USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.
I just had a strange, and somewhat disturbing experience. I went to the toilet and found it streaked with shit.
I am completely sure I did not do it because I would have flushed it away. I then searched the flat and it is secure and there is nobody in it but me, nor do I see how anyone could have got in. That leaves only two explanations I can think of. Either I did it myself and I was sleep walking, or some poltergeist took a dump in my loo.
I don't like either possibility as I do not think I have sleep walked before and I do not want to start now.
Either way I think I will be leaving a light on when I go to bed tonight.
If you were sleepwalking be glad that is all you did.
As a child, I used to sleepwalk quite often, as an adult, much less often.

The last time I am aware that I was sleepwalking was about 20 years ago.
I awoke laying on my kitchen floor at about 3:00am wearing nothing but a coat. Really, nothing but a coat, no underwear, no shoes, no pants, just the coat. It was January and my front door was wide open letting the cold in. I closed the front door and went back to bed. The next morning, I couldn't find my car keys. They weren't on the end table in the living room where I always left them and remembered leaving them the previous evening. Eventually, I found them. In the ignition of my car, and oh, by the way, my car doors were locked. I had to call a locksmith to get into my car. To this day, I don't know if I drove somewhere that night.

As a child, I don't know what caused me to sleepwalk. As an adult, I am only aware of doing it during high stress times of my life. The incident above occured during my seperation/divorce. Funny enough (at least funny to me), prior to that sleepwalking incident the last one I am aware of was just a few days before I got married.

Wow! That is so weird! Thankfully, if you did drive, you didn't get into an accident.

I have an interesting story about sleepwalking and kind of creepy too. I was asleep at about 2:00 a.m. and heard knocking on the back door. I got up and went and peeped through the peep hole, but nobody was there, so I opened the door, and there was 4-year-old son, standing in the hallway and crying. I was pretty upset. I asked him what had happened, and he didn't remember anything. He just said he woke up outside. It was a bit chilly out there too. But the creepy part is that the doors were locked! I don't know how the heck he got outside! All the windows were closed and the doors were locked. Now if that isn't strange, I don't know what is. I still haven't figured it out to this day and that was many years ago.
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Hopefully she gets a job in the location you desire. :)
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Are you sure? I thought the population of Gallup was a little over 20k and Alamogordo a little over 30k?
Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)

Questions like:

1. What is the percentage of recruits that stay two years?
2. What is the average first year income?
3. How many agents average over $50,000 a year.

I have a feeling you aren't going to like the answers.

Yup, I'll have to write down these questions too. However, if you can sell a plan to 48 employees in a month, you can make a $66,000 commission.

I think you might have to sell a plan to 48 employees every month to make a $66,000 commission. Otherwise the math just doesn't realistically add up. And even then, it averages out to $118 commission to you for every employee and, unless those policies are very expensive, even that looks a little high. You might want to clarify that.

Yes it's 48 employees a month. If I go to 3 businesses in a month and get at least 16 employees to sign up for plans, then I've met my quota. They have some very good plans. I think the biggest thing would be connections and getting in the door to make my presentation. :) Of course, I'm not even sure about this job yet. It is daunting and a little scary, but the opportunities are very good if you can do it.

What you need to realize is that every business you visit has already had at least one, and probably more, AFLAC reps there ahead of you. Meeting a large quote is going to be a very difficult thing for you to do.

I am definitely planning on asking how many representatives they have working in my region. I would also want to know if they have some kind of listing of which businesses already purchase plans from Aflac, but they do have some fairly new plans, from what the interviewer told me. You know, it's all about connections. I will be calling a woman I know from RI who owns a business. I'm hoping she might have some connections for me.
Questions like:

1. What is the percentage of recruits that stay two years?
2. What is the average first year income?
3. How many agents average over $50,000 a year.

I have a feeling you aren't going to like the answers.

Yup, I'll have to write down these questions too. However, if you can sell a plan to 48 employees in a month, you can make a $66,000 commission.

I think you might have to sell a plan to 48 employees every month to make a $66,000 commission. Otherwise the math just doesn't realistically add up. And even then, it averages out to $118 commission to you for every employee and, unless those policies are very expensive, even that looks a little high. You might want to clarify that.

