CDZ Vaccines, Yay or Nay?

Are You Vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • No, and I Don't Plan to be Either

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • Not Yet but I Plan to be

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Got mine in Feb. Was offered through the mental health clinic I go to, so I figured I may as well take it.
that's a perfect place to take a nothing shot. again, if masks work, why a vaccine, and if vaccines work, why a mask?
I believe the CDC more than any right-wing Russian parrot.
so you have no answer. why did you respond?
Your question is irrelevant; why do you ask it?
to prove it's a hoax. and that you'd hop in a box car if someone told you to. No questions asked, just hop up there and away you go!!!

It's hilarious how much of sheeple you really are.

BTW, I believe no one without evidence. without it, it's hogwash. HOAX!!! It's absolutely illogical that the first site of a contamination of the hoax was a nursing home in WA state where no one leaves the building to be exposed. That was my very first clue, and that seemed to track across the country that nursing homes and old folks homes were being hit ahead of millions of travelers around the country. Too funny you believe it.
Got mine in Feb. Was offered through the mental health clinic I go to, so I figured I may as well take it.
that's a perfect place to take a nothing shot. again, if masks work, why a vaccine, and if vaccines work, why a mask?
I don't know about you, but where I live at least half the population was not wearing masks, ever, not even at the height of the pandemic. I work at a grocery store and see a lot of people on the daily. Masks don't work when people don't wear them, who knew.
Also, I haven't worn a mask very much since they took the requirements down for vaccinated people.
Since the mRNA vaccines do their work in a week and disappear from the system and do not effect DNA
Since naturally produced mRNA rapidly degrades, it must be complexed with lipids or polymers to prevent this from happening. COVID-19 vaccines use PEGylated lipid nanoparticles.
When the synthetic [fake] rna in injected, the body is tricked into producing spike proteins and antibodies. The idea behind mRNA vaccines is that by tricking your body into creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will produce antibodies in response. The problem of course, is that antibody production is activated on a continual basis with no ability to shut down. Forever protein factory.
I believe the CDC more than any right-wing Russian parrot.
so you have no answer. why did you respond?
Your question is irrelevant; why do you ask it?
to prove it's a hoax. and that you'd hop in a box car if someone told you to. No questions asked, just hop up there and away you go!!!

It's hilarious how much of sheeple you really are.

BTW, I believe no one without evidence. without it, it's hogwash. HOAX!!! It's absolutely illogical that the first site of a contamination of the hoax was a nursing home in WA state where no one leaves the building to be exposed. That was my very first clue, and that seemed to track across the country that nursing homes and old folks homes were being hit ahead of millions of travelers around the country. Too funny you believe it.
The context for my less usual and flippant answer is that is a political debate site not a gossip, hearsay, and soothsay site as is the habit and wont of the right-wing.

Any reason for masks during our pandemic is to mitigate the shedding of the pathogen where it may infect others more readily. Twelve year olds and younger are more at risk when getting vaccinated. And, the previous thinking that children are immune is only anecdotal and not borne out by historical pandemics.

This is what the vaccine and masks are trying to help prevent:

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

This is what the vaccine and masks are trying to help prevent:
impossibility. A virus is much too small to be stopped by a mask, and any vaccine is useless since the variant changes all the time. Again, you're acting like a sheeple that would enter a boxcar if asked to without any investigation on why that would be necessary. No vaccine has prevented any virus.
From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.
How long was the exposure?
did it reoccur? or,
did immune systems in the human body adjust?
This is what the vaccine and masks are trying to help prevent:
impossibility. A virus is much too small to be stopped by a mask, and any vaccine is useless since the variant changes all the time. Again, you're acting like a sheeple that would enter a boxcar if asked to without any investigation on why that would be necessary. No vaccine has prevented any virus.
BTW, the mask doesn't stop a sneeze either. It is no better at stopping it as an arm or a hand. Zip difference. It's all a scam, scam, scam.
BTW, the mask doesn't stop a sneeze either. It is no better at stopping it as an arm or a hand. Zip difference. It's all a scam, scam, scam
Lol, whenever I have to sneeze during a time that masks are required, I pull it down so that I don't have to breathe it back in. I don't want that kind of mess on something that I have to breathe through...
Exactly. I read an article recently but it’s been buried quoting one of 3 authors of a 2020 SARS-Covmedical paper that was rejected PRIOR ( sorry to use all caps but another poster missed that part in another thread) to being released for peer review.

Truly unbelievable times in which we live! A true fight for truth which is about to get a lot more surgical. Unscrupulous types behind the scenes will suffer great financial loss, and I’m hoping there’s a lot of pain (total loss of credibility will hurt just as much) with that extraction in pulling out that truth, and I’m not the vindictive type lol
Exactly. I read an article recently but it’s been buried quoting one of 3 authors of a 2020 SARS-Covmedical paper that was rejected PRIOR ( sorry to use all caps but another poster missed that part in another thread) to being released for peer review.

Truly unbelievable times in which we live! A true fight for truth which is about to get a lot more surgical. Unscrupulous types behind the scenes will suffer great financial loss, and I’m hoping there’s a lot of pain (total loss of credibility will hurt just as much) with that extraction in pulling out that truth, and I’m not the vindictive type lol
I'm not stopping. Every post goes to the world wide web.
I had Covid over Thanksgiving. Goddamn, I never knew a human being could be that sick.

And then I got better. I was sick for a week, with two days being the absolute worst, and then I got better.

The survival rate of this virus is exceptionally high. In Florida, there have been some 2.3 million cases. Of those 2.3 million, about 37,000 have died. Of course, many of these had underlying, pre-existing conditions which contributed greatly to the death, and some of those deaths were incorrectly reported. Basically, roughly 1.2% of all Covid cases in Florida proved fatal. In my county, St. Johns, about .9% have been fatal.

Those just aren't compelling enough numbers for me to get a vaccine for a virus I've already had and survived...

Both my sons and Daughters in Laws had the Covid. Both the sons and one DIL had very mild cases. Like feeling a little bad for a couple of days and then back to normal. The other DIL was a little bit like your case. Bed ridden sick for a couple of days and then over it. My grandkids living with them all tested positive but none of them had anything worth mentioning.

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