VA State Sen. Amanda Chase Refuses to Wear A Mask. So, they put her in a Plexiglas box

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
VA State Sen. Amanda Chase Refuses to Wear A Mask. So, they put her in a Plexiglas box...

The vocal Second Amendment advocate was ridiculed for not wearing a mask during the coronavirus pandemic even though she has a doctor's note verifying that she has an underlying health condition, WAVY-TV reported.

In August, the Virginia gubernatorial candidate joked about her special seating arrangement, calling the Plexiglas box "the square of freedom, the freedom to breathe," according to WRIC-TV.

Fast-forward six months and liberals are still taunting her mask exemption, even though Virginia Executive Order 63 states that a person who "has a medical condition limiting the use of face coverings should not wear a face covering.”


Every order has exceptions for not wearing a mask, and you do not have to share your reasons with anyone (HIPAA and all that.)

I am not violating the order that is in effect in VA, not that it is enforceable anyway.

Common medical reasons to not wear a mask would include:
- It makes it difficult for me to breathe
- It fogs up my glasses, making it difficult to see
- It causes face acne
- It causes halitosis
- It gives me significant anxiety, knowing that globalist dictators are trampling upon my God-given Constitutional rights. :)

Constitutional reasons would include:
- I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for 18 months.
- Wearing a mask restricts my ability to freely express myself.

Got me out of jury duty from an Obama-appointed judge who thought he was a medical doctor.
In Canada, the Liberal (sic) Trudeau Admin has implemented an order that says if you test positive on return the country, from a PCR test with a 1.5% false-positive rate, you will have to quarantine in a government-approved facility. If the Fascists don't like your plans, " you will be directed to a federal quarantine facility. "

This guy calls BS, and stands up for his fundamental rights. He refuses a mask, refuses a test, and tells everyone else to do the same. Great video, if you like Liberty...

He references his Canadian Charter Rights, Section 6, which is here...

Stand for freedom people, otherwise, next they will tell you to close your business, and the sheep will comply. [/sarc]

Please join me in fighting back.
VA State Sen. Amanda Chase Refuses to Wear A Mask. So, they put her in a Plexiglas box...

The vocal Second Amendment advocate was ridiculed for not wearing a mask during the coronavirus pandemic even though she has a doctor's note verifying that she has an underlying health condition, WAVY-TV reported.

In August, the Virginia gubernatorial candidate joked about her special seating arrangement, calling the Plexiglas box "the square of freedom, the freedom to breathe," according to WRIC-TV.

Fast-forward six months and liberals are still taunting her mask exemption, even though Virginia Executive Order 63 states that a person who "has a medical condition limiting the use of face coverings should not wear a face covering.”


Every order has exceptions for not wearing a mask, and you do not have to share your reasons with anyone (HIPAA and all that.)

I am not violating the order that is in effect in VA, not that it is enforceable anyway.

Common medical reasons to not wear a mask would include:
- It makes it difficult for me to breathe
- It fogs up my glasses, making it difficult to see
- It causes face acne
- It causes halitosis
- It gives me significant anxiety, knowing that globalist dictators are trampling upon my God-given Constitutional rights. :)

Constitutional reasons would include:
- I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for 18 months.
- Wearing a mask restricts my ability to freely express myself.

Got me out of jury duty from an Obama-appointed judge who thought he was a medical doctor.
You want out of jury duty? Just explain to them that you know what "Jury Nullification" is. That'll pretty much do it.

Examples of Jury Nullification
Jury nullification has a long history in American law. As far back as 1735, a journal printer was accused of seditious libel for criticizing the British, but a jury ignored the law and acquitted him. In the 19th century, Northern juries ignored federal fugitive slave laws and acquitted people who assisted escaping slaves. More recently during the Vietnam War, juries opposed to the war acquitted selective service violators who refused to cooperate with the draft.

But nullification was also at work in the South in the 1950s, where juries refused to convict White men of violent crimes against Blacks and civil rights workers. Some might suspect nullification at work in cases where juries acquit or hang in cases involving police overreaching, particularly when race is a factor.

