USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tried making some quick bread, yeastless bread.......... Basically came out like a biscuit in loaf form. Think I'll stick with regular yeast bread.

Anyone have and use a bread maker machine at home? I'm considering getting one.
Not nearly as satisfying as getting up to your elbows in kneaded bread.
If you say so........ I tried it a few times, satisfying is not the work I would use..........
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Ringel, Peach, Gracie, everybody dealing with depression and adjustment.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Beautress for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

The Daffodils herald that winter is going. . .spring is two weeks away
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.

The paragraph is grammatically and structurally correct so far as I can tell. But there is something unusual about it. (I was told the answer so I cannot claim I figured it out myself, but the answer is pretty simple.)
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.

The paragraph is grammatically and structurally correct so far as I can tell. But there is something unusual about it. (I was told the answer so I cannot claim I figured it out myself, but the answer is pretty simple.)
I don't have the time or inclination or patience to figure it out. This is a job for Pogo
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.

The paragraph is grammatically and structurally correct so far as I can tell. But there is something unusual about it. (I was told the answer so I cannot claim I figured it out myself, but the answer is pretty simple.)
I figured it out by cheating. :biggrin:
So how the hell has everyone been?
Hey there! Long time no see! Looks like we are all still standing and breathing, so that's a plus. I guess. :)

How the heck are YOU?
I've been so-so. Dang anxiety started giving me some problems again, but doing better. Friends been droppin' like flies though. Not going to have anyone left around I used to hang out with.
Anyway....I hear your pain at losses. Which is why I enjoy being a loner. Here...not so much. I am the youngest here (at the old folks apartments). New friends are in their 80's and over.
Anyway....I hear your pain at losses. Which is why I enjoy being a loner. Here...not so much. I am the youngest here (at the old folks apartments). New friends are in their 80's and over.
Yeah I had a good friend, fellow veteran, told me the VA told him he had cancer of the liver. Wonder why since he loved his Crown Royal on the rocks, daily, but a year later he was dead. I saw him 5 days before he died, and he didn't look bad at all. I was actually shocked. Then a biker friend of mine died that I used to work with, knew him for a long, long time. Farmer pulled a wagon across the road thinking he could beat traffic and he hit the wagon he was pulling with his Harley trike. No disrespect to my buddy but, had he been wearing a helmet, he'd still be alive, because he wasn't banged up all that bad. He died of brain swelling. Then another veteran buddy of mine, also a fellow biker, and my neighbor, same age, tells me the VA found cancer in him, lung cancer. Well he smoked ever since he was 7 or some crap, and then quit but sucked on a vape from sun up to sun down. I tried to tell him to quit but, he just blew it off, said "the damage is already done." Well, it is now, he died back in November. Then this girl I used to kinda have the hots for, Angie, we hung out back in the day, but only 48 years old, apparently died after having a seizure, just a few months ago. I could go on and on listing names of people I used to know around here that are dead. Just unbelievable. Starting to feel kinda lonely. Maybe a new toy will cheer me up... :20:

Saw this that a friend posted elsewhere, and thought how many other lessons are included in the basic lesson taught here:

View attachment 464886
I'm going to take exception to a couple things here; 1, need is basic; air, water, food, shelter and clothing- everything else is a want/desire-

Words mean things- the meme picture posted is feel good crap, simply because it used the wrong word in the title- sorry, but it is what it is-

The desires are not needs, they are wants- let's look at "asking for your needs to be met"- by whom, from whom? Words mean things. Period. Desensitizing is carried out through words- when one becomes desenstized one makes choices that can be harmful, not only to one self, but others as well- affirmation quotes, spoken aloud, are much more helpful for achieving peace of mind, and, an added benefit is they soothe a savage beast- they redirect, in a positive way, vs what the above pictures (with words attached) do, which is self pity through acknowledging a lack of- whatever-

Be thankful for what you have is a better choice instead of lamenting about what you wish you had-

??? I'm not sure that you saw what this meme was about. It has nothing to do with needs vs wants, but addresses many things that many people do needlessly feel guilty about. I can relate to several. One example: feeling terrible for not inviting a certain person to an occasion because that person generally makes the experience less enjoyable for me and everybody else. I have long aspired to writing a novel and now in my more senior years am realizing that I probably won't ever do that because I am drawn to writing other things. And I shouldn't beat myself up because I don't get a goal accomplished due to lack of passion for completing it. Maybe we all have chosen not to pick up the phone when the caller ID indicated somebody in our life that we just didn't want to deal with at that particular time but feeling a guilty too. Stuff like that.

Foxy Foxy Foxy! :smiliehug:
Gracie brought me here. It's all her fault. Wending my way backward to find what the grammar quesion was about I came across this and in RE the post quoted I would describe it with a phrase I learned from Tim McCarver:

"Paraylysis through analysis".


OK back to the search....
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.

The paragraph is grammatically and structurally correct so far as I can tell. But there is something unusual about it. (I was told the answer so I cannot claim I figured it out myself, but the answer is pretty simple.)
I don't have the time or inclination or patience to figure it out. This is a job for Pogo

OK I'm kinda lost --- couldn't find what the original sentence was.

Getrude Stein
THe comma after the word ALL is out of place? Should have IS there.

"You would think nothing is wrong at all and nothing is"....or none of the above because why state something is not wrong but it is?

Just a guess.

The paragraph is grammatically and structurally correct so far as I can tell. But there is something unusual about it. (I was told the answer so I cannot claim I figured it out myself, but the answer is pretty simple.)
I don't have the time or inclination or patience to figure it out. This is a job for Pogo

OK I'm kinda lost --- couldn't find what the original sentence was.

Getrude Stein

Foxys post ^



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