USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, everyone.

Last evening, a client of mine came by with some really outstanding whiskey, two small whiskey glasses and a big smile. He knew my dog very well. In fact, he often took care of the pooch for me when I was on business trips. He decided that it was not good for me to be alone last evening and so we drank a little whiskey, talked about the pooch, laughed (and cried) some and talked about archeology and great wines as well. He and his soon-to-be (I suspect) fiancee are doing a project together and I am helping them with the project. She is more beautiful than most models, just stunningly beautiful. And what a fine person, too.

It did me a lot of good. But by midnight I was so tuckered out, he said adieu and I fell asleep right on the couch. It's good to have good friends, they are worth gold. He is a semi-professional photographer on top of his real learned profession and had taken many pics of Klia, also with my daughter and he offered to make a really beautiful Photo-montage of el poocho for me. Cool.

Today is the day I visit my daughter. I was going to cancel (for the second time in 5 years) because the weather is just terrible today and where I visit her, I only get about 1 hour and 40 minutes to visit, but today, her mother needs her back 40 minutes early, so I would only see her for one hour and it's just totally illogical to pack her up in the car and drive home to my place: by the time we get here, we would need to drive right back. So, I usually just stay there and play with my daughter at one of many possible playgrounds, all of which she of course knows by heart. Wednesday is also ice-cream day for her (and me!), but it is storming like crazy right now. However, her mother just texted me that the little one is very upset about loss of pooch and really needs Papa right now, so I will definitely go and visit her. One of my clients, who is also a child psychologist, just telephoned with me and encouraged me to simply be there for her and be very honest, that that is exactly what kids want: honesty.

Kids and pets really are the best part of humanity, in my book.

Hope you all have a good day.

I just want to thank you for posting what is the best most real post that I have seen to date on this thread. I'll tell you statist that no matter the work involved no matter the timing making yourself available for people in life whether they need it or not can open the doors to things and opportunities that others don't get. The ability to help or influence another. Thank you for your post.

Thank you, natrualgas for the kind words.

BTW, the shortening of my name is not, I repeat, not "Statist", but rather, simply "Stat", if you wish.

I am in no way a statist. That's not my thing.

And the name refers to statistics and bulls (studs) in the German language. :) :)

Welcome to USMB.
Hengst = bull?

As in Stud.

"Stud" I can buy. "Bull"...well, that too, but not as in the four-legged kind that makes hamburgers. I always thought "statistic-stallion" was kind of bad!

That's exactly what I meant!
Morning Peach.

Does Duff beer go with cookies?

Me personally I don't think cookies or any sweets goes with any beer. YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Peanuts go with beer. Pizza goes with beer. Beer goes with a good chaser.
Just sayin'...there are some things that go well with beer. But I agree that sweets are not one of those things.
Let us know how it goes/went.
Okay, panel interview, two other applicants, both already in the system with specific knowledge of the job....... Getting the feeling the wife was interviewed to fulfill the legal requirements of interviewing x number of people for a specific job.
Now that doesn't mean she couldn't be considered for another position elsewhere in the state. We'll see.
BTW, that drive between Vaughn and Roswell is loooong........ even if it's only a little more than an hour....... :lol:

Having some personal experience and citing up close and personal experience of close family members, it is almost impossible to land one of the higher paying, higher level state or federal jobs unless you know somebody, and then that somebody has to have some clout . When we first moved to New Mexico we were assured by my BIL, a high level appointee under the immediate former governor, that the New Mexico government would hire according to merit. Merit would be determined by 1/3 experience and 2/3 scores on a proficiency exam. Hombre brought as much or more experience to the job as any other candidate applying for the position and he aced the exam--100% No other candidate scored higher than 90%. He never got a call.

We were subsequently advised by friends in high places that had my BIL still been in his position, Hombre would have been a shoe in. But without that connection. . . . .and that is true in essentially every state government and the federal government no matter who is in power. It isn't fair. But it is the way it is. Only way to get there other than via nepotism or cronyism is to go in at low level and gradually work your way up and even then there is a glass ceiling for those without connections. At least you can have some chances to establish some connections while working your way up.

But that road between Roswell and Vaughn is close to 100 miles with absolutely nothing in between. If you did it in a little over one hour, I bet there are cops out there still looking for you. :)
There's places in NV where you just set your cruise at 90 mph and forget about it. Ain't nobody out there who cares. You go any slower than that and you will get passed.

Wasn't Nevada the state without any official speed limit for awhile? Maybe still is?

Yup. on our honeymoon trip we drove across it at 115mph.
Why? Were you in a hurry?
People, re the disagreements of the last couple of days, can I one more time ask that we put the sand on it and move on? Everybody has had their say. I'm not taking anybody's side here but I do understand and can appreciate the feelings that have been expressed by all sides. But if we keep dredging it up, it is impossible for peace to resume and the Coffee Shop be what it is intended to be which is a place to just be without the stresses and unpleasantries out there.
Peach I am not sure beer goes with beer.

