CDZ Vaccines, Yay or Nay?

Are You Vaccinated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 60.3%
  • No, and I Don't Plan to be Either

    Votes: 24 38.1%
  • Not Yet but I Plan to be

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler Crepitus
Whether or not it has been tested is not the issue and ā€œsafeā€ is a very relative term. Whether or not this can be considered a vaccine is also debatable.

A normal vaccine is using inactive virus or virus shards as a WANTED sign (like in the old west) for the immune system to recognize the metaphorical bank robbers (the virus) before they have a chance to rob the bank. mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ takes over the cells ā€œprotein factoryā€ section in order to produce part of the virus (antigen) that antibodies would attach too. Going back to the old west metaphor, this would be like a mad scientist taking over the police department and growing a hand of the bank robber so that the police department can then sketch out a wanted sign. Hereā€™s the issue, did the mad scientist grow a hand that can walk around a la adams family style and rob the bank anyway if it gets out of the police department. Yeah thatā€™s basically whatā€™s happening with this vaccine. The creators chose to go with using the spike protein of the virus as the thing to have our body grow. It was the easier route to take as opposed to using another part. They nerfed the spike protein a bit, but did not render it totally inert. Which they claimed would not be a problem because these spike proteins would never leave the injection site, or the police station in the metaphor. Turns out they were very wrong about that. In most cases it doesnā€™t, but in more cases than should be acceptable, it does leave the injection site. That spike proteins is toxic, and causes quite the doozie of an immune response Im wondering how they were able to make the claim ā€œit will never leave the injection siteā€ with how many cases are popping up showing the opposite. Food for thought.

Thatā€™s just one issue with the vaccines. The ā€œis it safeā€ question is a very relative one. If your definition is thereā€™s a low chance that any harm will come to you if you take it, then yah I guess you could claim that. If the question is, is it safe compared to other vaccines, the answer is hell no. Over 6,000 deaths from this vaccine alone. More than all the other vaccines combined since weā€™ve been measuring deaths from vaccines. Thatā€™s just deaths, not the adverse reactions some of which can be major and life changing. Thatā€™s getting damn near close to surpassing all other vaccines combined. The real question should be is it worth the risk taking this vaccine? Any doctor worth their salt when asked which is better, natural immunity or vaccine immunity will tell you it is natural by a long shot. Natural immunity provides about 1000 different ā€œwanted signsā€ of the virus in different disguises. Vaccine immunity is only about 50 different wanted signs with different disguises of the bank robber. So, what we should first be doing is finding out whose had COVID or not. If we were selling a normal and safe vaccine for something somebodyā€™s already had, like smallpox, Iā€™d still consider that to be wrong because they donā€™t need it. Doing it with something thatā€™s brand new technology thatā€™s had minimal testing is absolutely insane. Second, we know who this virus effects. Whose at risk of serious complications and who isnā€™t. Basically, anyone under 50 should NOT be getting this vaccine. Older than that should be a personal choice. Forcing this on kids in order to go to school, who we know barely even get the sniffles from this virus if at all, is nothing short of criminal. Iā€™ve heard of cases where kids get the first injection, get myocarditis (heart infection) requiring some pretty serious in patient hospital treatment, and then when theyā€˜ve ā€œrecovered enoughā€ are given the second dose. Everyone involved in that should be given a stool to stand on, a necklace connected to the rafters, then have the stool kicked out from under them.

Now a new question is popping up. Does this ā€œvaccineā€ even deliver on what it promises? It certainly doesnā€™t look like itā€™s 94% effective looking at the numbers. The reinfection rate numbers are not looking good either. Personally, I wouldnā€™t recommend any of my family members get this vaccine, no matter their age or health status. Especially with ivermectin looking more and more like a miracle drug against COVID. Take your chances with COVID, and demand ivermectin on the onset of symptoms. Let me put it this way, this is the only disease in which upon confirming a diagnosis, a doctor will send you home without any treatment or medication, and tell you to not come in unless you basically canā€™t breath anymore and itā€™s too late to use any treatment options. It is insane. Despite the scare porn with the Delta variant in india, India is 3X the population of the US, yet 1/7 deaths per million cases of the US. Why? Because most Indian Provinces/states decided to use HCQ and ivermectin at the ONSET of symptoms.

What we are seeing in the US with hospitals and medicine vs COVID is one giant Milgram experiment, except people are actually dying. Our doctors let state and corporate ā€œguidelinesā€ do their thinking for them because theyā€™re too lazy to think, or are afraid of lawsuits by going against this giant big pharma money grab. An ā€œauthority figureā€ in a lab coat is telling our doctors it is perfectly safe to shock the other test subject to death thatā€™s begging them to stop the shocking, and they just shrug their shoulders and continue shocking. This is insane. As an RN for almost 10 years now, I never thought the medical community would ever be this compromised by the almighty dollar, politics, and Bureaucracy. I always thought weā€™d follow the science and literature, and doctors would more often than not choose what is best for their patients. Boy was I wrong.
That's a whole lotta typing just to repeat a buncha debunked conspiracy theories.

The mRNA vaccines have a very limited lifespan in the body. It does it's thing and goes away. It's not hanging around to "rob the bank". The harmless protein fragments it manufactures do exactly the same thing as the deactivated virus vaccines do. They train the immune system to respond, nothing more.

