USMB Coffee Shop IV


Good morning everyone and happy Day of Thunder!!

(In German, Thursday = Donnerstag and "Donner" = Thunder :D )

Today's celeb no. 1 drinking coffee:


I have no idea, but she is so hot, I couldn't resist. I'm calling her "Miss Hotty".


Help, anyone??

Yanno, this gave me an idea -- as a way to get rid of a found object...

Today's celebrity getting her hair set on fire by a cigarette:


Sophia Loren and a Chesterfield

The celebrities have hair? Oh, wait....
Good morning, Everybody!
After last week's rain (and snow), the weather has once again turned beautiful! Sunny and warm, it's just right for outdoor work. Sadly, the construction project is delayed, my partner just couldn't be bothered to finish the one thing he was asked to do (if it's set in concrete, or welded, the guy's a genius). No problem, really. The place is such a tremendous mess and I am grateful that my daughter has a "thing" about cleaning and putting things in order.
We went to town, a milk run (really, I deliver milk on Thursday), and we shopped our way back home. I do not usually visit the commissary on post, but my daughter insisted we run by there. The prices were about half of what I've been paying at my favorite shopping spot. Guess the commissary is on my shopping list from now on. We also bought a couple of yard games for the girls. They've been playing outside, a lot, and helping us work around the place, too. The older girl has decided to help with the milking. We made some sourdough bread and will be making some cinnamon rolls this weekend. I'm expecting the partner and another friend up from town. The place should get pretty lively.
My partner's cat (Sadie) is staying out here with us. She's an only cat and hates being penned up at my place with six other cats. Well, I did bring my two old-lady cats with us. They are being ignored but for some reason, Sadie has staked out the one rug in the place and keeps running the dog off every time the dog sets paw on it. Kinda funny, really. The poor dog has such a genial relationship with all the other cats in her life.
I have a batch of feta in the pot, soon to go into the mold. I'll have to make up some fresh brine, but by next week, we'll have fresh, new feta to add to the menu. I also stocked up with my mead. We're eating like peasants here.
At any rate, I find myself challenged to keep up at the CS.
Hope everyone is having a great season so far.
Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Wishing you all the best with your new venture, 007. I hope that it succeeds.

But I also hope that you won't be a stranger either. Since you are only doing week day broadcasts that means you should be able to find time on your weekends to hang out here in the CS with your friends too. :D

Good luck.
Howdy folks, I just couldn't resist coming back to tell my old CS friends here the news... my son and I just purchased a domain name, of which I'm sure I can't divulge here, but we plan to buy a server and start our own website and week day, hour long, broadcasts. We are doing so to combat the bias on main stream media and certain message boards... ahem... but also just to have some fun and possibly make some money. The name of our business is Axiom Studios. Who knows what will happen, but, as they say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." I've had this idea for a few years now. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities.

Hope everyone here is doing fine. Well wishes and good health to all my dear CS friends.

Pale Rider.

P.S. I'll spread out what rep I can while I'm here. Thanks guys and gals, I miss you all.

Above all Double-oh, above all: have fun with it! :)

I don't know what the level of your essperience in these matters is but the general rule for producing radio is that it takes one hour of work to produce one minute of finished production. That is, for a documentary type of production. If you're just opening the mic and doing a stream of consciousness more or less spontaneously, your time investment will mostly consist of research. Like we do here. Matter of fact being an internet stream you may end up putting more time into promotion.

But whatever the time investment, if you have something to say, it can be very very satisfying. :thup:

I don't see why you couldn't link to a stream you do once it's up. The rules here after all are about message boards. I seem to recall one or two other members linking their streams.
Suddenly, without warning, I'm having banana split withdrawal. Need a DQ fix. I need it now. See you later.
Good morning all. Good to see the 70th commemoration of D Day recognized this morning. I believe my only relative involved was my Uncle Duane who was a bomber pilot providing air support at Utah Beach. Utah Beach got a lot more air support than Omaha Beach and casualties were horrendous there but still much lighter than at Omaha Beach where the bombers had to bomb further inland providing minimal air cover for the landing troops. My two uncles in the Marines were deployed in the Pacific theater at the time as were my uncles in the Navy--my Army uncle was in MacArthur's 6th Army and I believe they were also in the Pacific at that time.

I just recently discovered my Army uncle's great grandson is a member of my church and I have never met him. (We have three weekend services so a lot of folks there I never see.) That will be remedied soon. :)
The 70th anniversary of the invasion of Saipan is the 15th. Also a terrible, yet strategically necessary, battle.

Additionally, Rome fell on June 4th.

It was a busy and bloody month for the young American fighting men.

:salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute: :salute:
The wife had an interview up in north Colorado Springs, we'll see how that went. While we were up there they reported a tornado 20 to 30 miles east of Trinidad, very sparsely populated, mostly Comanche National Grassland and a remote military training area at Pinon Canyon.

While going through a downstairs closet (at my dad's) I found a Pietta made reproduction .44 caliber 1858 Remington Revolver still in the box, looks like it was never fired. It also has a nipple wrench, extra nipples, powder horn and powder measure.


For you of the dirty mind society a musket/revolver nipple is the part the percussion cap fits on that the hammer strikes to ignite the powder charge.


I already own a post Civil War reproduction Remington Buffalo, the exact same revolver except the frame is brass and the barrel is 12" long as opposed to the standard 8" barrel.


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