Where did I say that?

I think I said that Peach. I'll check with myself and get back to me on that soon.


Well of course you did.
I still don't get how beer going with beer has anything to do with beer going with sweets or how beer had anything to do with my picture of coffee and cookies.:laugh:

Explaining jokes sort of sucks all the funny out of it, but sure, for you the moon. It is a Homer Simpson mug with a cookie slot under the cup right? Homer liked a beer named Duff, if memory serves. Hence Duff beer and cookies.

Then you said cookies and beer didn't sound tasty. I agreed and went further to suggest I wasn't sure beer went with beer. If you're going to be my straightman, you have to play along better. ;)

I agree a good joke shouldn't have to be explained. But I, the absolute epitome of fun and wisdom and all (cough), don't always get jokes. I get on some threads in which everybody seems to be having a great time and 'getting it' and it is absolutely mystifying to me and I don't get it at all. They might as well be speaking some obscure foreign language. And sometimes somebody tells a joke and I'm not getting it, so I finally admit it and ask......and when it is explained the light comes on and I whack my forehead and go 'duh.....'

And sometimes I don't get it even when it is explained.

And sometimes I get the humor when nobody else seems to.

I am guessing most of us are like that sometimes. (I hope anyway.)
Some jokes make references to specific cultural aberrations. You have to be familiar with the reference in order to enjoy the joke. Makes telling jokes to the Koreans at work challenging, to say the least. That's also why so many jokes do not translate well to other languages.
Hear the voices?

oooooooooo hear the voices :ack-1:
After all it is Halloween :biggrin:
I meant that we can not hear each other talk. Listening to how someone say's something, you get the jokes better or anything else being said than just our typing, without reading faces or eyes or peoples voices we can all misunderstand things. Just like Foxfyre said.
Having studied multiple languages, and dealing with non-native English speakers on a daily basis, I guarantee that body language plays a big role in how things are interpreted. The danger is, not all body language translates the same, either!
People, re the disagreements of the last couple of days, can I one more time ask that we put the sand on it and move on? Everybody has had their say. I'm not taking anybody's side here but I do understand and can appreciate the feelings that have been expressed by all sides. But if we keep dredging it up, it is impossible for peace to resume and the Coffee Shop be what it is intended to be which is a place to just be without the stresses and unpleasantries out there.

You are cordially invited to come to the Cappucino Corral and enjoy a nice Cappuccino with me.

I don't know why.....but this really made me laugh. :D


Can't see the image WQ :( And I want to.

Interesting! I opened a reply box to say I couldn't see the image as well and I can see it there. And when I report bugs, I'M called paranoid and delusional.
Dude, they wait until you report bugs to label you "paranoid and delusional"?
Kinda interesting though why any liberal would want to come in here after all the years of running us down like they did.
Because it is part of USMB, and members can post wherever they want?

I think most liberals have similar feelings, why would any conservative feel like they own a specific thread and it's there just for them? And, in my experience here, it has always been the conservatives that post political stuff that is against the rules in this forum.

I have a lot of Republican friends in RL, and we get along just fine as long as we don't discuss politics. I would think it would be the same here in this non-partisan thread, but some seem to be having a difficult time with it.

Agreed. My family members range from far left to far right...and we have "politics free" gatherings in order to keep the peace.
Interesting. My family tends to entertain similar political views but we absolutely must leave religion at the door. Religion ranges from saved-again to JWs, Catholics, atheists, and agnostics.
People, re the disagreements of the last couple of days, can I one more time ask that we put the sand on it and move on? Everybody has had their say. I'm not taking anybody's side here but I do understand and can appreciate the feelings that have been expressed by all sides. But if we keep dredging it up, it is impossible for peace to resume and the Coffee Shop be what it is intended to be which is a place to just be without the stresses and unpleasantries out there.

You are cordially invited to come to the Cappucino Corral and enjoy a nice Cappuccino with me.

Sorry, I prefer my coffee like I prefer my partners: hot, black, and bitter. I'll hang around here a bit and see what crops up.
Kinda interesting though why any liberal would want to come in here after all the years of running us down like they did.
Because it is part of USMB, and members can post wherever they want?

I think most liberals have similar feelings, why would any conservative feel like they own a specific thread and it's there just for them? And, in my experience here, it has always been the conservatives that post political stuff that is against the rules in this forum.

I have a lot of Republican friends in RL, and we get along just fine as long as we don't discuss politics. I would think it would be the same here in this non-partisan thread, but some seem to be having a difficult time with it.

Agreed. My family members range from far left to far right...and we have "politics free" gatherings in order to keep the peace.
Interesting. My family tends to entertain similar political views but we absolutely must leave religion at the door. Religion ranges from saved-again to JWs, Catholics, atheists, and agnostics.