There have been very few adverse reactions to the vaccines. If that weren't true they would have stopped them while they figured out what was happening, as they did for the J&J shot. Your "6000 deaths from this vaccine alone" nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

The number the effectiveness numbers are accurate. The simple fact is that well over 99% of the new infections are unvaccinated. That's just reality.

Your antivaxer bullshit is killing people. Stop it.
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler Crepitus
Whether or not it has been tested is not the issue and ā€œsafeā€ is a very relative term. Whether or not this can be considered a vaccine is also debatable.

A normal vaccine is using inactive virus or virus shards as a WANTED sign (like in the old west) for the immune system to recognize the metaphorical bank robbers (the virus) before they have a chance to rob the bank. mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ takes over the cells ā€œprotein factoryā€ section in order to produce part of the virus (antigen) that antibodies would attach too. Going back to the old west metaphor, this would be like a mad scientist taking over the police department and growing a hand of the bank robber so that the police department can then sketch out a wanted sign. Hereā€™s the issue, did the mad scientist grow a hand that can walk around a la adams family style and rob the bank anyway if it gets out of the police department. Yeah thatā€™s basically whatā€™s happening with this vaccine. The creators chose to go with using the spike protein of the virus as the thing to have our body grow. It was the easier route to take as opposed to using another part. They nerfed the spike protein a bit, but did not render it totally inert. Which they claimed would not be a problem because these spike proteins would never leave the injection site, or the police station in the metaphor. Turns out they were very wrong about that. In most cases it doesnā€™t, but in more cases than should be acceptable, it does leave the injection site. That spike proteins is toxic, and causes quite the doozie of an immune response Im wondering how they were able to make the claim ā€œit will never leave the injection siteā€ with how many cases are popping up showing the opposite. Food for thought.

Thatā€™s just one issue with the vaccines. The ā€œis it safeā€ question is a very relative one. If your definition is thereā€™s a low chance that any harm will come to you if you take it, then yah I guess you could claim that. If the question is, is it safe compared to other vaccines, the answer is hell no. Over 6,000 deaths from this vaccine alone. More than all the other vaccines combined since weā€™ve been measuring deaths from vaccines. Thatā€™s just deaths, not the adverse reactions some of which can be major and life changing. Thatā€™s getting damn near close to surpassing all other vaccines combined. The real question should be is it worth the risk taking this vaccine? Any doctor worth their salt when asked which is better, natural immunity or vaccine immunity will tell you it is natural by a long shot. Natural immunity provides about 1000 different ā€œwanted signsā€ of the virus in different disguises. Vaccine immunity is only about 50 different wanted signs with different disguises of the bank robber. So, what we should first be doing is finding out whose had COVID or not. If we were selling a normal and safe vaccine for something somebodyā€™s already had, like smallpox, Iā€™d still consider that to be wrong because they donā€™t need it. Doing it with something thatā€™s brand new technology thatā€™s had minimal testing is absolutely insane. Second, we know who this virus effects. Whose at risk of serious complications and who isnā€™t. Basically, anyone under 50 should NOT be getting this vaccine. Older than that should be a personal choice. Forcing this on kids in order to go to school, who we know barely even get the sniffles from this virus if at all, is nothing short of criminal. Iā€™ve heard of cases where kids get the first injection, get myocarditis (heart infection) requiring some pretty serious in patient hospital treatment, and then when theyā€˜ve ā€œrecovered enoughā€ are given the second dose. Everyone involved in that should be given a stool to stand on, a necklace connected to the rafters, then have the stool kicked out from under them.

Now a new question is popping up. Does this ā€œvaccineā€ even deliver on what it promises? It certainly doesnā€™t look like itā€™s 94% effective looking at the numbers. The reinfection rate numbers are not looking good either. Personally, I wouldnā€™t recommend any of my family members get this vaccine, no matter their age or health status. Especially with ivermectin looking more and more like a miracle drug against COVID. Take your chances with COVID, and demand ivermectin on the onset of symptoms. Let me put it this way, this is the only disease in which upon confirming a diagnosis, a doctor will send you home without any treatment or medication, and tell you to not come in unless you basically canā€™t breath anymore and itā€™s too late to use any treatment options. It is insane. Despite the scare porn with the Delta variant in india, India is 3X the population of the US, yet 1/7 deaths per million cases of the US. Why? Because most Indian Provinces/states decided to use HCQ and ivermectin at the ONSET of symptoms.

What we are seeing in the US with hospitals and medicine vs COVID is one giant Milgram experiment, except people are actually dying. Our doctors let state and corporate ā€œguidelinesā€ do their thinking for them because theyā€™re too lazy to think, or are afraid of lawsuits by going against this giant big pharma money grab. An ā€œauthority figureā€ in a lab coat is telling our doctors it is perfectly safe to shock the other test subject to death thatā€™s begging them to stop the shocking, and they just shrug their shoulders and continue shocking. This is insane. As an RN for almost 10 years now, I never thought the medical community would ever be this compromised by the almighty dollar, politics, and Bureaucracy. I always thought weā€™d follow the science and literature, and doctors would more often than not choose what is best for their patients. Boy was I wrong.
That's a whole lotta typing just to repeat a buncha debunked conspiracy theories.

