CDZ Vaccines, Yay or Nay?

Are You Vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • No, and I Don't Plan to be Either

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • Not Yet but I Plan to be

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I don’t mean to sound picky, but language is pretty important to science.
I agree... lets see if you have any friends here.
No big deal.

My point stands. Viral replication results in higher antigenic exposure, and would increase likelihood of an adverse immunogenic response.

There is no replication in the vaccine. Once the mRNA is gone (which doesn’t take long) it’s done.

Manufacturers assured that the spike proteins would stay in the large muscle and then be eliminated. Nope. Found in blood plasma and now known to cross the blood-brain barrier in vaccines. This is the dangerous factor in the virus itself, btw--the spike proteins.

I think being very cautious of these new vaccines is a reasonable position. My first caution was watching all my teacher colleagues get the shots early on and get sicker than I have ever seen anyone get with vaccines while they all parroted "It means your immune system is working!" I have two auto-immune diseases. I know you don't want your immune system THAT worked up.

That was first.

Then, watching all the reports come into VAERS, including now *heart trouble* in young people.

It's a hard pass for me.
The spike proteins are useless in isolation. They're not dangerous. It's all about your immunologic response. Yes, that includes myocarditis. But if you think that it's dangerous to get the vaccine, it's far more dangerous to get the infection.
I don’t mean to sound picky, but language is pretty important to science.
I agree... lets see if you have any friends here.
No big deal.

My point stands. Viral replication results in higher antigenic exposure, and would increase likelihood of an adverse immunogenic response.

There is no replication in the vaccine. Once the mRNA is gone (which doesn’t take long) it’s done.

Manufacturers assured that the spike proteins would stay in the large muscle and then be eliminated. Nope. Found in blood plasma and now known to cross the blood-brain barrier in vaccines. This is the dangerous factor in the virus itself, btw--the spike proteins.

I think being very cautious of these new vaccines is a reasonable position. My first caution was watching all my teacher colleagues get the shots early on and get sicker than I have ever seen anyone get with vaccines while they all parroted "It means your immune system is working!" I have two auto-immune diseases. I know you don't want your immune system THAT worked up.

That was first.

Then, watching all the reports come into VAERS, including now *heart trouble* in young people.

It's a hard pass for me.
The spike proteins are useless in isolation. They're not dangerous. It's all about your immunologic response. Yes, that includes myocarditis. But if you think that it's dangerous to get the vaccine, it's far more dangerous to get the infection.

That is absolutely not true for the young people getting myocarditis. It would have been worlds better for them just to get the Covid cold, be done with it, and get the antibodies that way then get the vaccine.
I don’t mean to sound picky, but language is pretty important to science.
I agree... lets see if you have any friends here.
No big deal.

My point stands. Viral replication results in higher antigenic exposure, and would increase likelihood of an adverse immunogenic response.

There is no replication in the vaccine. Once the mRNA is gone (which doesn’t take long) it’s done.

Manufacturers assured that the spike proteins would stay in the large muscle and then be eliminated. Nope. Found in blood plasma and now known to cross the blood-brain barrier in vaccines. This is the dangerous factor in the virus itself, btw--the spike proteins.

I think being very cautious of these new vaccines is a reasonable position. My first caution was watching all my teacher colleagues get the shots early on and get sicker than I have ever seen anyone get with vaccines while they all parroted "It means your immune system is working!" I have two auto-immune diseases. I know you don't want your immune system THAT worked up.

That was first.

Then, watching all the reports come into VAERS, including now *heart trouble* in young people.

It's a hard pass for me.
The spike proteins are useless in isolation. They're not dangerous. It's all about your immunologic response. Yes, that includes myocarditis. But if you think that it's dangerous to get the vaccine, it's far more dangerous to get the infection.

That is absolutely not true for the young people getting myocarditis. It would have been worlds better for them just to get the Covid cold, be done with it, and get the antibodies that way then get the vaccine.
Myocarditis isn’t caused directly by spike protein, it’s caused by inflammatory reaction, it’s immunologic like most other effects.

That reaction can occur with either vaccine or infection.
I agree... lets see if you have any friends here.
No big deal.

My point stands. Viral replication results in higher antigenic exposure, and would increase likelihood of an adverse immunogenic response.

There is no replication in the vaccine. Once the mRNA is gone (which doesn’t take long) it’s done.

Manufacturers assured that the spike proteins would stay in the large muscle and then be eliminated. Nope. Found in blood plasma and now known to cross the blood-brain barrier in vaccines. This is the dangerous factor in the virus itself, btw--the spike proteins.

I think being very cautious of these new vaccines is a reasonable position. My first caution was watching all my teacher colleagues get the shots early on and get sicker than I have ever seen anyone get with vaccines while they all parroted "It means your immune system is working!" I have two auto-immune diseases. I know you don't want your immune system THAT worked up.

That was first.

Then, watching all the reports come into VAERS, including now *heart trouble* in young people.

It's a hard pass for me.
The spike proteins are useless in isolation. They're not dangerous. It's all about your immunologic response. Yes, that includes myocarditis. But if you think that it's dangerous to get the vaccine, it's far more dangerous to get the infection.

