CDZ Vaccines, Yay or Nay?

Are You Vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • No, and I Don't Plan to be Either

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • Not Yet but I Plan to be

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
I'm telling you why I won't take it. Not what should, could, or will happen. I trust actions over words. The FDA does not treat this as any other vaccine. I won't even think about taking it until it does.
So what. I already took it.
Ok... That's fine. I have no problems with you making health choices for yourself. If my circumstances were different I would surely revaluate my own position... But as things are... For me... It just doesn't make any sense to take it. I don't pretend or expect that everyone is in my position.
The meat wagon.

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I'm in a job where people shoot at me. My chances of dying from the flu are pretty remote.

I like those odds.
Oddly enough so am I.

The delta variant is coming. Cases are rising in several places and hospitals in at least one state are over capacity again.

Wouldn't it suck to survive your dangerous job just to be killed off by a preventable virus?

, so am I.

I still got both of my shots.
It merely means we need Congress to enact legislation to provide equity to those affected adversely.
well first you answer these two questions:

1. if masks work, why do I need a vaccine?
2. if vaccines work, why do I need a mask?

Your faith base experts can't make up their minds so that means this is a rouse. They are pulling one over your eyes. Can't need both if each is the answer.

and then explain why everyone didn't catch this filthy virus that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo contagious>?
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler Crepitus
Whether or not it has been tested is not the issue and “safe” is a very relative term. Whether or not this can be considered a vaccine is also debatable.

A normal vaccine is using inactive virus or virus shards as a WANTED sign (like in the old west) for the immune system to recognize the metaphorical bank robbers (the virus) before they have a chance to rob the bank. mRNA “vaccine” takes over the cells “protein factory” section in order to produce part of the virus (antigen) that antibodies would attach too. Going back to the old west metaphor, this would be like a mad scientist taking over the police department and growing a hand of the bank robber so that the police department can then sketch out a wanted sign. Here’s the issue, did the mad scientist grow a hand that can walk around a la adams family style and rob the bank anyway if it gets out of the police department. Yeah that’s basically what’s happening with this vaccine. The creators chose to go with using the spike protein of the virus as the thing to have our body grow. It was the easier route to take as opposed to using another part. They nerfed the spike protein a bit, but did not render it totally inert. Which they claimed would not be a problem because these spike proteins would never leave the injection site, or the police station in the metaphor. Turns out they were very wrong about that. In most cases it doesn’t, but in more cases than should be acceptable, it does leave the injection site. That spike proteins is toxic, and causes quite the doozie of an immune response Im wondering how they were able to make the claim “it will never leave the injection site” with how many cases are popping up showing the opposite. Food for thought.

That’s just one issue with the vaccines. The “is it safe” question is a very relative one. If your definition is there’s a low chance that any harm will come to you if you take it, then yah I guess you could claim that. If the question is, is it safe compared to other vaccines, the answer is hell no. Over 6,000 deaths from this vaccine alone. More than all the other vaccines combined since we’ve been measuring deaths from vaccines. That’s just deaths, not the adverse reactions some of which can be major and life changing. That’s getting damn near close to surpassing all other vaccines combined. The real question should be is it worth the risk taking this vaccine? Any doctor worth their salt when asked which is better, natural immunity or vaccine immunity will tell you it is natural by a long shot. Natural immunity provides about 1000 different “wanted signs” of the virus in different disguises. Vaccine immunity is only about 50 different wanted signs with different disguises of the bank robber. So, what we should first be doing is finding out whose had COVID or not. If we were selling a normal and safe vaccine for something somebody’s already had, like smallpox, I’d still consider that to be wrong because they don’t need it. Doing it with something that’s brand new technology that’s had minimal testing is absolutely insane. Second, we know who this virus effects. Whose at risk of serious complications and who isn’t. Basically, anyone under 50 should NOT be getting this vaccine. Older than that should be a personal choice. Forcing this on kids in order to go to school, who we know barely even get the sniffles from this virus if at all, is nothing short of criminal. I’ve heard of cases where kids get the first injection, get myocarditis (heart infection) requiring some pretty serious in patient hospital treatment, and then when they‘ve “recovered enough” are given the second dose. Everyone involved in that should be given a stool to stand on, a necklace connected to the rafters, then have the stool kicked out from under them.

Now a new question is popping up. Does this “vaccine” even deliver on what it promises? It certainly doesn’t look like it’s 94% effective looking at the numbers. The reinfection rate numbers are not looking good either. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend any of my family members get this vaccine, no matter their age or health status. Especially with ivermectin looking more and more like a miracle drug against COVID. Take your chances with COVID, and demand ivermectin on the onset of symptoms. Let me put it this way, this is the only disease in which upon confirming a diagnosis, a doctor will send you home without any treatment or medication, and tell you to not come in unless you basically can’t breath anymore and it’s too late to use any treatment options. It is insane. Despite the scare porn with the Delta variant in india, India is 3X the population of the US, yet 1/7 deaths per million cases of the US. Why? Because most Indian Provinces/states decided to use HCQ and ivermectin at the ONSET of symptoms.

What we are seeing in the US with hospitals and medicine vs COVID is one giant Milgram experiment, except people are actually dying. Our doctors let state and corporate “guidelines” do their thinking for them because they’re too lazy to think, or are afraid of lawsuits by going against this giant big pharma money grab. An “authority figure” in a lab coat is telling our doctors it is perfectly safe to shock the other test subject to death that’s begging them to stop the shocking, and they just shrug their shoulders and continue shocking. This is insane. As an RN for almost 10 years now, I never thought the medical community would ever be this compromised by the almighty dollar, politics, and Bureaucracy. I always thought we’d follow the science and literature, and doctors would more often than not choose what is best for their patients. Boy was I wrong.

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