The mRNA vaccines have a very limited lifespan in the body. It does it's thing and goes away. It's not hanging around to "rob the bank". The harmless protein fragments it manufactures do exactly the same thing as the deactivated virus vaccines do. They train the immune system to respond, nothing more.

There have been very few adverse reactions to the vaccines. If that weren't true they would have stopped them while they figured out what was happening, as they did for the J&J shot. Your "6000 deaths from this vaccine alone" nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

The number the effectiveness numbers are accurate. The simple fact is that well over 99% of the new infections are unvaccinated. That's just reality.

Your antivaxer bullshit is killing people. Stop it.
Ah the old ā€œconspiracy theoryā€ trope without actually providing evidence, because I havenā€™t heard about it, therefore itā€™s false.

No the protein fragments/spikes are not harmless. The fragments themselves are analogous to endotoxins in bacteria. They changed the receptor end from open to close (I believe), which was part of its function to help spread when attached to a live virus, but they did not render it harmless because the spike structure itself is toxic. Like when you have a 24 hour food poisoning incident that comes on quick and hard, and goes away fast. Thatā€™s not necessarily from an infection attacking the body like salmonella, itā€™s from toxic elements that are part of the structure of that bacteria. So when your stomach acid and immune system kills and breaks apart the bacteria it releases those toxic bacteria structures into the body. The difference here is you can rapidly pass those endotoxins out of either end of your digestive system. This is why the claim was it will never leave the injection site, aka the muscle in the arm. The problem isnā€™t how long the messenger RNA is telling the cell to make the spike proteins, itā€™s how much spike protein was made and where abouts in the body is it. If itā€™s in the heart, well then you get a case of myocarditis. But according to you, all those cases of myocarditis and heart attacks popping up in otherwise perfectly healthy young adults and kids that weā€™ve never seen before has nothing to do with the VACCINE THAT ADMITTEDLY MAKES THE SPIKE PROTEIN THAT THEY ADMITTEDLY SAY IS A TOXIN THAT IS SUPPOSED TO STAY IN THE INJECTION SITE. Weā€™re supposed to just shrug our shoulders and pretend like we havenā€™t a clue why all these cases are popping up after vaccine injections.

I mean just look at this completely BS ā€œfact checkā€. Is this ā€œfact checkerā€ ran by moderna executives?????

They are actually claiming here that itā€™s false that the vaccine has caused 6,000 deaths because ā€œanyone can submit a VAERS claimā€. Hereā€™s what they donā€™t tell you. Yes, anyone can submit a claim to VAERS...the problem is the claim form that takes a good bit of work to fill out ask for INFORMATION like, WHO is the attending physician, WHERE do they work, WHEN was the vaccine taken, WHAT are the alleged adverse effects. These forms are usually filled out by the doctors themselves, only when the doctors have reason to suspect the vaccine was the culprit, otherwise why waste a half hour of your busy day. Then the CDC takes the time to actually call up the physicians, and asks for the patients medical records in order to confirm that yes, the alleged adverse effect in question actually happened, and yes it most likely came from the vaccine. ONLY THEN will the CDC actually post the stat up on the VAERS website. So, if anything the VAERS website is underreporting the amount of deaths and adverse effects, and they are at least a month behind in confirming the cases that actually were submitted. Itā€™s these type of lies that people like crepitus eat up and regurgitate as truth. How many tv ads and infomercials do you fall for? Do you often fall for the fake click bait a online?

This is just like the lie last year that ā€œwe just donā€™t know how long COVID immunity lasts, we see a drop in antibodies after a few month.ā€ No duh, thatā€™s what the body is supposed to do. If the body didnā€™t stop producing antibodies for every foreign entity it found, weā€™d explode from the amount of antibodies floating around. The ACTUAL measure of long term immunity comes from memory T cells in the bone marrow.

No Iā€™m not an anti vaxer. Iā€™ve never been. Iā€™ve you can search my screen name for past posts debunking anti-Vaxers Iā€™m sure somewhere on this site. My BS radar did however start to go off when they were telling people whoā€™ve already recovered from COVID, as well as perfectly healthy kids who are neither vectors or victims of COVID, that they ā€œneedā€ to take a rushed vaccine with little testing using a never before used vaccine technology. Especially when at least 40% (likely much more) of people already have natural immunity. That there is a money grab folks.
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Thus it is up to Congress to promote and provide for the general welfare regarding this contingency.

By following the guidelines set forth by trusted entities... Like the FDA. Which refuses to treat it as any other vaccine.

Supporting information: ā€œPhase 3 trials are still under way and some wonā€™t be complete for over 18 months (e.g. Jan. 31, 2023, for Pfizer mRNA vaccine).ā€

The rush to vaccinate was motivated by politics, egos (a variety of individuals from various sectors), the official meeting of Big Pharma heads/US govt (maybe February of 2019- need to check) and Big Pharmaā€™s push for future ā€œboostersā€ - talk about job security with an economic motive, even though many people of various age groups have been proven to have contracted the Delta variant because they accepted (or didnā€™t realize-not given full info prior) trial phase status.

