USMB Coffee Shop IV

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
I could probably carry in one hand all the carbonated beverages I've had in the last 20 years.
The stuff tears up my stomach if I haven't eaten before hand.
Of course, I drink 6 to 10 mugs of coffee and a couple double shots of espresso every day, all with sugar

Well, Saturday and the Dr.'s office is closed. Still sniffling, coughing and hurt all over, but I think my digestive system is completely empty.

Early day at Doc's and Saturday is poker at 2. I will need to go in to get the tables set up, but I won't stay to play and inflict this on my friends. I'll call Ryan, my dealer and put him in charge and ask him to see that Shannon has help breaking it down.

I drink two medium Dunkin Donuts ice coffees a day. Is that a lot? :) Lots of sugar and cream. In combination with the soda, that is a LOT of fattening drinks! I would rather give up soda than coffee though.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
I could probably carry in one hand all the carbonated beverages I've had in the last 20 years.
The stuff tears up my stomach if I haven't eaten before hand.
Of course, I drink 6 to 10 mugs of coffee and a couple double shots of espresso every day, all with sugar

Well, Saturday and the Dr.'s office is closed. Still sniffling, coughing and hurt all over, but I think my digestive system is completely empty.

Early day at Doc's and Saturday is poker at 2. I will need to go in to get the tables set up, but I won't stay to play and inflict this on my friends. I'll call Ryan, my dealer and put him in charge and ask him to see that Shannon has help breaking it down.

I drink two medium Dunkin Donuts ice coffees a day. Is that a lot? :) Lots of sugar and cream. In combination with the soda, that is a LOT of fattening drinks! I would rather give up soda than coffee though.
Naah. That's not a lot and I would agree. Coffee is a necessity.
I got a giggle out of this:

Bright and sunny here this morning, but chilly in the low 20s. We haven't gotten hardly any snow at all this year, but I think we are expected to get some this week some time but only a couple of inches. Last winter, we were literally bombarded with the stuff. At this time last year, there were huge snow banks all over the place! I'm not really that sorry because the snow tends to make everything that you have to do more difficult and time consuming.
Sunny here, too, but single digit temps. Girls gotmhot mash for breakfast this morning.

You're in Alaska you said, didn't you? Is it dark there during the day at this time of year? When does that happen and for how long does it last?
Sunrise in these parts right now is about 9:41 am, sunset: about 4:40 pm. The temps have been in the teens the past day and it's snowing right now.

Do the really short days ever bother you? I always hated having to go to work in the dark and arriving home in the dark.
I work graveyard shift, from around midnight to ten in the morning. Short days don't bother me, sleeping in daylight doesn't bother me. Of course, there are times that I work in daylight, too. I suppose you just get used to the extreme fluctuations in daylight/nighttime. I prefer graves, so I'm OK with the light distribution, I guess.
Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol

Do you still have your Christmas tree up too? :razz:
we took the big one down and have a small one up. not so much a Christmas tree. more a holiday tree

My auntie has a holiday tree too. She decorates it for every season, like little easter eggs and bunnies on Easter, hearts and stuff on Valentine's day. That's a really creative idea, I think.
Bright and sunny here this morning, but chilly in the low 20s. We haven't gotten hardly any snow at all this year, but I think we are expected to get some this week some time but only a couple of inches. Last winter, we were literally bombarded with the stuff. At this time last year, there were huge snow banks all over the place! I'm not really that sorry because the snow tends to make everything that you have to do more difficult and time consuming.
Sunny here, too, but single digit temps. Girls gotmhot mash for breakfast this morning.

You're in Alaska you said, didn't you? Is it dark there during the day at this time of year? When does that happen and for how long does it last?
Sunrise in these parts right now is about 9:41 am, sunset: about 4:40 pm. The temps have been in the teens the past day and it's snowing right now.
You should check out that Wild West Guns joint in Anchorage before you ever depart Alaska... say hi to Phred...

Wild West Alaska Facebook
I am familiar with Wild West. Used to be a frequent customer. This is a small community, so everyone kinda knows everyone else. Will do, pard.
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Hey guys. what's new? I guess I should probably change my avatar. lol

Do you still have your Christmas tree up too? :razz:
we took the big one down and have a small one up. not so much a Christmas tree. more a holiday tree

My auntie has a holiday tree too. She decorates it for every season, like little easter eggs and bunnies on Easter, hearts and stuff on Valentine's day. That's a really creative idea, I think.
yea, everything is kind of white and silvery. for winter now

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