Oh, we also don't discuss religion. How about them As!
[QUOTE="Statistikhengst, post: 10026679, member: 46168]

BTW, the shortening of my name is not, I repeat, not "Statist", but rather, simply "Stat", if you wish.

I am in no way a statist. That's not my thing.

And the name refers to statistics and bulls (studs) in the German language. :) :)

Welcome to USMB.
Hengst = bull?

As in Stud.

"Stud" I can buy. "Bull"...well, that too, but not as in the four-legged kind that makes hamburgers. I always thought "statistic-stallion" was kind of bad![/QUOTE]

Ooooo....I think Statistic Stallion has a nice ring to it. :)

Thank Catherine the Great for that.
Kinda interesting though why any liberal would want to come in here after all the years of running us down like they did.
Because it is part of USMB, and members can post wherever they want?

I think most liberals have similar feelings, why would any conservative feel like they own a specific thread and it's there just for them? And, in my experience here, it has always been the conservatives that post political stuff that is against the rules in this forum.

I have a lot of Republican friends in RL, and we get along just fine as long as we don't discuss politics. I would think it would be the same here in this non-partisan thread, but some seem to be having a difficult time with it.

Agreed. My family members range from far left to far right...and we have "politics free" gatherings in order to keep the peace.
Interesting. My family tends to entertain similar political views but we absolutely must leave religion at the door. Religion ranges from saved-again to JWs, Catholics, atheists, and agnostics.

Oh, we also don't discuss religion. How about them As!
It's always best, if peace is to be kept, to lay out the rules of engagement. Both topics have been "banned" from the CS, and for the most part, observed as any other family gathering that is not intended to degenerate into a shooting war. There have been some recent events that apparently put some on edge and disturbed their equilibrium, thus translating to somewhat less than proper behavior for such a "family" gathering. Patience is virtue, but we must sometimes extend more to those who are suffering.
Where did I say that?

I think I said that Peach. I'll check with myself and get back to me on that soon.


Well of course you did.
I still don't get how beer going with beer has anything to do with beer going with sweets or how beer had anything to do with my picture of coffee and cookies.:laugh:

Explaining jokes sort of sucks all the funny out of it, but sure, for you the moon. It is a Homer Simpson mug with a cookie slot under the cup right? Homer liked a beer named Duff, if memory serves. Hence Duff beer and cookies.

Then you said cookies and beer didn't sound tasty. I agreed and went further to suggest I wasn't sure beer went with beer. If you're going to be my straightman, you have to play along better. ;)

I agree a good joke shouldn't have to be explained. But I, the absolute epitome of fun and wisdom and all (cough), don't always get jokes. I get on some threads in which everybody seems to be having a great time and 'getting it' and it is absolutely mystifying to me and I don't get it at all. They might as well be speaking some obscure foreign language. And sometimes somebody tells a joke and I'm not getting it, so I finally admit it and ask......and when it is explained the light comes on and I whack my forehead and go 'duh.....'

And sometimes I don't get it even when it is explained.

And sometimes I get the humor when nobody else seems to.

I am guessing most of us are like that sometimes. (I hope anyway.)
Some jokes make references to specific cultural aberrations. You have to be familiar with the reference in order to enjoy the joke. Makes telling jokes to the Koreans at work challenging, to say the least. That's also why so many jokes do not translate well to other languages.

Reminds me of a coworker from the northeast that I worked with in a small west Texas hospital years ago. Being a daughter of the south I knew all the southern jargon and a lot of deep southerners had settled in the area bringing their culture and linguistic traits with them. My coworker had never been exposed to any of that though. So when she was admitting a lady to the E.R. and asked her what her problem was and was informed, "I'm just past going," she would come to me for a translation. Likewise when somebody would say she was 'fixing a mess of greens' for supper, I would have to explain that. Most of us wouldn't even stop to think about such as it automatically translated in our heads.
Whew! All caught up, now I've got to drag my butt outside in the cold and finish my chores. Then I am going to try a new recipe to make soft pretzels, like I used to get in Germany. I'm also going to make some cookies for the guys that assist me at work. They're good folk and sometimes the mechanics tend to ignore their efforts, not to mention that the flight crews treat all of the ground crew like furniture!
Cooler here today, hovering just above 20F. Things are freezing up and getting firmer. Winter is definitely here, but more because I earned my first $40 bonus de-icing airplanes last night! It's still sunny, no clouds in sight. Of course, sunny days in winter are the coldest.
I think I said that Peach. I'll check with myself and get back to me on that soon.


Well of course you did.
I still don't get how beer going with beer has anything to do with beer going with sweets or how beer had anything to do with my picture of coffee and cookies.:laugh:

Explaining jokes sort of sucks all the funny out of it, but sure, for you the moon. It is a Homer Simpson mug with a cookie slot under the cup right? Homer liked a beer named Duff, if memory serves. Hence Duff beer and cookies.