Here is evidence of Big Pharmaā€™s rush to get out the vaccines without finishing Phase III trials:
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Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Yes I already know the answers, and I would even say donā€™t take the vaccine under any circumstances. I wonā€™t argue if youā€™re older, and not in the best shape, and have yet to contract COVID, and want to take it. Iā€™d recommend taking your chances since weā€™re close to herd immunity AAAANNNDDD ivermectin is damn near a miracle treatment for COVID. The numbers are outstanding in every pocket you look at, especially in India with the delta scariant. Again, India has 1/7 death per million of the US. The delta is neither deadlier nor more contagious. These are stupid number games theyā€™re playing. COVID is seasonal, and Indiaā€™s flu season started later than ours this year. Honestly with ivermectin we could drive COVID to extinction fairly quickly. The problem is nobody makes money off of ivermectin. Instead of giving ivermectin at the onset of symptoms like India, we decided to say hey wait till your pulse ox is down to 85% and you canā€™t bring in, and will give you remdisivir (for 5 grand a pop) that kind of works.
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Yes I already know the answers, and I would even say donā€™t take the vaccine under any circumstances. I wonā€™t argue if youā€™re older, and not in the best shape, and have yet to contract COVID, and want to take it. Iā€™d recommend taking your chances since weā€™re close to herd immunity AAAANNNDDD ivermectin is damn near a miracle treatment for COVID. The numbers are outstanding in every pocket you look at, especially in India with the delta scariant. Again, India has 1/7 death per million of the US. The delta is neither deadlier nor more contagious. These are stupid number games theyā€™re playing. COVID is seasonal, and Indiaā€™s flu season started later than ours this year. Honestly with ivermectin we could drive COVID to extinction fairly quickly. The problem is nobody makes money off of ivermectin. Instead of giving ivermectin at the onset of symptoms like India, we decided to say hey wait till your pulse ox is down to 85% and you canā€™t bring in, and will give you remdisivir (for 5 grand a pop) that kind of works.
The crime seems to be that many decision makers were told about Ivermectin but as you said, it was not deemed a profitable measure to pursue. This information needs to come out about which specific people had a choice and decided to go with the vaccines. Even I use generic labels, such as Big Pharma and Government Heads when I need to look more deeply to use specific names of these ego and economic misers.

Merck, the largest US manufacturers of vaccines ā€œfailedā€ to produce a COVID-19 concoction. Am I right to say that those three corporations that approved their own vaccines: J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna are not the typical developers/makers of vaccines? I remember reading something to that effect.

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Toffeenut Baconsmuggler Crepitus
Whether or not it has been tested is not the issue and ā€œsafeā€ is a very relative term. Whether or not this can be considered a vaccine is also debatable.

A normal vaccine is using inactive virus or virus shards as a WANTED sign (like in the old west) for the immune system to recognize the metaphorical bank robbers (the virus) before they have a chance to rob the bank. mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ takes over the cells ā€œprotein factoryā€ section in order to produce part of the virus (antigen) that antibodies would attach too. Going back to the old west metaphor, this would be like a mad scientist taking over the police department and growing a hand of the bank robber so that the police department can then sketch out a wanted sign. Hereā€™s the issue, did the mad scientist grow a hand that can walk around a la adams family style and rob the bank anyway if it gets out of the police department. Yeah thatā€™s basically whatā€™s happening with this vaccine. The creators chose to go with using the spike protein of the virus as the thing to have our body grow. It was the easier route to take as opposed to using another part. They nerfed the spike protein a bit, but did not render it totally inert. Which they claimed would not be a problem because these spike proteins would never leave the injection site, or the police station in the metaphor. Turns out they were very wrong about that. In most cases it doesnā€™t, but in more cases than should be acceptable, it does leave the injection site. That spike proteins is toxic, and causes quite the doozie of an immune response Im wondering how they were able to make the claim ā€œit will never leave the injection siteā€ with how many cases are popping up showing the opposite. Food for thought.

Thatā€™s just one issue with the vaccines. The ā€œis it safeā€ question is a very relative one. If your definition is thereā€™s a low chance that any harm will come to you if you take it, then yah I guess you could claim that. If the question is, is it safe compared to other vaccines, the answer is hell no. Over 6,000 deaths from this vaccine alone. More than all the other vaccines combined since weā€™ve been measuring deaths from vaccines. Thatā€™s just deaths, not the adverse reactions some of which can be major and life changing. Thatā€™s getting damn near close to surpassing all other vaccines combined. The real question should be is it worth the risk taking this vaccine? Any doctor worth their salt when asked which is better, natural immunity or vaccine immunity will tell you it is natural by a long shot. Natural immunity provides about 1000 different ā€œwanted signsā€ of the virus in different disguises. Vaccine immunity is only about 50 different wanted signs with different disguises of the bank robber. So, what we should first be doing is finding out whose had COVID or not. If we were selling a normal and safe vaccine for something somebodyā€™s already had, like smallpox, Iā€™d still consider that to be wrong because they donā€™t need it. Doing it with something thatā€™s brand new technology thatā€™s had minimal testing is absolutely insane. Second, we know who this virus effects. Whose at risk of serious complications and who isnā€™t. Basically, anyone under 50 should NOT be getting this vaccine. Older than that should be a personal choice. Forcing this on kids in order to go to school, who we know barely even get the sniffles from this virus if at all, is nothing short of criminal. Iā€™ve heard of cases where kids get the first injection, get myocarditis (heart infection) requiring some pretty serious in patient hospital treatment, and then when theyā€˜ve ā€œrecovered enoughā€ are given the second dose. Everyone involved in that should be given a stool to stand on, a necklace connected to the rafters, then have the stool kicked out from under them.

