USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.
Here in Trinidad they have a "Wisconsin" type accent, threw me at first. Yup my mom had a distinctive Yooper accent, after living in Northern Virginia for 35 years I picked up a Virginia "southern" accent. Like everywhere else in the world we have accents and regional dialects.
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Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
Ya know, I thought the same thing. I used to drink my share of pop but then read how much sugar there is in it and figured I'd give it up to help lose some weight. Well, I couldn't tell one way or the other, drink it or not, makes no difference to how much I weigh. I quit drinking it for a good two months, no change in my weight. Started drinking it again, no change in my weight.

Interesting, when I first quit drinking soda, I dropped quite a bit of weight. Like 10 pounds!
Not just a lot of sugar in sodas but also a lot of sodium, not surprising you lost weight.
Took a couple of pictures for you all. :D

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
Ya know, I thought the same thing. I used to drink my share of pop but then read how much sugar there is in it and figured I'd give it up to help lose some weight. Well, I couldn't tell one way or the other, drink it or not, made no difference to how much I weigh. I quit drinking it for a good two months, no change in my weight. Started drinking it again, no change in my weight.

Well, to be fair, I also started a vigorous exercise routine, so I'm sure that contributed to my weight loss also. I just noticed that I was starting to look a little chubby, and I had heard about soda being so fattening, and I was drinking quite a bit of it at that time. Giving it up really made a difference for me. I suppose if you don't drink it all the time, you might not get as chubby from it. :D
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
Ya know, I thought the same thing. I used to drink my share of pop but then read how much sugar there is in it and figured I'd give it up to help lose some weight. Well, I couldn't tell one way or the other, drink it or not, made no difference to how much I weigh. I quit drinking it for a good two months, no change in my weight. Started drinking it again, no change in my weight.

Well, to be fair, I also started a vigorous exercise routine, so I'm sure that contributed to my weight loss also. I just noticed that I was starting to look a little chubby, and I had heard about soda being so fattening, and I was drinking quite a bit of it at that time. Giving it up really made a difference for me. I suppose if you don't drink it all the time, you might not get as chubby from it. :D
Very true. I might have a couple cans of pop a week. A case of Pepsi will last me a long time. I get plenty of exercise too. I agree that's the key.
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
I could probably carry in one hand all the carbonated beverages I've had in the last 20 years.
The stuff tears up my stomach if I haven't eaten before hand.
Of course, I drink 6 to 10 mugs of coffee and a couple double shots of espresso every day, all with sugar

Well, Saturday and the Dr.'s office is closed. Still sniffling, coughing and hurt all over, but I think my digestive system is completely empty.

Early day at Doc's and Saturday is poker at 2. I will need to go in to get the tables set up, but I won't stay to play and inflict this on my friends. I'll call Ryan, my dealer and put him in charge and ask him to see that Shannon has help breaking it down.
We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.

My ex-boyfriend went to do a job in California. He's from Massachusetts too, and everyone apparently thought he was from Australia. And when he said he was going "shock fishing" (shark fishing - lol), nobody had a CLUE what he was talking about. :lol:

Hombre was born and raised in West Texas, but lost a lot of his West Texas dialect when we moved to New Mexico, then to Kansas, and back to New Mexico. But it is still detectable especially on the telephone or on recordings. And he still rides 'harses' :)
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.

I think Wisconin people do have a identifiable distinct tonal inflection. I can almost always spot a Dallas accent too among all the various Texas dialects--east Texans speak differently than west Texans. And Dallas has an accent all its own.
We gave up pop/soda/coke some time back when we figured it just wasn't good for us. We just were drinking too much of it, and thought even the diet coke wasn't that good for us. Even now, when we have folks here and buy Dr. Pepper or Coke or Pepsi to accommodate them, Hombre and I cannot resist drinking up what's left much more quickly than is good for us.

Now we stock up on Crystal Lite or Arizona teas or lemonade--all low sugar or no sugar--and keep a pitcher in the fridge. The no calories sweeteners are probably not good for us either, but it satisfies our craving for a sweet beverage and we don't overdo like we do with the canned soft drinks.
We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.

I think Wisconin people do have a identifiable distinct tonal inflection. I can almost always spot a Dallas accent too among all the various Texas dialects--east Texans speak differently than west Texans. And Dallas has an accent all its own.
It's like that in Bal'more (Baltimore), they have a distinctive accent but those in Essex have an even "harder" accent.
I stopped drinking soda as part of my diet change when my reflux kicked in. While I didn't notice any particular weight change from it, not only did I change a number of things in my diet about the same time, I continue to drink a whole lot of sweetened tea and coffee (although mostly decaf nowadays), so I don't know how much my sugar intake dropped.

Of course, I was never worried about my weight anyway. I have always been thin, my problem is that a lot of the things I eat my body has a hard time processing. :(
I stopped drinking soda as part of my diet change when my reflux kicked in. While I didn't notice any particular weight change from it, not only did I change a number of things in my diet about the same time, I continue to drink a whole lot of sweetened tea and coffee (although mostly decaf nowadays), so I don't know how much my sugar intake dropped.

Of course, I was never worried about my weight anyway. I have always been thin, my problem is that a lot of the things I eat my body has a hard time processing. :(
I used to joke that I gained weight just smelling food.......
Got back home last night from taking Mrs. BBD to the Mayo Clinic to have her right knee checked out by the doctor who did her left knee replacement. Her right knee is shot and needs to be replaced but he gave her a cortizone injection to see if it would help at all. He's going to call in two weeks to see how it's going and if not well he will schedule the knee replacement at that time. He's several months booked up on surgery appointments so I imagine it will be two to three months before she gets the knee replaced if that is the route taken. In the mean time, I've been busy this morning. Went to my buddy, the vet, to pick up the three hound doggies and got them back home. They sure were happy to see Mrs. BBD. Initially, they were happy to see me but that faded fast when they saw their "Mama". I then went and had the oil changed in my truck, filled it up with gas and ran it through the car wash. So I am back home now, everything is back to normal and mostly just sitting around waiting to see how much snow we are going to get tomorrow. Most people say 1 to 3 inches and some say more. It's been my experience that you can't really tell how much snow you are going to get until it quits snowing. Then you run outside and stick a ruler into it and that's when you know how much you're going to get.

BTW, very nice John Deere, OO7. Your toys aways make me smile.

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