Then you said cookies and beer didn't sound tasty. I agreed and went further to suggest I wasn't sure beer went with beer. If you're going to be my straightman, you have to play along better. ;)

I agree a good joke shouldn't have to be explained. But I, the absolute epitome of fun and wisdom and all (cough), don't always get jokes. I get on some threads in which everybody seems to be having a great time and 'getting it' and it is absolutely mystifying to me and I don't get it at all. They might as well be speaking some obscure foreign language. And sometimes somebody tells a joke and I'm not getting it, so I finally admit it and ask......and when it is explained the light comes on and I whack my forehead and go 'duh.....'

And sometimes I don't get it even when it is explained.

And sometimes I get the humor when nobody else seems to.

I am guessing most of us are like that sometimes. (I hope anyway.)
Some jokes make references to specific cultural aberrations. You have to be familiar with the reference in order to enjoy the joke. Makes telling jokes to the Koreans at work challenging, to say the least. That's also why so many jokes do not translate well to other languages.

Reminds me of a coworker from the northeast that I worked with in a small west Texas hospital years ago. Being a daughter of the south I knew all the southern jargon and a lot of deep southerners had settled in the area bringing their culture and linguistic traits with them. My coworker had never been exposed to any of that though. So when she was admitting a lady to the E.R. and asked her what her problem was and was informed, "I'm just past going," she would come to me for a translation. Likewise when somebody would say she was 'fixing a mess of greens' for supper, I would have to explain that. Most of us wouldn't even stop to think about such as it automatically translated in our heads.
Do you know what "budgies" are, then?
People, re the disagreements of the last couple of days, can I one more time ask that we put the sand on it and move on? Everybody has had their say. I'm not taking anybody's side here but I do understand and can appreciate the feelings that have been expressed by all sides. But if we keep dredging it up, it is impossible for peace to resume and the Coffee Shop be what it is intended to be which is a place to just be without the stresses and unpleasantries out there.

The virtual world is too damn fickle ain't it ?
You are cordially invited to come to the Cappucino Corral and enjoy a nice Cappuccino with me.


Well of course you did.
I still don't get how beer going with beer has anything to do with beer going with sweets or how beer had anything to do with my picture of coffee and cookies.:laugh:

Explaining jokes sort of sucks all the funny out of it, but sure, for you the moon. It is a Homer Simpson mug with a cookie slot under the cup right? Homer liked a beer named Duff, if memory serves. Hence Duff beer and cookies.

Then you said cookies and beer didn't sound tasty. I agreed and went further to suggest I wasn't sure beer went with beer. If you're going to be my straightman, you have to play along better. ;)

I agree a good joke shouldn't have to be explained. But I, the absolute epitome of fun and wisdom and all (cough), don't always get jokes. I get on some threads in which everybody seems to be having a great time and 'getting it' and it is absolutely mystifying to me and I don't get it at all. They might as well be speaking some obscure foreign language. And sometimes somebody tells a joke and I'm not getting it, so I finally admit it and ask......and when it is explained the light comes on and I whack my forehead and go 'duh.....'

And sometimes I don't get it even when it is explained.

And sometimes I get the humor when nobody else seems to.

I am guessing most of us are like that sometimes. (I hope anyway.)
Some jokes make references to specific cultural aberrations. You have to be familiar with the reference in order to enjoy the joke. Makes telling jokes to the Koreans at work challenging, to say the least. That's also why so many jokes do not translate well to other languages.

Reminds me of a coworker from the northeast that I worked with in a small west Texas hospital years ago. Being a daughter of the south I knew all the southern jargon and a lot of deep southerners had settled in the area bringing their culture and linguistic traits with them. My coworker had never been exposed to any of that though. So when she was admitting a lady to the E.R. and asked her what her problem was and was informed, "I'm just past going," she would come to me for a translation. Likewise when somebody would say she was 'fixing a mess of greens' for supper, I would have to explain that. Most of us wouldn't even stop to think about such as it automatically translated in our heads.
Do you know what "budgies" are, then?

I think helicopter when I hear 'budgie' but I didn't thing that was a southern term?
Whew! All caught up, now I've got to drag my butt outside in the cold and finish my chores. Then I am going to try a new recipe to make soft pretzels, like I used to get in Germany. I'm also going to make some cookies for the guys that assist me at work. They're good folk and sometimes the mechanics tend to ignore their efforts, not to mention that the flight crews treat all of the ground crew like furniture!
Cooler here today, hovering just above 20F. Things are freezing up and getting firmer. Winter is definitely here, but more because I earned my first $40 bonus de-icing airplanes last night! It's still sunny, no clouds in sight. Of course, sunny days in winter are the coldest.


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