Now a new question is popping up. Does this ā€œvaccineā€ even deliver on what it promises? It certainly doesnā€™t look like itā€™s 94% effective looking at the numbers. The reinfection rate numbers are not looking good either. Personally, I wouldnā€™t recommend any of my family members get this vaccine, no matter their age or health status. Especially with ivermectin looking more and more like a miracle drug against COVID. Take your chances with COVID, and demand ivermectin on the onset of symptoms. Let me put it this way, this is the only disease in which upon confirming a diagnosis, a doctor will send you home without any treatment or medication, and tell you to not come in unless you basically canā€™t breath anymore and itā€™s too late to use any treatment options. It is insane. Despite the scare porn with the Delta variant in india, India is 3X the population of the US, yet 1/7 deaths per million cases of the US. Why? Because most Indian Provinces/states decided to use HCQ and ivermectin at the ONSET of symptoms.

What we are seeing in the US with hospitals and medicine vs COVID is one giant Milgram experiment, except people are actually dying. Our doctors let state and corporate ā€œguidelinesā€ do their thinking for them because theyā€™re too lazy to think, or are afraid of lawsuits by going against this giant big pharma money grab. An ā€œauthority figureā€ in a lab coat is telling our doctors it is perfectly safe to shock the other test subject to death thatā€™s begging them to stop the shocking, and they just shrug their shoulders and continue shocking. This is insane. As an RN for almost 10 years now, I never thought the medical community would ever be this compromised by the almighty dollar, politics, and Bureaucracy. I always thought weā€™d follow the science and literature, and doctors would more often than not choose what is best for their patients. Boy was I wrong.
That's a whole lotta typing just to repeat a buncha debunked conspiracy theories.

The mRNA vaccines have a very limited lifespan in the body. It does it's thing and goes away. It's not hanging around to "rob the bank". The harmless protein fragments it manufactures do exactly the same thing as the deactivated virus vaccines do. They train the immune system to respond, nothing more.

There have been very few adverse reactions to the vaccines. If that weren't true they would have stopped them while they figured out what was happening, as they did for the J&J shot. Your "6000 deaths from this vaccine alone" nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

The number the effectiveness numbers are accurate. The simple fact is that well over 99% of the new infections are unvaccinated. That's just reality.

Your antivaxer bullshit is killing people. Stop it.
Oh I also forgot to point out that A. No itā€™s not 99% effective as far as ā€œnew infectionsā€. Nor have the manufacturers ever made that claim. Their claim has ALWAYS been it is to reduce the intensity of symptoms in most cases. So, right there you just proved youā€™re pulling ā€œfactsā€ and ā€œnumbersā€ out of a nearby tunnel where the sun doesnā€™t shine. B. Isnā€™t it funny how they finally decided to recommend turning down the PCR rate for COVID testing down to 15, where it should have been all along, but only when it applies to REINFECTION AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE. Very interesting. And for those of you who donā€™t know about the PCR testing rates, basically top virologist at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Hopkins, Stanford, etc, have been screaming bloody murder about the cycle rates being set at 30 as opposed to 10, maybe 15, and how itā€™s going to create a bunch of false positives. Basically, the higher the number the more sensitive the test is, and if you were to turn it up to 35, the test would read back positive almost no matter what. Using a metaphor itā€™s like you should be using a magnifying glass to inspect for COVID, and instead you skip over the binocs, the telescope, and straight to the magnifying glass, and now everything looks like COVID.
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Yes I already know the answers, and I would even say donā€™t take the vaccine under any circumstances. I wonā€™t argue if youā€™re older, and not in the best shape, and have yet to contract COVID, and want to take it. Iā€™d recommend taking your chances since weā€™re close to herd immunity AAAANNNDDD ivermectin is damn near a miracle treatment for COVID. The numbers are outstanding in every pocket you look at, especially in India with the delta scariant. Again, India has 1/7 death per million of the US. The delta is neither deadlier nor more contagious. These are stupid number games theyā€™re playing. COVID is seasonal, and Indiaā€™s flu season started later than ours this year. Honestly with ivermectin we could drive COVID to extinction fairly quickly. The problem is nobody makes money off of ivermectin. Instead of giving ivermectin at the onset of symptoms like India, we decided to say hey wait till your pulse ox is down to 85% and you canā€™t bring in, and will give you remdisivir (for 5 grand a pop) that kind of works.
The crime seems to be that many decision makers were told about Ivermectin but as you said, it was not deemed a profitable measure to pursue. This information needs to come out about which specific people had a choice and decided to go with the vaccines. Even I use generic labels, such as Big Pharma and Government Heads when I need to look more deeply to use specific names of these ego and economic misers.

Merck, the largest US manufacturers of vaccines ā€œfailedā€ to produce a COVID-19 concoction. Am I right to say that those three corporations that approved their own vaccines: J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna are not the typical developers/makers of vaccines? I remember reading something to that effect. Iā€™ll come back to add a link about it.

