USPS Worker Blows Whistle On Superiors Who Directed Them To Back Date Ballots

so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
i did? to point out where?.....or are you going to do more dancing?...
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
i did? to point out where?.....or are you going to do more dancing?...
It’s obvious you can’t understand your own posts and need me to explain them to you. Interesting
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
i did? to point out where?.....or are you going to do more dancing?...
It’s obvious you can’t understand your own posts and need me to explain them to you. Interesting
more dancing....are you that much of a pussy you cant admit what you said had nothing to do with the conversation you just jumped into?.....wait dont answer i already know....yes you are...
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.

I laugh
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Michigan Courts ruled that ballots had to be received by the election clerk before the polls on Election Day, which would mean 8 p.m. eastern time on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

BJ's Pullquotes

“For clarification, today is the fourth of November."

James O’Keefe: “Hand-stamp them with Nov. 3’s date?”

USPS Insider: “Yes.”

O’Keefe: “That seems wrong—”

USPS Insider: “Yeah, that’s why I am coming forward with this information. That is a very shady—in addition to, as far as I am aware, we’re not supposed to be counting ballots that are postmarked after the third of November here in the state of Michigan.”

When James O'Keefe calls the supervisor to ask him about it, he immediately hangs up the phone.

This tells me one thing and one thing only. He's guilty of this. I'm putting myself in his shoes. If someone would have called me and said that to me, I would have been like, "What in the world are you talking about?". But not this guy. He just hangs the phone up right away.
Sounds like systemic fraud. Investigators will have to determine how deep it goes. They also are having quite a time with erroneous vote counting software that switches Trump votes to Biden votes. 6,000 votes switched in just one precinct with 49 precincts using this software, that could exceed the margin of the over the overall vote.

I'm glad that it's a GOP legislature that will make the final decision on the vote counting.

Biden should second Trump's call for ballot reviews

Did ineligible voters – including noncitizens, barred felons, or the dead – participate? Did people registered in multiple states cast multiple ballots, or vote in the swing state they had moved from rather than the state they now reside in? How many people sent in their absentee ballot and also showed up at the polls?

We knew that our first massive mail-in ballot would be a challenge, so what's with the coordinated Media/Big Tech rush to declare the election over?

Given Biden’s razor-thin margins, these questions must be asked and answered. Apart from providing clarity about the 2020 result, a thorough ballot review will build confidence about future elections by determining whether fraud and error are merely political hiccups or a cancer on our body politic.

For many Republicans, Biden’s anointment by media outlets that have savaged Trump for four years seems less like a cold-eyed reckoning of the math than a partisan move to set the terms of debate going forward.

Imagine the reverse: What if Biden had had a comfortable lead on Election Day that evaporated as the counting occurred in Republican strongholds, eventually giving Trump margin-of-error wins in key states? Would the Associated Press and CNN and all the others now be declaring Trump the winner or reporting that a long battle looms to ensure that the count was fair and accurate?
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
i did? to point out where?.....or are you going to do more dancing?...
It’s obvious you can’t understand your own posts and need me to explain them to you. Interesting
more dancing....are you that much of a pussy you cant admit what you said had nothing to do with the conversation you just jumped into?.....wait dont answer i already know....yes you are...
I have no desire to dance, but it seems your feet have been moving.
A whistleblower in Michigan has come forward and is working to help expose the fraud currently happening and being investigated in Michigan.

The man is a United States Postal Service worker who on Wednesday told Project Veritas that a supervisor named Johnathan Clarke in Traverse City, Michigan – one of the big swing states this election cycle – potentially engaged in voter fraud.

Maybe you mean Jonathon Clark?
And Traverse City Michigan processed over 79,000 pieces of mail through their cancelling machines on November 3rd. Any hand stamping of mail would be of mail rejected by the machinery.
so what was the conversation about that you are trying to comment on? one mentioned trump in one mentioned people supposedly calling out show me how much more you know than me..
What, you aren't educated enough to know the point? too fking funny
just like i have no idea what was being talked about and you aint man enough to admit that....what a pussy....
Still can’t articulate that thought I see.
at least i know what the conversation was about....unlike you.....
Or not
for a guy that claims he knows more than me you sure as hell dont show that....but then when you are clueless all you can do is talk shit...
At least you admitted I know more than you. That’s progress
i did? to point out where?.....or are you going to do more dancing?...
It’s obvious you can’t understand your own posts and need me to explain them to you. Interesting
more dancing....are you that much of a pussy you cant admit what you said had nothing to do with the conversation you just jumped into?.....wait dont answer i already know....yes you are...
I have no desire to dance, but it seems your feet have been moving.
and yet you have been dancing ever since you came into this have done everything you can to avoid answering my question....but then thats the way pussies roll....jc...are you a pussy?....

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