Example... If somehow someway I got stuck on a jury where someone was arrested with Pot on them and that was it... I would vote not guilty. I hate the stuff myself, and don't want to be anywhere near it. But I WILL NOT vote to harm someone for being in possession of it. I don't give a rats ass if it's against the law or not. I disagree with the law. If a dumbass judge and/or prosecutor thought to put me on the jury after knowing that I believe in Jury Nullification... *shrugs*

I'm happy to serve.
In Canada, the Liberal (sic) Trudeau Admin has implemented an order that says if you test positive on return the country, from a PCR test with a 1.5% false-positive rate, you will have to quarantine in a government-approved facility. If the Fascists don't like your plans, " you will be directed to a federal quarantine facility. "

This guy calls BS, and stands up for his fundamental rights. He refuses a mask, refuses a test, and tells everyone else to do the same. Great video, if you like Liberty...

He references his Canadian Charter Rights, Section 6, which is here...

Stand for freedom people, otherwise, next they will tell you to close your business, and the sheep will comply. [/sarc]

Please join me in fighting back.

That man is a ray of sunshine. Screw these virtue-signaling people. We have rights and Trudeau and China Joe cannot overrule them.
VA State Sen. Amanda Chase Refuses to Wear A Mask. So, they put her in a Plexiglas box...

The vocal Second Amendment advocate was ridiculed for not wearing a mask during the coronavirus pandemic even though she has a doctor's note verifying that she has an underlying health condition, WAVY-TV reported.

In August, the Virginia gubernatorial candidate joked about her special seating arrangement, calling the Plexiglas box "the square of freedom, the freedom to breathe," according to WRIC-TV.

Fast-forward six months and liberals are still taunting her mask exemption, even though Virginia Executive Order 63 states that a person who "has a medical condition limiting the use of face coverings should not wear a face covering.”


Every order has exceptions for not wearing a mask, and you do not have to share your reasons with anyone (HIPAA and all that.)

I am not violating the order that is in effect in VA, not that it is enforceable anyway.

Common medical reasons to not wear a mask would include:
- It makes it difficult for me to breathe
- It fogs up my glasses, making it difficult to see
- It causes face acne
- It causes halitosis
- It gives me significant anxiety, knowing that globalist dictators are trampling upon my God-given Constitutional rights. :)

Constitutional reasons would include:
- I have a fundamental right to make my own medical decisions, including if I wish to wear an arguably-ineffective medical device on my face for 18 months.
- Wearing a mask restricts my ability to freely express myself.

Got me out of jury duty from an Obama-appointed judge who thought he was a medical doctor.
You want out of jury duty? Just explain to them that you know what "Jury Nullification" is. That'll pretty much do it.

Examples of Jury Nullification
Jury nullification has a long history in American law. As far back as 1735, a journal printer was accused of seditious libel for criticizing the British, but a jury ignored the law and acquitted him. In the 19th century, Northern juries ignored federal fugitive slave laws and acquitted people who assisted escaping slaves. More recently during the Vietnam War, juries opposed to the war acquitted selective service violators who refused to cooperate with the draft.

But nullification was also at work in the South in the 1950s, where juries refused to convict White men of violent crimes against Blacks and civil rights workers. Some might suspect nullification at work in cases where juries acquit or hang in cases involving police overreaching, particularly when race is a factor.

Example... If somehow someway I got stuck on a jury where someone was arrested with Pot on them and that was it... I would vote not guilty. I hate the stuff myself, and don't want to be anywhere near it. But I WILL NOT vote to harm someone for being in possession of it. I don't give a rats ass if it's against the law or not. I disagree with the law. If a dumbass judge and/or prosecutor thought to put me on the jury after knowing that I believe in Jury Nullification... *shrugs*

I'm happy to serve.
I was happy to serve for a while, even though it was over an hour drive one way and one day every other week for almost a year.

When they told me I had to wear a mask all day, I told them to pound sand.

I think some other excuses that worked for other people were things like...

- I am against the death penalty (which is legal in VA, and it was federal jury)
- I have a strong bias against law enforcement because they did something bad to someone in my family
- Various medical reasons
- I am for legalization of marijuana and will not convict for that (jury nullification example)

Ones that did not work were:
- I am a trucker and have to travel a lot
- I am sole proprietor of a struggling business
- I have seven kids I have to take care of.

For federal grand juries, they want a "jury of peers", so they want truckers, business owners and stay-at-home moms. The jurors are chosen completely randomly, and are not personally questioned.

Trial juries are different.

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