Phizer Iā€™m sure has had at least one vaccine, Iā€™d be shocked if they havenā€™t. Not sure about J&J but I would lean to yes they have. Moderna on the other hand has never brought a single product to market. This is the first.

Hereā€™s the crazy thing about Merck. They were the ones who brought ivermectin to the market. Itā€™s been used since the 70s, won the Nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs out there. Believe it or not Merck is now saying ivermectin is not a safe for COVID, their own drug, thatā€™s been used safely for decades, and even won the damn Nobel prize five years ago...and golly shucks, Merck just got a 2 billion dollar grant from the government to develop a new drug...that looks an awful lot like ivermectin...Long story short I agree, life sentences need to be issued for those responsible. Personally Iā€™d prefer death penalty, tens of thousands have died because they wanted to suppress ivermectin and HCQ so they can push these terrible excuses for vaccines, and failed drugs that barely work but they can charge 5 grand a pop.
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Yes I already know the answers, and I would even say donā€™t take the vaccine under any circumstances. I wonā€™t argue if youā€™re older, and not in the best shape, and have yet to contract COVID, and want to take it. Iā€™d recommend taking your chances since weā€™re close to herd immunity AAAANNNDDD ivermectin is damn near a miracle treatment for COVID. The numbers are outstanding in every pocket you look at, especially in India with the delta scariant. Again, India has 1/7 death per million of the US. The delta is neither deadlier nor more contagious. These are stupid number games theyā€™re playing. COVID is seasonal, and Indiaā€™s flu season started later than ours this year. Honestly with ivermectin we could drive COVID to extinction fairly quickly. The problem is nobody makes money off of ivermectin. Instead of giving ivermectin at the onset of symptoms like India, we decided to say hey wait till your pulse ox is down to 85% and you canā€™t bring in, and will give you remdisivir (for 5 grand a pop) that kind of works.
The crime seems to be that many decision makers were told about Ivermectin but as you said, it was not deemed a profitable measure to pursue. This information needs to come out about which specific people had a choice and decided to go with the vaccines. Even I use generic labels, such as Big Pharma and Government Heads when I need to look more deeply to use specific names of these ego and economic misers.

Merck, the largest US manufacturers of vaccines ā€œfailedā€ to produce a COVID-19 concoction. Am I right to say that those three corporations that approved their own vaccines: J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna are not the typical developers/makers of vaccines? I remember reading something to that effect. Iā€™ll come back to add a link about it.

Phizer Iā€™m sure has had at least one vaccine, Iā€™d be shocked if they havenā€™t. Not sure about J&J but I would lean to yes they have. Moderna on the other hand has never brought a single product to market. This is the first.

Hereā€™s the crazy thing about Merck. They were the ones who brought ivermectin to the market. Itā€™s been used since the 70s, won the Nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs out there. Believe it or not Merck is now saying ivermectin is not a safe for COVID, their own drug, thatā€™s been used safely for decades, and even won the damn Nobel prize five years ago...and golly shucks, Merck just got a 2 billion dollar grant from the government to develop a new drug...that looks an awful lot like ivermectin...Long story short I agree, life sentences need to be issued for those responsible. Personally Iā€™d prefer death penalty, tens of thousands have died because they wanted to suppress ivermectin and HCQ so they can push these terrible excuses for vaccines, and failed drugs that barely work but they can charge 5 grand a pop.
I tried to find out the history of vaccines with Pfizer and with Johnson and Johnson and all I can get to pop-up are links about CDC promoting each one etc. and I use DuckDuckGo which you still canā€™t get around the political buffoons directing traffic.

What an incredible turnaround for Merck to fully back a product for years and state ā€œSorry, We back that product for 45 years, won the Nobel, but errr that 2 billion dollar grant speaks loudlyā€ā€¦Nice. I was about to say that Merck might be an honest type of corp-failing their vaccine during the process. Well, just another example that itā€™s necessary to search high and low for full disclosure, and to make it happen regardless of our mediaā€™s political stranglehold on medical knowledge.
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Hereā€™s the crazy thing about Merck. They were the ones who brought ivermectin to the market. Itā€™s been used since the 70s, won the Nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs out there. Believe it or not Merck is now saying ivermectin is not a safe for COVID, their own drug, thatā€™s been used safely for decades, and even won the damn Nobel prize five years ago...and golly shucks, Merck just got a 2 billion dollar grant from the government to develop a new drug...that looks an awful lot like ivermectin...

They no longer have the patent on Ivermectin. They don't make money off of it anymore. Is one of the reasons why it's affordable.
Don't care about that you won't get the shots, Do care that your refusal will cause more people to die.
Do people whoā€™ve already had and recovered from COVID need the shot. And do kids, who arenā€™t vectors of COVID need the shot?
Those are excellent questions and you would receive different answers depending upon who you ask. Whatā€™s coming out is that even though people are vaccinated they are still required to wear a mask. People have experienced a second round of COVID-19, the Delta variant, because they were already vaccinated increased likelihood they would contract itā€¦ and they did.

I would not back any measures promoting it for kids from what Iā€™ve read, unless it is a unique case where it has absolutely been determined that due to health factors they are actually at risk- unlike a very large majority of kids without those medically specific risk factors.