Yes it's 48 employees a month. If I go to 3 businesses in a month and get at least 16 employees to sign up for plans, then I've met my quota. They have some very good plans. I think the biggest thing would be connections and getting in the door to make my presentation. :) Of course, I'm not even sure about this job yet. It is daunting and a little scary, but the opportunities are very good if you can do it.

What you need to realize is that every business you visit has already had at least one, and probably more, AFLAC reps there ahead of you. Meeting a large quote is going to be a very difficult thing for you to do.

My ex BIL has been in sales many years, and he worked for them for a couple years...they find ways to convince you of making investments if you want to be seen as legitimate and become successful, such as renting office space. He found other insurance companies that were much easier to make commissions. Remember, they'll be prepared to respond to your questions, and they are experts at selling themselves.

Well, they certainly won't be getting any investments from me! :lol: I would agree to pay for my own training and licensing, but I'm certainly not making investments! That's why it's good that I'm having a second interview. I have the opportunity to ask some good questions that I didn't get to ask the last time because it will be one on one. The first interview was with two other people present, like a group interview, so it was mostly just listening to him talk about the job with not much time for questions.

He is definitely a salesman though. Lol. Kind of cute too, but married unfortunately. :razz:
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Are you sure? I thought the population of Gallup was a little over 20k and Alamogordo a little over 30k?
According to the city stats Gallup has just over 70k including the "metro" area, Alamogordo has 30k total.
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Are you sure? I thought the population of Gallup was a little over 20k and Alamogordo a little over 30k?
According to the city stats Gallup has just over 70k including the "metro" area, Alamogordo has 30k total.

No way Gallup NM is anywhere close to 70k and there is no 'metro' area. I'm pretty sure.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Ernie for wellness, rest, and extra strength,
Those in the dangerous cold zones,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Hopefully she gets a job in the location you desire. :)
If that were the case we'd be planning to move back up to Colorado Springs.

This is the main reason why:





The pictures don't do the awesome reality justice.
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Are you sure? I thought the population of Gallup was a little over 20k and Alamogordo a little over 30k?
According to the city stats Gallup has just over 70k including the "metro" area, Alamogordo has 30k total.

No way Gallup NM is anywhere close to 70k and there is no 'metro' area. I'm pretty sure.
Just posting what the official population stats are. :dunno:
Just checked a couple of other population reporting sites and they all state 20k so the one site I was using looks to be wrong.
Okay, it's seems I had some of my info wrong. The wifes phone interview today wasn't Reno, apparently that one didn't work out. It was for Las Vegas NV and she's been getting more and more calls. This morning she got a call for one of three jobs in New Mexico, one in Alamogordo, one in Gallup and one in Albuquerque she also got one for a job in Chicago...... she said no to that one........ :lol:

You really want Albuquerque instead of Gallup or Alamogordo neither of which are close to anywhere. But given a choice between Alamogordo and Gallup, I would take Alamogordo in a heartbeat. At least you are minutes from alpine mountains, White Sands, and an easy four-lane drive to Las Cruces for serious shopping for things you can't get in your small town.
We drove through Alamogordo on the way down to El Paso and I looked it and Gallup up online. Yeah Alamogordo is closer to larger cities like El Paso and Las Cruces but it's smaller than Gallup, in fact half the size. Still waiting on the final word from El Paso and the Las Vegas people said they would let the wife know by Friday. Yes we would prefer a larger city over the other two.

Hopefully she gets a job in the location you desire. :)
If that were the case we'd be planning to move back up to Colorado Springs.

This is the main reason why:





The pictures don't do the awesome reality justice.

Gorgeous! The mountains in the background are really beautiful.
Ya never know, Chris. If it was a malevolent spirit or dark energy, they might do whatever it is that it feels would upset Dajjal, and want it to be disgusting.

I've never heard of it before, but stranger things have happened.

Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Back when I was still working, I would often pull all nighters to catch up on paper work. And to keep me company, on the radio beginning around 11 p.m. was a guy, Art Bell, who talked about 'shadow people'. Those images you sometimes see out of the corner of your eye but when you turn to look, there is nothing there. But you have a real sense that something was there. Both Art Bell and George Noury who replaced him on Coast to Coast talked about this phenomena and both of them were convinced it was not a positive thing. I have not personally been bothered about any 'shadow people' around here though I will admit to have possibly experienced the phenomenon.
Art Bell is the reason our "spirit" is called "Shadow Man".

