USMB Coffee Shop IV

That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
I went today to where I was born, Dubuque, IA, to get the new John Deere. I've lived in this vicinity for the majority of my life, and I never heard anyone call pop, "soda," until I joined the Air Force and heard someone from somewhere else call it that. I had never heard soda before. So I hear ya, Sherry. I guess "pop" is an upper midwest thing.
I feel like I got run over by a truck. Stomach cramps, indistinguishable fluid coming from both ends and everything but the nail on my left index finger, hurts.

Oh! One of the dogs must have brought it a tick. I pulled one off the inside of my knee last night. I'm just waiting for a bulls eye rash to appear.

You should probably go see your doctor right away and not wait.
That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"
That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Here we don't say soda or pop or's a cold drink.

Hoping Ernie did call his doc.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
And on "The Big Bang Theory," when you're upset they offer you a "hot beverage." That show cracks me up.
That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.
That's really nice 007 :)
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
Thank you peach.

I stopped at Menards and bought one of those portable garages, 13x20x10, 11% off deal, and the guy that helped load that in the Tahoe said, "nice machine." I also stopped and got gas and a pop at a little gas station on the way home, and another guy said "nice tractor." I wasn't really expecting to get compliments on it, but, I guess maybe there's more people than just me that likes a nice John Deere. It certainly wasn't cheap.

:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........
:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
:clap:Another human being who says "pop"...everyone here says "soda", and it will never feel natural for that word to come off my lips.:D
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
Ya know, I thought the same thing. I used to drink my share of pop but then read how much sugar there is in it and figured I'd give it up to help lose some weight. Well, I couldn't tell one way or the other, drink it or not, made no difference to how much I weigh. I quit drinking it for a good two months, no change in my weight. Started drinking it again, no change in my weight.
Here, it's all coke. A waitress will ask what you want to drink. You say Coke and she'll ask, "What kind?"

We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Even though my parents called it pop (the UP and Wisconsin) my brothers and I all call it soda, we were raised military all over the world, we military brats that traveled constantly tend to develop what is considered the typical (most common) American accent, Midwestern.
I was checking out in an old time, western clothing shop called "The Red Garter" in Virginia City, NV, and the the store owner, John, RIP, said "where's that accent from?" Surprised I said, "what accent? I don't have any accent." He then blurted out "Wisconsin." I couldn't believe that someone thought I had an accent, and then could even tell me where from.

My ex-boyfriend went to do a job in California. He's from Massachusetts too, and everyone apparently thought he was from Australia. And when he said he was going "shock fishing" (shark fishing - lol), nobody had a CLUE what he was talking about. :lol:
We say soda around here. Why Coke? Why not Pepsi? :D I like Pepsi better.
Pepsi better? Then you like really sweet stuff.
The east cost and west generally refer to soft drinks as "soda" the upper mid-west generally use "pop" and the south tend to use Coke as the generic name.

:lol: I do. I have a terrible sweet tooth! Born and raised on the East coast here! That's probably why I call it soda and not pop. :D
Then you should be drinking the truly southern "Coke", RC Cola, made for people who add a small amount of iced tea to their sugar...........

Actually, I gave up soda a few years back. I will occasionally have one if I go out to dinner or something, but I never buy it for my home anymore. You wouldn't BELIEVE how fattening it is. Lol. Give it up for a couple of weeks and watch the pounds melt off. :D
Ya know, I thought the same thing. I used to drink my share of pop but then read how much sugar there is in it and figured I'd give it up to help lose some weight. Well, I couldn't tell one way or the other, drink it or not, makes no difference to how much I weigh. I quit drinking it for a good two months, no change in my weight. Started drinking it again, no change in my weight.

Interesting, when I first quit drinking soda, I dropped quite a bit of weight. Like 10 pounds!

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