Sakingo-Ah ha! I am now under the impression you already know all of this:) I was a little slow there-it happens lol
Yes I already know the answers, and I would even say donā€™t take the vaccine under any circumstances. I wonā€™t argue if youā€™re older, and not in the best shape, and have yet to contract COVID, and want to take it. Iā€™d recommend taking your chances since weā€™re close to herd immunity AAAANNNDDD ivermectin is damn near a miracle treatment for COVID. The numbers are outstanding in every pocket you look at, especially in India with the delta scariant. Again, India has 1/7 death per million of the US. The delta is neither deadlier nor more contagious. These are stupid number games theyā€™re playing. COVID is seasonal, and Indiaā€™s flu season started later than ours this year. Honestly with ivermectin we could drive COVID to extinction fairly quickly. The problem is nobody makes money off of ivermectin. Instead of giving ivermectin at the onset of symptoms like India, we decided to say hey wait till your pulse ox is down to 85% and you canā€™t bring in, and will give you remdisivir (for 5 grand a pop) that kind of works.
The crime seems to be that many decision makers were told about Ivermectin but as you said, it was not deemed a profitable measure to pursue. This information needs to come out about which specific people had a choice and decided to go with the vaccines. Even I use generic labels, such as Big Pharma and Government Heads when I need to look more deeply to use specific names of these ego and economic misers.

Merck, the largest US manufacturers of vaccines ā€œfailedā€ to produce a COVID-19 concoction. Am I right to say that those three corporations that approved their own vaccines: J&J, Pfizer, and Moderna are not the typical developers/makers of vaccines? I remember reading something to that effect. Iā€™ll come back to add a link about it.

Phizer Iā€™m sure has had at least one vaccine, Iā€™d be shocked if they havenā€™t. Not sure about J&J but I would lean to yes they have. Moderna on the other hand has never brought a single product to market. This is the first.

Hereā€™s the crazy thing about Merck. They were the ones who brought ivermectin to the market. Itā€™s been used since the 70s, won the Nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs out there. Believe it or not Merck is now saying ivermectin is not a safe for COVID, their own drug, thatā€™s been used safely for decades, and even won the damn Nobel prize five years ago...and golly shucks, Merck just got a 2 billion dollar grant from the government to develop a new drug...that looks an awful lot like ivermectin...Long story short I agree, life sentences need to be issued for those responsible. Personally Iā€™d prefer death penalty, tens of thousands have died because they wanted to suppress ivermectin and HCQ so they can push these terrible excuses for vaccines, and failed drugs that barely work but they can charge 5 grand a pop.
I tried to find out the history of vaccines with Pfizer and with Johnson and Johnson and all I can get to pop-up are links about CDC promoting each one etc. and I use DuckDuckGo which you still canā€™t get around the political buffoons directing traffic.
Yeah Iā€™d say usually the bigger guys like Phizer and J&J have at least one vaccine. They are a steady income stream. Again, not positive but Iā€™d be surprised if they didnā€™t. You may have heard correctly though which also wouldnā€™t surprise me after everything Iā€™ve seen the past year and a half

Hereā€™s the crazy thing about Merck. They were the ones who brought ivermectin to the market. Itā€™s been used since the 70s, won the Nobel prize in 2015, and is one of the safest drugs out there. Believe it or not Merck is now saying ivermectin is not a safe for COVID, their own drug, thatā€™s been used safely for decades, and even won the damn Nobel prize five years ago...and golly shucks, Merck just got a 2 billion dollar grant from the government to develop a new drug...that looks an awful lot like ivermectin...

They no longer have the patent on Ivermectin. They don't make money off of it anymore. Is one of the reasons why it's affordable.
Ah the old ā€œconspiracy theoryā€ trope without actually providing evidence, because I havenā€™t heard about it, therefore itā€™s
I have heard about these things. I have looked into them. They are all false. You are spreading conspiracy theories.

Stop. People are dying.
Toffeenut Baconsmuggler Crepitus
Whether or not it has been tested is not the issue and ā€œsafeā€ is a very relative term. Whether or not this can be considered a vaccine is also debatable.

A normal vaccine is using inactive virus or virus shards as a WANTED sign (like in the old west) for the immune system to recognize the metaphorical bank robbers (the virus) before they have a chance to rob the bank. mRNA ā€œvaccineā€ takes over the cells ā€œprotein factoryā€ section in order to produce part of the virus (antigen) that antibodies would attach too. Going back to the old west metaphor, this would be like a mad scientist taking over the police department and growing a hand of the bank robber so that the police department can then sketch out a wanted sign. Hereā€™s the issue, did the mad scientist grow a hand that can walk around a la adams family style and rob the bank anyway if it gets out of the police department. Yeah thatā€™s basically whatā€™s happening with this vaccine. The creators chose to go with using the spike protein of the virus as the thing to have our body grow. It was the easier route to take as opposed to using another part. They nerfed the spike protein a bit, but did not render it totally inert. Which they claimed would not be a problem because these spike proteins would never leave the injection site, or the police station in the metaphor. Turns out they were very wrong about that. In most cases it doesnā€™t, but in more cases than should be acceptable, it does leave the injection site. That spike proteins is toxic, and causes quite the doozie of an immune response Im wondering how they were able to make the claim ā€œit will never leave the injection siteā€ with how many cases are popping up showing the opposite. Food for thought.