That is absolutely not true for the young people getting myocarditis. It would have been worlds better for them just to get the Covid cold, be done with it, and get the antibodies that way then get the vaccine.
Myocarditis isn’t caused directly by spike protein, it’s caused by inflammatory reaction, it’s immunologic like most other effects.

That reaction can occur with either vaccine or infection.

Yes, this is what i've been saying. People who get this reactions would most likely get it with the virus as well.
According to NCBI, in 2017 “a study indicated a substantially higher mortality burden, at 290 000-650 000 influenza-associated deaths from respiratory causes alone, and a 2019 study estimated 99 000-200 000 deaths from lower respiratory tract infections directly caused by influenza. Here we revisit global and regional estimates of influenza mortality burden and explore mortality trends over time and geography.”

Deliberate inflation of COVID-19 deaths, due to various political and medical facility motivation, is still relevant to this discussion.

Another factor to consider is they are now claiming, via various media sources, that two entire flu strains have absolutely “disappeared” over the last year. There could be two explanations for this presumed status, and I’ll accept that masking and social distancing helped keep flu germs from spreading in pubic within proper masks (effective masks not being worn in general), but equally as possible is that many of those flu deaths were marked as deaths with and from COVID-19.

Nursing homes, for one, had an explicit economic incentive to mark deaths as “death due to Covid complications” instead of true causal factor-for instance, choking on food while eating in bed. Hospitals and long-term care facilities, where many are over 80 (^ 85 is reportedly a highly understudied group) have people who most likely to die from Covid-19, yet still with other health complications. I’d have to check for the number of hospitals and states that also were reimbursed from the state for marking upper respiratory complications as Covid deaths.

I personally know of two families where their loved ones died and both were marked as Covid-19 deaths when in fact was not the case. Am I stating that nobody dies from Covid alone? Absolutely not. I’m just aware of the “numbers game” and how unscrupulous facilities will do what it takes to acquire state monies.

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Or maybe it was created by the U.S. and China to reduce the world population,
Or maybe it was genetically engineer by China and released by accident,
Or maybe it was created by the international corpocracy
Or maybe it's just a great hoax, nobody got sick, and nobody died.

Or maybe it originated in the same way as many other viruses that effect humans, by jumping species.
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Or maybe it originated in the same way as many other viruses that effect humans, by jumping species.
That would suggest you haven't been keeping up with the news... No matter which organization you watch. Left.. Right.. Doesn't matter.
Which elements of society benefit from the discovery of unknown viruses that have yet to transfer over to humans? There are currently multiple scientific organizations fully on board with actively seeking new viruses by cutting up infected species in the Amazon region and studying them.

I’ve stated the following in another thread, but we’ve reached/or surpassed (more likely) the time where the unfettered quest for knowledge has become dangerous for humans who are currently living.

Aggressively seeking unknown viruses is like messing with radioactive material. Evidently, these particular groups of scientists have assumed that the risk factor of undetermined global deaths is worth the knowledge gained -which is selfishly delusional… that is if one values current life.

It’s a race to “help future generations” without much regard to existing life- humans and animals. They legitimize their quest by saying that they’re going to get ahead of the curve. Sure. It’s all about being the country or scientific team that discovers unknown species first- and on top top of that they seek new species that are infected for the glory of being first, regardless of risk to humans who are currently living.

There is a lot to be said for the global importance of respecting nature, and we are not doing it.
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Just curious because I just came from a Christian forum that thought they were evil for the most part. I'm already vaccinated myself though.
Right-wingers tend to be nothing but immoral false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God). In my personal opinion, they merely use "the Gospel" for purely political gaslighting not any "gospel Truth".
According to the center for disease control now nearly all hospitalization & deaths in the USA are non vaccinated people. Are these the same people who think the election was stolen by cannibalistic pedophiles or jews with space lasers?
According to the center for disease control now nearly all hospitalization & deaths in the USA are non vaccinated people. Are these the same people who think the election was stolen by cannibalistic pedophiles or jews with space lasers?
I have followed this thread since it started. I haven't gotten the jab because of health reasons that I stated earlier. This article came to me just now in an e-mail and I am glad about my decision. This article is by one of the most trusted and acclaimed doctors in America. His article is chilling.


I'll be part of the control group that doesn't get vaccinated so ya' all can determine the effectiveness of ya'all's vaccine.

Don't ya' all thank me at once.


I have followed this thread since it started. I haven't gotten the jab because of health reasons that I stated earlier. This article came to me just now in an e-mail and I am glad about my decision. This article is by one of the most trusted and acclaimed doctors in America. His article is chilling.

That hasn't been the case anywhere in the world. India is still struggling due to a low vaccination rate.

Even Australia is doing a lockdown.
View attachment 507182

I'll be part of the control group that doesn't get vaccinated so ya' all can determine the effectiveness of ya'all's vaccine.

Don't ya' all thank me at once.



COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.
Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 318 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through June 21, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,479 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.
so to the double talk that is the grand wuhan hoax.

If masks work, why the need for a vaccine?

If the vaccine works, then why the need for a mask?

Well....................................we're waiting

we're waiting.gif
View attachment 507182

I'll be part of the control group that doesn't get vaccinated so ya' all can determine the effectiveness of ya'all's vaccine.

Don't ya' all thank me at once.



COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.
Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 318 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through June 21, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 5,479 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause.

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