USMB Coffee Shop IV



:salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute: :salute:
From American Legion National Hqs:


On June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. General Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end on June 6, the Allies gained a foot- hold in Normandy. The D-Day cost was high - more than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded - but more than 100,000 Soldiers began the march across Europe to defeat Hitler.
Pause today to remember and give thanks to both those who fought in and survived the invasion, and those who gave their lives in the battle.
Good morning all. Good to see the 70th commemoration of D Day recognized this morning. I believe my only relative involved was my Uncle Duane who was a bomber pilot providing air support at Utah Beach. Utah Beach got a lot more air support than Omaha Beach and casualties were horrendous there but still much lighter than at Omaha Beach where the bombers had to bomb further inland providing minimal air cover for the landing troops. My two uncles in the Marines were deployed in the Pacific theater at the time as were my uncles in the Navy--my Army uncle was in MacArthur's 6th Army and I believe they were also in the Pacific at that time.

I just recently discovered my Army uncle's great grandson is a member of my church and I have never met him. (We have three weekend services so a lot of folks there I never see.) That will be remedied soon. :)
June 6 and the spring planting goes on. Slowed by a harsh winter, we here in the upper Ohio River Valley are about four weeks behind schedule. One of the tulip beds looked sufficiently dead and I cut the leaves and stems off last night. I managed to get 1/2 a flat of marigolds in their place. Tomorrow I'll establish a new bed around the new position of the flag pole. Where the flag was was a bit too close to one of the Red Maple trees and the banner was slapping against the upper branches. So I pulled the pole up and, like the photo from Iwo Jima, got it stuck into the ground just to the right of the main entry walk.

I have those wee decorative peppers I raised from seed to plant around the flag pole. The peppers have been cultivating in a paper egg carton and have now grown big enough to transplant outside.

And today is the 70th anniversary of the D Day Landings in Normandy. Pop would have been nine years old on June 6, 1944. Grandpa was too old and busy protecting the town from German air raids and sneak attack from German gun boats on the Ohio River. None of my uncles were involved in D Day. Uncle Ducky was in the Shore Patrol breaking up bar fights in Hawaii. Uncle Robert was too young for D Day, but joined the Army Air Force in 1945 then served flying supplies into besieged Berlin during the Berlin Airlift. Uncle Bill flew Navy search and rescue missions in the Pacific saving downed airmen and crews from torpedoed ships. I did have one uncle who died during the Operation Market Garden assault on the Netherlands. His glider crashed on some lonely Dutch field.

What amazes me most about the D Day operation is the fact that the men who carried out the mission weren't men at all, but mere kids of 19, 20, 21 years of age. I can't find such a kid today who can shovel the drive way after a snow storm or distinguish between weed and flower in the summer.
Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Sounds like an interesting venture and a good outlet for you to release some of your points of view
D-Day. My father was at the invasion there at Normandy. He was 16 years old and had talked his parents into signing so he could join the Navy at such a young age. All of his friends were in the military and he wanted to be in the military too so my grandparents agreed. He was a gunner on one of those landing crafts that carried troops into the beach. His particular landing craft was sunk and he was fished out of the water and carried back to his ship. Thankfully, he was not hurt. He served as a gunner's mate until the end of the war and made it up to Second Class. Then after the war, he decided he wanted to be a cook so he changed rates and was a cook in the Navy until he retired after 26 years Navy service. I am thankful for his service to our country but IMHO, Normandy was no place for a 16 year old to be.
Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Despite the fact you were petty enough to neg me here, do have a good life.
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Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Good luck with everything.
Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Despite the fact you were petty enough to neg me here, do have a good life.

Awesome class tonight. I did witness something which I wasn't happy about, though. A mother and her daughter, who is nine. Girl didn't have her hair tied back, and mum was going off at her for not packing her hair brush, so mum had to use her fingers to put u her kids hair. Daughter must have said something about forgetting her brush, and mum slapped her on the thigh.
Why couldn't mum have just tied the kids hair up before she left? Instead of humiliating her poor child like that. :(

Just an observation: unless you know this mother-daughter pair very well, you should perhaps reserve your judgement. There are no doubt dynamics that you may be unaware of and a slap on the thigh is far from heinous abuse and humiliation. Several scenarios come to mind, but without knowing more detail, I, too, will reserve judgement.

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