Thatā€™s just one issue with the vaccines. The ā€œis it safeā€ question is a very relative one. If your definition is thereā€™s a low chance that any harm will come to you if you take it, then yah I guess you could claim that. If the question is, is it safe compared to other vaccines, the answer is hell no. Over 6,000 deaths from this vaccine alone. More than all the other vaccines combined since weā€™ve been measuring deaths from vaccines. Thatā€™s just deaths, not the adverse reactions some of which can be major and life changing. Thatā€™s getting damn near close to surpassing all other vaccines combined. The real question should be is it worth the risk taking this vaccine? Any doctor worth their salt when asked which is better, natural immunity or vaccine immunity will tell you it is natural by a long shot. Natural immunity provides about 1000 different ā€œwanted signsā€ of the virus in different disguises. Vaccine immunity is only about 50 different wanted signs with different disguises of the bank robber. So, what we should first be doing is finding out whose had COVID or not. If we were selling a normal and safe vaccine for something somebodyā€™s already had, like smallpox, Iā€™d still consider that to be wrong because they donā€™t need it. Doing it with something thatā€™s brand new technology thatā€™s had minimal testing is absolutely insane. Second, we know who this virus effects. Whose at risk of serious complications and who isnā€™t. Basically, anyone under 50 should NOT be getting this vaccine. Older than that should be a personal choice. Forcing this on kids in order to go to school, who we know barely even get the sniffles from this virus if at all, is nothing short of criminal. Iā€™ve heard of cases where kids get the first injection, get myocarditis (heart infection) requiring some pretty serious in patient hospital treatment, and then when theyā€˜ve ā€œrecovered enoughā€ are given the second dose. Everyone involved in that should be given a stool to stand on, a necklace connected to the rafters, then have the stool kicked out from under them.

Now a new question is popping up. Does this ā€œvaccineā€ even deliver on what it promises? It certainly doesnā€™t look like itā€™s 94% effective looking at the numbers. The reinfection rate numbers are not looking good either. Personally, I wouldnā€™t recommend any of my family members get this vaccine, no matter their age or health status. Especially with ivermectin looking more and more like a miracle drug against COVID. Take your chances with COVID, and demand ivermectin on the onset of symptoms. Let me put it this way, this is the only disease in which upon confirming a diagnosis, a doctor will send you home without any treatment or medication, and tell you to not come in unless you basically canā€™t breath anymore and itā€™s too late to use any treatment options. It is insane. Despite the scare porn with the Delta variant in india, India is 3X the population of the US, yet 1/7 deaths per million cases of the US. Why? Because most Indian Provinces/states decided to use HCQ and ivermectin at the ONSET of symptoms.

What we are seeing in the US with hospitals and medicine vs COVID is one giant Milgram experiment, except people are actually dying. Our doctors let state and corporate ā€œguidelinesā€ do their thinking for them because theyā€™re too lazy to think, or are afraid of lawsuits by going against this giant big pharma money grab. An ā€œauthority figureā€ in a lab coat is telling our doctors it is perfectly safe to shock the other test subject to death thatā€™s begging them to stop the shocking, and they just shrug their shoulders and continue shocking. This is insane. As an RN for almost 10 years now, I never thought the medical community would ever be this compromised by the almighty dollar, politics, and Bureaucracy. I always thought weā€™d follow the science and literature, and doctors would more often than not choose what is best for their patients. Boy was I wrong.
That's a whole lotta typing just to repeat a buncha debunked conspiracy theories.

The mRNA vaccines have a very limited lifespan in the body. It does it's thing and goes away. It's not hanging around to "rob the bank". The harmless protein fragments it manufactures do exactly the same thing as the deactivated virus vaccines do. They train the immune system to respond, nothing more.

There have been very few adverse reactions to the vaccines. If that weren't true they would have stopped them while they figured out what was happening, as they did for the J&J shot. Your "6000 deaths from this vaccine alone" nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

The number the effectiveness numbers are accurate. The simple fact is that well over 99% of the new infections are unvaccinated. That's just reality.

Your antivaxer bullshit is killing people. Stop it.
Oh I also forgot to point out that A. No itā€™s not 99% effective as far as ā€œnew infectionsā€. Nor have the manufacturers ever made that claim. Their claim has ALWAYS been it is to reduce the intensity of symptoms in most cases. So, right there you just proved youā€™re pulling ā€œfactsā€ and ā€œnumbersā€ out of a nearby tunnel where the sun doesnā€™t shine. B. Isnā€™t it funny how they finally decided to recommend turning down the PCR rate for COVID testing down to 15, where it should have been all along, but only when it applies to REINFECTION AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE. Very interesting. And for those of you who donā€™t know about the PCR testing rates, basically top virologist at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Hopkins, Stanford, etc, have been screaming bloody murder about the cycle rates being set at 30 as opposed to 10, maybe 15, and how itā€™s going to create a bunch of false positives. Basically, the higher the number the more sensitive the test is, and if you were to turn it up to 35, the test would read back positive almost no matter what. Using a metaphor itā€™s like you should be using a magnifying glass to inspect for COVID, and instead you skip over the binocs, the telescope, and straight to the magnifying glass, and now everything looks like COVID.

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