USMB Coffee Shop IV

And today's coffee funnies:



Yes, but the angle of Sophia's eyes target is definitely not the cigarette.

I just got off the phone with Sophia. She sez the hand with the cigarette was moving, and she was scanning the area to see if it was about to burn anything important.

And if it wasn't, she was ready to help guide it. :eusa_shifty:

Ok smarty, call her back and ask her to explain the image on the right.:D


The right boob was mocking Sophia. Kind of like Annoying Orange.
I am thinking I may need to go back to the dentist. I have discovered that where my top left wisdom tooth was removed, a hole has opened up. Its about the size of a 1c piece - or a dime, for you Americans. I get food stuck in it, and when I drink something cold, its absolute torture.

On Tuesday, I had to pull out a stitch - it came out very easily, and I had no choice to pull it because it was so long, that every time I swallowed, I swallowed that thread, and gagged. So it was either gag all day long or pull it. I was extremely careful, and being a full 8 days after surgery, the hole should have healed. However, it appears that the wound may not have been properly stitched in the first place.

As Monday is a public holiday, I will have to call on Tuesday and see if I can get an emergency appointment.
I just got off the phone with Sophia. She sez the hand with the cigarette was moving, and she was scanning the area to see if it was about to burn anything important.

And if it wasn't, she was ready to help guide it. :eusa_shifty:

Ok smarty, call her back and ask her to explain the image on the right.:D


The right boob was mocking Sophia. Kind of like Annoying Orange.


I wasn't annoyed at all.

I was delighted.

I've very recently had a banana split. You can say anything to me and I won't get mad.
That sounds great. Might head to DQ later on for an after dinner snack, I can get a burger there along with my banana split. :D

And the fries???? The FRIES?!?!?!?
I wound up having only the was a little chilly out, so no DQ and no banana split. I went to the Burger King drive-thru for a whopper and root beer instead...:D

Nothing beats driving home with the windows down while dark out and having a nice after dinner snack. Fries would have been too much of a distraction.
That sounds great. Might head to DQ later on for an after dinner snack, I can get a burger there along with my banana split. :D

And the fries???? The FRIES?!?!?!?
I wound up having only the was a little chilly out, so no DQ and no banana split. I went to the Burger King drive-thru for a whopper and root beer instead...:D

Nothing beats driving home with the windows down while dark out and having a nice after dinner snack. Fries would have been too much of a distraction.

You know, I just cannot let go of the impression that you LIKE FOOD!!!!

it's Saturday!!! Wonder if we will have a Triple Crown winner before the sun goes down tonight? My crystal ball says "yes". First one since the late 70's. Cool. Wife has a breakfast meeting with the local Women's Club and then this afternoon my buddy's oldest daughter who is 9 is coming over. Mrs. BBD is going to show her how to make doll clothes on the sewing machine. Taco and I are planning an afternoon nap.
And the fries???? The FRIES?!?!?!?
I wound up having only the was a little chilly out, so no DQ and no banana split. I went to the Burger King drive-thru for a whopper and root beer instead...:D

Nothing beats driving home with the windows down while dark out and having a nice after dinner snack. Fries would have been too much of a distraction.

You know, I just cannot let go of the impression that you LIKE FOOD!!!!

Yup. That and the fact that I have to eat often to compensate for my high metabolism. I'm not complaining...:D
Well its a beautiful day. I have a list of things a mile long to do. honestly, i'll be happy to get through a quarter mile of them. if I don't get started I won't get through an eighth lol first on the list. tint the skylights.

My son an I have been talking about putting in a G Scale outdoor model railway. We've always struggled where to put it. I think I thought of the perfect spot. So maybe we'll be adding that to the list
Good morning everybody. Appreciating Ollie for all he does for our departed servicemen. Nobody serves and is forgotten in his part of the world.

I'm wondering how neat it would be to be able to have the metabolism to be able to enjoy a Whopper and root beer for a late evening snack? Thinking how much fun it would be to teach a precocious nine-year-old how to sew doll clothes and would I be starting another Coco Chanel out on a magnificent career? Did Pogo ever say whether Hobbes came down out of the tree so I can quit worrying about that? Wishing I had remembered to tell Hombre to plug in the slow cooker when he got up this morning--he usually gets up a couple of hours before I do, and Big Sister was hungry for pinto beans today--I had them soaking over night. Thinking the coffee is extra good this morning and trying to decide if we want oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast.

Pretty good Saturday so far. :)
I wound up having only the was a little chilly out, so no DQ and no banana split. I went to the Burger King drive-thru for a whopper and root beer instead...:D

Nothing beats driving home with the windows down while dark out and having a nice after dinner snack. Fries would have been too much of a distraction.

You know, I just cannot let go of the impression that you LIKE FOOD!!!!

Yup. That and the fact that I have to eat often to compensate for my high metabolism. I'm not complaining...:D

There ya go!!!
Good morning everybody. Appreciating Ollie for all he does for our departed servicemen. Nobody serves and is forgotten in his part of the world.

I'm wondering how neat it would be to be able to have the metabolism to be able to enjoy a Whopper and root beer for a late evening snack? Thinking how much fun it would be to teach a precocious nine-year-old how to sew doll clothes and would I be starting another Coco Chanel out on a magnificent career? Did Pogo ever say whether Hobbes came down out of the tree so I can quit worrying about that? Wishing I had remembered to tell Hombre to plug in the slow cooker when he got up this morning--he usually gets up a couple of hours before I do, and Big Sister was hungry for pinto beans today--I had them soaking over night. Thinking the coffee is extra good this morning and trying to decide if we want oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast.

Pretty good Saturday so far. :)

Amen to that.
Yepp, Ollie is good peoplez.
Good morning everybody. Appreciating Ollie for all he does for our departed servicemen. Nobody serves and is forgotten in his part of the world.

I'm wondering how neat it would be to be able to have the metabolism to be able to enjoy a Whopper and root beer for a late evening snack? Thinking how much fun it would be to teach a precocious nine-year-old how to sew doll clothes and would I be starting another Coco Chanel out on a magnificent career? Did Pogo ever say whether Hobbes came down out of the tree so I can quit worrying about that? Wishing I had remembered to tell Hombre to plug in the slow cooker when he got up this morning--he usually gets up a couple of hours before I do, and Big Sister was hungry for pinto beans today--I had them soaking over night. Thinking the coffee is extra good this morning and trying to decide if we want oatmeal or pancakes for breakfast.

Pretty good Saturday so far. :)

If there is no snow on the ground, you shouldn't have oatmeal for breakfast. It just isn't right.
Mornin' Coffee Shop! I've made it through the first cup of coffee, but somehow, it wasn't quite enough.
So now I'm staring at coffee canisters wondering if I should brew a cup of Tanzanian peaberry, Costa Rican Tarrazu, Orgainc Guatemalan Estate, of Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Whatcha think? Please answer quickly. This is an emergency.

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