I have listened to both Bell and Noury, Skeptically, of course. Now, I'm wholly undecided.
Do you believe in ghosts? :D I can't say that I believe in ghosts. Of course, I have no proof either way, but I am skeptical to say the least.
I'm a skeptic myself, or at least I was until opening the bar. The building was built in 1967 as a morgue for the National Guard Armory across the street. It was essentially a collection point for Viet Nam casualties waiting for arrangements to send them home. Once the war wound down, the army sold it and it became a church connected to the senior complex a block away. It has been a bar for 11 or 12 years now and all bar owners and staff from all 3 different clubs talk about "Shadow Man"
No one I know of has ever seen a face but they tell of catching a glimpse of a gray figure, usually described as male just walking past a mirror or just a sense of movement when there's only 1 or 2 people left in the building.
I always said, "Yeah, sure."
Then there was the night the drawer didn't balance. I told Max I would find it and sent him home.
I locked the doors and turned out the lights except for the jar lights over the bar and sat down and finally found a $100 in the stack of 10's. I was banding up cash when I got a glimpse of a shape reflected in a mirror on the wall positioned so that I can see the door from where I was sitting. I asked Max what he forgot and without waiting, told him about the "C" note. I got no answer. Immediately, I put the cash in the beer cooler and dropped the safety on my .40 and walked around the bar talking to no one loud enough so the dead could hear me. I got over to the office door which had been locked with the light out and saw light under the door.
I shouted "Who's in there?" and listened. I tried the door. Locked. I unlocked it and went in low, The room was empty.

I did check toilets the next morning as part of my opening routine. They were just fine.
I put the cash in the safe and got the hell out of there.

Well, I'm very skeptical about ghosts existing. There is usually another explanation for these phenomena. :) I've had some strange experiences myself, but I don't know what it was.
Some of my people have conversations with "Shadow Man". I'm certainly not there, but lights turning back on and shapes moving.... Sumptin strange goin' on.

Back when I was still working, I would often pull all nighters to catch up on paper work. And to keep me company, on the radio beginning around 11 p.m. was a guy, Art Bell, who talked about 'shadow people'. Those images you sometimes see out of the corner of your eye but when you turn to look, there is nothing there. But you have a real sense that something was there. Both Art Bell and George Noury who replaced him on Coast to Coast talked about this phenomena and both of them were convinced it was not a positive thing. I have not personally been bothered about any 'shadow people' around here though I will admit to have possibly experienced the phenomenon.
Art Bell is the reason our "spirit" is called "Shadow Man".

I have listened to both Bell and Noury, Skeptically, of course. Now, I'm wholly undecided.

I just can't bring myself to believe in such things. I think there is more than likely a logical explanation for such occurrences. Just like when the ancient peoples thought certain natural disasters, etc., were the works of gods. Now, years and years later, we know that is not the case.
Well, I have good news. I wasn't supposed to hear back from Aflac until Monday, but I was contacted today via e-mail and have been approved for a 2nd interview! Yay! Of course, I have a LOT of questions to ask and haven't really decided if this job is going to be appropriate for me, but I'm going to go to the interview and find out more info. :)

Yep. Nothing to lose by taking advantage of opportunity when it is dropped in your lap. You aren't committed to anything until the job is offered and you say that you accept. So we're keeping our fingers cross for you that if this is the right job, you'll get it. And if it isn't that you will know it.

Thanks so much Foxy. I think I'm going to write out some of my questions tonight or tomorrow so that I don't forget some of the important questions I have. I hate when that happens . . . when they ask if you have any questions and you draw a blank. Lol. I'm going to be prepared though! :)

When I did the hiring for any of my businesses I would always ask a job applicant what they considered to be their greatest weakness. ( this question often drew a blank ) :lol:

I've often wondered what, exactly, is the point of asking such a question. Is it just to try and make the interviewee uncomfortable, take them away from any prepared answers?

I remember once when I was in my early 20s, I went for a part-time waitressing job for some extra cash at a TGI Friday's restaurant. They asked the stupidest questions. Like, what will I bring to the Friday's team??? I was thinking to myself, this is a waitressing job that pays LESS than minimum wage. I had no idea how to answer that question for such a job? :lol: I was thinking . . . . Ummm, wait on tables??? :tongue:
The answer there is "a cheerful disposition".

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