 'keep that moving on down the road please.'
Still there but what our managers have been hearing they are headed to the graveyard. They own TNT and Roadway too
Still there but what our managers have been hearing they are headed to the graveyard. They own TNT and Roadway too
Wow. That's a lot of cargo off the highways. Who takes up the slack?

Edit: Just read up and yeah, looks like they'll be out of cash by
next month, especially if the Teamsters strike which they've threated to do if Yellow doesn't deposit $50 million into their retirement fund which they probably won't do with an impending bankruptcy.

Don't want to get political here in the Coffee Shop but from what I've read, it looks more like a case of mismanagement than anything related to policy or whatever. Some thirty thousand jobs hang in the balance. It's just a good lesson to us all that we can't count on many things in the business world staying the same.
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Well in all honesty I don't eat orange peels. Might grate a bit for the orange zest in a recipe but that's it. :)
The only reason I even tried the peels was because someone on that nutrition thread I was on said it wasn't bad. So, I tried it. It didn't taste a bit bad, and I had a new way to get Super C without the expense of buying another super supplement which are usually rather pricey. You know how us conservatives are. It's all in the mind's better judgment if it's free. :heehee:
My bad cold relapsed after I thought I was ok. At least I got caught up on sleep. All that coughing made sleep impossible. I'm feeling a lot better after my 5-hour nap today. lol.

They say you need your sleep. I'm now a believer.

While I thought I was well, I took the two little quilt tops to the Charity Bees closet. I hope someone works as hard as I did on piecing as they will on quilting and binding them. One is blue but dominant orange, the other is multi-colored but bright for a child. The middle square of the wild-colored top has brown, gray, and cream colored horses all over, along with a border of horseheads. I really had a good time making that crazy colored one. :)

Just pulled a pair of damn ticks of sweet little Miss Princess. I'm so addicted to Miss Songie's brood. I gave 3 of them up, but now have seven doggies. The four males are big and brutish to one another. Beautiful looks like a crown jewel dog complete with the most beautiful face ever a dog had. Princess decided to be Ms. Winner Dog, and she never left a fight with her brutish brothers. They never left a mark on her, but she rooted and growled with the best of them. What a little character each one of them is. Of course, I really adore Spotty the dog. He couldn't hear a bomb explode because he is stone deaf. When everyone else is playing and teasing, he's fast asleep by the fence somewhere because he doesn't know anything at all is going on unless he opens his sweet little palest blue albino eyes. He never got into fights, but he grew bigger than all the rest of them in self-defense it seems, or I should say, God gave him some cover for his deafness. They don't mess with him, but if they did he wouldn't bite back. They seem to have a modicum of respect for Mr. Spotty, the dog who doesn't get into fights. I buy a couple of extra gallons of milk every week, and watching them make it disappear without a spilt drop in less than 5 minutes is total fun. They're not fighting over food any more at nine months old. They were born last October 17.

I miss seeing Sarge and Ringel. Hope they're well and keeping cool in this hot, hot weather that seems to be everywhere stateside. We seem to be having West Texas weather in East Texas. We've had a 5-week run of 100 degree Farenheit weather here with no end in sight. I give thanksgiving every day that God gave me water that is cold in the tap in the summer, because my truck has no cold air anymore, and the fans don't work anyway. The upstairs at the house has basically forgotten how to stop and go, and runs constantly with a net of warm air night and day. I don't know how to fix stuff. Oh, well, I remember from when I was 4 years old, all we had was hand-held fans in hot weather. while Dad was in Korea, Grandpa finagled a way to make a large hand-fan go up and down automatically a couple of nights. I remembered how it felt like heaven, in spite of how hot everything else was day and night, night and day. I guess that's enough prattle. Glad to see people here at Foxfyre's absolutely wonderful coffee shop. I just treated myself to a sugarless coffee with cream. I went off sugar a few days back when I got good and sick of looking down at swollen ankles. Sure enough absenting sugar from my diet, and I can see my ankles again. Old age is not for sissies. :heehee: Love y'all. Get ready to wear a mask this upcoming few months so you wont get the rebound covid is supposed to make, according to the drumroll all over the net. We will survive!!! I hope. 🇺🇲
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Burning some midnight oil tonight. It's been a long day, and I was catching up on tv earlier, but found nothing to write home about, or so to speak. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday. It's July 26 and it's Post Office Day because the Second Continental Congress established a postal system. So send a friend a "remembering how special you are today on Post Office Day" card. As Jimmy Durante used to say before singing "goodnight," Make someone happy. Make just one someone happy..."
If I get enough sleep, maybe my relapsed cough will go away. Sweet dreams, everyone. ❤️ 🤍 💙


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